Current Rating Weathertight / Watertight Configuration
❒ ▼
2P3W JPS323H __
Weathertight 3P3W* JPS333F
(Spring Hinged Flap Cover) 3P4W JPS334H
30 Amp 4P4W* JPS344F
2P3W JPS323H
Watertight 3P3W* JPS333F
(Screw Cover) 3P4W JPS334H
4P4W* JPS344F
2P3W JPS623H
Weathertight 3P3W* JPS633F
(Spring Hinged Flap Cover) 3P4W JPS634H
60 Amp 4P4W* JPS644F
2P3W JPS623H
Watertight 3P3W* JPS633F
(Screw Cover) 3P4W JPS634H
4P4W* JPS644F
2P3W JPS1023H
Weathertight 3P3W* JPS1033F
(Spring Hinged Flap Cover) 3P4W JPS1034H
100 Amp 4P4W* JPS1044F
(150 Amp)** 2P3W JPS1023H
Watertight 3P3W* JPS1033F
(Screw Cover) 3P4W JPS1034H
4P4W* JPS1044F
2P3W JPS2023H
Weathertight 3P3W* JPS2033F
(Spring Hinged Flap Cover) 3P4W JPS2034H
200 Amp 4P4W* JPS2044F
(270 Amp)** 2P3W JPS2023H
Watertight 3P3W* JPS2033F
(Screw Cover) 3P4W JPS2034H
4P4W* JPS2044F
36 © 2001 Thomas & Betts Corporation. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
For any J-Line catalog numbers not shown here, check page 35 for “Series”
For special polarizations (suffixes) contact Tech Support.
(All plugs come with
watertight screw collar)
Max. 600VAC / 250VDC
* Housing Ground Only (Style 1 Grounding) see page 34.
+ Shown with 20° angle adapter. Can be furnished with 45° angle at same price. When ordering add
suffix -45 to catalog number.
** Special rated devices (not shown). Consult customer service for details.
Note: To order Reverse Service add a final suffix “R” to catalog number. Examples: JRFA334HR — a
receptacle housing with male interior.
❒Polarization index (std. shown) Consult tech support for more.
♦Flap Cover “F” noted. Screw Cover “S” also available
▼For Reversed Contacts, use “R” suffix to any catalog number.
Std. Cable Bushing
Current Rating Bushing I.D. Max. AWG Size
30 g" #6 - 7 strand or #8 flexible
60 1i" #4 - 7 strand or flexible
100 1d" #0 - 19 strand or #1 flexible
200 2" #4/0 - 19 strand or flexible
(see page 41 for other bushings)
J-Line Interconnection Systems – Ordering Information
30-270 Amp, (30, 60, 100 and 200 Amp Load Breaking
150 and 270 Amp Special Service) Maximum 600 VAC/250 VDC
Receptacles, Plugs, Connectors & Inlets
Heavy Industrial / Marine J-Line