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6.0 TEST PROCEDURES - Physical
6.1 Visual Inspection
The test specimens shall be visually examined to insure that the material is homogenous and free of foreign
particles or other contaminants.
6.2 Adhesive Peel Strength
Peel strength shall be determined using an uncoated BSTS outer tubing recovered and adhered to a
mandrel 1 to 2 inches in diameter. Mandrel materials shall be one or more of the following materials:
polyethylene heat shrink tubing or molded parts, polychloroprene heat shrink tubing or rigid aluminum
6.2.1 The specific mandrel materials and their respective surface preparation and bonding techniques are
described in Appendices A and B.
6.2.2 After applying and cooling to room temperature, the sleeving shall be cut into 1 inch wide sectio ns as
illustrated in Figure 1. Each specimen shall be cut along the edge of the adhesive-free areas as
illustrated in Figure 1.
6.2.3 The specimen shall be placed in a tensile testing machine, with the specimen around the positioning
mandrel and the free end of the specimen inserted into the ten s ile testing machine jaw as illustrated in
Figure 2. The holding fixture shall be constructed so that the yoke is free to rotate during testing. Testing
shall be with a jaw separation speed of 2 inches (51 mm) per minute. Readings of peel force shall be taken
at every ½ inch of jaw sep aration after a one inch initial separation (electronic measurments shall be
programmed accordingly). The results of five specimens shall be averaged and recorded as the peel
strength for a given lot.
6.3 Corrosive Effect
The corrosive effect shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2671 Procedure B. Uncoated BSTS
tubing (2 inch (51 mm) diameter) shall be used to hold the adhesive in contact with 1 inch copper tubing.
The heat shrinkable sleeving shall be recovered over the copper tubing and the adhesive material. The
samples shall be heated in an air-circulating oven for 16 hours at 120 ± 2 °C (248 ± 4°F). If removal for
audit is difficult, specimens may be immersed in toluene at 50°C (122°F) for two hours to aid in the release
from the copper tubing.
6.4 Lap Shear Test (Aluminum to Aluminum)
The lap shear shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D1002. The test assemblies shall be
conditioned for 20 minutes at 150 ± 5°C (302 ± 9°F) under a pressure of 2 pounds /in 2 (psi). The test shall
be run using a 1 inch x 1 inch x 0.035 inch (25 mm x 25 mm x 0.89 mm) adhesive piece to bond the 1 inch
wide aluminum strips together.
6.5 Fluid Resistance
Three 1 inch x 1 inch x 0.035 inch thick (25 mm x 25 mm x 0.89 mm) square specimens are to be prepared
for fluid resistance. The specimens shall be weighed before and after immersion in the listed fluids. The
specimens shall be placed in the fluids shown in Table 2 for the time and temperature indicated. The
amount of fluid shall not be less than 20 times the volume of the specimens. The specimens shall remain in
the fluid for the specified period and then shall be removed, wiped off with a towel or kimwipe and
allowed to sit for 30 ± 5 minutes prior to weighing the second time. The average change in weight of the
three specimens shall be reported in terms of % weight uptake.
6.6 Viscosity
Viscosity shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D1084 on specimens prepared in accordance with
paragraph 5.1.