Final Datasheet
Subject to Change Without Notice
September 10, 2014
Precision Hall Effect Angle Sensor IC with I2C Interface
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
115 Northeast Cutoff
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.
1.508.853.5000; www.allegromicro.com
processing. This is mostly needed for applications that utilize
full 360-degree rotations. This value establishes the position
that will correspond to zero error. This value should be set such
that the 360 → 0 degree range corresponds to the 4095 → 0
code range. Setting this point is critical if linearization is used,
whether segmented or harmonic. This is required, prior to going
through linearization, because both linearization methods require
a continuous input function to operate correctly. Set using the
P1d Prelinearization Rotation (Optional, but required if linear-
ization used). The linearization algorithms require input functions
that are both continuous and monotonically increasing. The LR
bit sets which relative direction of target rotation results in an
increasing angle value. The bit must be set such that the input to
the linearization algorithm is increasing.
P2 Minimum/Maximum Angle Check. The device compares
the raw angle value to the angle value boundaries set by the
user programming the MIN_ANGLE_S or MAX_ANGLE_S
fields. If the angle is excessive, an error flag is set at ERR[AH]
(high boundary violation) or ERR[AL] (low boundary viola-
tion). (Note: To bypass this feature, set MIN_ANGLE_S to 0 and
MAX_ANGLE_S to 4095.)
P3 Gain Adjust. This bit adjusts the output dynamic range of the
device. For example, if the application only requires 45 degrees
of stroke, the user can set this field (to 8 in this example) such
that a 45-degree angular change would be distributed across the
entire 4095 → 0 code range. Set using the GAIN field.
P3a Linearization (Optional). Applies user-programmed error
correction coefficients (set in the LINC registers) to the raw angle
measurements. Use the HL bit to enable harmonic linearization
and the SL bit to enable segmented linearization (along with the
LIN_SEL field to select the type of segmented linearization).
P4 Postlinearization 0 Offset. This computation assigns the final
angle offset value, to set the low expected angle value to code 0
in the output dynamic range, after all linearization and processing
has been completed. Set using the ZERO_OFFSET field.
P4a Postlinearization Rotation (Optional). This feature allows
the user to chose the polarity of the final angle output, relative to
the result of the Prelinearization Rotation direction setting (LR
bit, described above). Set using the RO bit.
P5 Angle Rounding to 12 Bits. All of the internal calculations
for angle processing in the A1332 take place with 16-bit preci-
sion. This step truncates the data into a 12 bit word for output
through the Primary Serial Interface.
P6 Angle Clamping. The A1332 has the ability to apply digi-
tal clamps to the output signal. This feature is most useful for
applications that use angle strokes less than 360 degrees. If the
output signal exceeds the upper clamp, the output will stay at
the clamped value. If the output signal is lower than the lower
clamp, the output will stay at the low clamp value. Set using
the CLAMP_HI] and CLAMP_LO fields. (Note: To bypass this
feature, set CLAMP_HI to 4095 and CLAMP_LO to 0.)
P6a Angle Inversion (Optional). This calculation subtracts the
angle from the high clamp.
Diagnostic Features
The A1332 features several diagnostic features and status flags
to let the user know if any issues are present with the A1332 or
associated magnetic system:
Condition Diagnostic Response
VCC < VCCLOW(TH)(min) UV error flag is set
VCC > 8.8 V OV error flag is set
Field > MAG_HIGH MH flag is set
Field < MAG_LOW ML flag is set
Angle processing errors AT flag is set
Angle out of range AHF, ALF flags are set
System status ALIVE always counting indicating
angles being processed
The SDA pin state changes according to the state of the VCC
ramp, as shown in Figure 3.
For more information on diagnostic features and flags, please
refer to the programmers guide for a more complete description
of the available flags and settings.