Sensing Characteristics :
Sensor 5/8 - 24 UNEF Thr ead Shie lded 11.2 mm dia meter Shielde d
310FW04-10 320FW04-5 390FW04A-10 330FW04A-1 330FW04A-2
Sensing Di stance 1.78 - 3. 30 mm 1.40 - 1. 78 mm
Differential travel 0.13 - 0. 76 0. 13 - 0.25
Operating t emperat ure -77° t o +125° C -77° t o +120° C
Vibration 25 g peak, sinusoi dal
Shock MIL-STD-810B M ethod 516: 100G 1 m s
Salt spray MIL-STD-810B M ethod 509: 5% 48 hours
Sand and dust MIL-STD-810B M ethod 510: v ary ing temper ature a nd vel ocitie s: 28 hours
Humidity MIL-STD-810B M ethod 507: 95% RH @ 65° C
Chemicals Re sista nce to sky drol and ty pical airc raft fuels
Altitude Se a level to 21, 212 m
Circui t protect ion Re vers e polarity (input protect ed)
Tra nsient s, MIL-STD- 704
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), MIL-STD-461,462
Ordering G uide
Lis ting Desc ription Lead Length
310FW04- 10 Normal ly ope n/Normal ly cl osed, cur rent s inking 3.05 m
320FW04- 5 Normal ly ope n/Normal ly cl osed, cur rent s inking 1. 52 m
390FW04A- 10 Normal ly ope n/Normal ly cl osed, cur rent s inking 3.05 m
330FW04A- 1 Normal ly ope n/Normal ly cl osed, cur rent s inking 203 mm