2007-2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22042B-page 15
4.1 Device Overview
The MCP1603/L is a synchronous buck regulator that
operates in a Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM)
mode or a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) mode to
maximize system efficiency over the entire operating
current range. Capable of operating from a 2.7V to
5.5V input voltage source, the MCP1603 can deliver
500 mA of continuous output curre nt.
The MCP1603B device disables the PFM mode
switching, and operates only in normal PWM mode.
When using the MCP1603/B/L, the PCB area required
for a c omplete step-down conve rter is m inimized, since
both the main P-Channel MOSFET and the synchro-
nous N- Channe l MO SFET are integra ted. Al so w hile in
PWM mode, the device switches at a constant
frequency of 2.0 MHz (typical), which allows for small
filtering components. Both fixed and adjustable output
volt age optio ns are av ailable. The fixed volta ge opt ions
(1.2V, 1.5 V 1.8 V, 2.5V, 3.3V) do not re quire an externa l
voltage divider, which further reduces the required
circuit board footprint. The adjustable output voltage
options allow for more flexibility in the design, but
require an external voltage divider.
Additionally, the device features an undervoltage lock-
out (UVLO), overtemperature shutdown, overcurrent
protection and enable/disable control.
4.2 Synchronous Buck Regulator
The MCP1603/L has two distinct modes of operation
that allow the device to maintain a high level of
efficiency throughout the entire operating current and
voltage range. The device automatically switches
between PWM mode and PFM mode, depending on
the output load requirements. MCP1603B switches in
PWM mode only.
During heavy load conditions, the MCP1603/L
operates at a high, fixed switching frequency of
2.0 MHz (typical) using current mode control. This
minimizes output ripple (10 – 15 mV, typically) and
noise, while maintaining high efficiency (88% typical
with VIN =3.6V, V
OUT =1.8V, I
OUT = 300 mA).
During normal PWM operation, the beginning of a
switching cycle occurs when the internal P-Channel
MOSFET is turned on. The ramping ind uc tor cu rren t is
sensed and tie d to o ne i nput of the internal high-speed
comparator. The other input to the high-speed
comparator is the error amplifier output. This is the
difference betwe en the internal 0.8V reference and the
divide d-dow n output volt age. Wh en the se nsed c urrent
becomes equal to the amplified error signal, the high-
speed comparator switches states and the P-Channel
MOSFET is turned off. The N-Channel MOSFET is
turned on until the inter nal oscilla tor sets an internal RS
latch, initiating the beginning of another switching
PFM-to-PWM mode transition is initiated for any of the
following conditions:
• Continuous devi ce switching
• Output voltage has dropped out of regulation Light Load, PFM Mode
During light-load conditions, the MCP1603/L operates
in a PFM mode. When the MCP1603/L enters this
mode, it beg ins to skip puls es to minimiz e unnecessar y
quiescent-current draw by reducing the number of
switchin g cycl es per s econd. T he typic al quie scent c ur-
rent draw for this device is 45 µA.
PWM-to-PFM mode transition is initiated for any of the
following conditions:
• Disconti nu ous i ndu cto r current is s en se d f or a s et
• Inductor peak current fal ls bel ow the trans iti on
threshold limit
There are applications that cannot tolerate the low
frequency pulse skipping mode or the output ripple
voltage associated with it, which is distinctive for PFM
The MCP1603B device has disabled the PFM mode
switching. It operates only in normal PWM mode over
the entire load range (without skipping pulses). During
periods of light load operation, the MCP1603B
continues to operate at a constant 2 MHz switching
frequenc y, keeping the output ri pple v olt age low er tha n
PFM mode. Because there are no skipping pulses, a
minimum load current is necessary to keep output in
regulation (see Figure 2-15, without a minimum load,
the output voltage will be greater than the set point).
The minimum load value depends on the input-to-
output ratio.