Siemens Automation MIB
4.1 MIB files of Siemens Automation MIB
Diagnostics and configuration with SNMP
34 Diagnostics Manual, 08/2014, C79000-G8976-C357-01
This module defines the subgroups in the product-specific part of the SIMATIC NET
products. The administrator of the Automation MIB can specify responsibilities for the sub
branches of this module. The administrator can, for example, transfer the responsibility for
the sub branches of a product family to the project manager.
If the SNMP agent of a product behaves unusually, for example due to restrictions in the
extent of the values of an object, due to other access rights or due to the use of product-
specific MIBs, the creation of a private branch in the product registration requires an
equivalent branch under Capability. The capability area must be structured in exactly the
same way as the product registration so that the user can find the properties of a product
Automation TC (Textual Convention)
It is often practical to create separate syntax definitions for example to represent addresses
or version formats. To ensure that the specifications are unique for the entire private
Automation MIB, the textual conventions are grouped in a single module. The module is
located under the automationModules branch and is a purely administrative module.
The Status area contains an error flag that represents the operational status of the entire
system. Here, there is a light signal that distinguishes between the "OK", "maintenance
required" and "Problem" status.
Some systems allow a restart by SNMP and can reset their configuration to default values.
The trigger for such actions, the counter for restart statistics and similar objects are put
together in one group as generic parameters.
A device capable of SNMP automatically has an IP configuration. Some systems allow the
user to modify this configuration using SNMP. The objects that allow this are put together in
the agent configuration group. The parameters for configuration of an out-band connection
are also stored in this group if an out-band connection exists. If an out-band connection
exists and parameters have been assigned for it, the system can be reached both via the in-
band IP address and via the out-band IP address. If a system supports VLANs and this
influences the configuration of the agent, this group is not suitable for the entire parameter
transfer (assignment) of the agent. Instead the system must make other objects available for
the transfer of the VLANs to the IP subnets and for similar functions. It can, however, be
assumed that systems with VLAN support do this anyway.
In the last area, the MIB module makes notifications available with which changes to the
operational status of a system and configuration changes can be indicated.
The systems located in the Automation area support SNMP to a varying extent. For this
reason, different compliance requirements were formulated.
The main requirement (automationSystemBasicCompliance) that all components must meet
is conformity with I&M 0. The parameters of the classes I&M 1 and I&M 2 that map the
hardware and software configuration of a system can be made available by a system as
options. The ability to reset the counters of a system is also optional.
The extended requirement (automationSystemExtCompliance) contains the main
requirement [basic compliance] and optional parameters for the configuration of the SNMP