FCL-8520/852 1- 3 1 000B A SE-T GBIC Product Specifi cat i on Finisar
II. +5V Volt Electrical Power Interface
The FCL-8520/8521-3 has an extended input voltage range of 4.5 to 5.5 V, compared to
the GBIC standard of 4.25 to 5.25 V. The 6V maximum voltage is not allowed for
continuous operation.
+5 Volt Electrical Power
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Notes/Conditions
Supply Current Is 310 375 mA 1.7W max power over
full range of voltage
and temperature.
See Note 1.
Input Voltage Vcc 4.5 5 5.5 V Referenced to GND.
Maximum Voltag e Vmax 6 V
Surge Current Isurge 450 mA Hot plug. See Note 1.
Table 2. +5 Volt electrical power interface
1. Caution: Power consumption and inrush current are higher than the specified
values in the GBIC Specification Rev 5.51.
III. Low-Speed Signals
RX_LOS is a TTL signals as described in Table 3 and 4. MOD_DEF(1) (SCL) and
MOD_DEF(2) (SDA), are open drain CMOS signals (see section VII, “Serial
Communication Protocol”). Both MOD_DEF(1) and MOD_DEF(2) must be pulled up to
host_Vcc. For more detailed information, see sections 5.3.1 – 5.3.8 in the GBIC
Specification Rev. 5.51.
Low-Speed Signals,
Electronic Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Max Units Notes/Conditions
GBIC Output LOW VOL 0 0.5 V 4.7k to 10k pull-up to host_Vcc,
measured at host side of connector
GBIC Output HIGH VOH host_Vcc - 0.5 host_Vcc + 0.3 V 4.7k to 10k pull-up to host_Vcc,
measured at host side of connector
GBIC Input LOW VIL 0 0.8 V 4.7k to 10k pull-up to Vcc,
measured at GBIC side of
GBIC Input HIGH VIH 2 Vcc + 0.3 V 4.7k to 10k pull-up to Vcc,
measured at GBIC side of
Table 3. Low-speed signals, electronic characteristics
© Finisar Corporation Page 3
Rev A, February 2006