Data Sheet
Apr. 2005 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited
Operating Conditions: VCC = +5V, TA= 25oC unless otherwise specified.
Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Total Supply Current, Excluding
Current in Voltage Reference VCC = 5V, no load, -40oC ≤TA ≤105oC 0.5 0.8 mA
VCC = 18V, no load, -40oC ≤TA ≤105oC 0.6 1.2
Voltage Reference Section
Reference Voltage for AP4300-A IK = 10mA,
TA = 25oC
0.5% tolerance 2.587 2.600 2.613 V
1% tolerance 2.574 2.626
Reference Voltage for AP4300-B IK = 10mA,
TA = 25oC
0.5% tolerance 2.487 2.500 2.513 V
1% tolerance 2.475 2.525
Reference Voltage Deviation over
Full Temperature Range IK = 10mA, TA = -40 to 105oC 5 24 mV
Minimum Cathode Current for Regu-
lation 0.1 1 mA
Dynamic Impedance IK = 1.0 to 80mA, f<1kHz 0.2 0.5 Ω
Op Amp 1 Section (VCC = 5V, VO = 1.4V, TA = 25oC, unless otherwise noted)
Input Offset Voltage TA = 25oC 0.5 3 mV
TA = -40 to 105oC 5
Input Offset Voltage
Temperatu re Drift TA = -40 to 105oC 7 µV/ oC
Input Bias Current (Inverting Input
Only) TA = 25oC 20 150 nA
Large Signa l Voltage Gain VCC = 15V, RL = 2KΩ, VO = 1.4 to 1 1.4V 85 100 dB
Power Supply Rejection Ratio VCC = 5 to 18V 70 90 dB
Output Current Source VCC = 15V, VID = 1V, VO =2V 20 40 mA
Sink VCC = 15V, VID = -1V, VO = 2V 10 20 mA
Output Voltage Swing (High) VCC = 18V, RL = 10KΩ, VID = 1V 16 16.5 V
Output Voltage Swing (Low) VCC = 18V, RL = 10KΩ, VID = -1V 17 100 mV
Slew Rate VCC = 18V, RL = 2kΩ, AV = 1,
VIN = 0.5 to 2V, CL = 100pF 0.2 0.5 V/µ s
Gain Bandwidth Product VCC = 18V, RL = 2kΩ, CL = 100pF,
VIN = 10mV, f = 100kHz 0.7 1 MHz