3-phase bridge rectifier +
brake chopper +3-phase
bridge inverter
SK 15 DGDL 063
Target Data
 
  
   
   
  
!"  
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(    
 
  
  )(*+,
Typical Applications
.- -
Absolute Maximum Ratings $/ 0*12   
Symbol Conditions Values Units
IGBT Inverter (For chopper IGBT please refer to SK 10 BGDL 063)
34. 5++ 3
%$/ 0* ,+ 1 0+ 6* 7
%8 $/ 0* ,+ 1 2  9 6  :+ ;+ 7
3&4. <0+ 3
$=":+ >>> ?6*+ 1
Diode - Inverter, Chopper
%@/ "%$/ 0* ,+ 1 0+ 6* 7
%@8 / "%8 $/ 0* ,+ 12 9 6  :+ ;+ 7
$=":+ >>> ?6*+ 1
3AA8 ,++ 3
%@73 B %$73 $/ ,+ 1 0* 7
%@.8 B %$.8 / 6+  2  6,+ 1 2$=/ 60* 1 0C+ 7
%D/ 6+  2  6,+ 1 2$=/ 60* 1 ;5* 7D
$=":+ >>> ?6*+ 1
$ $2 6+ 05+ 1
$ ":+ >>> ?60* 1
3 72 6 > B 6 0*++ B ;+++ 3
Characteristics $/ 0*12   
Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Units
IGBT Inverter (For chopper IGBT please refer to SK 10 BGDL 063)
34 %/ 6* 72 $=/ 0* 60* 1 026 020 3
3&4 3&4 / 342 %/ +2: 7 :2* *2* 52* 3
34$ $=/ 1 1 3
$$=/ 1 1 E
 34 / 3&4 / + 32 / 6 8F +2, @
 34 / 3&4 / + 32 / 6 8F " @
 34 / 3&4 / + 32 / 6 8F " @
A="  %&$ 62G HBI
    " 
3 / ;++ 32 3&4 / < 6* 3 " 
 %/ 6* 72 $=/ 60* 1 " 
A& / A& / 5, E " 
4 -  J
4 J
Diode - Inverter, Chopper
3@/ 34 %@/*72$=/ 0* 60* 1 620* 626; 3
3$ $=/ 1 60* 1 +2,* 3
$$=/ 1 60* 1 ** E
A="   02C HBI
%AA8    *2; 7
K %@/ 72 3A/ 3 +256 L
4 3&4 /+32$=/ 60* 1 +2+5 J
@B / "0++ 7BL
Diode rectifier
3@%@/ 6+ 72 $=/ 0* 1 620* 3
3$ $=/ 6*+ 1 +2, 3
$$=/ 6*+ 1 6; E
A="   62C HBI
Temperatur sensor
A M2 $/ 1 E
Mechanical data
88 N 02* !
SK 15 DGDL 063
1 11-09-2003 SCT © by SEMIKRON
Dimensions in mm
 $ :; .  2   #2       O 0
 $ :;
This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, Chapter IX.
This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee
expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.
SK 15 DGDL 063
2 11-09-2003 SCT © by SEMIKRON