INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 74LVC16241A 16-bit buffer/line driver (3-State) Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Dec 26 IC24 Data Handbook 1997 Jul 29 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 16-bit buffer/line driver (3-State) 74LVC16241A FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION * 5 volt tolerant inputs/outputs for interfacing with 5V logic * Wide supply voltage range of 1.2V to 3.6V * Complies with JEDEC standard no. 8-1A * CMOS low power consumption * MULTIBYTETM flow-through standard pin-out architecture * Low inductance multiple power and ground pins for minimum noise and ground bounce * Direct interface with TTL levels DESCRIPTION The 74LVC16241A is a high-performance, low-power, low-voltage, Si-gate CMOS device, superior to most advanced CMOS compatible TTL families. Inputs can be driven from either 3.3V or 5V devices. In 3-State operation, outputs can handle 5V. These features allow the use of these devices in a mixed 3.3V/5V environment. The 74LVC16241A is a 16-bit buffer/line driver with 3-State outputs. The 3-State outputs are controlled by the output enable inputs nOE and nOE. Schmitt-trigger action at all inputs makes the circuit highly tolerant for slower input rise and fall times. The device can be used as four 4-bit buffers, two 8-bit buffers or one 16-bit buffer. 1OE 1 48 2OE 1Y0 2 47 1A0 1Y1 3 46 1A1 GND 4 45 GND 1Y2 5 44 1A2 1Y3 6 43 1A3 VCC 7 42 VCC 2Y0 8 41 2A0 2Y1 9 40 2A1 GND 10 39 GND 2Y2 11 38 2A2 2Y3 12 37 2A3 3Y0 13 36 3A0 3Y1 14 35 3A1 GND 15 34 GND 3Y2 16 33 3A2 3Y3 17 32 3A3 VCC 18 31 VCC 4Y0 19 30 4A0 4Y1 20 29 4A1 GND 21 28 GND 4Y2 22 27 4A2 4Y3 23 26 4A3 4OE 24 25 3OE SW00049 QUICK REFERENCE DATA GND = 0 V; Tamb = 25 C; tr = tf 2.5 ns PARAMETER SYMBOL tPHL/tPLH Propagation delay nAn to nYn CI Input capacitance CPD Power dissipation capacitance per buffer CONDITIONS TYPICAL UNIT 2.9 ns 5.0 pF 25 pF CL = 50pF VCC = 3.3V VI = GND to VCC1 NOTES: 1. CPD is used to determine the dynamic power dissipation (PD in W): PD = CPD x VCC2 x fi + (CL x VCC2 x fo) where: fi = input frequency in MHz; CL = output load capacity in pF; fo = output frequency in MHz; VCC = supply voltage in V; (CL x VCC2 x fo) = sum of outputs. ORDERING INFORMATION TEMPERATURE RANGE OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA NORTH AMERICA DWG NUMBER 48-Pin Plastic SSOP Type III PACKAGES -40C to +85C 74LVC16241A DL VC16241A DL SOT370-1 48-Pin Plastic TSSOP Type II -40C to +85C 74LVC16241A DGG VC16241A DGG SOT362-1 1997 Jul 29 2 853-2006 18217 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 74LVC16241A 16-bit buffer/line driver (3-State) PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NUMBER SYMBOL 1 2, 3, 5, 6 1OE 1Y0 to 1Y3 4, 10, 15, 21, 28, 34, 39, 45 GND 7, 18, 31, 42 VCC 8, 9, 11, 12 LOGIC SYMBOL (IEEE/IEC) NAME AND FUNCTION Output enable input (active LOW) 1OE 1 EN1 2OE 48 EN2 Data outputs 3OE 25 EN3 4OE 24 EN4 Ground (0V) 1A0 2Y0 to 2Y3 Positive supply voltage 1A1 Data outputs 1A2 1A3 13, 14, 16, 17 3Y0 to 3Y3 Data outputs 19, 20, 22, 23 4Y0 to 4Y3 Data outputs 2A1 Output enable input (active LOW) 2A2 Output enable input (active LOW) 3A0 Data inputs 3A2 24 4OE 25 30, 29, 27, 26 36, 35, 33, 32 3OE 4A0 to 4A3 3A0 to 3A3 2A0 2A3 3A1 3A3 Data inputs 4A0 41, 40, 38, 37 2A0 to 2A3 Data inputs 4A1 47, 46, 44, 43 1A0 to 1A3 Data inputs 4A2 Output enable input (active LOW) 4A3 48 2OE 1A1 1A2 1A3 47 2 1Y0 46 3 1Y1 44 5 1Y2 43 6 1Y3 8 2Y0 1 41 1 9 38 11 2Y2 37 12 2Y3 13 3Y0 35 14 3Y1 33 16 3Y2 32 17 3Y3 19 4Y0 29 20 4Y1 27 22 4Y2 26 23 36 1 30 1 2A0 2A1 2 3 44 5 43 6 1Y0 3A0 1Y1 3A1 1Y2 3A2 1Y3 2A2 2A3 2OE 1 40 3A3 3OE 8 9 38 11 37 12 48 36 13 4 4Y3 35 14 33 16 32 17 INPUTS OUTPUT 3Y0 3Y1 3Y2 nOE 1An, 4An 1Yn, 4Yn L H H L L L H X Z 3Y3 2Y0 4A0 2Y1 4A1 2Y2 4A2 2Y3 4A3 4OE 25 30 29 19 20 27 22 26 23 4Y0 4Y1 OUTPUT nOE 2An, 3An 2Yn, 3Yn H H H H L L L X Z H = HIGH voltage level L = LOW voltage level X = don't care Z = high impedance OFF-state 4Y2 4Y3 24 SW00146 1997 Jul 29 3 2Y1 FUNCTION TABLES 46 41 2 40 INPUTS 1OE 1 SW00055 LOGIC SYMBOL 1A0 47 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 74LVC16241A 16-bit buffer/line driver (3-State) RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS LIMITS MIN MIN. MAX MAX. UNIT VCC DC supply voltage (for max. speed performance) 2.7 3.6 V VCC DC supply voltage (for low-voltage applications) 1.2 3.6 V VI DC Input voltage range 0 5.5 V VO DC output voltage range; output HIGH or LOW state 0 VCC V VO DC output voltage range; output 3-State Tamb Operating ambient temperature range in free air tr, tf Input rise and fall times 0 5.5 V See DC and AC characteristics for individual device -40 +85 C VCC = 1.2 to 2.7V VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V 0 0 20 10 ns/V ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1 In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134) Voltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0V) SYMBOL VCC PARAMETER CONDITIONS DC supply voltage LIMITS UNIT MIN MAX -0.5 +6.5 V mA IIK DC input diode current VI < 0 - -50 VI DC input voltage Note 2 -0.5 +6.5 V IOK DC output diode current VO > VCC or VO < 0 - "50 mA VO DC output voltage; output HIGH or LOW state Note 2 -0.5 VCC + 0.5 V VO DC output voltage; output 3-State Note 2 -0.5 6.5 V IO DC output source or sink current VO = 0 to VCC - "50 mA - "100 mA -65 +150 C 500 500 mW IGND, ICC DC VCC or GND current Tstg Storage temperature range Ptot Power dissipation per package - SO package - SSOP and TSSOP package Above +70C derate linearly 8mW/K Above +60C derate linearly 5.5mW/K NOTES: 1. Stresses beyond those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2. The input and output voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output clamp current ratings are observed. 1997 Jul 29 4 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 74LVC16241A 16-bit buffer/line driver (3-State) DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Over recommended operating conditions. Voltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0V) LIMITS SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Temp = -40C to +85C MIN VIH HIGH level Input voltage VIL LOW level Input voltage VOH O VCC = 1.2V VCC VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V 2.0 TYP1 V VCC = 1.2V GND V VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V HIGH level output voltage 0.8 VCC = 2.7V; VI = VIH or VIL; IO = -12mA VCC*0.5 VCC = 3.0V; VI = VIH or VIL; IO = -100A VCC*0.2 VCC = 3.0V; VI = VIH or VIL; IO = -18mA VCC*0.6 VCC = 3.0V; VI = VIH or VIL; IO = -24mA VCC*0.8 VCC VCC = 2.7V; VI = VIH or VIL; IO = 12mA VOL V 0.40 VCC = 3.0V; VI = VIH or VIL; IO = 100A LOW level output voltage UNIT MAX GND VCC = 3.0V; VI = VIH or VIL; IO = 24mA 0.20 V 0.55 Input leakage current 6V; VI = 5 5V or GND VCC = 3 3.6V; 5.5V "0 1 "0.1 "5 A IOZ 3-State output OFF-state current VCC = 3.6V; VI = VIH or VIL; VO = 5.5V or GND 0.1 "5 A Ioff Power off leakage supply VCC = 0.0V; VI or VO = 5.5V 0.1 "10 A ICC Quiescent supply current VCC = 3.6V; VI = VCC or GND; IO = 0 0.1 20 A Additional quiescent supply current per input pin VCC = 2.7V to 3.6V; VI = VCC -0.6V; IO = 0 5 500 A II ICC NOTE: 1. All typical values are at VCC = 3.3V and Tamb = 25C. AC CHARACTERISTICS GND = 0V; tR = tF = 2.5ns; CL = 50pF; RL = 500; Tamb = -40C to +85C. LIMITS SYMBOL PARAMETER WAVEFORM VCC = 3.3V 0.3V LIMITS VCC = 2.7V VCC = 1.2V MIN TYP1 MAX MIN MAX TYP UNIT tPHL tPLH Propagation delay nAn to nYn; nAn to nYn 1, 4 1.5 2.9 4.4 1.5 5.4 13 ns tPZH tPZL 3-State output enable time 1OE to 1Yn; 4OE to 4Yn 3, 4 1.5 4.4 5.8 1.5 6.8 17 ns tPHZ tPLZ 3-State output disable time 1OE to 1Yn; 4OE to 4Yn 3, 4 1.5 4.3 5.8 1.5 6.8 11 ns tPZH tPZL 3-State output enable time 2OE to 2Yn; 3OE to 3Yn 2, 4 1.5 4.4 5.5 1.5 6.5 19 ns tPHZ tPLZ 3-State output disable time 2OE to 2Yn; 3OE to 3Yn 2, 4 1.5 4.9 5.4 1.5 6.4 12 ns NOTE: 1. All typical values are at VCC = 3.3V and Tamb = 25C. 1997 Jul 29 5 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 74LVC16241A 16-bit buffer/line driver (3-State) AC WAVEFORMS VM = 1.5V at VCC w 2.7V; VM = 0.5 VCC at VCC t 2.7V. VOL and VOH are the typical output voltage drop that occur with the output load. VX = VOL + 0.3V at VCC w 2.7V; VX = VOL + 0.1 VCC at VCC t 2.7V VY = VOH -0.3V at VCC w 2.7V; VY = VOH - 0.1 VCC at VCC t 2.7V VI VI 1An, 2An INPUT 1OE, 4OE INPUT VM VM GND GND tPHL tPLH tPLZ VOH tPZL VCC 1Yn, 2Yn OUTPUT VM OUTPUT LOW-to-OFF OFF-to-LOW VOL VM VX VOL SW00051 Waveform 1. Input (nAn) to output (nYn) propagation times tPHZ tPZH VOH 2OE, 3OE INPUT VY OUTPUT HIGH-to-OFF OFF-to-HIGH VI VM VM GND outputs enabled GND outputs disabled outputs enabled SW00052 tPLZ tPZL Waveform 3. 3-State enable and disable times for the input (1OE, 4OE) VCC OUTPUT LOW-to-OFF OFF-to-LOW TEST CIRCUIT VM VX S1 VCC VOL tPHZ 2