2ZC3603 1N830 1N2782 MA439 PO890A PDO8 10AL PR266-RT SFD104 R2 UR105 UR120 UR210 UR225 1N5167 A2S009 A2S031 A2S8301 A2S305 A2$351 A2S396 A2S521 A2S705 A2S800 A2S806 A2S811 A288 14 A288 19 A2S825 A2S835 A2S839 A2S860 A2S863 A2S970 BAV53 DSH6174 IN ORDER OF TECHNICAL DATA PIN; VBR 100V min;Ct .40pf max;RS 2.50 max;Min.Minority Carrier Lifetime 500nS. . to . ER 2.0V maxF 25mA max;Rectification efficiency at MC 65% min. max; IF- max. UHF detector. to 1. x Controlled V Detector. Freq.Band UHF;f 100MHz;Breakdown 5.0V min. S Band;Rectifier Efficiency at 100MHz-70%:PRV-2.0V min. rms TV Video 25V;IF rms .O5A rms | Uhf Video Detector;PIV-30V;IR-6.0uUA max at 2.0V. . -OV:ter max Rad.Resist.Diode:;PIV 200V:lo 1.0OAIR 1QUA;VF 1.0V-trr 300ns max at IR 1.0A/F 500mA. . . max at . Max.Rad.Lev. at Imax for Neut.- NVT;for electron at 3MEV-10000T E/sq.cm. . at imax - at Max.Rad.Lev. at Imax for Neut-200T NVT;for electron at 3MEV-10000T E/sq.cm. . at * at - Max.Rad.Lev. at Imax for Neut-200T NVT-;for electron at 3MEV-10000T E/sq.cm. . at - : at : Max.Rad.Lev. at !max for Neut-200T NVT;for electron at 3MEV-10000T E/sq.cm. m . - . . Pt-125mW;Burnout-5.0Ergs;VF-1,0V at lf-35mA;BV-20V11 ;Co-1.0pf. Detector Diode Chip:Tss -58.5dBm;VBR 5.0V:Co .1 pf at OV,1.0MHz : at 1. Switching Diode Chip;Sw Speed 100p Sec max,VBR 5.0V;VF .34V at 1.0mA;Co.80pf Switching;CTO 1.0pfiVB Al VOpEVB 30V:IF 75mA. to max at OV,1. max at .75 to Matched Pair A2S350 S$ Band Figure Match .30dBmax,|F | Match 25ohms max max , : Matched Ring Quad A2S303;VHF to 3 max at OV,1.0MHz;AVF 20mVmax at.75 to 20mA max Matched Pair A2S520 S$ Band Mixer:Noise Figure Match .30dBmax,IF Impedance Match 250hms max max Mixer at X Band;Noise Fig. 6.0db;VBR 3.0V;If 30mA;Cap_320ff. ss . VB 7OV;IF 15mA. Switching;CTO SSViIF 1SmA. 1.2pf:VB T5V:IF 20mA. 3 at to Matched Ring Quad A2S811;VF Match 20mvV at 1.0 to 10mA max Matched Quad A2S817 S Band Mixer;ANF .30dBmax;AZIF_25ohms max max Matched Pair A2$824 S Band Match .50mV/uW,Video Res Match 1000hms Switching;CTO 1.0pf:VB F 100mA. Batched 'S835;ACTO +.05pf at OV,1.0MHz;AVF 5mV at 10mA x. at . Matched Pair A2S810;VF 20mV at 1.0 to 10mA at 1.0 to J Matched Quad A2$835 Series;VF Match 20mV at 1.0 to 10mA;IF 100mA min at 1.0V at OV, at Batched Matched A2S81 CTO +.05pf at OV,1.0MHz;AVF +5mV at 10mA max at 1: Matched Quad A2S900;VF Match 20mV at 1.0 to 10mA at 1: Two max.60V at 10mA;VR 20V max. . max at max at F . max VB 30V min;VF 1.0V max at 75 R 300nA max at 15V;CT 1.0pF max at 0.0V