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3-wire Serial CMOS Level Input
When the MODE pin is set to high, the serial interface for writing to registers becomes 3-wire serial CMOS level input.
The chip select (CSn), serial clock (SCK), serial data (SI) of 3-wire serial CMOS level input are input to the SCL_INn
pin, the SCL_INp pin, the SDA_IN pin respectively. The SDA_INn must be tied to low.
- While the CSn stays low, the data input SI is latched by rising edges of the clock input SCK .
- The data latched by the first clock rising edge after the CSn falls is assigned the “first bit“.
- The “Last Byte” is written to a register when the CSn rises after Bit0 (in other words, “Last Byte” will not be written to
a register until the CSn rises).
- If the CSn rises in the middle o f a byte, th e byte is no t written t o a register, then the comm unicatio n resu mes from “1st
Byte” when the CSn falls next.
< 3-wire Serial CMOS Level Input >
2-pair serial LVDS
When the MODE pin is set to low, the serial interface for writing to registers becomes 2-pair serial LVDS input
- The data input SDA_IN is latched by rising edges of the clock input SCL_IN.
- A falling transition of the SDA_IN while the SCL_IN is high is defined as ”Header Condition“, and the data latched by
the first clock rising edge after the “Header Condition” is assigned the “first bit“. Except ”Header Condition”, the transi-
tions of the data input SDA_IN are allowed while th e cloc k inp ut SCL_IN is low.
- The “Last Byte” is written to a register at the reception of an active-low pulse “End Pulse” (actually, “Last Byte” is
written to a register at the rising edge of the “End Pulse“). W hen the “End Pulse” ri ses, the data outp ut SDA _OUT must
be high.
-If the ”Header Condition” is received in the middle of a byte, the byte is not written to a register, then the commun ica-
tion resumes from “1st Byte“.
< 2-pair serial LVDS input >
* The 3-wire to 2-pair b ridge functi on can convert 3 -wire seri al output from the host such as micro -controller or CPU to
2-pair sereal LVDS. Please refer to the section “3-wire to 2-pair bridge function” for details.