Preliminary Technical Data AD5227
REV. Pr F 1/20/2004
Potentiometer Mode Operation
If all three terminals are used, the operation is called the
potentiometer mode. The most common configuration is the
voltage divider operation, Figure 9.
Figure 9. Potentiometer Mode Configuration
The transfer function is:
64 +
=∆ (3)
If we ignore the effect of the wiper resistance, the transfer function
simplifies to
=∆ (4)
Unlike in rheostat mode operation where the absolute tolerance is
high, potentiometer mode operation yields an almost ratio-metric
function of CP/64 with a relatively small error contributed by the
RW terms, the tolerance effect is therefore almost cancelled.
Although the thin film step resistor RS and CMOS switches
resistance RW have very different temperature coefficients, the
ratio-metric adjustment also makes the overall temperature
coefficient effect reduced to 5ppm/oC except at low value codes
where RW dominates.
Potentiometer mode operations include others operations such as
opamp input and feedback resistors network and other voltage
scaling applications. A, W, and B terminals can in fact be input or
output terminals and have no polarity constraint provided that
|VAB|, |VWA|, and |VWB| do not exceed VDD-to-GND.
The AD5227 contains a three-wire serial input interface. The three
inputs are clock (CLK), CS (Chip Select), and up/down control
(U/D). These inputs can be controlled digitally for optimum speed
and flexibility. Standard logic families work well. On the other
hand, they can also be controlled by mechanical means for simple
manual operation. The states of the CS and U/D can be selected by
the mechanical switches. The CLK input can be controlled by a
pushbutton but it should be properly debounced by flip-flops or
other suitable means. The negative-edge sensitive CLK input
requires clean transitions to avoid clocking multiple pulses into the
internal UP/Down counter register.
When CS is pulled low, a clock pulse increments or decrements the
up/down counter and the direction is determined by the state of
the U/D control pin. When the state of U/D remains, the device
continues to change to the same direction under consecutive clocks
until it hits the end of the resistance setting.
All digital inputs are protected with a series input resistor and
parallel Zener ESD structure shown in Figure 10. Applies to digital
input pins CS, U/D, and CLK.
Figure 10. Equivalent ESD Protection Digital Pins
Terminal Voltage Operation Range
The AD5227 is designed with internal ESD diodes for protection
but they also set the boundary of the terminal operating voltages.
Positive signals present on terminal A, B, or W that exceeds VDD
will be clamped by the forward biased diode. There is no polarity
constraint between VAB, VWA, and VWB but they cannot be higher
than VDD-to-GND.
Figure 11. Maximum Terminal Voltages Set by VDD and GND
Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences
Since there are ESD protection diodes that limit the voltage
compliance at terminals A, B, and W (Figure 11), it is important to
power VDD before applying any voltage to terminals A, B, and W.
Otherwise, the diodes will be forward biased such that VDD will be
powered unintentionally and may affect the rest of the users’
circuit. Similarly, VDD should be powered down last. The ideal
power-up sequence is in the following order: GND, VDD, digital
inputs, and VA/B/W. The order of powering V A, V B, V W, and digital
inputs is not important as long as they are powered after VDD.
Layout and Power Supply Biasing
It is always a good practice to employ compact, minimum lead
length layout design. The leads to the input should be as direct as
possible with a minimum conductor length. Ground paths should
have low resistance and low inductance.
Similarly, it is also good practice to bypass the power supplies with
quality capacitors. Low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) 1µF to
10µF tantalum or electrolytic capacitors should be applied at the