Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data PACKAGING The monolithic ceramic capacitors are supplied in bulk packaging, taped on reel, or in ammopack; see Tables 1 and 3. Mono-axialTM capacitors Table 1 Packaging quantities and box dimensions SMALLEST PACKAGING QUANTITY (SPQ) PACKAGING Tape on reel Ammopack SIZE CODE 2252 SERIES FE 15-digit 15; 20 29 15; 20 29 BOX DIMENSIONS LxWxH (mm) 2222 SERIES US 15-digit 5000(1) 2500(1) 4000 2000 7000 4000 4000 2000 370 x 370 x 90 265 x 85 x 95 Note 1. Non-standard SPQ for 2222 series and US 15-digit code (including FE 15-digit code with suffix XV) which will be phased out in the future. Capacitors on bandolier, Mono-axial series A P C H S M B T Maximum 0.1% of the total number of capacitors per reel may be missing. A maximum of 1 consecutive vacant position is followed by 6 consecutive components. Tape begins and ends with minimum of 60 empty positions (300 mm tape). Maximum of 5 splices per reel. For dimensions see Table 2. Fig.1 Capacitors on bandolier, Mono-axial series. 1997 Nov 04 81 MGA347 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors Table 2 General data Dimensions of bandolier; see Fig.1 DIMENSIONS SYMBOL PARAMETER mm B 52.4 1.5 inside tape spacing inch 2.062 0.059 C centre-to-tape-spacing 0.8 0.031 P cumulative pitch, 6 consecutive components 1.5 0.059 A components pitch 5 0.5 0.197 0.015 M lead bend <1.2 <0.047 S exposed adhesive <0.8 <0.031 T tape width 6.35 0.250 H lead sandwich >3.96 >0.156 REEL DATA, MONO-AXIAL SERIES 69.85 + - 1.5 355.6 max direction of unreeling arbor hole O 28 + -1 MGA351 - 1 Dimensions in mm. Maximum 0.1% of the total number of capacitors per reel may be missing. A maximum of 1 consecutive vacant position is followed by 6 consecutive components. Tape begins and ends with minimum of 60 empty positions (300 mm tape). Maximum of 5 splices per reel. For capacitor length (L) and diameter (D) refer to this handbook, Chapter "Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors", Section "Mono-axial ", "Table 1". Fig.2 Reel with capacitors on tape; Mono-axial series. 1997 Nov 04 82 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data Mono-kapTM capacitors Table 3 Packaging quantities and box dimensions SMALLEST PACKAGING QUANTITY (SPQ) PACKAGING SIZE CODE 2252 SERIES FE 15-digit 15; 20 30 15 20 30 15; 20 30 Bulk; note 1 Tape on reel Ammopack BOX DIMENSIONS LxWxH (mm) 2222 SERIES US 15-digit 5000 3000 4000 3000 2500 2500 2000 5000 3000 2500(2) 2500(2) 2500 2500 2000 245 x 120 x 65 370 x 370 x 60 335 x 290 x 50 Notes 1. SPQ contains 1 or a multiple of poly-bags, 1000 units per bag. 2. Non-standard SPQ for 2222 series and US 15-digit code (including FE 15-digit code with suffix XV) which will be phased out in the future. Capacitors on tape, lead spacing 5.0 and 2.5 mm, Mono-kap series h P handbook, full pagewidth seating plane H F H P1 H0 L W1 W W0 A L1 P0 d D0 direction of unreeling t detail A Lead space (F) shall be measured at 3.6 0.5 mm from the capacitor seating plane. Maximum 0.5% of the total number of capacitors per reel may be missing. A maximum of 1 consecutive vacant position is followed by 6 consecutive components. Tape begins and ends with minimum of 24 empty positions (300 mm tape). Maximum of 5 splices per reel. For dimensions see Table 4. Fig.3 Capacitors, with lead spacing 5.0 and 2.5 mm, for Mono-kap series on tape. 1997 Nov 04 83 CCA017 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors Table 4 General data Dimensions of tape; see Fig.3 DIMENSIONS SYMBOL PARAMETER mm inch L cut off length <11 <0.443 L1 lead end protrusion <2 <0.079 H height to seating plane >16 >0.630 H0 height to seating plane (formed leads) 16 0.5 0.630 0.020 H1 top of component height <32 <1.260 h body inclination 0.0 <1.0 0 <0.039 W carrier tape width 18 +1.0/-0.5 0.709 +0.039/-0.020 W0 hold down tape width 15 ref.; note 1 0.591 ref.; note 1 W1 sprocket hole position 9 +0.075/-0.5 0.354 +0.030/-0.020 1e lead space; note 2 2.5 +0.6/-0.4 0.100 +0.024/-0.016 2e lead space; note 2 5.0 +0.6/-0.4 0.200 +0.024/-0.016 sprocket hole pitch 12.7 0.3 0.500 0.012 1e sprocket hole centre to lead centre; note 2 5.08 0.7 0.200 0.028 2e sprocket hole centre to lead centre; note 2 3.85 0.7 0.151 0.028 D0 sprocket hole diameter 4 0.3 0.157 0.012 t overall tape thickness <0.9 <0.035 d wire lead diameter 0.5 0.05 0.02 0.002 P taping pitch 12.7 ref. 0.500 ref. F P0 P1 Notes 1. Tape width of 6 mm (0.236 inches) permissible. 2. e = 2.54 mm. 1997 Nov 04 84 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data REEL AND TAPE DATA, MONO-KAP SERIES 55.1 max +0 48 - 2.0 355.6 max direction of unreeling arbor hole O 28 + -1 MGA350 - 1 Dimensions in mm. Maximum 0.5% of the total number of capacitors per reel may be missing. A maximum of 2 consecutive vacant position is followed by 6 consecutive components. Tape begins and ends with minimum of 24 empty positions (300 mm tape). Maximum of 5 splices per reel. Cumulative pitch tolerance over 20 consecutive units not to exceed 1.0 mm. Lead space (F) shall be measured at 3.6 0.5 mm from the capacitor seating plane. Fig.4 Reel with capacitors on tape; Mono-kap series. 1997 Nov 04 85 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data 290 CCA878 335 50 Dimensions in mm. Maximum 0.5% of the total number of capacitors per box may be missing. A maximum of 2 consecutive vacant positions is followed by 6 consecutive components. Tape begins and ends with minimum of 24 empty positions (300 mm tape). Maximum of 5 splices per box. Cumulative pitch tolerance over 20 consecutive units not to exceed 1.0 mm. Lead space (F) shall be measured at 3.6 0.5 mm from the capacitor seating plane. Fig.5 Ammopack with capacitors on tape; Mono-kap series. 1997 Nov 04 86 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data CHARACTERISTIC CURVES CCA033 0.4 C C (%) 0 -0.4 -0.8 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 T (oC) 125 For NP0/C0G. Fig.6 Typical capacitance change as a function of temperature. MSA649 40 C C (%) 0 40 80 50 25 0 50 25 75 For Z5U. Fig.7 Typical capacitance change as a function of temperature. 1997 Nov 04 87 100 T ( oC) 125 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data MSA650 40 C C (%) 0 40 80 25 50 0 50 25 75 100 T ( oC) 125 For X7R. Fig.8 Typical capacitance change as a function of temperature. MSA651 20 C C (%) 0 handbook, full pagewidth NP0/COG X7R 20 40 60 Z5U 80 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Fig.9 Typical capacitance change as a function of DC voltage. 1997 Nov 04 88 45 VDC (V) 50 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data MSA652 5 handbook, full pagewidth C C (%) NP0/COG 0 5 X7R Z5U 10 15 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 Fig.10 Typical capacitance change as a function of frequency. 1997 Nov 04 89 f (Hz) 10 7 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data TESTS AND REQUIREMENTS Class 1 capacitors After manufacture, each capacitor is checked on capacitance, tan and test voltage. Apart from this the following quality checks are carried out by frequent inspections. Essentially all tests mentioned in the schedule of "IEC publication 384-8", category 55/125/21 (temperature range -55/+125 C; damp heat, long term, 21 days) are carried out in accordance with "IEC publication 68". Table 5 Test procedures and requirements IEC 384-8 CLAUSE IEC 68-2 TEST METHOD 4.4 TEST PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS robustness of terminations: Ua1 pull-off pull velocity 15 cm/minute; load 5 N no lead breakage tensile strength axial force 10 N no lead breakage load 5 N; 4 x 90 no lead breakage 4.6 Ta method 1 solderability (solder bath) 235 C; 2 s good tinning 4.5 Tb method 1A resistance to soldering heat 260 C; 10 s no visible damage 4.7 Na rapid change of temperature 30 minutes at -55 C and 30 minutes at +125 C; 5 cycles no damage after 24 hours 4.8 Fc vibration 10 to 55 to 10 Hz; 0.75 mm displacement; 3 directions; 6 hours no visible damage 4.9 Eb bump 4000 bumps in 2 directions; 40 g; pulse time 6 ms no visible damage inflammability 15 s; 35 mm above bunsen burner with flame-height 40 to 60 mm self-extinguishing within 15 s after removal of bunsen burner temperature coefficient between +20 and -55 C, and between +20 and +125 C within tolerance as specified for each particular material Ub 4.3 1997 Nov 04 bending C/C: 0.5% or 0.5 pF after 1 to 2 hours 90 C/C: 0.5% or 0.5 pF Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors IEC 384-8 CLAUSE IEC 68-2 TEST METHOD 4.11 TEST General data PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS climatic sequence: 4.11.2 B dry heat 16 hours; +125 C no visible damage 4.11.3 Db damp heat (accelerated) 1st cycle 12 hours; +55 C; 90 to 96% RH 12 hours; +25 C; 95 to 100% RH after recovery of 1 to 2 hours immediately followed by cold test 4.11.4 A cold 2 hours; -55 C no visible damage 4.11.5 M low air pressure 1 hour at 8.5 kPa, last 2 minutes rated voltage no breakdown or flashover 4.11.6 Db damp heat (accelerated) remaining cycle 12 hours; +55 C; 90 to 96% RH 12 hours; +25 C; 95 to 100% RH C/C: 1% or 1 pF tan : 2 x specified tan Rins after 1 to 2 hours: >5000 M 4.12 4.13 Ca damp heat, 21 days; +40 C; 90 to 95% RH steady state (half number of the lot at rated voltage, other half at zero voltage) endurance 1000 hours at maximum temperature, at 1.5 x rated voltage C/C: 1% or 1 pF tan : 2 x specified tan Rins after 1 to 2 hours: >5000 M C/C: 1% or 1 pF tan : 1.5 x specified tan Rins: >3000 M resistance to solvents 1997 Nov 04 3 minutes ultrasonic washing in trichloroethylene; 1 minute drying; 30 C; 10 brush strokes 91 marking and colour code must remain legible and not be discoloured; no mechanical or electrical damage or deterioration of the material Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors General data Class 2 capacitors After manufacture, each capacitor is checked on capacitance, tan and test voltage. Apart from this the following quality checks are carried out by frequent inspections. Essentially all tests mentioned in the schedule of "IEC publication 384-9", categories 55/125/21 and 10/85/21 respectively for X7R-2C1 and Z5U (temperature ranges -55/+125 C and +10/+85 C; damp heat, long term, 21 days) are carried out in accordance with "IEC publication 68". Table 6 Test procedures and requirements IEC 384-9 CLAUSE IEC 68-2 TEST METHOD TEST 4.1 pre-conditioning 4.5 robustness of terminations: Ua1 PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS 1 hour; +150 C; reference measurement after 24 hours pull-off pull velocity 15 cm/minute; load 5 N no lead breakage tensile strength axial force 10 N no lead breakage load 5 N; 4 x 90 no lead breakage 4.7 Ta method 1 solderability (solder bath) 235 C; 2 s good tinning 4.6 Tb method 1A resistance to soldering heat pre-conditioning: 260 C; 10 s no visible damage 4.8 Na rapid change of temperature pre-conditioning: for X7R: -55/+125 C; 5 cycles; for Z5U: +10/+85 C; 5 cycles no damage Ub bending C/C after 24 hours: X7R: 10% Z5U: 20% 4.9 Fb vibration 10 to 55 to 10 Hz; 0.75 mm displacement; 3 directions; 6 hours no visible damage 4.10 Eb bump 4000 bumps in 2 directions; 40 g; pulse time 6 ms no visible damage inflammability 15 s; 35 mm above bunsen burner with flame-height 40 to 60 mm self-extinguishing within 15 s after removal of bunsen burner resistance to solvents 3 minutes ultrasonic washing in trichloroethylene; 1 minute drying; 30 C; 10 brush strokes marking and colour code must remain legible and not be discoloured; no mechanical or electrical damage or deterioration of the material 1997 Nov 04 92 Philips Components Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors IEC 384-9 CLAUSE IEC 68-2 TEST METHOD 4.12 TEST General data PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS climatic sequence: pre-conditioning 1 hour; +150 C 4.12.1 4.12.2 Ba dry heat 16 hours at maximum temperature no visible damage 4.12.3 Db damp heat (accelerated) 1st cycle 12 hours; +55 C; 90 to 96% RH 12 hours; +25 C; 95 to 100% RH no visible damage; after recovery of 1 to 2 hours immediately followed by cold test 4.12.4 Aa cold 2 hours at minimum temperature 4.12.5 M low air pressure 1 hour at 8.5 kPa, last 2 minutes rated voltage 4.12.6 Db damp heat (accelerated) remaining cycle 12 hours; +55 C; 90 to 96% RH 12 hours; +25 C; 95 to 100% RH no visible damage no breakdown or flashover after 24 hours recovery: C/C: X7R: 15% Z5U: 20% tan : 7% Rins: >1000 M 4.13 Ca damp heat, steady state (half number of samples at rated voltage, other half of samples no voltage applied) pre-conditioning: 21 days; +40 C; 90 to 95% RH no visible damage after 24 hours: C/C: X7R: 15% Z5U: 30% tan : 7% Rins: >1000 M 4.14 endurance pre-conditioning after 24 hours: C/C: X7R: 20% Z5U: 30% tan : 7% Rins: >2000 M 4.4 1997 Nov 04 temperature characteristic pre-conditioning: minimum and maximum temperature 93 in accordance with specification