Agilent 8491A/B, 8493A/B/C, 11581A, 11582A and 11583C Coaxial Attenuators dc to 26.5 GHz Product Overview 8491A/B 8493C 8493A/B * High accuracy * Low SWR * Broadband frequency coverage * Small size Description Agilent's coaxial fixed attenuators provide precision attenuation, flat frequency response, and low SWR over broad frequency ranges (dc to 26.5 GHz) at low prices. Attenuators are available in eight attenuation values: 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 dB; with performances specified from dc to 26.5 GHz; and with choice of four connector types: Type-N, APC-7, SMA1, and APC 3.52. These attenuators are all tested on a state-of-the-art precision analyzer to assure specifications over the full frequency ranges. Although the 8493C is not specified above 26.5 GHz, it performs resonance free to 34 GHz with only a small loss in performance. Precision construction The choice of connector type and material also ensure accurate and repeatable attenuation. The 8491A/B attenuators are furnished with Type-N connectors whose dimensions are compatible with either MIL-C-71 or MIL-C-39012 connector specifications. These connectors are stainless steel for long wear and high repeatability. The 8493A/B attenuators are furnished with SMA type connectors. The connectors are heat treated beryllium copper for greater strength and wear. The 8493C is furnished with the APC 3.5 connector which is compatible with standard SMA connectors but is more rugged and offers improved repeatability over hundreds of connections. The attenuators employ a film on an attenuator card as the resistive element. The uniformity and repeatability of the film deposition process result in high accuracy and low SWR over very wide frequency ranges. The 8493C features thin-filmtantalum nitride on a sapphire substrate for exceptional precision performance to 26.5 GHz. In fact, it performs resonance-free to 34 GHz, the top frequency limit of the APC-3.5 connector. 1. As per USASI Committee C83.2 compatible with OSM, ARM, WPM, BRM, NPM, etc. 2. Mate with MIL-C-71 or MIL-C-39012 connectors. 2 Quality assurance in testing Applications Accuracy The flat frequency response and low SWR of the attenuators are assured over the entire frequency range by full frequency band testing on a state-of-the-art precision analyzer. Full frequency band testing ensures that narrow resonances in the frequency band are not overlooked. Actual attenuation values taken at dc, 4, 8, 12, 18, and 26.5 GHz are stamped on the attenuator body for permanent and easy reference. Ruggedness, reliability and small size make these attenuators useful both on the bench and in systems applications. With their high accuracy and low SWR they are ideally suited for extending the range of sensitive power meters for higher power measurements and for "padding" poorly matched devices to improve system SWR. The accuracy of an attenuator directly affects the accuracy of the measurement where the attenuator is used. In fact, attenuators are used extensively as the standard against which other instruments or devices are calibrated. Testing each attenuator with a state-of-the-art precision analyzer brings standards lab accuracy to production testing because the system can determine its own measurement uncertainties and compensate for them in the testing process. System calibration is derived from precise physical standards which are directly traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. In addition, automatic testing eliminates the possibility of human error in setting instrument controls, taking data, or making calculations. These same characteristics lend themselves to applications as calibration standards in attenuation and RF substitution measurements. With their broad dc to 26.5 GHz frequency range and reasonable cost, general applications, such as the reduction of power level to sensitive components and instrumentation systems, are attractive and appropriate uses for these attenuators. Aglilent's fixed attenuators achieve flat frequency response (typically a few hundredths of a dB) and overall accuracy (typically 2 % of value in dB at 26.5 GHz) through the use of thin-film attenuator cards. These cards are composed of high stability tantalum nitride resistive film deposited on a sapphire or alumina substrate. 3 Quality assurance in specifications The following examples demonstrate the reliability and comprehensiveness of specifications. Although the absolute accuracy for a 3 dB attenuator is specified as 0.3 dB, test data statistics indicate an expected value of 3 dB 0.20 dB from dc to 18 GHz. Similarly a 30 dB attenuator is specified as 1.0 dB, but typically is no worse than 30 dB 0.75 dB from dc to 18 GHz. The other attenuation values are also specified as conservatively. In addition, Agilent precision attenuators meet more comprehensive performance standards. Linear phase response is an example. Not only is wide bandwidth significant, but also linear phase response is an important parameter for applications where pulse distortion must be kept to a minimum. The excellent linearity of the Aglilent attenuators is typified in the accompanying illustration of an actual network analyzer measurement. Center trace is phase response of 8491A -6 dB attenuator from 1.0 to 2.0 GHz taken with Agilent 8410 network analyzer. Top and bottom traces are 1 calibration. Linear phase component has been compensated for with a line stretcher. Response, therefore, shows nonlinear phase deviation of < 1/2 over 1 to 2 GHz band. 4 Economy Automated procedures have resulted in economies of scale in production and testing. The automated resistive film deposition process permits high-volume manufacture with excellent yield. Furthermore, characteristics are consistently uniform; hand "touch-up" is not required to meet specifications. Automatic testing means exceptionally thorough, high-accuracy measurements can be performed in appreciably shorter time than could be done manually. The overall result is outstanding attenuator performance at attractive prices. Calibration data Optional calibration data Use of calibration data has always been an effective means of reducing measurement uncertainty at RF and microwave frequencies. This data is available for Agilent's fixed attenuators as Option 849xxUK6. Data which is generated by an automatic network analyzer provides a tabulated list of attenuation and SWR's at 26 to 67 frequencies (see table 2). Measurements to 60 dB are directly traceable to NBS standards and feature very low measurement uncertainties. Option 849xx-UK6 data is available when the attenuators are first purchased and recalibrations are available through Agilent Customer Service Centers around the world. Ordering information Table 1. SWR data uncertainties SWR data uncertainties Connector type Frequency range (GHz) Measured SWR 1.0 to 1.35 Measured SWR 1.35 to 1.86 APC 7 & male Type-N dc to 12.4 12.4 to 18.0 0.025 0.031 0.041 0.050 Female Type-N dc to 8.0 8.0 to 12.4 12.4 to 18.0 0.025 0.031 0.042 0.046 0.063 0.071 Male SMA dc to 8.0 8.0 to 12.4 12.4 to 18.0 0.031 0.045 0.077 0.054 0.084 0.137 Female SMA dc to 8.0 8.0 to 12.4 12.4 to 18.0 0.054 0.077 0.122 0.088 0.132 0.206 Male APC-3.5 dc to 10 10 to 18 18 to 26.5 0.025 0.031 0.045 0.041 0.050 0.067 Female APC-3.5 dc to 10 10 to 18 18 to 26.5 0.020 0.025 0.035 0.030 0.037 0.050 To order, basic model number and option (specifies attenuation value) must be specified. Option 849xxUK6 calibration data can also be ordered with the basic model number and attenuation value option. Please note, Option 849xx-UK6 is not available with 11581/2A nor 11583C. Attenuation options Atten Option 003 3 dB Option 006 6 dB Option 010 10 dB Option 020 20 dB Option 030 30 dB Option 040 40 dB Option 050 50 dB Option 060 60 dB Note: x = A or B 8491A/B options 8491x-003 8491x-006 8491x-010 8491x-020 8491x-030 8491x-040 8491x-050 8491x-060 8493A/B options 8493x-003 8493x-006 8493x-010 8493x-020 8493x-030 8493C options 8493C-003 8493C-006 8493C-010 8493C-020 8493C-030 8493C-040 Table 2. Coaxial attenuator calibration frequencies* (MHz) 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 10500 11000 11500 12000 12400 12500 13000 13500 14000 14500 15000 15500 16000 16250 16500 16750 17000 17250 17500 17750 18000 (each 250 MHz to 26.5 GHz) *dc to 12.4 GHz models include 26 frequencies, dc to 18 GHz models include 42 frequencies, dc to 26.5 GHz models include 67 frequencies (2 to 26.5 GHz). Table 3. Attenuation data uncertainties Attenuation (dB) 3 6 10 20 30 40 50 60 8491, 8492 and 8493 Attenuation data uncertainty (dB) 0.1 to 2.0 GHz 2 to 6 GHz 6 to 12.4 GHZ 12.4 to 18.0 GHz 18.0 to 26.5 GHz 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.23 0.50* 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.23 0.48* 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.23 0.90* 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.21 0.34 0.90* .15 .15 .15 .15 .l 8 .25 n/a n/a *The uncertainties noted represent 99.7% probability values. 5 Specifications Specifications describe the instruments warranted performance. Supplemental characteristics (shown in italics) are intended to provide information useful in applying the instrument by giving typical, but non-warranted, performance parameters. Frequency range: 8491A and 8493A, dc to 12.4 GHz 8491B, 8493B, dc to 18 GHz 8493C, dc to 26.5 GHz Attenuation accuracy: 8491A/93A 8491B/93B dc to 12.4 GHz 3 dB 0.3 dB 6 dB 0.3 dB l0 dB 0.5 dB 20 dB 0.5 dB 30 dB 1.0 dB dc to 12.4 8493C 12.4 to 18 GHz dc to18 0.3 dB 0.3 dB 0.4 dB 0.6 dB 0.6 dB 0.6 dB 0.3 dB 0.5 dB 1.0 dB 0.5 dB 0.6 dB 1.0 dB 8491A only 18 to 26.5 GHz 0.5 dB I.0 dB 0.7 dB 1.0 dB 8491B/92A only 40 dB 1.5 dB 1.5 dB 50 dB 1.5 dB 1.5 dB 1.0 dB 1.3 dB N/A 60 dB 2.0 dB 2.0 dB N/A SWR: 8491B/8493B 8493C 8491A/8493A dc to 8 8 to 12.4 12.4 to 18 (GHz) (GHz) (GHz) dc to 8 8 to 12.4 12.4 to 26.5 3 dB 1.25 1.35 1.5 1.10 1.15 1.25 6 dB 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.10 1.15 1.27 10 dB 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.10 1.15 1.25 20 dB 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.10 1.15 1.25 30 dB 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.10 1.15 1.25 8491A/B only 8491B only 40 dB 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.10 1.15 1.25 50 dB 1.2 1.3 1.5 N/A N/A N/A 60 dB 1.2 1.3 1.5 N/A N/A N/A 6 Environmental Temperature, non-operating: -55 to +85C Temperature, operating: 0 to +55C EMC: Radiated interference is within the requirements of MIL STD 461 method RE02, VDE 0871 EN55011 and FCC part 18 8491A Connectors (50 ) Type-N2 Dimensions Millimeters 67 X 21 8493A SMA1 40 X 13 8491B Type-N2 8493B 8493C SMA1 APC-3.5 3,6,10,20 dB 30,40 dB 67 X 21 40 X 13 33.8 X 8 36.8 X 8 1 7/16 X 5/16 D Inches 2 7/16 X 13/16 D l 9/16 X 1/2 D 2 7/16 X 13/16 D l 9/16 X 1/2 D l 5/l6 X 5/l6 D Net 110 g (4 oz) 110 g (4 oz) 30 g (1 oz) 8.5 g 9.4 g (0.3 oz) (0.33 oz) 30 g (1 oz) Weight Shipping 220 g (8 oz) 220 g (8 oz) 220 g (8 oz) 220 g (8 oz) 45 kg (1 Ib) Supplemental characteristics Temperature stability: 0.000l dB/dB/C (all except 8493C) 0.0002 dB/dB/C (8493C) Maximum input power: 2 W avg., 100 W peak3 Power sensitivity: 0.001 dB/dB/W (all except 8943) 0.001 dB/W (8493C) 1. As per USASI Committee C83.2 compatible with OSM, ARM, WPM, BRM, NPM, etc. 2. Mate with MIL-C-71 or MIL-C-39012 connectors. 3 At 20C derated to l.3 W avg. at 55C. 7 Attenuator sets 11581A/11582A/11583C A calibrated set of four fixed coaxial attenuators (3, 6, 10, and 20 dB) is available. Each set includes a calibration report certified traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. The reports included with the 11581A, 11582A, and 11583C indicate the accuracy of measurement and list the attenuation and reflection coefficient at each port of the attenuator. The set of four attenuators is furnished in a handsome walnut accessory case. In addition to protecting the units when not in use, the case is also a convenient storage place for the attenuators and the calibration reports. Calibration data as described on page 4 is included with rack attenuator set. Ordering information 11581A (3,6,10,20 dB values 8491A) 11582A (3, 6,10,20 dB values 8491B) 11583C (3, 6, 10, 20 dB values 8493C) Agilent Email Updates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. Agilent Technologies' Test and Measurement Support, Services, and Assistance Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent's overall support policy: "Our Promise" and "Your Advantage." Our Promise Our Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available. Your Advantage Your Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products. By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test and measurement needs. Online assistance: Phone or Fax United States: (tel) 800 452 4844 Canada: (tel) 877 894 4414 (fax) 905 282 6495 China: (tel) 800 810 0189 (fax) 800 820 2816 Europe: (tel) (31 20) 547 2323 (fax) (31 20) 547 2390 Japan: (tel) (81) 426 56 7832 (fax) (81) 426 56 7840 Korea: (tel) (82 2) 2004 5004 (fax) (82 2) 2004 5115 Latin America: (tel) (305) 269 7500 (fax) (305) 269 7599 Taiwan: (tel) 0800 047 866 (fax) 0800 286 331 Other Asia Pacific Countries: (tel) (65) 6375 8100 (fax) (65) 6836 0252 Email: Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. (c) Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002 Printed in USA, May 30, 2002 5953-6475