Product Specification
1000BASE-T Copper GBIC Transceivers
Product Features
Up to 1.25Gb/s bi-directional
data links
RoHS compliant and Lead Free
Extended operating temperature
range (0°C to +75°C)
Fully metallic enclosure for low
Low power (1.5W typical)
Access to physical layer IC via 2-
wire serial bus
1.25 Gigabit Ethernet over Cat 5
Finisar’s FCL-8520/8521-3 1000BASE-T Copper GBIC transceivers are based on the
GBIC Specification Revision 5.51. They are compatible with the Gigabit Ethernet and
1000BASE-T standards as specified in IEEE Std 802.3z2 and IEEE Std 802.3ab3.
The FCL-8520-3 uses the GBIC’s RX_LOS pin for link indication, and 1000BASE-X
auto-negotiation must be disabled on the host system. The FCL-8521-3 is compatible
with 1000BASE-X auto-negotiation, but does not have a link indication feature
(RX_LOS is internally grounded). See AN-2032, “Commonly Asked Questions
Regarding Auto-negotiation on Finisar’s 1000BASE-T GBICs”4, for a more complete
explanation on the differences between the two models.
Part Number Link Indicator on RX_LOS Pin Compatible with 1000BASE-X
FCL-8520-3 Yes No
FCL-8521-3 No Yes
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I. GBIC to Host Connector Pin Out
Pin Name Pin # Sequence
RX_LOS* 1 2
GND 2 2
GND 3 2
MOD_DEF(0) 4 2
MOD_DEF(1) 5 2
MOD_DEF(2) 6 2
GND 8 2
GND 9 2
GND 10 2
GND 11 1
-RX_DAT 12 1
+RX_DAT 13 1
GND 14 1
VCC 15 2
VCC 16 2
GND 17 1
+TX_DAT 18 1
-TX_DAT 19 1
GND 20 1
Note: RX_LOS is used for link indication on the FCL-
8520-3, and is internally grounded on the FCL-852 1-3
Table 1. GBIC to host connector pin assignment
“Sequence” indicates the order in which pins make contact when the device is hot
plugged. For additional information, see “Table 3: Signal Definitions” in the GBIC
Specification Revision 5.5.1
FCL-8520/852 1- 3 1 000B A SE-T GBIC Product Specifi cat i on Finisar
II. +5V Volt Electrical Power Interface
The FCL-8520/8521-3 has an extended input voltage range of 4.5 to 5.5 V, compared to
the GBIC standard of 4.25 to 5.25 V. The 6V maximum voltage is not allowed for
continuous operation.
+5 Volt Electrical Power
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Notes/Conditions
Supply Current Is 310 375 mA 1.7W max power over
full range of voltage
and temperature.
See Note 1.
Input Voltage Vcc 4.5 5 5.5 V Referenced to GND.
Maximum Voltag e Vmax 6 V
Surge Current Isurge 450 mA Hot plug. See Note 1.
Table 2. +5 Volt electrical power interface
1. Caution: Power consumption and inrush current are higher than the specified
values in the GBIC Specification Rev 5.51.
III. Low-Speed Signals
RX_LOS is a TTL signals as described in Table 3 and 4. MOD_DEF(1) (SCL) and
MOD_DEF(2) (SDA), are open drain CMOS signals (see section VII, “Serial
Communication Protocol”). Both MOD_DEF(1) and MOD_DEF(2) must be pulled up to
host_Vcc. For more detailed information, see sections 5.3.1 – 5.3.8 in the GBIC
Specification Rev. 5.51.
Low-Speed Signals,
Electronic Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Max Units Notes/Conditions
GBIC Output LOW VOL 0 0.5 V 4.7k to 10k pull-up to host_Vcc,
measured at host side of connector
GBIC Output HIGH VOH host_Vcc - 0.5 host_Vcc + 0.3 V 4.7k to 10k pull-up to host_Vcc,
measured at host side of connector
GBIC Input LOW VIL 0 0.8 V 4.7k to 10k pull-up to Vcc,
measured at GBIC side of
GBIC Input HIGH VIH 2 Vcc + 0.3 V 4.7k to 10k pull-up to Vcc,
measured at GBIC side of
Table 3. Low-speed signals, electronic characteristics
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High-Speed Electrical
Transmission Line-GBIC
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Notes/Conditions
Line Frequency fL 125 MHz 5-level encoding, per
IEEE 802.3ab.
Tx Output Impedance Zout,TX 100 Ohm Differential, for all
frequencies between
1MHz and 125MHz.
Rx Input Impedance Zin,RX 100 Ohm Differential, for all
frequencies between
1MHz and 125MHz.
Table 4. High-speed electrical interface, transmission line-GB IC
IV. High-Speed Electrical Interface
All high-speed signals are AC-coupled internally.
V. General Specifications
High-Speed Electrical Interface,
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Notes/Conditions
Differential Input
Voltage Vindiff 0.50 2.00 V Di fferential pe ak - peak
Differential Output
Voltage Voutdiff 0.37 2.00 V Di fferential pe ak - peak
Rise/Fall Time Tr,Tf 250 psec 20%-80% Differential
Tx Input Impedance Zin 75 Ohm
Rx Output Impedance Zout 75 Ohm
Table 5. High-speed electrical interface, host-GBIC
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Notes/Conditions
Data Rate BR 1.25 Gb/sec IEEE 802.3 compatible.
See Notes 1 and 2 below.
Cable Length L 100 m Category 5 UTP. BER <10-10
Table 6. General specifications
1. Clock tolerance is ±50 ppm
2. The FCL-8520/8521-3 is a full-duplex device in the “Preferred Master” mode.
3. Automatic crossover detection is enabled. External crossover cable is not required
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VI. Environmental Specifications
The FCL-8520/8521-3 has an extended range from 0°C to +75°C case temperature as
specified in Table 8.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Notes/Conditions
Operating Temperature Top 0 75 °C Case temperature
Storage Temperature Tsto -40 85 °C Ambient temperature
Table 7. Environmental specifica tions
VII. Serial Communication Protocol
All Finisar GBICs are ‘Module Definition “4”’ and support the 2-wire serial
communication protocol outlined in the GBIC Specification1. These GBICs use an Atmel
AT24C01A 128 byte E2PROM with an address of A0h. For details on interfacing with
the E2PROM, see the Atmel data sheet titled “AT24C01A/02/04/08/16 2-Wire Serial
The 1000BASE-T physical layer IC can also be accessed via the 2-wire serial bus at
address A4h. For details interfacing with the PHY IC, see Marvell data sheet titled
“Alaska Ultra 88E1011/88E1001S Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver”6 (Marvell
document number MV-5100281-00).
Serial Bus Timing
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Notes/Conditions
I2C Clock Rate 0 100,000 Hz
Table 8. Serial bus timing requirements
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VIII. Mechanical Specifications
The host-side of the FCL-8520/8521-3 conforms to the mechanical specifications
outlined in the GBIC Specification Revision 5.5, Section 61. The front portion of the
GBIC (part extending beyond the face plate of the host) is larger to accommodate the RJ-
45 connector. See Figure 1 below for details.
Figure 1. FCL-8520/8521-3 mechanical dimensions
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IX. References
1. “Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) Revision 5.5”. Sun Microsystems Computer
Company et. al., September 27, 2000.
2. IEEE Std 802.3z. IEEE Standards Department, 2000.
3. “IEEE Std 802.3ab-1999 ‘Physical Layer Parameters and Specifications for 1000
Mb/s Operation Over 4-Pair of Category 5 Balanced Copper Cabling, Type
1000BASE-T”. IEEE Standards Department, 1999.
4. “Application Note AN-XXXX: Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Auto-
negotiation on Finisar’s 1000BASE-T GBICs”, Finisar Corporation, February 2003
5. “AT24C01A/02/04/08/16 2-Wire Serial CMOS E2PROM”. Atmel Corporation.
6. “Alaska Ultra 88E1011/88E1001S Integrated 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet
Transceiver”. Marvell Corporation.
X. For More Information
Finisar Corporation
1389 Moffett Park Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1133
Tel. 1-408-548-1000
Fax 1-408-541-6138
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