User's Manual IE-703002-MC In-Circuit Emulator Target Devices V852TM V853TM V850/Sxx products Document No. U11595EJ5V0UM00 (5th edition) Date Published March 2003 N CP(K) 1996 Printed in Japan [MEMO] 2 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM V850 Series, V852, V853, V850/SA1, V850/SB1, V850/SB2, V850/SC1, V850/SC2, V850/SC3, V850/SF1, V850/SV1 and EEPROM are trademarks of NEC Electronics Corporation. Windows is either a trademark or a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. PC/AT is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. * The information in this document is current as of November, 2002. The information is subject to change without notice. For actual design-in, refer to the latest publications of NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc., for the most up-to-date specifications of NEC Electronics products. Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information. * No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Electronics. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. * NEC Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of NEC Electronics products listed in this document or any other liability arising from the use of such products. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Electronics or others. * Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of a customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of the customer. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information. * While NEC Electronics endeavors to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of NEC Electronics products, customers agree and acknowledge that the possibility of defects thereof cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage to property or injury (including death) to persons arising from defects in NEC Electronics products, customers must incorporate sufficient safety measures in their design, such as redundancy, fire-containment and anti-failure features. * NEC Electronics products are classified into the following three quality grades: "Standard", "Special" and "Specific". The "Specific" quality grade applies only to NEC Electronics products developed based on a customerdesignated "quality assurance program" for a specific application. The recommended applications of an NEC Electronics product depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the quality grade of each NEC Electronics product before using it in a particular application. "Standard": Computers, office equipment, communications equipment, test and measurement equipment, audio and visual equipment, home electronic appliances, machine tools, personal electronic equipment and industrial robots. "Special": Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic control systems, anti-disaster systems, anti-crime systems, safety equipment and medical equipment (not specifically designed for life support). "Specific": Aircraft, aerospace equipment, submersible repeaters, nuclear reactor control systems, life support systems and medical equipment for life support, etc. The quality grade of NEC Electronics products is "Standard" unless otherwise expressly specified in NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc. If customers wish to use NEC Electronics products in applications not intended by NEC Electronics, they must contact an NEC Electronics sales representative in advance to determine NEC Electronics' willingness to support a given application. (Note) (1) "NEC Electronics" as used in this statement means NEC Electronics Corporation and also includes its majority-owned subsidiaries. (2) "NEC Electronics products" means any product developed or manufactured by or for NEC Electronics (as defined above). M8E 02. 11-1 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 3 Regional Information Some information contained in this document may vary from country to country. Before using any NEC Electronics product in your application, pIease contact the NEC Electronics office in your country to obtain a list of authorized representatives and distributors. They will verify: * Device availability * Ordering information * Product release schedule * Availability of related technical literature * Development environment specifications (for example, specifications for third-party tools and components, host computers, power plugs, AC supply voltages, and so forth) * Network requirements In addition, trademarks, registered trademarks, export restrictions, and other legal issues may also vary from country to country. NEC Electronics America, Inc. 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Novena Square, Singapore Tel: 6253-8311 Fax: 6250-3583 J02.11 4 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM MAJOR REVISIONS IN THIS EDITION Page Contents Throughout * * * * * p.14 1.1 Hardware Configuration * Addition of description of option board to extension probe explanation * Change of part numbers of some PC interface boards p.15 1.2 Features * Addition of description of maskable pins p.16 Modification of 1.3 Function Specifications p.17 Addition of option board to Figure 1-1 Basic Hardware Configuration p.18 Figure 1-2 System Configuration * Addition of IE-7000-PCI-IF-A and IE-70000-CD-IF-A to Remark <3> PC interface board * Addition of option board pp.21, 22 1.7.1 When using IE-703002-MC on stand-alone basis for performing software debugging, 1.7.2 When performing hardware debugging with target system Addition of section (2) p.29 Addition of 2.2.3 When IE-703002-MC is used connected to option board p.37 3.2 Connection to Target System Change of description of (2) (a) and (b) Modification of Figure 3-10 Connection to Target System TM Deletion of V851 from target devices Addition of V853 and V850/Sxx products to target devices Change from evaluation chip to emulation CPU Deletion of description of PC interface boards IF-70000-98-IF-B and IF-70000-PC-IF-B Change of description about how to connect IE-703002-MC to target system; from rear side of pod to connection tab of option board * Addition of description about referring to user's manual of option board The mark shows major revised points. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 5 INTRODUCTION Target Readers This manual is intended for users who design and develop application systems using the V852, V853 or V850/Sxx products. Purpose To enable efficient debugging with the IE-703002-MC or a combination of the IE703002-MC and an option board (IE-7030xx-MC-EM1) when designing and developing application systems using the V852, V853 or V850/Sxx. This manual describes the proper operation of the IE-703002-MC and its basic specifications. Organization This manual is broadly divided into the following parts. How to Use This Manual * Overview * Factory settings * Names and functions of parts * Option board * Connections of parts * Cautions It is assumed that the readers of this manual have a general knowledge in the fields of electrical engineering, logic circuits, and microcontrollers. To learn the basic specifications and operations Read this manual in the order of the CONTENTS. To learn in detail about the connectors for target connection Read APPENDIX C CONNECTORS FOR TARGET CONNECTION. To learn the operation methods, command functions, etc., of the IE-703002-MC Conventions Read the user's manual of the debugger that is used (sold separately). Note: Footnote for item marked with Note in the text Caution: Information requiring particular attention Remark: Supplementary information Numeric notation: Binary... xxxx or xxxxB Decimal... xxxx Hexadecimal...xxxxH Prefixes indicating power of 2 (address space, memory capacity): K (kilo): 10 2 = 1,024 20 M (mega): 2 = 1,024 Terminology 6 2 The meanings of terms used in this manual are listed below. Target device This is the device to be emulated. Target system The system (user-built system) to be debugged. This includes the target program and hardware provided by the user. Evaluation chip This is the device that performs emulation of the target device in the IE-703002-MC. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM RELATED DOCUMENTS The related documents indicated in this publication may include preliminary versions. However, preliminary versions are not marked as such. { TM TM TM TM TM Documents related to V852, V853, V850/SA1 , V850/SB1 , V850/SC1 , V850/SC2 , V850/SC3 , TM V850/SF1 , and V850/SV1 TM Device V850 Series Document Name TM Document Number V850 Family Architecture User's Manual U10243E V850 Series Flash Memory Self Programming User's Manual U15673E PD703002 Data Sheet U11826E PD70P3002 Data Sheet U11827E V852 Hardware User's Manual U10038E V852 Register List U10513E PD703003A, 703004A, 703025A, 703003A(A), 703025A(A) Data Sheet U13188E PD70P3002 Data Sheet U13189E V853 Hardware User's Manual U10913E V850/SA1 Application Note U13851E V850/SA1 Hardware User's Manual U12768E PD703031A, 703031AY, 703033AY, 70F3033A, 70F3033AY Data Sheet U14734E PD703032A, 703032AY, 70F3032A, 70F3032AY Data Sheet U14893E PD703034A, 703034AY, 703035A, 703035AY, 70F3035A, 70F3035AY Data Sheet U14780E PD703037A, 703037AY, 70F3037A, 70F3037AY Data Sheet U14894E V850/SB1, V850/SB2 Hardware User's Manual U13850E V850/SC1, SC2, SC3 V850/SC1, V850/SC2, V850/SC3 Hardware User's Manual U15109E V850/SF1 PD703078Y, 703079Y, 70F3079Y Data Sheet U15183E V850/SF1 Hardware User's Manual U14665E PD703039, 703039Y, 703040, 703040Y, 703041 Data Sheet To be prepared PD70F3040, 70F3040Y Data Sheet To be prepared V850/SV1 Hardware User's Manual U14462E V852 V853 V850/SA1 V850/SB1, SB2 V850/SV1 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 7 { Documents related to development tools (user's manual) Document Name IE-703002-MC (In-circuit emulator) This manual IE-703003-MC-EM1 (In-circuit emulator option board for V853) U11596E IE-703017-MC-EM1 (In-circuit emulator option board for V850/SA1) U12898E IE-703037-MC-EM1 (In-circuit emulator option board for V850/SB1, V850/SB2) U14151E IE-703079-MC-EM1 (In-circuit emulator option board for V850/SF1) U15447E IE-703040-MC-EM1 (In-circuit emulator option board for V850/SV1) U14337E CA850 Ver. 2.50 or later (C compiler package) Operation U16053E C Language U16054E PM plus U16055E Assembly Language U16042E ID850 Ver. 2.50 (Integrated debugger) Operation Windows-based U15181E SM850 Ver. 2.50 (System simulator) Operation Windows-based U15182E SM850 Ver. 2.00 or later (System simulator) External Part User Open Interface Specifications U14873E RX850 Ver. 3.13 or later (Real-time OS) Basics U13430E Installation U13410E Technical U13431E Basics U13773E Installation U13774E Technical U13772E RX850 Pro Ver. 3.13 (Real-time OS) 8 Document Number RD850 Ver. 3.01 (Task debugger) U13737E RD850 Pro Ver. 3.01 (Task debugger) U13916E AZ850 Ver. 3.10 (System performance analyzer) U14410E PG-FP4 (Flash memory programmer) U15260E User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW..................................................................................................................13 1.1 Hardware Configuration .......................................................................................................14 1.2 Features .................................................................................................................................15 1.3 Function Specifications........................................................................................................16 1.4 Hardware Configuration .......................................................................................................17 1.5 System Configuration...........................................................................................................18 1.6 Contents in Carton................................................................................................................19 1.7 Setup ......................................................................................................................................21 1.7.1 When using IE-703002-MC on stand-alone basis for performing software debugging.............. 21 1.7.2 When performing hardware debugging with target system........................................................ 22 CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS ...................................................................23 2.1 Names and Functions...........................................................................................................24 2.1.1 Names and functions of main unit.............................................................................................. 24 2.1.2 Names and functions of pod part ............................................................................................... 25 2.2 Clock Setting .........................................................................................................................28 2.2.1 When IE-703002-MC is used alone ........................................................................................... 28 2.2.2 When IE-703002-MC is used connected to target system......................................................... 28 2.2.3 When IE-703002-MC is used connected to option board .......................................................... 29 2.3 Setting of Illegal Access Detection ROM ............................................................................29 2.4 Operating Voltage Setting ....................................................................................................30 CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS........................................................................................32 3.1 Connection to Personal Computer......................................................................................32 3.1.1 Overview of connection.............................................................................................................. 32 3.1.2 Connection procedure................................................................................................................ 32 3.1.3 Personal computer setting ......................................................................................................... 35 3.1.4 Connection of PC interface cable............................................................................................... 36 3.2 Connection to Target System ..............................................................................................37 3.3 Cable Connections................................................................................................................39 3.3.1 Connection of power adapter ..................................................................................................... 39 3.3.2 PC interface cable connection ................................................................................................... 39 3.3.3 External logic probe connection................................................................................................. 40 3.3.4 Additional information................................................................................................................. 40 3.4 System Power-on and Power-off .........................................................................................42 3.4.1 Power-on procedure................................................................................................................... 42 3.4.2 Power-off procedure................................................................................................................... 42 CHAPTER 4 FACTORY SETTINGS.................................................................................................43 CHAPTER 5 OPTION BOARD ........................................................................................................44 CHAPTER 6 CAUTIONS ..................................................................................................................45 6.1 LED Display ...........................................................................................................................45 6.2 Operating Voltage .................................................................................................................45 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 9 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Internal RAM and ROM......................................................................................................... 46 Target System VDD ............................................................................................................... 46 Pin Handling.......................................................................................................................... 47 Port 4, Port 5 ......................................................................................................................... 48 Bus Interface Pins ................................................................................................................ 49 Operating Frequency of IE-703002-MC .............................................................................. 50 APPENDIX A PACKAGE DRAWINGS............................................................................................ 51 APPENDIX B APPLICATION EXAMPLES OF CONNECTOR FOR TARGET CONNECTION. 57 APPENDIX C CONNECTORS FOR TARGET CONNECTION .................................................... 59 C.1 Use ......................................................................................................................................... 59 C.2 Cautions on Handling Connectors ..................................................................................... 61 APPENDIX D MOUNTING OF PLASTIC SPACERS ........................................................................ 62 10 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title Page 1-1 Basic Hardware Configuration........................................................................................................................17 1-2 System Configuration .....................................................................................................................................18 1-3 Contents in IE-703002-MC Carton .................................................................................................................19 1-4 Accessories ....................................................................................................................................................20 2-1 IE-703002-MC ................................................................................................................................................23 2-2 Main Unit ........................................................................................................................................................24 2-3 Pod (Top View)...............................................................................................................................................25 2-4 Pod (Bottom View)..........................................................................................................................................27 3-1 Setting of DIP Switch 1 (SW1) (IE-70000-98-IF-C) ........................................................................................33 3-2 Setting of DIP Switch 2 (SW2) (IE-70000-98-IF-C) ........................................................................................33 3-3 Setting of DIP Switch 1 (SW1) (IE-70000-PC-IF-C) .......................................................................................34 3-4 Setting of DIP Switch 2 (SW2) (IE-70000-PC-IF-C) .......................................................................................34 3-5 Rear Panel of PC-9800 Series .......................................................................................................................35 3-6 Insertion of PC Interface Board ......................................................................................................................35 3-7 Connection of Cable to PC Interface Board ...................................................................................................36 3-8 Connection of Connector for Target Connection and Connector for Emulator Connection............................37 3-9 Pin 1 Direction Marking of Connector (Top View) ..........................................................................................37 3-10 Connection of IE-703002-MC to Target System.............................................................................................38 3-11 Power Adapter Connection.............................................................................................................................39 3-12 PC Interface Cable Connection ......................................................................................................................39 3-13 External Logic Probe Connection ...................................................................................................................40 3-14 External Logic Probe Connection (Using IC Clip)...........................................................................................41 5-1 Option Board PGA Socket Lever....................................................................................................................44 6-1 Circuit Diagram of PLLSEL Pin and CKSEL Pin.............................................................................................47 6-2 Circuit Diagram of Port 4, Port 5.....................................................................................................................48 C-1 Mounting of NQPACK100SD..........................................................................................................................59 C-2 Mouting Device...............................................................................................................................................60 C-3 NQPACK100SD and Device Pin ....................................................................................................................60 D-1 Mounting Method (When Using IE-703002-MC Alone) ..................................................................................62 D-2 Mounting Method (When Using IE-703002-MC + Option Board) ...................................................................63 D-3 Mounting Method (When Mounting Plastic Spacer on Option Board) ............................................................63 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 11 LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page 6-1 Differences Between Target System Supply Voltage and IE-703002-MC Operating Voltage........................45 6-2 Memory Capacity Limitation List.....................................................................................................................46 6-3 Bus Interface Pin Operation List .....................................................................................................................49 6-4 List of Oscillator Frequencies for Clock Modes ..............................................................................................50 12 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW The IE-703002-MC is an in-circuit emulator that efficiently debugs hardware and software of systems being developed using V852, V853 and V850/Sxx products. It incorporates functions such as a break/trace function using events, a coverage function for program performance evaluation, and a timer/counter function. The IE-703002-MC can also be used as an in-circuit emulator for developing systems that use V853 and V850/Sxx products (but not the V852) by connecting an option board. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 13 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1.1 Hardware Configuration In-circuit emulator (IE-703002-MC) Separately sold hardware Option board The IE-703002-MC can be used as an in-circuit (IE-7030xx-MC-EM1) emulator of V853 and V850/Sxx products (not V852) by connecting this board. Extension probe (SC-xxxSDANote 1) General-purpose extension probe. Product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. This varies depending on the option board to be used. PC interface board These boards are used to connect the IE-703002- IE-70000-xx-IF-C MC to a personal computer. These boards are IE-70000-PCI-IF-A added into the expansion slot of a personal IE-70000-CD-IF-A computer. xx: 98 (for PC-9800 series C bus)Note 2 PC (for IBM PC/ATTM compatible ISA bus)Note 2 IE-70000-PCI-IF-A: For PCI bus IE-70000-CD-IF-A: For PCMCIA socket Network module This module is used when a workstation controls the (IE-70000-MC-SV3) IE-703002-MC via EthernetTM. Power adapter An AC adapter dedicated to the NEC Electronics in- (IE-70000-MC-PS-B) circuit emulator. Notes 1. For further information, contact Daimaru Kogyo., Ltd. Tokyo Electronic Division (TEL +81-3-3820-7112) Osaka Electronic Division (TEL +81-6-6244-6672) 2. These interface boards cannot be used for the PC98-NX series. 14 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1.2 Features { Maximum operating frequency: 33 MHz (at 3.0 to 5.5 V operation) { Higher equivalence with target device can be achieved by omitting buffer between signal cables. { Following pins can be masked. RESET, NMI, WAIT, HLDRQ Maskable pins vary depending on the option board to be used. { Two methods of connection to target system. * Directly connect to the connection tab of the option board. * Attach an extension probe (sold separately) to the connection tab of the option board for connection. { Dimensions and environmental conditions for operation are as follows. Parameter Value Maximum operating frequency 33 MHz Supply voltage (DC) 5V Operating voltage (DC) 3.0 to 5.5 V Power dissipation 10 W (Operating frequency: 33 MHz)Note Outer dimensions (Refer to Appendix A Package Drawings) Height 56 mm Length 403 mm Width 90 mm Weight 475 g Operating temperature range 0 to 40C Storage temperature range 0 to 45C Ambient humidity range 10 to 80%RH Note To enable operation under the maximum operating frequency of 33 MHz, a factory-set 6.667 MHz crystal oscillator is included in the IE-703002-MC. If this emulator is used connected to the option board, refer to the user's manual of the option board used. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 15 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1.3 Function Specifications Item Emulation memory capacity Specification Internal ROM External Memory Execution/pass detection coverage memory capacity 1 MB In ROMless mode 2 MB When using iROM 1 MB Internal ROM External memory 1 MB In ROMless mode 2 MB When using iROM 1 MB Memory access detection coverage memory capacity External memory 1 MB Branch destination entry number counting coverage memory capacity Internal ROM 1 MB External Memory In ROMless Mode 2 MB When using iROM 1 MB Trace memory capacity 150 bits x 32 Kframes Time measurement function Measurement enabled with time tag or three timers External logic probe 4-bit external trace possible Trace/break event setting possible Break function Event break Step execution break Forced break Fail-safe break * Illegal access to peripheral I/O * Access to guard space * Write to ROM space Caution 16 Some of the functions may not be supported depending on the debugger used. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1.4 Hardware Configuration The basic hardware configuration of the IE-703002 is as follows. Figure 1-1. Basic Hardware Configuration IE-703002-MC Main unit Pod part iROM Memory board Trace memory MM1 C0 Coverage board MM2 Emulation CPU Access coverage board MM3 Illegal access detection Illegal access detection ROM Emulation memory OSC PC data bus Extension probe Host machine Option board User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM Target system 17 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1.5 System Configuration The system configuration when connecting the IE-703002-MC to a personal computer is illustrated below (PC9800 Series or PC/AT TM (or compatible machines)). Figure 1-2. System Configuration <12> <5> <14> <6> [Magnified drawing: example of use of connector for target connection] <13> <11> <7> <9> <4> <2> <10> Target system <8> <3> <9> <10> For PC/AT <1> Target system Remark <1> Personal computer (PC-9800 Series or PC/AT) <2> Debugger (sold separately) <3> PC interface board (IE-70000-98-IF-C, IE-70000-PC-IF-C, IE-70000-PCI-IF-A, IE-70000-CD-IF-A: Sold <4> PC Interface cable (included) <5> IE-703002-MC (In-circuit emulator) <6> External logic probe (included) <7> Socket for target connection <8> Extension probe (SC-100SD: Sold separately) <9> Connector for emulator connection (YQPACK100SD: Included) separately) Note <10> Connector for target connection (NQPACK100SD: Included) <11> Power adapter (IE-70000-MC-PS-B: Sold separately) <12> 100-VAC power cable (sold separately: Included with IE-70000-MC-PS-B) <13> 220-VAC power cable (sold separately: Included with IE-70000-MC-PS-B) <14> Option board (sold separately) Note 18 Product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1.6 Contents in Carton The carton of the IE-703002-MC contains the main unit, guarantee card, packing list, and accessory bag. Make sure that the accessory bag includes this manual and cables. In the case of missing or damaged contents, please contact an NEC Electronics sales representative or distributor. Figure 1-3. Contents in IE-703002-MC Carton <1> IE-703002-MC <4> Packing list <3> Guarantee card <2> Accessory bag <1> IE-703002-MC x 1 pc. <2> Accessory bag x 1 pc. <3> Guarantee card x 1 pc. <4> Packing list x 1 sheet User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 19 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW Check that the accessory bag contains this manual, an accessory list, and the following accessories. (a) PC interface cable x 1 (b) External logic probe x 1 (c) Connector for target connection (NQPACK100SD) x 1 set (including NQGUIDE x 3, screw driver x 1) (d) Connector for emulator connection (YQPACK100SD) x 1 set (including YQGUIDE x 4) (e) Cover for device mounting (HQPACK100SD) x 1 set (including fixing screws x 4) (f) Socket for target connection (YQSOCKET100SDN) x 1 (g) Plastic spacer x 2 sets (including plastic screw x 2) Figure 1-4. Accessories (a) PC interface cable (b) External logic probe (c) Connector for target connection NQPACK100SD (Side view) (d) Connector for emulator connection YQPACK100SD (Side view) YQGUIDE (Fixing screws) 20 (e) Cover for device mounting HQPACK100SD (Side view) (f) Socket for target connection YQSOCKET100SDN (Side view) Fixing screws User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM NQGUIDE (Guide pins) Screw driver (g) Plastic spacers CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1.7 Setup The following two system configurations for the IE-703002-MC are possible, depending on the purpose. This section describes the setup procedure according to each purpose as follows. Step Reference section 1.7.1 When using IE-703002-MC on stand-alone basis for performing software debugging (1) Connect interface board to PC 3.1 Connection to Personal Computer Before connecting, make sure that the power of the PC is off. (2) Set clock operation mode of IE-703002-MC 2.2 Clock Setting The IE-703002-MC is provided with a 6.667 MHz crystal oscillator when shipped from the factory. The clock setting differs depending on the option board used. For details, refer to the user's manual of the option board used. (3) Set illegal access detection ROM 2.3 Setting of Illegal Access Detection ROM Switch the illegal access detection ROM. (For details, refer to the user's manual of the option board used.) (4) Set jumpers to adapt to voltage range of CPU and target system 2.4 Operating Voltage Setting Set jumpers to adapt to voltage range of CPU and target system (For details, refer to the user's manual of the option board used.) (5) Connect cables 3.3 Cable Connections Connect power source adapter and interface cable. (6) Power up IE-703002-MC, then PC 3.4 System Power-on and Power-off User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 21 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1.7.2 When performing hardware debugging with target system Caution Before turning on the power of the target system, make sure that the power of the IE-703002-MC is turned on. If the target system is turned on while the IE-703002-MC is off, the target system or the IE-703002MC may be damaged. (1) Connect interface board to PC 3.1 Connection to Personal Computer Before connecting, make sure that the power of the PC is off. (2) Set clock operation mode of IE-703002-MC 2.2 Clock Setting The IE-703002-MC is provided with a 6.667 MHz crystal oscillator at factory shipping. The clock setting differs depending on the option board used. For details, refer to the user's manual of the option board used. (3) Set illegal access detection ROM 2.3 Setting of Illegal Access Detection ROM Switch the illegal access detection ROM. (For details, refer to the user's manual of the option board used.) (4) Set jumpers to adapt to voltage range of CPU and target system 2.4 Operating Voltage Setting Set jumpers to adapt to voltage range of CPU and target system (For details, refer to the user's manual of the option board used.) (5) Connect cables 3.3 Cable Connections Connect power source adapter and interface cable. 22 (6) Connect IE-703002-MC to target system 3.2 Connection to Target System (7) Power up IE-703002-MC, then PC, then target system 3.4 System Power-on and Power-off User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS This chapter describes the name and function of each part of the IE-703002-MC, as well as switch settings. Figure 2-1. IE-703002-MC Pod Main unit User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 23 CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 2.1 Names and Functions 2.1.1 Names and functions of main unit Figure 2-2. Main Unit PC interface connector LED Power switch Power jack (1) Power switch This is the main power ON/OFF switch of the IE-703002-MC. ON/OFF is printed on the chassis of the main unit. (2) Power jack The power adapter (IE-70000-MC-PS-B: Sold separately) is connected here. (3) PC interface connector The PC interface cable (included) is connected here. (4) LED Lit when the power is on, extinguished when the power is off. 24 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 2.1.2 Names and functions of pod part Figure 2-3. Pod (Top View) A1 pin direction mark on the Emulation CPU Pin 1 direction mark of connector for target connection JP1 JP2 A1 GND pin GND Emulation CPU TRG pin CKSEL (green) MODE3 (green) TARGET (yellow) POWER (red) L E D TRG MM1 MM2 MM3 OFF ON OFF ON SW1 SW2 External logic connector EEPROMTM JP4 OSC 1 3 (1) TRG pin The trigger signal output pin (2) GND pin The GND pin used during trigger signal output (3) External logic connector Connects the external logic probe (included). (4) Crystal oscillator (OSC) A 6.667 MHz crystal oscillator is installed when shipped from the factory. This socket-mounted oscillator can easily be replaced. Clock supply using the crystal resonator of the target board is not supported, so be sure to use a clock oscillator to supply the clock to the X1 pin. (For details, refer to the user's manual of the option board used.) User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 25 CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS (5) SW1, SW2 Switches for clock mode switching. (Refer to 2.2 Clock Setting) (6) JP1 The jumper switch for switching illegal access detection ROM. (Refer to 2.3 Setting of Illegal Access Detection ROM) (7) JP2 The jumper switch for switching the clock supply source. (Refer to 2.2 Clock Setting) (8) JP3, JP4 The jumper switch for making the voltage range of the CPU and that of the target system correspond. (Refer to 2.4 Operating Voltage Setting) (9) LED Name CKSEL (green) MODE3 (green) TARGET (yellow) POWER (red) TargetNote V852 V852 V852 V852 LED State When Using Only IE-703002-MC When Using IE-703002-MC Connected to Target System Lit SW 2 = ON CKSEL signal from target system is high level Extinguished SW 2 = OFF CKSEL signal from target system is low level Lit SW 1 = ON PLLSEL signal from target system is high level Extinguished SW 2 = OFF PLLSEL signal from target system is low level Power of target system = ON Extinguished (Always extinguished) Power of target system = OFF Lit Power switch of main unit = ON Extinguished Power switch of main unit = OFF Lit Note V852: V852 application system When the IE-703002-MC is used connected an option board, apply the setting for SW1, SW2 and each jumper as specified in the user's manual of the option board used. 26 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS Figure 2-4. Pod (Bottom View) Connector for target connection Pin 1 direction Socket for add-on board connection 1 25 (1) Connector for target connection The connector to connect the target system or extension probe (sold separately). (2) Socket for option board connection The PGA socket to connect the option board (sold separately). User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 27 CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 2.2 Clock Setting Remark JP2 in the pod is factory-set as shown on the right (The numbers 1, 2, 7, 8 are the jumper pin numbers printed on the board). 7 1 8 2 2.2.1 When IE-703002-MC is used alone Jumper contact When IE-703002-MC is used to develop V852 application system Clock Supply Source Setting Clock Supply Method Internal clock PLL mode Clock Mode Setting Pod SW1 Setting (PLLSEL Setting) Pod JP2 Setting x5 multiplication (input clock x 5) 7 1 8 2 Direct mode (input clock x 1/2) PLL mode OFF ON x1 multiplication (input clock x 1) Target clock Pod SW2 Setting (CKSEL Setting) x5 multiplication (input clock x 5) x1 multiplication (input clock x 1) 7 1 8 2 Direct mode (input clock x 1/2) OFF don't care ON ON OFF OFF don't care ON 2.2.2 When IE-703002-MC is used connected to target system When IE-703002-MC is used to develop V852 application system Clock Supply Source Setting Clock Supply Method Internal clock PLL mode Clock Mode Setting Pod JP2 Setting x5 multiplication (input clock x 5) x1 multiplication (input clock x 1) 7 1 8 2 Direct mode (Input clock x 1/2) Target clock PLL mode x5 multiplication (input clock x 5) x1 multiplication (input clock x 1) Direct mode (Input clock x1/2) 28 7 1 8 2 Pod SW1 Setting (PLLSEL Setting) Pod SW2 Setting (CKSEL Setting) Pod SW2 Setting (CKSEL Setting) CKSEL Setting of Target System ON High level OFF Low level OFF Low level OFF Low level don't care don't care ON High level ON High level OFF Low level OFF Low level OFF Low level don't care don't care ON High level User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 2.2.3 When IE-703002-MC is used connected to option board When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V850/Sxx products by connecting an option board, apply the settings specified in the user's manual of the option board used. 2.3 Setting of Illegal Access Detection ROM The JP1 setting contents in the pod differ depending on whether the IE-703002-MC is used for developing V852 application systems, or the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V853 and V850/Sxx products by connecting the option board (sold separately). (For the position of JP1, refer to Figure 2-3 Pod (Top View).) When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing V852 application systems, keep the JP1 in its factory-set position (shorted). Remark The JP1 settings are as follows. JP1 Shorted (factory-set) Description Set during V852 application system development Accesses illegal access detection ROM (Pod ROM) for V852 OpenNote Setting prohibited during V852 application system development Accesses illegal access detection ROM (ROM on option board) for V853 and V850/Sxx products (not V852) Note When JP1 is set open, keep the removed jumper JP1 contact attached to one pin as shown in the drawing on the right. Jumper contact When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V850/Sxx products by connecting an option board, apply the settings specified in the user's manual of the option board used. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 29 CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS 2.4 Operating Voltage Setting (1) JP3 The operating voltage range of the IE-703002-MC is set using JP3 in the pod. When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using the V852, V853 and V850/Sxx products keep JP3 as its factory-set position. Remark The JP3 settings are as follows. JP3 Shorted (factory-set) Description Set when developing V852 application system. Operating voltage range of IE-703002-MC is 3.0 to 5.5 V. Open Setting prohibited when developing V852 application system. Operating voltage range of IE-703002-MC is 3.0 to 3.6 V. When the power of the target system is off or the IE-703002-MC is operated on a stand-alone basis, the operating voltage of the IE-703002-MC differs depending on the JP3 setting. (2-3 of JP4 shorted.) Status of JP3 Operating Voltage of IE-703002-MC Shorted 4.7 V Open 3.3 V Therefore, if the IE-703002-MC is operated with an option board connected while JP3 is shorted, the option board, which should operate at 3.3 V will be damaged because 4.7 V, which is above the absolute maximum rating, is applied. It is therefore important to pay attention to the JP3 settings. When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V850/Sxx products by connecting an option board, apply the settings specified in the user's manual of the option board used. 30 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS (2) JP4 Set JP4 of the pod in accordance with the input signal voltage from the target system. Caution When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using the V852, make sure to change the JP4 setting as follows (1 to 3 indicate the pin number printed on the board.). Pay attention to the setting because it differs from the factory-set setting. 1 Jumper contact 2 3 Remark The JP4 settings are as follows. JP4 Description 1-2 shorted Set when developing V852 application system. 1 2 3 Power-supply voltage of target system is 4.5 V or higher. The IE703002-MC operates at 5 V regardless of the target system supply voltage. When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V850/Sxx products by connecting an option board, apply the settings specified in the user's manual of the option board used. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 31 CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS The IE-703002-MC enables debugging and programming of target devices by connecting several parts and configuring the desired system. This chapter describes the various parts and their connections. Read this chapter when connecting system parts. For the sequence of system configuration, refer to 1.7 Setup. For details of software startup, refer to the user's manual of the debugger that is used. 3.1 Connection to Personal Computer 3.1.1 Overview of connection The IE-703002-MC can use a personal computer (PC-9800 series or PC/AT compatible) as the host machine. The connection to each type of personal computer is described below. (1) PC-9800 series When using a PC-9800 series computer, insert the PC interface board (IE-70000-98-IF-C: Sold separately) in the external expansion slot in the PC-9800 series and connect the computer to the IE-703002-MC. (2) PC/AT compatible When using a PC/AT compatible, insert the following PC interface board in the external expansion slot of the PC/AT compatible and connect the computer to the IE-703002-MC. * IE-70000-PC-IF-C: For ISA bus * IE-70000-PCI-IF-A: For PCI bus (can also be used in PC98-NX series) (3) Notebook-type personal computer When using a notebook-type personal computer, insert the PC card interface (IE-70000-CD-IF-A: Sold separately) in the PC card slot of the computer and connect the computer to the IE-703002-MC. 3.1.2 Connection procedure (1) Powering off Perform connection while the power of each unit is off. If the power of the IE-703002-MC or the PC is on, turn off the power first. (2) PC interface board setting Be sure to read the following section because the board settings differ depending on the board that is used. 32 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS (a) IE-70000-98-IF-C The I/O addresses are set with DIP switch 1 (SW1) and DIP switch 2 (SW2) on the PC interface board. SW1 and SW2 are the handshake bus address setting switches. Set switches No. 1 to No. 8 of SW1 as shown in Figure 3-1 and switches No. 5 to No. 8 of SW2 as shown in Figure 3-2 (set to address 00DxH). Set INT JP to NO_USE and WAIT JP to the short between 2 and 3. Figure 3-1. Setting of DIP Switch 1 (SW1) (IE-70000-98-IF-C) 8 A11 7 A10 6 A9 5 A8 4 A7 3 A6 2 A5 1 SW1 A4 Allocate handshake bus for I/O addresses of PC (set bits 11 ON to 4 of I/O address of PC). Figure 3-2. Setting of DIP Switch 2 (SW2) (IE-70000-98-IF-C) 8 SW2 4 A15 3 A14 2 A13 1 ON 5 6 7 Reserved (switches No. 5 to 8 are fixed as shown) A12 Allocate handshake bus for I/O addresses of PC (set bits 15 to 12 of the I/O address of PC). User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 33 CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS (b) IE-70000-PC-IF-C The I/O addresses are set with DIP switch 1 (SW1) and DIP switch 2 (SW2) on the PC interface board. SW1 and SW2 are setting switches of the handshake bus address. Set switches No. 1 to No. 8 of SW1 as shown in Figure 3-3 and switches No. 1 to No. 4 of SW2 as shown in Figure 3-4 (set to address 022xH). Set INT JP to NO_USE and WAIT JP to the short between 2 and 3. Figure 3-3. Setting of DIP Switch 1 (SW1) (IE-70000-PC-IF-C) 8 A11 7 A10 6 A9 5 A8 4 A7 3 A6 2 A5 1 SW1 A4 ON Allocate handshake bus for I/O addresses of PC (set bits 11 to 4 of I/O address of PC). Figure 3-4. Setting of DIP Switch 2 (SW2) (IE-70000-PC-IF-C) 7 8 SW2 4 A15 3 A14 2 A13 1 5 6 Reserved (switches No.5 to 8 are fixed as shown) A12 Allocate handshake bus for I/O addresses of PC (set bits ON 15 to 12 of I/O address of PC). 34 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS 3.1.3 Personal computer setting This section describes how to set and connect the interface board to the PC-9800 series computer add-on slot. Also refer to this section when connecting a PC/AT compatible. (a) Make sure that the PC-9800 series power is off before starting installation. (b) Remove the cover of the add-on slot bus on the rear panel of the PC. Figure 3-5. Rear Panel of PC-9800 Series Remove the cover (c) Insert the PC interface board. (d) Fasten the PC interface board with screws. Figure 3-6. Insertion of PC Interface Board Fasten screws User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 35 CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS 3.1.4 Connection of PC interface cable Connect the PC interface cable to the interface board connector. Figure 3-7 illustrates how to connect the PC interface cable. Caution Connect to the CH1 connector when using the IE-70000-xx xx-IF-C. xx Figure 3-7. Connection of Cable to PC Interface Board Connector PC interface cable 36 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS 3.2 Connection to Target System There are two connection methods: connecting the connection tab of the optional board to the target system directly and connecting the connection tab of the option board to the target system via an extension probe (sold separately). When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V850/Sxx products by connecting an option board, apply the settings specified in the user's manual of the option board used. (1) Attach the connector for target connection (NQPACK100SD) and the connector for emulator connection (YQPACK100SD) to the target system. Figure 3-8. Connection of Connector for Target Connection and Connector for Emulator Connection Screws provided with YQPACK100SD (YQGUIDE) <3> <3> Connector for emulator connection (YQPACK100SD) <1> Fix with solder at proper position <2> Insert <3> Fix with screws (YQGUIDE) <2> Connector for target connection (NQPACK100SD) <1> Target system Caution The connector for target connection (NQPACK100SD) has a pin 1 direction marking. Refer to Figure 3-9. Figure 3-9. Pin 1 Direction Marking of Connector (Top View) Pin 1 direction Connection tab of option board Connector for target connection (NQPACK100SD) User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 37 CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS (2) Connect the connection tab of the option board to the target system directly or via the extension probe. In either case, make sure that the pin 1 position (cutout corner of connector) is aligned. The connection procedure is as follows. Caution Be careful not to break or bend the pins of connector, socket, and extension probe when connecting. (a) When connecting to target system directly <1> Turn off the power of the IE-703002-MC (power switch OFF). <2> Connect the IE-703002-MC to the option board. <3> Connect the connection tab of the option board to the target system. (b) When connecting to target system via extension probe <1> Turn off the power of the IE-703002-MC (power switch OFF). <2> Connect the IE-703002-MC to the option board. <3> Connect the extension probe to the option board. <4> Connect the top of the extension probe to the target system. Figure 3-10. Connection of IE-703002-MC to Target System When directly connecting target system When using extension probe Target system 38 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS 3.3 Cable Connections 3.3.1 Connection of power adapter Insert the cable of the power supply adapter (IE-70000-MC-PS-B: Sold separately) to the power jack of the IE703002-MC main part. Caution Use only the IE-70000-MC-PS-B for power supply. Use of other power supplies may damage the IE-703002-MC due to different power jack polarity and voltage. Figure 3-11. Power Adapter Connection Power jack Power adapter (IE-70000-MC-PS-B) 3.3.2 PC interface cable connection Connect the PC interface cable to the PC interface connector of the IE-703002-MC. Figure 3-12. PC Interface Cable Connection PC interface connector PC interface cable User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 39 CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS 3.3.3 External logic probe connection When using the external logic probe, connect to the 5-pin connector in the IE-703002-MC main unit. Figure 3-13. External Logic Probe Connection External logic connector External logic probe 3.3.4 Additional information The IE-703002-MC can perform real-time tracing of the emulation CPU bus cycle. In addition, an external logic probe is provided for the following three functions. For details of their use, refer to the debugger user's manual. (1) Any four signals can be traced in real time. (2) Tracer start/stop is enabled using any four signals. (3) Break setting is enabled using any four signals. Cautions 1. Connect the external logic probe only to a TTL-level signal line. The high level and low level cannot be detected correctly if connected to lines other than TTL-level signal lines. Note that the sensor of the IE-703002-MC may be damaged by an excessive voltage level. 2. When connecting the external logic probe, use commercially available IC clips. Procedure (1) Turn off the power of the target system. (2) Turn off the power of the IE-703002-MC. (3) Attach IC clips to a device on the target system. (4) Connect the external logic probe to the included IC clips. (5) Connect the GND of the external logic probe to the GND of the target system. 40 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS Figure 3-14. External Logic Probe Connection (Using IC Clip) Target system External logic probe IC clip User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 41 CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION OF PARTS 3.4 System Power-on and Power-off After connecting the emulator and each system component (PC, target system, etc.), start up and shut down the system using the following procedure. 3.4.1 Power-on procedure Cautions 1. Make sure that the IE-703002-MC is correctly connected to the PC. 2. If the IE-703002-MC is powered on using a procedure other than the following one, the emulator or the target system may be damaged. (1) Turn on the power switch of the IE-703002-MC. Set the power switch to "ON" after connecting the power adapter to the power jack of the IE-703002-MC and the plug to the power outlet. (2) Turn on the power of the PC. (3) Turn on the power of the target system. (4) Start the debugger. 3.4.2 Power-off procedure (1) Terminate the debugger. (2) Turn off the power of the target system. (3) Turn off the power of the PC. (4) Turn off the power switch of the IE-703002-MC. 42 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 4 FACTORY SETTINGS Item Setting Description IE-703002-MC Power switch OFF Power off Pod SW1 ON SW2 OFF PLL mode (x5 multiplication: input clock x 5) Using illegal access detection ROM for V852 JP1 (Shorted) JP2 Internal clock supply 7 1 8 2 (1 to 2, 5 to 6 shorted) JP3 Operating voltage of IE-703002-MC is 3.0 to 5.5 V. (Shorted) JP4 1 Target system power voltage is 2 V or higher and lower than 4.5 V. 2 3 (2, 3 shorted) Remark The IE-703002-MC is provided with a 6.667 MHz crystal oscillator when shipped from the factory. When the factory setting of the pod is used, the emulation CPU of the IE-703002-MC operates at 33 MHz. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 43 CHAPTER 5 OPTION BOARD The IE-703002-MC can be used as an in-circuit emulator for developing systems using V853 and V850/Sxx products (but not the V852) by connecting an option board (sold separately). Execute the following sequence if the IE-703002-MC is used as an in-circuit emulator for V853 and V850/Sxx products (not V852). (1) Remove the covers (upper side and lower side) of the pod of the IE-703002-MC. (2) Set the option board PGA socket lever to the OPEN position as shown in Figure 5-1. (3) Connect the option board to the PGA socket at the back of the pod. When connecting, position the IE-703002MC and the option board horizontally. (4) Set the option board PGA socket lever to the CLOSE position as shown in Figure 5-1. (5) Set the jumpers (JP1 to JP4) and switches (SW1 and SW2). Open JP1 (remove jumper contact. Attach the removed jumper contact to one of the jumper pins to avoid losing it). Set JP2 to JP4, and SW1 and SW2 depending on the use. (6) Secure the pod covers (upper and lower) to the option board with the provided plastic screws. (7) Secure the end of the pod cover (upper) with nylon rivets. Remark For details, refer to the in-circuit emulator user's manual for the V853 or V850/Sxx product used. Figure 5-1. Option Board PGA Socket Lever CLOSE OPEN 44 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 6 CAUTIONS This chapter describes specification differences between the IE-703002-MC and the devices of the V850 Series. Keep these differences in mind when using the IE-703002-MC. 6.1 LED Display Under the following conditions, the LED of the IE-703002-MC lights weakly even when the power is off. The power of the personal computer is on while the personal computer and the IE-703002-MC are connected via the PC interface cable. Caution Disconnect the PC interface cable after turning off all system parts. 6.2 Operating Voltage There are the following differences between the target system supply voltage and the IE-703002-MC operating voltage. Table 6-1. Differences Between Target System Supply Voltage and IE-703002-MC Operating Voltage IE-703002-MC Operating Voltage Target System Supply Voltage JP4: 2-3 Shorted JP4: 1-2 Shorted JP3: Shorted (4.7 V)Note 1 5.0 V JP3: Open (4.7 V)Note 1 Note 1 4.5 V 4.5 V (4.5 V) 4.0 V 4.0 V (4.0 V)Note 1 3.5 V 3.5 V 3.5 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 5.0 V (5.0 V)Note 1 3.0 V Note 1 Less than 1.2 V (4.7 V) (3.3 V)Note 1 No target system 4.7 VNote 2 3.3 VNote 3 5.0 V Notes 1. In the actual operation, this combination between the setting and the target system voltage does not exist. 2. The IE-703002-MC assumes that the target system is off, or that is not connected. As a result, the IE-703002-MC operates at 4.7 V, which provides the highest speed of operation on a stand-alone basis. 3. Setting that debugs a CPU with a voltage range of 3.0 to 3.6 V. The IE-703002 operates at 3.3 V when operating on a stand-alone basis. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 45 CHAPTER 6 CAUTIONS 6.3 Internal RAM and ROM Because the internal RAM (iRAM) and internal ROM (iROM) capacities of the IE-703002-MC are set in steps, the memory capacity differs from that of the target device. If addresses that exceed the target device capacity are accessed, the memory of the IE-703002-MC is accessed. The memory capacities are as follows. Table 6-2. Memory Capacity Limitation List (a) iRAM capacity (Unit: Bytes) Target Device (b) iROM capacity (Unit: Bytes) IE-703002-MC Target Device IE-703002-MC (Emulation Memory) 1K 1K 1 K to 32 K 32 K 2K 2K 33 K to 64 K 64 K 3K 65 K to 128 K 4K 4K 129 K to 256 K 256 K 5 K to 6 K 6K 257 K to 512 K 512 K 7 K to 8 K 8K 513 K to 1024 K 512 K 9 K to 10 K 10 K 11 K to 12 K 12 K 13 K to 16 K 16 K 17 K to 20 K 20 K 21 K to 24 K 24 K 25 K to 28 K 28 K 3K 6.4 (V852) Remark (V852) 128 K The IE-703002-MC incorporates 512 KB of iROM emulation memory. Target System VDD The target system VDD is not connected to the IE-703002-MC VDD. The IE-703002-MC uses the target system VDD for the following purposes. 46 * Power ON/OFF detection of the target system * Supply voltage emulation of the target system User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 6 CAUTIONS 6.5 Pin Handling (1) MODE0 and MODE1 pins When the IE-703002-MC is operated on a stand-alone basis, the MODE0 and MODE1 pins are set to operate in single mode as follows. * MODE0: Pull down via 33 k resistor * MODE1: Pull up via 5.1 k resistor (2) RESET pin Pull up via 5.1 k resistor (3) WAIT pin Pull up via 5.1 k resistor (4) CKSEL pin SW1 in the pod can switch the CKSEL pin between a pull-up/pull-down resistor. (5) PLLSEL pin (V852) SW2 in the pod can switch the PLLSEL pin between a pull-up/pull-down resistor. Figure 6-1. Circuit Diagram of PLLSEL Pin and CKSEL Pin V852 PLLSEL pin 3V 100 SW1 PLLSEL 220 33 k GREEN Emulation CPU 3V 100 SW2 CKSEL 220 33 k GREEN V852 CKSEL pin User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 47 CHAPTER 6 CAUTIONS 6.6 Port 4, Port 5 The connection of VHCT541 and VHC541 to Port 4 and Port 5 is as shown below. Figure 6-2. Circuit Diagram of Port 4, Port 5 IE-703002-MC Emulation CPU Port 4 Port 5 VHCT541 VHC541 VHCT541 Emulation RAM Target system VHC541 When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V850/Sxx products by connecting an option board, apply the settings specified in the user's manual of the option board used. 48 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM CHAPTER 6 CAUTIONS 6.7 Bus Interface Pins There are the following differences in the operation of bus interface pins between the IE-703002-MC and the target device. Table 6-3. Bus Interface Pin Operation List (1/2) (a) During break Internal Memory Memory Used by IE-703002-MC Pin Name F R Internal ROM W External Memory Internal RAM R R W Emulation RAM (IE-703002-MC) Internal I/O R W R Active A16 to A19 Retains the address accessed last AD0 to AD15 Hi-Z ASTB H R/W H DSTB H H LBEN H Active UBEN H WAIT Invalid HLDRQ Valid HLDAK Target System W R Active Valid Valid H or L H or L H or L ST0 H L L ST1 H H H Remarks 1. F: W Fetch R: Read W: Write 2. H: High-level output L: Low-level output Hi-Z: High impedance When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V850/Sxx products by connecting an option board, apply the settings specified in the user's manual of the option board used. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 49 CHAPTER 6 CAUTIONS Table 6-3. Bus Interface Pin Operation List (2/2) (b) During run Internal Memory Internal ROM Pin Name F External Memory Internal RAM R F R A16 to A19 Retains the address accessed last AD0 to AD15 Hi-Z ASTB H R/W H DSTB H LBEN H UBEN H WAIT Invalid HLDRQ Valid HLDAK H or L ST0 L ST1 L W Internal I/O Emulation RAM (IE-703002-MC) Target System R F F W R Active W R W Active H Active Valid Valid H or L H or L Note L H Note L H Note ST0, ST1 = H, L or ST0, ST1 = L, H Remarks 1. F: Fetch R: Read W: Write 2. H: High-level output L: Low-level output Hi-Z: High impedance 6.8 Operating Frequency of IE-703002-MC The IE-703002-MC is provided with a 6.667 MHz crystal oscillator when shipped from the factory (maximum frequency: 33 MHz). If this emulator is used to develop application systems using the V852, replace the oscillator with an oscillator of following frequency in accordance with the clock mode setting (refer to 2.2 Clock Setting). Table 6-4. List of Oscillator Frequencies for Clock Modes Clock Mode PLL mode Direct mode Crystal Oscillator Frequency x5 multiplication 5 MHz x1 multiplication 25 MHz 50 MHz When the IE-703002-MC is used for developing application systems using V850/Sxx products by connecting an option board, apply the settings specified in the user's manual of the option board used. 50 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM APPENDIX A PACKAGE DRAWINGS (1) IE-703002-MC (Unit: mm) 403 132 105 58.8 Top View 50 90 166 27 Side View 32 75 21.5 37.5 100 Bottom View 21.5 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 51 APPENDIX A PACKAGE DRAWINGS (2) SC-100SD (Unit: mm) Top View 100 76 75 25 26 51 50 SC-100SD 32 1 34 80 30 144 13 13 Side View Bottom View Remark SC-100SD is a product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. 52 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM APPENDIX A PACKAGE DRAWINGS (3) NQPACK100SD (Unit: mm) Top View Bottom View - 9.0 3 C 1.5 17.0 R 2. 2 21.0 0.5 X 24 = 12.0 5.8 0.3 0.5 14.0 0.2 Slit width 15.0 16.0 5.8 13.0 20.2 16.6 Slit width 3 - 1.0 + 0.1 2.5 14.0 - 0 4 - 2.0 Projection height 1.8 2.5 0.18 0.5 15.0 0.5 5.5 0.2 1.85 1.85 9.45 3.7 1.2 5.1 3.9 Side View Remark NQPACK100SD is a product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 53 APPENDIX A PACKAGE DRAWINGS (4) YQPACK100SD (Unit: mm) Top View Bottom View 16.6 - 0.5 0.2 2 14.1 16.1 15.3 23.0 5.8 13.4 21.0 .2 C 1.5 2 3 - 1.0 13.4 R 3. R - - 4 4 10.9 13.3 15.7 2 2. 18.1 Side View 2.3 1.2 3.9 2.2 3.1 7.4 2.5 0.25 X 0.3 9.0 3.1 3.7 0.3 0.25 0.4 Remark YQPACK100SD is a product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. 54 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 17.3 4 0.5 X 24 = 12.0 5.8 APPENDIX A PACKAGE DRAWINGS (5) HQPACK100SD (Unit: mm) Top View Bottom View 16.6 4 2 - 0.5 0.5 X 24 = 12.0 5.8 0.2 C 1.5 17.3 14.1 17.1 15.12 5.8 13.4 21.0 23.0 .2 3. 2 3 - 1.0 R R 2 2. 13.4 2.3 3.9 2.15 1.6 3.1 7.4 1.2 Side View 0.23 0.58 Remark HQPACK100SD is a product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 55 APPENDIX A PACKAGE DRAWINGS (6) YQSOCKET100SDN (Unit: mm) C 2.0 Top View Side View 0.3 1.03 0.8 2.4 2.7 3.30 Remark YQSOCKET100SDN is a product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. 56 21.55 10.9 13.3 15.7 18.1 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 5.9 4 - 1.0 15.0 0.5 x 24 = 12.0 0.5 4 - 2.3 16.6 APPENDIX B APPLICATION EXAMPLES OF CONNECTOR FOR TARGET CONNECTION (1) When attaching device directly to target system Device (100-pin QFP) Target system (2) When using device with connector for target connection Cover for device installation HQPACK100SD Device (100-pin QFP) Connector for target connection NQPACK100SD Target system (3) Connection between IE-703002-MC and target system (a) When extension probe is not used IE-703002-MC POD YQSOCKET100SDN <1> Socket for target connection YQSOCKET100SDN <2> Socket for target connection (YQSOCKET100SDN) is inserted here for adjusting height. Connector for emulator connection YQPACK100SD Connector for target connection NQPACK100SD Target system Remark Connect <1> first then <2>. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 57 APPENDIX B APPLICATION EXAMPLES OF CONNECTOR FOR TARGET CONNECTION (b) When using extension probe IE-703002-MC POD YQSOCKET100SDN Socket for target connection <1> YQSOCKET100SDN <2> Extension probe (SC-100SD) Socket for target connection (YQSOCKET100SDN) is inserted here for adjusting height. <3> Connector for emulator connection YQPACK100SD Connector for target connection NQPACK100SD Target system Remark Connect <1> first, <2> second, and <3> last. 58 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM APPENDIX C CONNECTORS FOR TARGET CONNECTION C.1 Use (1) When mounting the NQPACK100SD in target system <1> Coat the tips of the four projections at the bottom of the NQPACK100SD with a two-component type epoxy adhesive (cure time longer than 30 minutes), and bond the NQPACK100SD to the target system. If not bonded correctly, the pad of the print board may peel off when removing the IE-703002-MC. If the lead of the NQPACK100SD does not match the pad of the target system easily, perform step <2> to adjust the position. <2> Insert the guide pins provided with the NQPACK100SD into the pin holes at the upper side of the NQPACK100SD to adjust the position (refer to Figure C-1). There are three 1.0 mm diameter non-through holes (refer to APPENDIX A PACKAGE DRAWINGS). <3> After setting the HQPACK100SD, solder the NQPACK100SD onto the target system. By following this sequence, flux or solder sputtering and adhering to contact pins of the NQPACK100SD can be avoided. Recommended soldering conditions Reflow: 240C, 20 sec. max. Partial heating: 240C, 10 sec. max. (per pin) <4> Remove the guide pins. Figure C-1. Mounting of NQPACK100SD HQPACK100SD Guide pins (NQGUIDE) NQPACK100SD Target system Remark NQPACK100SD: Connector for target connection HQPACK100SD: Cover for device installation User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 59 APPENDIX C CONNECTORS FOR TARGET CONNECTION (2) When setting device Caution Check for abnormal conditions such as resin burrs or bent pins before setting a device on the NQPACK100SD. Moreover, check that the hold pins of the HQPACK100SD are not broken or bent before setting the HQPACK100SD. If there are broken or bent pins, fix them with a thin, flat plate such as a blade. <1> Make sure that the NQPACK100SD is clean and the device pins are parallel (flat) before setting a device on the NQPACK100SD. Then, after mounting the NQPACK100SD on the target board, set the device and HQPACK100SD (refer to Figure C-2). <2> Using the screws provided with the HQPACK100SD (four locations: M2 x 6 mm), secure the HQPACK100SD, device, and NQPACK100SD. Tighten the screws in a crisscross pattern with the provided screwdriver or a screwdriver with a torque gauge (avoid tightening only one screw strongly). Tighten the screws with 0.55 kg*f*cm (0.054 N*m) max. torque. Excessive tightening may disminish conductivity. At this time, each pin is fixed inside the plastic wall dividers by the contact pin of the NQPACK100SD and the hold pin of the HQPACK100SD (refer to Figure C-3). Thus, pins cannot cause shorting with pins of neighboring devices. Figure C-2. Mouting Device Fixing screws HQPACK100SD Device NQPACK100SD Target system Figure C-3. NQPACK100SD and Device Pin Hold pin of HQPACK100SD Divider Device Pin Contact pin of NQPACK100SD 60 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM APPENDIX C CONNECTORS FOR TARGET CONNECTION C.2 Cautions on Handling Connectors (1) When unpacking connectors, first remove the sponge while holding the connector. (2) When soldering the NQPACK100SD to the target system, cover it with the HQPACK100SD to avoid flux sputtering. Recommended soldering conditions ... Reflow: 240C, 20 sec. max. Partial heating: 240C, 10 sec. max. (per pin) (3) Check for abnormal conditions such as resin burrs or bent pins before setting a device on the NQPACK100SD. Moreover, check that the hold pins of the HQPACK100SD are not broken or bent before setting the HQPACK100SD. If there are broken or bent pins, fix them with a thin, flat plate such as a blade. (4) When securing the YHQPACK100SD (connector for emulator connection) or the HQPACK100SD to the NQPACK100SD, gently tighten the four screws by using the provided screwdriver or a screwdriver with a torque gauge, and then tighten them in a crisscross pattern (0.054 N*m max. torque). Excessive tightening of one screw only may diminish conductivity. If conductivity is lowered after tightening the screws, avoid tightening them any more. Remove the screws and check again that the NQPACK100SD is clean and that the device pins are parallel (flat). (5) Device pins are fragile and may bend if the device is set on and removed from the NQPACK100SD several times. When setting the device on the NQPACK100SD, check for bent pins and make adjustments as necessary. User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 61 APPENDIX D MOUNTING OF PLASTIC SPACERS This chapter describes the mounting method for the plastic spacers supplied with the IE-703002-MC. When using the emulator connected to the target system, mount the plastic spacers as shown in Figures D-1 to D3 to fix the pod horizontally. (1) When using the IE-703002-MC alone <1> Remove the nylon rivet from the rear part of the pod. <2> Fix the plastic spacer with the supplied plastic screw. <3> To adjust the hight, use your own spacer or a stand. Figure D-1. Mounting Method (When Using IE-703002-MC Alone) Plastic spacer Target system 62 User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM APPENDIX D MOUNTING OF PLASTIC SPACERS (2) When using the IE-703002-MC + option board (a) When using the IE-703002-MC + option board <1> Remove the nylon rivet from the rear part of the pod. <2> Fix the plastic spacer with the supplied plastic screw. <3> To adjust the hight, use your own spacer or a stand. Figure D-2. Mounting Method (When Using IE-703002-MC + Option Board) Target system Plastic spacer (b) When mounting plastic spacer on option board <1> Remove the nylon rivets from the front and middle parts of the pod. <2> After connecting the option board with the PGA socket in the back of the pod, secure with plastic screw supplied with the option board. <3> To adjust the hight, use your own spacer or a stand. Figure D-3. Mounting Method (When Mounting Plastic Spacer on Option Board) Plastic spacer Target system User's Manual U11595EJ5V0UM 63