Quick Guide To Zener Diodes SANYO Sanyo has a wide variety of zener diodes with 200mw~lw of allowable power dissipation. moreover, CP package for surface mounting is provided. DZD Series GZE Series GZS Series GZA Series GZB Series DZB Series allowable power 200mw 400mw 400mw 500mw lw lw dissipation Zener voltage Outline Na:A |Outline Na: B-1 [Outline No: B-1 |Outline Na: B~2 |Outline No: B-3 Outline No: C 2.0 DZD2.0 GZE2.0 GZS$2.0 GZA2.0 GZB2.0 2.2 DZD2.2 GZE2,2 GZS2.2 GZA2,2 GZB2, 2 2.4 DZD2.4 GZE2.4 GZS82.4 GZA2.4 GZB2.4 2.7 DZD2.7 GZE2.7 GZS82.7 GZA2.7 GZB2.7 3.0 DZD3.0 GZE3.0 GZS3.0 GZA3.0 GZB3.0 3.3 DZD3.3 GZE3.3 GZ$3.3 GZA3.3 GZB3.3 3.6 DZD3.6 GZE3.6 GZS3.6 GZA3.6 GZB3.6 3.9 DZD3.9 GZE3.9 GZS83.9 GZA3.9 GZB3.9 4,3 DZD4.3 GZE4.3 GZ84.3 GZA4.3 GZB4.3 4.7 DZD4.7 GZE4.7 GZ8$4.7 GZA4.7 GZB4.7 5.1 DZD5.1 GZE5,1 GZS5.1 GZA5.1 GZB5.1 5.6 DZD5.6 GZE5.6 GZS5.6 GZA5.6 GZB5.6 6.2 DZD6.2 GZE6.2 GZS$6,2 GZA6.2 GZB6.2 DZB6. 2 6.8 DZD6.8 GZE6.8 GZS6.8 GZA6.8 GZB6.8 DZB6.8 7.5 DZD7.5 GZE7.5 GZ37.5 GZA7.5 GZB7.5 DZB7.5 8.2 DZD8.2 GZE8.2 GZS8.2 GZA8.2 GZB8.2 DZB8.2 9.1 DZD9.1 GZEQ9.1 GZS9.1 GZA9,1 GZB9.1 DZB9.1 10 DZD10 GZE10Q0 GZ3S10 GZA10 GZB10 DZB10 1i DZD11 GZE11 GZSI11 GZAILI1 GZB11 DZB11 12 DZD12 GZE12 GZS$12 GZA12 GZB12 DZB12 13 DZD1 3 GZE1 83 GZS$13 GZA13 GZB13 DZB13 15 DZD15 GZE15 GZS815 GZAI15 GZB15 DZB15 16 DZD16 GZE16 GZ816 GZA16 . GZB16 DZB16 18 DZD18 GZE18 GZS18 GZA18 GZB18 DZB18 20 DZD20 GZE20 GZS20 GZA20 GZB20 DZB20 22 DZD22 GZE22 GZ$22 GZA22 GZB22 DZB22 24 DZD24 GZE24 GZS$24 GZA24 GZB24 DZB24 27 DZD27 GZE27 GZS27 GZA27 GZB27 DZB27 30 DZD30 GZE30 GZ330 GZA30 GZB30 DZB30 33 DZD33 GZE33 GZS33 GZA33 GZB3 3 36 DZD36 GZE36 GZ3536 GZA36 GZB36 39 DZD39 GZE39 GZ339 GZA39 43 DZD4 3 GZA43 47 DZD47 GZA47 51 GZA51 *KNote. Zener diodes are classified narrowly by zener voltage. Classifying width of a GZE series and that of a GZS series are different. See semiconductor news for the details. ats Outlines (uni t:mm) A SANYO:CP 018 B (Glass) C (Resin) ~0. i aie, it kes. 4 0.86 449 5 Ht I a b- g Cc XSXS~ ] Thos held B-1 3.0 0.4 2.0 (J B-2 4.0 0.5 2.0 a B- 3 5,2 0.8 2.7 These specifications are subject to change without notice. SANYO Electric Co..Ltd. Semiconductor Rusiness Headauarters. TR Division. MT930714TR MB 7997076 0013556 185 88