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L 0+ http://store.iiic.cc/ M600GA124.XLS-14 M600GA124.XLS-13 20 ICpuls = 400 A V 18 100 nF 16 VGE = 0 V f = 1 MHz Cies 600 14 800V 12 10 10 Coes 8 6 4 VGE C Cres 2 1 0 0 QGate 1000 2000 3000 0 4000 Fig. 13 Typ. gate charge characteristic Tj = 125 C VCE = 600 V VGE = 15 V RGon = 4 RGoff = 4 induct. load ns tdoff 1000 20 V 30 Fig. 14 Typ. capacitances vs.VCE M600GA124.XLS-15 10000 10 VCE nC M600GA124.XLS-16 10000 ns Tj = 125 C VCE = 600 V VGE = 15 V IC = 400 A induct. load tdoff 1000 tdon tr tdon 100 tr tf 100 tf t t 10 10 0 200 IC 400 600 800 2 1000 Fig. 15 Typ. switching times vs. IC 4 6 8 Fig. 16 Typ. switching times vs. gate resistor RG M600GA124.XLS-18 40 mJ Tj=125C, typ. A VCC = 600 V Tj = 125 C VGE = 15 V R G= 35 Tj=25C, typ. 600 12 M600GA124.XLS-17 800 10 RG A Tj=125C, max. Tj=25C, max. 400 30 4 25 5 20 10 15 200 10 IF EoffD 0 5 0 0 VF 1 2 3 Fig. 17 Typ. CAL diode forward characteristic 8 0 V IF 200 400 600 800 1000 A Fig. 18 Diode turn-off energy dissipation per pulse http://store.iiic.cc/ SKM 600 GA 124 D M600GA124.XLS-19 0,1 M600GA124.XLS-20 0,1 K/W K/W 0,01 0,01 0,001 D=0,50 0,20 0,10 0,05 0,02 0,01 0,0001 single pulse D=0,5 0,2 0,1 0,05 0,02 0,01 0,001 single pulse ZthJC ZthJC 0,00001 0,00001 0,0001 tp 0,001 0,01 0,1 0,0001 0,00001 1 s Fig. 19 Transient thermal impedance of IGBT ZthJC = f (tp); D = tp / tc = tp * f M600GA124.XLS-22 500 RG A 4 400 tp 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 s Fig. 20 Transient thermal impedance of inverse CAL diodes ZthJC = f (tp); D = tp / tc = tp * f M600GA124.XLS-23 600 + +/ +9 + +/ +9 >+8 3 A RG 500 4 5 400 10 300 5 300 10 200 200 100 100 IRR IRR 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 IF 0 1000 A Fig. 22 Typ. CAL diode peak reverse recovery current IRR = f (IF; RG) M600GA124.XLS-24 120 C R G= 100 IF= 5 4 800 A diF/dt 2000 4000 6000 8000 A/s Fig. 23 Typ. CAL diode peak reverse recovery current IRR = f (diF/dt; RG) + +/ +9 10 80 400 A 60 300 A 200 A 40 100 A 20 Qrr 0 0 1000 diF/dt 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 A/s Fig. 24 Typ. CAL diode recovered charge QRR = f (diF/dt; IF; RG (c) by SEMIKRON 010502 http://store.iiic.cc/ B 6 - 35 %&'( ./ IA *(!4"B*' >"#*45 ="&*4 "4 "4&& ) *%#"4*)4'("2(%"'")!2)& ' "!"" ! 00"1% 2# 3 !0 ! !&%4 45 6 $!&7# & #5"45 & #5"45 &- ! F*#<*'*<"(* )2* %11#"*'"44* R=F"$%&%4"4!$)2'7 F)2*F$"($()4*2'*2*' *1)2)7 *#%4'*2'*4 5 ?2 3 8 " " ) F $*) "4,I4" $*) "4,II4" ?2*2&"4)# I4" ?2*2&"4)# II4" -8 # $# # 6 - - 88 - 88-. KC. $" *($4"()#"4?2&)"4 1*("?"* *&"(4'%(2'*<"(* %12&" * 4($)2)(*2" "( 5 F)22)42!%)2)4***K12* *'2 "&1#"*'" &)'*2*!)2'"4!'*#"<*21*2?2&)4(*2 %")"#"5 http://store.iiic.cc/