DSCC APPROVED - RADIAL LEADED HV NOVACAP High Voltage leaded capacitors are available in ten DSCC approved specifications. The below referenced DSCC drawing numbers cover the NPO and X7R dielectrics with a voltage rating from 1,000 to 10,000 VDC. Novacap Cage number is 65238. Please refer to our other catalog pages for information about DSCC 87106 stacked capacitor assemblies. SIZE W Max H Max T Max S .030" 1515 2020 2520 3015 3530 4020 4540 5550 6560 9040 11050 0.250 0.220 0.200 0.170 0.320 0.280 0.250 0.220 0.370 0.300 0.250 0.275 0.450 0.220 0.270* 0.300 0.470 0.400 0.270 0.375 0.550 0.280 0.250 0.400 0.570 0.500 0.270 0.475 0.670 0.600 0.270 0.575 0.770 0.720 0.270 0.675 1.050 0.500 0.270 0.900 13060 1.250 0.600 0.270 1.100 1.450 0.720 0.270 1.300 9040 11050 13060 *Max thickness for 87076 is .200" DASH NUMBERS DSCC# VOLT 1515 2020 2520 3015 87043 87046 87040 1000 1000 2000 01-50 51-58 59-60 01-50 51-56 57-58 01-40 41-46 47-50 61-70 59-66 51-60 87047 87114 3000 3000 01-38 39-42 01-44 45-46 87076 89044 4000 4000 87070 87077 5000 5000 87081 10000 01-24 01-24 3530 4020 4540 5550 6560 71-78 67-74 61-66 79-84 75-80 67-70 85-90 81-84 71-74 43-54 47-54 55-62 55-64 63-64 65-68 65-68 69-72 25-50 25-46 51-58 47-50 59-62 51-54 63-64 55-60 01-24 25-46 01-40 47-50 41-58 51-54 59-60 75-78 79-82 69-70 71-75 61-62 65-70 63-68 55-58 59-60 61-62 61-68 01-22 23-26 27-34 ORDERING INFORMATION The purchase order or contract must specify the following: 1) The Complete DSCC part number Drawing Number - Dash Number 8XXXX - XX Example: 87043-47 2) Whether you want Novacap to perform the Group B Test, or provide a certification of compliance for Group B requirements. 3) Specify requirements for packaging. 52 Catalog 09-08-PC W T H S 1.25" min www.. N O V A C A P . com DSCC 87106 - CAPACITOR ASSEMBLIES NOVACAP "SWITCH'M" leaded capacitors are available in three approved DSCC 87106 case codes sizes. The below referenced DSCC dash numbers show Novacap's approved range. Please refer to the previous catalog page for information about the DSCC high voltage radial leaded product. Novacap Vendor CAGE Number is 65238. LEAD CONFIGURATION AND ASSEMBLY OPTIONS D B A E D E E .055 +/- .010 B A .055 +/- .010 .070 +/- .010 .250 min .010 .025 min .100 max .070 +/- .010 .250 min .020 +/- .002 .025 min .100 max .100 C .020 +/- .002 LEAD STYLE N .100 87106 Dash # LEAD STYLE J Voltage Lead Type 001-040 055-092 50 100 N N 001-020 055-072 021-028 073-082 029-040 083-092 105-565 684-335 825-156 395-825 186-476 126-276 113-148 200 N 113-126 127-136 137-148 474-155 185-395 475-126 173-208 500 N 173-190 191-198 199-208 154-684 105-185 275-565 222-223 50 N 229-230 100 N 231-232 500 N 233-234 500 N 241-282 50 J 241-260 261-270 271-282 105-565 685-156 186-476 301-340 100 J 301-318 319-328 329-340 684-335 395-825 106-276 361-396 200 J 361-374 375-384 385-396 474-155 185-395 475-126 421-460 500 J 421-438 439-448 449-460 154-684 824-185 225-565 5 Dash # by Case Code 4 3 Cap Value by Case Code 5 4 3 685 222-223 106 229-230 824 231-232 225 233-234 ORDERING INFORMATION DIMENSIONS - INCHES The purchase order or contract must specify the following: 1) The Complete DSCC part number Drawing Number - Dash Number 87106 - XXX Example: 87106-222 2) Whether you want Novacap to perform the Group B test, or provide a certification of compliance for Group B requirements. 3) Specify requirements for packaging. CASE CODE Dimension 3 4 C +/- .025 0.450 0.400 0.250 D (Min.) 0.950 0.350 0.224 D (Max.) 1.075 0.425 0.275 E (Max.) 0.500 0.440 0.300 10 4 3 Leads/side 5 See DSCC 87106 for A and B dimensions www.. N O V A C A P . com Catalog 09-08-PC 53