TB-7057 February 2019 Page 1 of 1
Requirements for Statshield ESD Bag Storage
For best results, bag inventory should be continually replenished. It is recommended
that bags be stored in its original packaging. The user must determine the suitability
for use of an ESD bag for his particular application. Bags should be stored in a dry,
well ventilated room with a reasonably consistent temperature of 68°F (20°C) and be
protected from exposure to direct sunlight. Bags should not be stored in ultraviolet
sunlight, moisture, or heat because the aluminum shielding layer could oxidize if
exposed to these conditions. Bags should be evaluated by the user to determine
acceptability for the user’s application. Mishandling or improper storage may render an
ESD Bag unusable to perform its function. ESD Bags that are ripped, torn, or scratched
should be discarded. Desco Industries, Inc. recommends those tracking useful life of
product to use shipping/invoice date as Desco Industries, Inc. expressly warrants that for
a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase, Desco Statshield ESD bags will be
free of defects in material (parts) and workmanship (labor).
See Desco Industries Inc. limited warranty at Descoindustries.com/Warranty.aspx which
states in part: Desco Industries Inc. only obligation shall be to replace such quantity
of the product proved to be defective. Desco Industries Inc. shall not be liable for any
injury, loss, or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of or the inability
to use the product. Before using, users shall determine the suitability of the product
for their intended use, and users assume all risk and liability whatsoever in connection
Employee Owned
DESCO INDUSTRIES INC • 3651 Walnut Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 • (909) 627-8178 • Web Site: Descoindustries.com
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