MIL SPECS cf oooo1es oooae1s o Bf. MIL~S-19500/280A (EC) AMENDMENT 2 29 March 1983 SUPERSEDING AMENDMENT 1 20 October 1978 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES, THYRISTOR (CONTROLLED RECTIFIER), SILICON , TYPES 2N3091, 2N3093, 2N3095, 2N3097, 2N3098, 2N3099, 2N3101, 2N3103 2N3105, and 2N3106 This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-S-19500/280A(EC), dated 6 January 1978, and is approved for use by the Naval Electronic Systems Command, Department of the Navy and is available for use by all Department:: and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 1 * 1.3, Characteristic, Holding current, Max column: Delete "40" and substitute "60", PAGE 9 * TABLE I, Holding current, Max limits column: Delete "40" and substitute "60", PAGE 10 TABLE II, subgroup 1: After the Forward blocking current" test, add the following new end points. | Examination or test MIL-STD-750 ILTPD Limits Method Details Symbol | Min Max Unit Gate trigger voltage 4221 V2 = 6.0 V de YGT --- 3.0 V dc and gate trigger Ry, = 10 ohms Ier 5 70.0 mA dc current Rp = 20 ohms On state voltage 4226 {Imm = 220 A dd Vom 1.7 V (pk) pulse width = 8.5 ms duty , cycle - 2 max W PAGE 11 TABLE II, subgroup 4: Delete Gate trigger voltage and gate triager current" and "On state voltage" tests and all accompanying data. NOTE: The margin of this amendment is marked with asterisks to indicate where changes (additions, modifications, corrections, deletions) from the previous amendment were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any innaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous amendment. . Custodian: Preparing Activity: Navy - EC Navy - EC User activities: Navy - AS, CG, MC, OS, SH Agent: DLA - ES Project 5961-N865) Page 1 of lL FSC 5963MIL SPECS MILITARY SPECIFICATION TC@ O0001e5 do03be0 7? MIL-S-19500/280A(EC) 6 January 1978 SUPERSED ING MIL-S-19500/280 (NAVY) 2 October 1964 SEMLCONDUCTOR DEVICES, THYRISTOR (CONTROLLED RECTIFIER), SILICON TYPES 2N3091, 2N3093, 2N3095, 2N3097, 2N3098, 2N3099, 2N3101, 2N3103, 2N3105, AND 2N3106 This specification is approved for use by Naval Electronic Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1, SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for silicon thyris- tors, types 2N3091, 2N3093, 2N3095, 2N3097, 2N3098, 2N3099, 2N3101, 2N3103, 2N3105, and 2N3106 and is in accordance with MIJ-S-19500, except as otherwise specified herein. 1.2 Physical dimensions. See figure 1. 1.3 Characteristics. The following devices have characteristics at 25 +3C, unless otherwise specified herein. . Characteristic Conditions Symbol Min Max Units = --- . Vv On state voltage Tay 220 A(pk) Vow 1.7 (pk) Holding current ly -- 40 mAdc Trigger voltage Vaan = 6.0 Vde Vor 0.25 3.0 Vde T, = -40 to +125C. Trigger current Van = 6.0 Vde lop 70. mAdc Vor = 3.0 Vde max Turn-off time - ty --- 47 ys 1.4 Maximum ratings. rv} r 4 jv du le fe T Stud {Maximum 0 TSM GM | DM | GM | G(AV) STG operating torque altitude A |A(L cycle) vo iw W C 1b-in | mmiig 50 1000 5 10 5 0.5 ~40 to +125 |-40 to +125 150 15 1/ This average on-state current is for a maximum allowable case temperature of 93C and 180 electrical degrees of half sine wave conduction. ating conditions, see figure 2. 2/ Surge rating is nonrecurrent and applies only with device in conducting state. For other maximum oper- Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Electronic Systems Command, ATIN: ELEX 5043, Department of the Navy, Washington DC 20360, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document, or by letter, . Naval FSC 5961MIL SPECS Ic J qdoo1e5 0003621 9 & MIL-S~19500/280A (EC) 1/ 1/ 2/ 2/ Type Vecrms) | Yrrw ~ Yorm VepeyR Yopryr | . Units min max. 2N3091 420 600 600 700 --- Vv 2N3093 560 800 800 900 ~-- v 2N3095 700 1000 1060 1100 --- Vv 2N3097 | 840 1200 1200 1300 --- Vv 2N3098 910 1300 1300 1400 --- Vv 2N3099 420 600 600 700 900 v 2N3101 560 800 800 900 1100 Vv 2N3103 700 1000 1000 1100 1300 Vv 2N3105 840 1200 1200 1300 1500 Vv 2N3106 910 1300 1300 1400 1600 v 1/ Values apply for zero or negative gate voltage (-VQ). 2/ Reverse breakdown voltage. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Issues of documents. The following documents, of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS ~ MILITARY MIL~S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification For. STANDARD MILITARY MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by con- tractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Other publications. The following document forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. National Bureau of Standards Handbook H28 = Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services. (Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General. The devices shall be in accordance with MIL~S-19500 and as specified herein, 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. The abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein are defined in MIL-S-19500. 3.3 Symbol, The symbol for thyristors shall be as shown on figure 3.INCHES 020 -040 055 -110 . 140 . 150 170 -250 .300 .310 325 350 425 435 4675 500 .650 .197 -827 1,000 1.031 1.062 1.125 1.750 6.075 6.512 7,000 7,650 MM 51 1.02 1.40 2.79 3.56 3.81 4,32 6.35 7.62 7.87 8.26 8.89 10.80 11.05 11.874 12.70 16.51 20.24 21.01 25.40 26.19 26.97 28.58 44.45 154.30 165.40 177.80 194.31 MIL SPECS 1c goog12s OOo3be2 Oo ff MIL-S-19500/280A(EC) 10 _ toe A10_ 650 MAX +) G | .05 Lap et J Ls - a | .325 MAX | |.310 | 1 .250 u GRAY | 425 - t600 "250 3 WHITE 6.512 6.075 - | o| | 4 1,000 DIA dae Ep f-'70 \i28 JS } {SEATING PLANE 435 827 : "425 DIA ' ' ~N NI 500-20 UNF-2A NOTES: 1. 2. w anf Complete threads to extend within 2.50 threads of seating plane. Maximum pitch diameter of plated threads shall be basic pitch diameter .4675 (11.874 mm) Ref. (Screw Thread Standards for Federal Services 1969) Handbook H28, Pi. Angular orientation of these terminals is undefined. Square or radius on end of terminal is optional. A chamfer or undercut on one or both ends of hex portions is optional. Dimensions are in inches. Metric equivalents are given for general information only and are based upon 1.00 inch = 25.4 mm. . FIGURE 1. Dimensions of thyristors, types 2N3091, 2N3093, 2N3095, 2N3097, 2N3098, 2N3099, 2N3101, 2N3103, 2N3105 and 2N3106 - Continued.MIL SPECS TCH oo00n25 oooab23 2 & MIL-S-19500/280A( EC) 130 120 110 180 o 100 ee CONDUCTION ANGLE. MAX. ALLOWABLE STUD TEMPERATURE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT AMPERES 100 10 FIGURE 2. Maximum allowable case temperature. CATHODE GATE ON-STATE DIRECTION ANODE FIGURE 3. Symbol for thyristors.MIL SPECS TCM ocooles vuosbes 4 8 MIL-S-19500/ 280A(EC) 3.4 Design, construction, and physical dimensions, Thyristors shall be of the lesign, construction, and physical dimensions shown on figure 1. 3.5 Performance characteristics. The performance characteristics of thyristors hall be as specified in 4.3.1, 4.3.2, and 4.3.3. 3.6 Marking. The following marking specified in MIL-S-19500 may be omitted from the devices: a. Manufacturer's identification. b. Country of origin. 3.6.1 Polarity marking on thyristors. The polarity shall be indicated by marking the body with the graphical symbol for thyristors so oriented that the arrow points mn the direction of easy flow of the conventional current (on-state direction). 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with {IL-S-19500 and as specified herein. 4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall consist of the xxaminations and tests specified in tables I, II, and III. 4.2.1 Qualification testing. Qualification testing shali consist of the following: a. All structurally identical device types that specify a maximum reverse breakdown voltage may be used to qualify device types that do not specify a maximum reverse breakdown voltage. b. Subgroups 1 and 4 of group B inspection and subgroup 4 of group C inspec- tion may be performed on any type to qualify that type and all lower voltage types or shall be performed on a "lot" basis. ec. Subgroup 2 of group B inspection shall be performed on a sublot" basis. d. Subgroup 3 of group B inspection and subgroups 1 and 2 of group C inspec- tion may be performed on any type to qualify all types under this speci- fication. e. Subgroup 3 of group C inspection may be performed on any type to qualify that type and all lower voltage types. . 4.3 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall consist of group A, B, and G inspections. 4.3.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table I. 4.3.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table ITI. 4.3.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table III.MIL SPECS 1c oooo1es ooosees 4 MIL-S~19500/280A(EC) 4.4 Methods of examination and test. Methods of examination and test shall be as specified in table I, II, and III and as follows: 4.4.1 Intermittent life. The thyristors shall be operated in a single phase circuit as shown on figure 4 with 165 +15 degree conduction angle. Device case temperature shall be maintained at 80 +5C as measured with a thermocouple rigidly attached to the case hex. Peak input voltage from a 60 hertz (Hz) sinusoidal blocking voltage power supply shall be equal to rated blocking voltage, Average forward current shall be 50 amperes per device from the 60 Hz sinusoidal forward current supply. The blocking voltage supply shall be phase delayed 90 electrical degrees with respect to the forward current supply in order to impose both off-state and reverse blocking duty on the devices under test. The on-state current supply consists of a low voltage transformer with a means of adjusting the secondary voltage. The blocking voltage supply consists of a high voltage transformer with a synchronous switch connected in series with one of the secondary transformer leads. The synchronous switch is set to conduct for 165 +15 electrical degrees during the interval when terminal A is negative with respect to terminal C. A minimum of two and a maximum of five electrical degrees off-time shall be allowed after on-state current conduction before blocking voltage is applied by the synchronous switch. The gate trigger pulses shall be delivered from a trigger circuit having an open circuit voltage of 7.0 +3.0 volts and a short circuit current of 1.2 +0.8 amperes. The gate pulse average power input shall not exceed 0.5 watts. The gate trigger supply shall be in phase with the device forward current supply. 4.4.2 Hermetic seal tests. All devices shall be subjected to hermetic seal tests (fine-leak followed by gross-leak) with test conditions as specified in and Failed devices from either test shall be removed from the lot. Hermetic seal (fine-leak) test. All devices shall be fine leak tested in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 1071, test condition G or H. The leak-rate rejec- tion criterion shall be 5 x 107? cubic centimeters of helium per second when measured at a differential pressure.of one atmosphere. Hermetic seal (gross-leak) test. All devices shall be tested for gross- leaks in accordance with MIL*STD-750, method 1071, test conditions A, C, D, or F. 4.4.3 Blocking life. The specified peak voltage shall be applied from anode to cathode with the gate terminal open circuited. The voltage shall be a 60 Hz sine wave. The device case temperature shall be maintained at the specified value throughout the specified test time. A resistor of 50 ohms shall be connected in series with the volt- age power supply to limit current in the event of device voltage breakdown. The basic circuit shown on figure 5 may be used. 4.4.4 Breakover voltage. This test shall be performed by applying a full wave rectified 60 Hz sine wave of voltage that exceeds the breakover voltage of the device and will turn it on. The on-state current shall then be adjusted to 100 milliamperes (pk), minimum. The duration of this test shall be no less than 5 seconds. This test shall be performed with the gate terminal open circuited. The circuit shown on figure 6 may be used for this test. 4.4.5 Reverse breakdown voltage. This test shall be performed by applying a full wave rectified 60 Hz sine wave of voltage that exceeds the reverse breakdown voltage of the device and will drive it into the reverse breakdown mode. The peak power dissipation shall be 20 watts peak minimum. This test shall be performed with the gate terminal open circuited. The circuit shown on figure 6 may be used for this test.MIL SPECS TC oooo12s oooaneb 3 i TABLE I. Group A inspection. MIL-S-19500/280A( EC) Examination or test MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Method Details Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 5 Visual and mechanical 2071 examination Subgroup 2 5 Breakover voltage 60 Hz full wave rectified (B0) (See 4.4.4) ac,100 mA peak, 5 s minimum duration 2N3091 600 --- | V(pk) 2N3093 800 --~ | V(pk) 2N3095 1000 --- | V(pk) 2N3097 1200 --- | V(pk) 2N3098 1300 --- vyek 2N3099 600 --- | V(pk) 2N3101 800 --- very 2N3103 1000 --- | V(pk 2N3105 . 1200 --~ | V(pk) 2N3106 1300 --- | V(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 | AC method, bias condition D Topn f = 60 Hz 2N3091 VorM = 600 V(pk) oe 2 mA(pk) 2N3093 VoRM = 800 V(pk) --- 2 mA(pk) 2N3095 VorM = 1000 V{pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3097 Voam = 1200 V(pk) --- 2 mA(pk) 2N3098 Vor = 1300 V{pk) --- 2 mA(pk) 2N3099 Vorm = 600 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3101 Vorm = 800 V(pk) . oo 2 | mA(pk) 2N3103 Vem = 1000 V(pk) + 2 mA(pk) 2N3105 Vorm = 1200 V(pk) --- 2 mA(pk) 2N3106 V = 1300 v(pk) ane 2 | mA(pk) DRM . Reverse breakdown voltage --- 60 Hz full wave rectified Y(BR)R (See 4.4.5) ac 520 watt peak,5 s minimum duration 2N3091 700 --- | pk) 2N3093 900 --~ | V(pk) 2N3095 1100 mee vee 2N3097 1300 --- | V(pk 2N3098 1400 --- | V(pk 2N3099 700 900 | V(pk 2N3101 900 1100 | V(pk 2N3103 3100 1300 | V{pk 2N3105 1300 1500 | Vipk 2N3106 1400 1600 | V{pk Reverse blocking current 4211 | AC method, bias condition D Tppu f - 6 Zz . 2N3091 Verm = 600 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3093 Vepm = 800 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3095 VppM = 1000 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3097 Vary = 1200 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3098 VerM = 1300 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3099 Vepm = 600 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3101 Very = 800 V(pk) --- 2 |mA(pk) 2N3103 Very = 1000 V(pk) -- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3105 Vepm = 1200 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3106 Verm = 1300 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk)MIL SPECS MIL-S~19500/280A( EC) TC o0001e5 o003be7 T TABLE I, Group A inspection - Continued Examination or test MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Method Details Symbo! Min Max Unit Subgroup 2 (cont'd) High temperature forward 4206 |AC method, bias condition D Topm blocking current Te = 125C, f = 60 Hz 2N3091 Yoru = 600 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3093 Yoru = 800 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3095 Vopy = 1000 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3097 Vor = 1200 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3098 Vor = 1300 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3099 Vpn = 600 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3101 Vorm = 800 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3103 Yorn = 1000 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3105 Vorm = 1200 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3106 Vpn = 1300 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) High temperature reverse 4211 {AC method, bias condition D TaRM blocking current Te = 125C, f = 60 Hz 2N3091 Verw = 600 (pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3093 Vary = 800 V(pk) oe 15 | mA(pk) 2N3095 Very = 1000 (pk) wee 15 | mA(pk) 2N3097 Very = 1200 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3098 Ver = 1300 V(pk) eee 15 | mA(pk) 2N3099 Vem = 600 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3101 Verw = 800 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3103 Very = 1000 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3105 Very = 1200 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) 2N3106 Vary = 1300 V(pk) --- 15 | mA(pk) Exponential rate of voltage 4231 Te = 125C, bias condition D Vy rise dv ae = 200 V/us 2N3091 Vaq = 600 Vde 570 -~- | Vde 2N3093 Vaq = 800 Vdc 760 --- | Vde 2N3095 Vag = 1000 Vde 950 --- | Vde 2N3097 Vaq = 1200 Vdc 1140 --- | Vde 2N3098 Vag = 1300 Vde 1235 --- | Vdc 2N3099 Vag = 600 Vdc 570 --- | Vde 2N3101 Vag = 800 Vde 760 --- | Vde 2N3103 Vag = 1000 Vde 950 --- | Vde 2N3105 Vag = 1200 Vdc 1140 --- | Vdc 2N3106 Vaq = 1300 Vde 1235 --- | Vde C= 1 uF, RP = 50 ohms Repetition rate = 60 pps Test duration = 15 s Subgroup 3 5 Gate trigger voltage and gate 4221 Vo = 6.0 Vdc Ver --- 3.0 Vde trigger current R, = 10 ohms; Rp = 20 ohms let 5 | 70 | made On-state voltage 4226 | Iyy = 220 A(pk), pulse Vom oo 1.7 | V{pk) Pl = 8.5 ms (max) duty cycle = 2% (max)MIL SPECS Icg goo0125 GOo3be4 1 & MIL~S-19500/280A(EC) TABLE I. Group A inspection - Continued Examination or test KILSTD-750 LTPD Limits Method Details Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 3 (cont'd) Gate trigger voltage 4221 Te = 125C, Re = 202 max Ver 0.25 Vde Vo = Vorm (see 1.4), Ry = 1 ka Holding current 4201 Van = 22.5 Vde Ty 40 mAdc Gate trigger source voltage = 6.0 Vdc Try = 10 Adc Teo = 500 mAdc Ry = 50 ohms condition D Turn-off time 4224 Liu = 50 Apk, t 47 us ton = 100 +50 ys max, Vow = VRRM, Te = 125C W = 20 Wus, Vom = Yorm (see 1.4) repetition rate = 60 pps max, gate source voltage = 0 volts, gate source resistance = 1002 . TABLE II, Group B inspection oo MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Method Details Symbol | Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 10 Reverse gate current 4219 Vo = -5.0 Vdc vIg aan 300 mAdc Surge current 4066 Trcy = 1,000 Ade 10 surges total 1 surge per minute 1/120 s duration Te = 125C, rated Vern End points: Reverse blocking current 4211 AC method, bias condition D I = RRM f = 60 Hz 2N3091 VepM = 600 V(pk) =< 4 mA(pk) 2N3093 Verm = 800 V(pk) oon 4 mA(pk) 2N3095 Very = 1000 (pk) --- 4 |mA(pk) 2N3097 VeRM = 1200 V(pk) --- 4 mA(pk) 2N3098 VprM = 1300 V(pk) aon 4 mA(pk) 2N3099 Very = 600 V(pk) wen 4 |mA(pk) 2N3101 Very = 800 Vipk) or 4 |mA(pk) 2N3103 VepM = 1000 V(pk) --- 4 mA(pk) 2N3105 Very = 1200 V(pk) --- 4 |mA(pk) 2N3106 Vary = 1300 V(pk) : --- 4 |mA(pk}MIL SPECS 1c OO001e5 00035629 43 i MIL-S-19500/280A(EC) TABLE II. Group B inspection - Continued MILSTD~750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Method Details Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 (cont'd End points: (cont'd) Forward blocking current 4206 pe methoo, bias condition D Tor = Hz 2N3091 Vor = 600 bk) ++ 4 | mA(pk) 2N3093 Vppm = 800 V(Pk) +e 4 | mA(pk) 2N3095 Vorm = 1000 V(pk) we 4 | mA(pk) 2N3097 Vopq = 1200 V(pk) a 4 | mA(pk) 2N3098 Voy = 1300 V(pk) --- 4 | mA(pk) 2N3099 Vory = 600 V(pk) --- 4 | mA(pk) 2N3101 Vopr = 800 V(pk) --- 4 | mA(pk) 2N3103 Vprm = 1000 (pk) --- 4 | mA(pk) 2N3105 Vom = 1200 V(pk) wee 4 | mA(pk) 2N3106 Vory = 1300 V(pk) --- 4 | mA(pk) Subgroup 2 10 Low temperature reverse 4271 To = -40 43C. ToRM blocking current AC method, bias condition DI f = 60 Hz 2N3091 Verm = 600 V(pk) oo 2 | mA(pk) 2N3093 Vem = 800 V(pk) o-- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3095 Very = 1000 V(pk) wee 2 | mA(pk) 2N3097 Very = 1200 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3098 Very = 1300 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3099 Very = 600 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3101 Vern = 800 V(pk) --- 2 mA(pk) 2N3103 Very = 1000 V(pk) wo 2 | mA(pk) 2N3105 Vary = 1200 (pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3106 Vary = 1300 V(pk) woe 2 {| mA(pk) Low temperature forward 4206 Te = -40 43C blocking current AC method, bias condition D I f = 60 Hz ORM 2N3091 Vor = 600 V(pk) -- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3093 Vor = 800 V(pk) ooo 2 | mA(pk) 2N3095 Vppm = 1000 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3097 Vprw 2 1200 V(pk) woo 2 | mA(pk) 2N3098 VppM = 1300 V(pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3099 Vogu = 600 (pk) --- 2 | mA(pk) 2N3101 Vor = 800 V(pk) + 2 | mA(pk) 2N3103 Voru = 1000 V(pk) oo" 2 | mA(pk) 2N3105 Vppy = 1200 V(pk) me 2 | ma(pk) 2N3106 Vopy = 1300 V(pk) soo 2 | mA(pk} Low temperature gate trigger 4221 Ry = 10 ohms max Ver wee 3.0 Vdc voltage and gate trigger Re = 20 ohms ler --- 1130 mAde V, = 6.0 Vde Te = ~40 +3C End points (Same as subgroup 7 10MIL SPECS TABLE 11. Group A inspection - Continued ICM o000ie5 0003630 T i HIL-S-19500/280A(EC) MIL-STD-750 LTPO Limits Examination or test Method Details . Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 3 Thermal shack 1051 Test condition B, except (temperature cycling) Tain ~40C Thermal shock (glass strain) 1056 Test condition A Hermetic seal 1071 Test condition G or H for 5x10" eme/ fine leaks $ Test condition A, C, 0, or F for gross leaks (see 4.4.2) End points (Same as subgroup 1) Subgroup 4 Blocking life --- v = ORM RRM (see 4.4.3) Te = 123 41.526 t = 500 hours Gate trigger voltage and 4221 Vo = 6.0 Vde Vor ven 3.0 | Vde gate trigger current R, = 10 ohms ley 5 | 70.0 | mAde Re = 20 ohms On state voltage 4226 ly = 220 Adc Vang 1.7 | pk) pulse width = 8.5 ms duty cycle = 2% max End points (Same as subgroup 1) TABLE III. Group C inspection. gs MIL-STD-750 LTPO Limits Examination or fest Method Details Symbol Min Hax Unit Subgroup_1 Physical dimensions 2066 End points (Same as subgroup 1 of group B) Subgroup 2 Shock 2016 Nonoperating, 5 blows each Ye Yor A 500 q 1.0 ms Vibration fatigue 2046 Nonoperating, 5 g (Leads secured or removed) Vibration, variable frequency 2056 g, 100 to 1000 Hz (Leads secured or removed) Constant acceleration 2006 2500 g Xs Yos q (Leads secured or removed) End points (Same as subgroup 1 of group 8) Subgroup 3 Barometric pressure (reduced) 1001 15 mmig v, (see 1.4), 60 seconds RRM Salt spray (corrosion) 1046 Test condition A Terminal strength 2036 150 1b-in (Stud torque) 15 seconds End points (Same as subgroup 1 of group B) Subgroup 4 Intermittent life E.d points (Same as subgroup 1 of group 8) . . ee et Test condition 02 50 min on, 10 min off (See 4.4.1) 20MIL SPECS 1c J oooo12s oooan31 1 | MIL-S-19500/280A( EC) R c We 7 I R I A v t O 8B r | ~-L__ L wwv - rT 71 { . ON~-STATE CURRENT SUPPLY BLOCKING R R R VOLTAGE SUPPLY ee | co ! OC RESISTOR R IS FOR EQUAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTION BETWEEN PARALLELED DEVICES APPROXIMATELY 0.005 OHM FIGURE 4. Basic test circuit for intermittent life test. TEST DEVICES VorM = Vary = 60 Hz NOTE: A .25 amp fuse shall also be connected in series with each device to serve as an indicator of device voltage breakdown. Failure shall be indicated by either a blown fuse or failure to meet the specified end point test limits. The equipment shalt be designed to limit peak transient voltage values to the device voltage rating (Vopm = Vern): FIGURE 5. Basic circuit for blocking life test. 12MIL SPECS icf Oooones OOosn32 3 J MIL-S-19 500/ 280A (EC) Ry t r _o To score ! 2 HORIZONTAL fo) RMS TEST 60 Hz (a) (b) DEVICE TO SCOPE GROUND Ros < _-OTO SCOPE VERTICAL FIGURE 6. Breakover (a) and reverse breakdown (b) tester. 4.4.6 Ambient temperature. Where tests are specified at ambfent temperature, sufficient time shall be allowed for the device case temperature to stabilize at the specified ambient temperature before measurements are taken. 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging requirements. The requirements for packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500. 6. NOTES 6.1 Notes. The notes specified in MIL-S~19500 are applicable to this specification. 6.2 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue, due to the extensiveness of the changes, Custodian: Preparing activity: Navy - EC Navy - EC User activities: Agent: Navy - AS, OS, MC, CG, SH DLA - ES (Project 5961-0649) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1978-703-122/959 13