Implementing Cache Logic(R) with FPGAs The Cache Logic Concept Atmel Corporation has developed an enabling technology to make adaptive hardware possible for electronics systems. This capability, trademarked as Cache Logic, was developed and patented by Atmel Corporation.(1) Cache Logic is a cost-saving way of implementing logic more efficiently. The active functions of an application are performed by a field programmable gate array (FPGA) that can be reconfigured as it operates, while inactive functions are stored in an inexpensive configuration memory - an EPROM, for example. As new functions are required, they are written over old ones. A single application is made up of many smaller macro-level operations, like counters, multipliers, shift registers, and multiplexers. When an application is broken down into its sub-operations, two things become apparent. First, functionality overlaps. A single function may be used a number of different times. Second, there is a high degree of functional latency. At any given moment, only a small portion of an application's operations are active; only a few functions are used at the same time. By consolidating functionality, eliminating redundancy, and tracking the occurrence of each sub-operation, functions can be organized such that a relatively small, inexpensive logic device is reconfigured as it operates to perform a complex function. In a 10,000-gate application, for example, only 2,000 Note: gates might be active at once. By caching the extra 8,000 gates for later use, a 2,000-gate device replaces a more expensive 10,000-gate device. Cache Logic Implementation Cache Logic implementation is conceptually similar to cache memory. In cache memory, the highest speed memory (usually SRAM) is used to store active data, while the bulk of data resides in lower-cost storage, such as DRAM, or EPROM, disk, etc. Cache Logic works in a similar fashion. Only a small fraction of the circuitry - those functions which are loaded into the logic cache - is active in a s y s te m a t an y gi v en ti me , w hi l e unused functions or variations reside in lower-cost system memory. It is even possible to compile variations of a design in real time. As logic functions are required, they can be loaded into cache logic, replacing or complementing the logic already present. Field Programmable Gate Array Application Note Figure 1 shows the block diagram for the Atmel AT6000 FPGA, which is an ideal medium for cache logic. The ability to implement cache logic requires FPGAs that are capable of being dynamically reconfigured in-system, either completely or partially, without disrupting the operation of the balance of logic in the device. Another requirement is architecture symmetry. This is necessary to make possible the arbitrary placement of generic blocks in a location that is available at the time required. It is also 1. The method for exploiting Cache Logic was pioneered by the University of Strathclyde in Scotland and is described in Lysaght, P. and Dunlop, J., "Dynamic Reconfiguration of Field Programmable Gate Arrays", in More FPGAs, W. Moore and W. Luk, Eds., Abingdon EE&CS Books, England 1994. Rev. 0461C-09/99 1 necessary to allow for easy modeling of device characteristics for the artificial intelligence required in the partitioning of a design. The symmetry also simplifies the creation of arrays of devices to create a larger digital medium for the implementation of cache logic. Predetermined and Dynamic Cache Logic these functions is controlled by a resident manager in the logic cache, or in an external control such as a microcontroller/processor routine. New functions may be downloaded to the logic cache in the background without disrupting the operation of the cache (logic, I/O, and register data), as shown in Figure 3. In fact, data in the registers is not lost even in the area being overwritten. There are two types of cache logic which have been defined: predetermined cache logic and dynamic cache logic. Predetermined cache logic involves the use of predefined functions and macros that are stored in external, nonvolatile memory (EPROM, EEPROM, disk, CD-ROM, or even memory remote from the system loaded over a communications link). These functions have already been placed and routed and have bit streams which have been previously generated (Figure 2). The implementation of The second type of cache logic, dynamic, is the basis for building adaptive hardware. Dynamic caching involves the determination of logic, placement and routing of the logic, bit stream generation, and programming the logic cache in real time. The major issues to be addressed in the development of this capability include (but are not limited to) the scheduling and allocation of functions, random-logic collection, and collision handling and avoidance within the cache. Dynamic cache logic exists as a concept today; the physical implementation issues described above have not yet been fully addressed. Figure 1. AT6000 Array Figure 2. Macro Library * * * * * * * * * * 2 Symmetrical Array Identical Cells 8-by-8 Cell Sectors Programmable Interconnects Surrounded by I/O No Dedicated Functions Reconfigurable On-the-fly Full Partial Without Data Loss * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FPGA Over 200 Hard Macros Fast Fully Specified Fixed Routing All Can be Softened Flexible Placement User-defined Macros Create Own Library Use on Future Designs Test Macros For Debug/System Test Super Macros Major Predefined Functions Specialized for Markets FPGA Cache Logic may be applied in many applications. The concept of virtual products will be introduced, which utilizes the flexibility of programmable logic. Virtual products do not require cache logic programmability but, as we see, the use of cache logic greatly reduces the amount of programmable digital media needed to implement a virtual product. Virtual Products A virtual product is a combination of a "tangible asset," such as a data acquisition board, and a service, such as product customization. The first thing to understand about virtual products is what the end customer wants, and how system developers can match their core competencies with these needs. There are two issues raised in the manufacture of virtual products: 1. How to balance economy of scale achieved in volume manufacturing with special features that customers are willing to pay for; and 2. How to create diversity while maintaining a level of quality associated with standard high-volume production. Cache Logic and FPGAs help the manufacturers achieve these two requirements of virtual products. A virtual product line is one with characteristics which meet the needs of a class of customers. An example would be a PC-based data-acquisition product. Such a product has certain physical requirements consistent with a PC-bus card standard. The board would also have a series of standard data gathering features such as multiple-channel A-to-D converters, digital I/O ports, D-to-A converters, and high-speed clock counters. These features are typically accomplished by highly integrated well-designed ICs readily available to all manufactures. The complexity of such products is in the data path and protocol which connects the PC to the standard IC products. The structure of this data path is prejudiced by optimum system performance, cost, and customer preference, the key item being customer preference for a successful virtual product, or for that matter any successful product. The traditional approach to creating a data-acquisition product, like most products, is to create a board with a standard bus footprint, use industry standard A-to-D and Dto-A circuits, and then create a custom data path. The manufacturer then has to trust marketing studies and instinct to determine the best data path approach. It is possible to hedge the bet by adding redundancy. This redundancy has two detrimental effects: added cost, and added complexity for the end user. The selection of wrong data path protocol or excessive complexity caused by redundancy results in dissatisfied or nonexistent customers. A virtual product does not mean that a manufacturer would be able to offer one product which was all things to all people. The use of programmable logic would allow a manufacturer to create an extensive catalog of products, but only have a small number of tangible assemblies to tool for manufacturing. The manufacturer would use FPGAs and cache logic FPGAs to create diversity in its product line. The cost of diversity to the manufacturer is the cost of service, or "personalization engineering", required to create a niche design on a standard assembly. The advantage for the customer is a mass-produced product which meets their specific needs. Figure 3. Cache Logic Concept 3 The virtual product approach allows a manufacturer to perfect a single assembly. The FPGA's ability to be configured for self-test could even enhance the quality of the assembly. Atmel has developed the IEEE1148 boundary-scan supermacro. Utilizing the reconfigurable logic capability of the AT6000 family, the boundary-scan function may be loaded into the device and diagnostics performed, then the device can be reconfigured for other logic functions. A single Atmel device may be used for testing and logic, with no overhead or speed penalty, as is the case for all other FPGAs and other ASIC devices. * The FPGA density limitations are eliminated. The result would be an inventory of nearly identical rawproduct assemblies, which through virtual design becomes a catalog full of products when shipped to the customer. With a solid design, most customer problems can be traced to the virtual-design personalization process, and be repaired in the field with FPGA configuration updates. It is also possible to introduce new features into virtual products as soon as they are invented and proven, rather than wait until a new hardware product is designed, tooled, and manufactured. * Fewer parts on the board Cache Logic Benefits There are several benefits derived from cache logic design: * New functionality may be added to existing hardware, without having to make modifications to the board. * The hardware may be tailored to the application, resulting in higher system performance across a broad range of applications. * Overall system reliability is improved by reducing the number of physical products manufactured and utilizing boundary scan macros for manufacturing and system testing. Overall product life cycle costs are significantly reduced by using reusable software and hardware: * Lower development costs * Lower inventory costs * Quicker time to market * Lower power consumption * Lower total system cost * Reusable designs Summary To many people, the ideal of adaptive hardware or virtual products is a futuristic concept. The AT6000 family is capable of implementing cache logic and virtual products today. The Atmel FPGA and its abilities to implement cache logic make it a foundation for adaptive hardware and virtual products. Successful design with this new technology has been commercially demonstrated. Today's design methodology, that requires a new product for each new function, will be replaced by adaptive hardware products that meet the needs of both customers and suppliers with customized products and improved quality, while reducing product development time and overall life cycle costs. Examples of Cache Logic Applications Power and Space-sensitive Applications Compute Intensive Applications Portable Computers Battery-Operated Instrumentation Portable Communications Portable Medical Equipment Computer Graphics Image Processing Data Compression Speech Recognition Pattern Recognition Reprogrammable Hardware Application Acceleration Test Equipment Industrial Control Instrumentation Special-purpose Computers Connectors CAD Database Spreadsheet Multimedia 4 FPGA Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Atmel Colorado Springs 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL (408) 441-0311 FAX (408) 487-2600 Europe 1150 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 TEL (719) 576-3300 FAX (719) 540-1759 Atmel Rousset Atmel U.K., Ltd. Coliseum Business Centre Riverside Way Camberley, Surrey GU15 3YL England TEL (44) 1276-686-677 FAX (44) 1276-686-697 Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex France TEL (33) 4-4253-6000 FAX (33) 4-4253-6001 Asia Atmel Asia, Ltd. Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimhatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong TEL (852) 2721-9778 FAX (852) 2722-1369 Japan Atmel Japan K.K. 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan TEL (81) 3-3523-3551 FAX (81) 3-3523-7581 Fax-on-Demand North America: 1-(800) 292-8635 International: 1-(408) 441-0732 e-mail Web Site BBS 1-(408) 436-4309 (c) Atmel Corporation 1999. Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company's standard warranty which is detailed in Atmel's Terms and Conditions located on the Company's web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. Marks bearing (R) and/or TM are registered trademarks and trademarks of Atmel Corporation. Terms and product names in this document may be trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 0461C-09/99/xM