ermetek Cmicroelectronics CH2100 Super Small 2400bps Modem Module INTRODUCTION The CH2100 is a full function, fully approved V.22bis 2400bps modem module. It is hermetically encapsulated and has a footprint that is less than one square inch. This makes the CH2100 unique in size, performance and reliability. The CH2100 interfaces directly to the telephone line utilizing its built in PSTN line interface. The modem is completely intelligent and is controlled by and will communicate via the five volt serial transmit and receive data pins exclusively. The CH2100 uses the standard AT commands and status words for command and control. No additional external pin connections are required. Even though all other vestigial modem signals have been eliminated, the CH2100 can communicate with any other commercially available modem up to and including 56Kbps modems. The CH2100 supports asynchronous operation at 2400bps, 1200bps, and 300bps to CCITT and Bell standards. Through-hole or surface mount pins are available. The user may select from standard temperature range or extended temperature range versions. The CH2100 is FCC part 68 approved (which is conveyed to the user), is UL1950 and CSA C22.2 950 compliant and is approvable in Canada to CSA CS03 Part I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CH2100 has very few external pins (when compared to conventional modems) making the CH2100 extremely easy to interface to the user's application hardware. Unique to the CH2100 archeitecture is the assumption that an intelligent host is processing the transmit and receive data, providing the AT commands for control and interpretting the status information supplied by the CH2100. Pins such as DCD, DSR, RST, CTS, HS - which are commonly found on conventional modems - are functionally duplicated with the AT command structure and have been eliminated. This minimizes the external hardware interface to the CH2100 while simultaneously consolidating control of the modem into one place: the user or host controller. All communication to the CH2100 is conveyed on the TXD (or transmit) pin with respect to ground. All communication from the CH2100 is received by the host controller on the RXD (or receive) pin with respect to ground. For those users that require access to the traditional pin set or who do not have an intelligent host controller available for the CH2100, Cermetek recommends use of one of our many conventional modems which offer a broad range of externally controlled functions that collectively provide solutions for virtually every modem application. Please access the Cermetek web site at for other data sheets. FEATURES * * * * * Supports Standards CCITT V.22bis, V.22, Bell 212, and Bell 103 FCC Part 68 approved and CSA CS-03 Part I approvable AT Command structure - with extensions 1500VAC RMS isolation barrier, 2122V peak surge protection Single 5 volt operation 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram of CH2100. * * * * * * * Low power operation with automatic reduced power standby mode Automatic adaptive and fixed compromise equalization Test modes and diagnostics Size: 0.86"x1.10"x0.53" (nominal) Fully encapsulated UL1950 and CS22.2 950 compliant approval pending Extended Temperature: -40oC to 85oC DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS AND DISCUSSION OF BASIC OPERATIONS Figure 1 contains a functional block drawing of the CH2100. The CH2100 is a highly integrated, full-function modem, comprised of a modulator/demodulator, controller, and an FCC Part 68 approved PSTN line interface DAA (Data Access Arrangement). Modulation/Demodulation and Modem Controller. These functions are provided by a monolithic modem integrated circuit. This IC has built-in facilities to accommodate integrated AT command control and contains the necessary resident interfaces for general communication and routing to the DAA. Telephone Interface or DAA. The CH2100 is designed to meet North American telephone standards as set by FCC Part 68 (USA) and CSA CS-03 Part I (CANADA). Among the more critical parameters, the telephone line interface is designed to meet 1500VAC RMS and 2122 volts peak surge isolation. Consequently, the CH2100 satisfies U.S. and Canadian requirements, and will meet other international approval agency requirements that specify this level of isolation. CH2100 comes with FCC Part 68 approval and is shipped from the factory with an FCC Part 68 label indicating the registration number and ringer equivalent. This label should be prominently displayed on the end product. Document No. 607-2100 Rev.C (8/99) 1 With the exception of the U.S., most countries (including Canada) require submission of the final product or system containing the CH2100 to the appropriate governing regulatory agency for approval. Typically this is accomplished by submitting the final end product to an independant test house or consultant for evaluation. The test house/consultant then forwards the test results and applicable documents to the regulatory agency. Call Cermetek for a list of consultants. SUPPORTED FEATURES "AT" Command Set. A 40-character command line is supported. The command line starts with AT and may contain standard or enhanced commands. A summary is available in this data sheet while a detailed description is available from our web site. Serial Host Interface. The serial interface signals conform to V.24 (EIA-232). See pin description. Transmission Speed. In normal operation, the originating modem initiates the call and attempts to connect to the answering modem at a speed established by the originating modem's controller prior to call initiation. This is referred to as the Initial Trained Rate. Upon receiving the call, the answering modem will attempt to connect to the originating modem at its Initial Trained Rate. If these two rates are identical, the connection is made. If the speeds differ, the answering modem must adjust its rate or terminate the call. Table 1 indicates the connection rate that will result when the calling modem's Inital Trained Rate and the answering modem's Initial Trained Rate are different. Note that a 2400 baud connection rate will only result if both modems are initially set at 2400 baud. Speed and Parity Selection. Prior to call initiation, the host controller trains the modem to the host speed (2400, 1200, or 300 bps) and parity (odd, even, mark, space, or none) via a host-initiated training sequence. This training also sets the speed of the data for originate calls. The CH2100 will automatically adjust to the originators speed when answering calls. The CH2100 matches the host's parity when it returns status messages to the host. During a data connection, however, the modem passes parity through without interpretation or alteration. Pow er Supply ower Supply.. The CH2100 modem module is a complex set of sub-systems. During the course of normal operation the CH2100 decodes analog signals from the telephone line that are in the millivolt range. Steps must be taken by the user to guarantee that power supply noise on all supply lines, including ground, does not exceed 50 mV peak to peak. Any frequency between 20 kHz and 150 kHz must be less than 500 micro volts peak. If necessary, use dedicated power and ground planes. Failure to provide such operating conditions could cause the CH2100 to malfunction or to function erratically. The CH2100 requires a single +5V 5% supply. It is recommended that by-pass capacitors be placed on the power supply as close to the modem's supply input as practical. It is recommended that a 10 F or greater Tantalum capacitor in parallel with a 0.01F ceramic capacitor be used. MODEM CONTROL The CH2100 modem may be controlled by sending serial ASCII command sequences. The commands are sent to the modem serially on the TXD pin. After execution of a received command, the modem returns a serial status message that can be read on pin RXD. This message indicates command completion status. Refer to Table 3 for a complete list of result codes. Reset on P ow er Up Pow ower Up.. The user can also reset the modem externally by applying a lowgoing reset pulse to the RST pin for at least 10ms after the +5V power supply has stabilized. This can be accomplished in one of two methods. In the Reset on Power Up method, a resistor/capacitor network is used. Refering to figure 2, the reset pulse, with the appropriate delays, are generated automatically when 5V are applied simultaneously to the CH2100 and to the Reset on Power Up circuit. Delay sending commands to CH2100 for 200ms after reset has been initiated to allow the CH2100 to properly reconfigure. TTL Controller Reset. To reset the modem externally using the second reset method, TTL Controller Reset, the modem must be powered up and the 5V supply must have stabalized prior to utilizing this method. Refering to the TTL Controller Reset circuit in figure 2, a 10msec low-going pulse is sent from the controller through the inverter. Delay sending commands to CH2100 for 200ms after reset has been initiated to allow the CH2100 to properly reconfigure. Sleep Mode. To minimize power consumption, the CH2100 includes a power down feature called Sleep Mode. When activated, the CH2100 will automatically enter Sleep Mode after 0 to 254 seconds of inactivity. The inactivity delay is selected using the ATS24 command. The CH2100 is delivered from the factory with a 5 second inactivity delay enabled (i.e., ATS24=5). The CH2100 returns to normal operation when a ring signal is received or upon an input low signal on the TXD pin. ATS24 = 255 disables the Sleep Mode and is the default if no value is set in register S24. In Sleep Mode, power is reduced to approximately 50% of normal operating power. Ring Indicator (RI). Table 1. Connection Rates An sw erin g Mo d em In itial Train ed R ate C o n n ectio n R ate R esu ltin g Wh en C allin g Mo d em In itial Train ed R ate is: 300 1200 2400 300 300 1200 1200 1200 300 1200 1200 2400 300 1200 2400 The RI pin toggles low when the CH2100 detects an incoming call. The RI pin is TTL compliant and can be utilized to activate external circuitry including the external RST pin. 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. Document No. 607-2100 Rev. C (8/99) 2 Table 2. CH2100 Pin Descriptions P IN N AME T YP E 1 T IP I/ O D i r e c t l y c o n n e c t s t o t h e t e l e p h o n e l i n e ' s Ti p l e a d t h r o u g h a u s e r s u p p l i e d R J - 1 1 C j a c k . Ti p a n d R i ng a r e no t p o l a r i t y s e ns i t i v e a nd m a y b e r e v e r s e d . 2 R IN G I/ O D i r e c t l y c o n n e c t s t o t h e t e l e p h o n e l i n e ' s R i n g l e a d t h r o u g h a u s e r s u p p l i e d R J - 1 1 C j a c k . Ti p a n d R i ng a r e no t p o l a r i t y s e ns i t i v e a nd m a y b e r e v e r s e d . 3 __ RI O R I N G I N D I C AT I O N . A L O W fo r 2 s e c o nd s i nd i c a t e s t ha t t he l o c a l t e l e p ho ne l i ne i s r i ng i ng . t hi s s i g na l fo l l o w s t he fr e q ue nc y o f t he r i ng i ng s i g na l ( no r m a l l y a b o ut 2 0 o r 3 0 H z fo r 2 s e c o nd s ) . 4 GND - G R O U N D . N o t e : N o i s e s ho ul d b e l e s s t ha n 5 0 m V p e a k t o p e a k . 5 RX D O R E C E I V E D AT A . S e r i a l R e c e i v e d a t a o ut p ut . R e c e i v e d m a r k i ng o r b i na r y 1 c o nd i t i o n i s i n d i c a t e d b y H IG H . R X D f o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n t o h o s t c o n t r o l l e r f r o m C H 2 1 0 0 . 6 TX D I T R A N S M I T D AT A . S e r i a l t r a ns m i t d a t a i np ut . M a r k i ng , o r a b i na r y 1 c o nd i t i o n, i s t r a ns m i t t e d w h e n a H IG H i s a s s e r t e d . T X D f o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n f r o m h o s t c o n t r o l l e r t o C H 2 1 0 0 . I R E S E T i n p u t . A c t i v e L O W. T h i s i n p u t m u s t b e a s s e r t e d L O W f o r a t l e a s t 1 0 m s t o r e s e t t h e m o d e m . R E S E T i s t h e n r e t u r n e d H IG H f o r n o r m a l o p e r a t i o n . If n o s y s t e m r e s e t i s a v a i l a b l e , a t t a c h a 3 3 0 K o hm r e s i s t o r t o 5 V a nd a 0 . 1 uf c a p a c i t o r t o g r o und t o c r e a t e a r e s e t . - P O W E R S U P P L Y. 5 V o l t s + 5 % N o t e : N o i s e s h o u l d b e l e s s t h a n 5 0 m V p e a k t o p e a k . 7 8 _____ RS T1 VCC F U N C T ION Note: (1) If VCC has a slow power up ramp time, the internal reset may be ineffective. Figure 2. CH2100 Application Diagram. 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. Document No. 607-2100 Rev.C (8/99) 3 Training the Modem. Each modem must be trained to match its host's speed and parity so that it is able to recognize serial asynchronous commands sent to it by the host UART. The host must retrain the modem each time a reset signal is applied on RST or after a RESET serial command has been issued. "AT" and "A/" may not be edited however. Multiple commands may be placed in the command line. A command line may be as long as 40 characters, excluding the letters AT. By way of example, the command below instructs the CH2100 to configure itself to not echo characters when in command mode (E0) and then put itself in answer mode (A). Modem Training Command Sequence. Enter: ATE0A[CR] The CH2100 is trained by sending it the following sequence: Enter: AT[CR] Where: A and T may be either upper or lower case but must be the same case. [CR] repesents carriage return The "AT" sequence is referred to as an attention sequence. The CH2100 will respond with one of the following status messages, depending on whether it is optioned for abbreviated or English status messages. Result: 0[CR] (Abbreviated form) Result: [CR][LF]OK[CR][LF] (English form) Where: [CR] represents carriage return (ASCII 13 or HEX 0D). [LF] represents line feed (ASCII 10 or HEX 0A). The modem is now in idle mode and is ready to accept commands. An alternate attention sequence "A/" may be sent which behaves much like the AT sequence except that it causes the previously entered command specified with an AT prefix to be executed. When given, it must be in upper case ASCII. No carriage return is needed. THE COMMAND FORMAT Typical commands consist of three elements: the attention sequence, the commands themselves, and a terminating carriage return. AT Command Set. The available command set is divided into four types of commands: dial modifiers, basic commands, ampersand and percent commands. Refer to the complete list in Table 5. AT Command Data Rate. With the serial interface, the rate is speed sensed for parity and format. THE STATUS MESSAGES The CH2100 responds with a status message after each command is executed. This status message may either be a single digit followed by a carriage return or a carriage return and line feed with a message in English, followed by a carriage return and line feed. The basic status code subsets are enabled with the Xn command. Where n=0,1,2,3,4 establishes the result codes allowed by the user. X0 - Result Codes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 allowed X1 - Result Codes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 allowed X2 - Result Codes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 allowed X3 - Result Codes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 allowed X4 - Result Codes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 allowed The CH2100 is factory set to X4, which allows all result codes. AT [commands] [CR]. Where: [AT] represents attention sequence. [commands] represents command strings. [CR] represents carriage return (ASCII 13 or HEX 0D). When entering commands to the modem, the backspace character-control-H (ASCII 8 or HEX 08) can be used to edit mistakes. Table 3. Summary of Result Codes and Their Meanings Re sult Codes Sta tus Me ssa g e s Me a ni ng 0 OK C o mma nd e xe cute d 1 C ONNE C T C a rri e r d e te cte d a t 300 b p s 2 RING Ri ng d e te cte d 3 NO C A RRIE R D i d no t d e te ct ca rri e r 4 E RROR E ntry e rro r 5 C ONNE C T 1200 C a rri e r d e te cte d a t 1200 b p s 6 NO D IA L TONE Off-ho o k, b ut no re sp o nse a fte r 5 se co nd s 7 B US Y B usy si g na l d e te cte d 10 C ONNE C T 2400 C a rri e r d e te cte d a t 2400 b p s 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. Table 4. CH1786 Register Summary Register Function S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S24 Ring to Answer On Ring Count Escape Code Character Carriage Return Character Line Feed Character Back Space Character Wait For Dial Tone Wait Time for Data Carrier Pause Time for Comma Carrier Detect Response Time Lost Carrier to Hang-up Delay DTMF Dialing Speed Escape Code Guard Time Sleep Mode Inactivity Time MODEM STATES The CH2100 can be in either command mode or data mode. When the modem is idle, it is in command mode by default. When data transmission is in progress, the CH2100 is in the data mode state and will not recognize commands. To force the CH2100 to recognize commands, the host must send an "escape sequence" to the CH2100 forcing it out of data mode and into command mode. Document No. 607-2100 Rev. C (8/99) 4 The escape sequence consists of a "guard time" (a period where no characters are sent to the modem), followed by 3 escape characters, followed by another guard time. At powerup, the guard time is set to 1 second minimum, and the escape character is set as "+." These two parameters can be modified via registers S12 and S2, respectively. The CH2100 will stay off-hook with its carrier on after the escape sequence is received and it returns an OK status message when it is ready to accept commands. The CH2100 can be put into data mode by issuing the command ATO [CR]. Return to Command State. The modem can be forced to reenter the command state after dialing (without hanging up) by ending the dial command with a semicolon. This is useful when using the modem as an auto dialer. Example: Touch-tone dial 9, pause, dial number, return for command. Enter: AT DT9, 1234567; Result: OK Automatic Answering. AT COMMAND APPLICATIONS Dialing A Phone Number. The Dial command takes the form Dn, where n is a string of characters. In the simplest form, n will be only the digits of the phone number to be dialed. Example: Dial number. Enter: AT D1234567 In response to this command, the CH2100 dials the telephone number "123-4567" and then waits for a carrier from the distant modem. If no carrier is detected within a given time (the default time is 30 seconds), the CH2100 automatically releases the line and sends a NO CARRIER result code. If a carrier is detected, the CH2100 gives a CONNECT result code and goes on-line, permitting communication with the distant modem. The Dial Command may also be issued without a telephone number. ATD causes the modem to pick up the telephone line without dialing a number. Pause During Dialing. When placing a call from an office with a telephone connected to a PBX, it may be necessary to dial an access code (usually the digit 9) to get an outside line. Inserting a comma in the telephone number instructs the modem to pause for a specific length of time. The factory set default pause time is 2 seconds. Example: Dial 9, pause, dial number. Enter: AT DT9, 1234567 Multiple commas may be used to generate integer multiples of the specified delay time. Originate a Call in Answer Mode. The D command forces the modem into originate mode. To call an originate-only modem, dial the number and set the modem to answer mode via the R command (reverse originate). This is done by including an R at the end of the telephone number. Example: Change modem from original-only to answer mode. Enter: AT DT 1234567R Redial Last Number. Use A/, the repeat command, to redial the last telephone number dialed. 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. The S0 register controls the number of rings that must occur before the modem answers a call. The register may range in value from 0 to 255. S0 = 0 DO NOT ANSWER TELEPHONE S0 = 1 ANSWER ON RING 1 S0 = 2 ANSWER ON RING 2 S0 = 3 ANSWER ON RING 3 S0 = 255 ANSWER ON RING 255 When S0 is set to 0, the modem will not auto-answer. CONNECTING TO THE HOST UART Since the CH2100 communicates data serially and most host products handle data in a parallel format, a UART is needed to make parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel translations. The modem is controlled by sending it serial commands over TXD and can be monitored by serial status messages returned on RXD. RI is optionally used to monitor the ring signal. PHONE LINE CONNECTION GUIDELINES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) The CH2100 must be mounted in the final assembly such that it is isolated from exposure to any hazardous voltages within the assembly. Adequate separation and restraint of cables and cords must be provided. The circuitry from the CH2100 to the telephone line interface must be provided in wiring that carries no other circuitry other than that specifically allowed in the FCC rules (such as A and A1 leads). Connection to phone line should be made through an RJ-11 jack. PCB traces from the modem's RING and TIP pins to the RJ-11 jack must be 0.1 inch spacing or greater to one another and 0.2 inch spacing or greater to all other traces. The traces should have a nominal width of 0.020 inches or greater. The RING and TIP PCB traces should be as short as possible and oriented to prevent coupling other high speed or high frequency signals present on the host circuit PCB. No additional circuitry other than that shown in Figure 3 may be connected between the modem module and the RJ-11 jack. Doing so will invalidate the FCC approval. The CH2100, the RJ-11 jack, the interfacing circuitry and all PCB traces in between, must be contained on a PCB with a 94 V-0 flammability rating. The supplied FCC registration label must be applied visibly on the outside of the product. The product's User Manual must provide the user with instructions for connection and use as recommended in the FCC Registration Section below. Document No. 607-2100 Rev.D (8/99) 5 Table 5. CH2100 "AT" Command Set Summary Basic Commands AT A A/ Bn D E Hn On P Qn Sn Sn= Sn? Vn Xn +++ , ? Yn Fn Z Function Attention Code Answer command Repeat Last Command Communications Standard Option Dial Command Off-Line Character Echo Option Switch Hook Control Option On-Line Command Pulse Dial Result Code Display Option Select an S Register Write to an S Register Read an S Register Result Code Form Option Result Code Set/Call Progress Option Escape Code Sequence Pause Returns Last Addressed S Register Long Space Disconnect Option On Line Echo character Option Reset CH2100 HANDLING AND ASSEMBLY RECOMMENDATIONS The CH2100 contains static-sensitive components and should only be handled by personnel and in areas that are properly protected against static discharge. There are two mounting techniques that are recommended for physically connecting the CH2100 to a PCB: 1) sockets, and 2) direct soldering. Direct Soldering. The CH2100 may be wave or vapor phase soldered onto circuit boards. All CH2100 products are hermetically sealed and will not be harmed by industry standard soldering processes. Socketing. The socketing approach to mounting eliminates cleaning and desoldering concerns. When the socket is used, it must make a solid connection to all pins. Failure to do so will cause unreliable operation. Also, steps should be taken to assure that the module remains tightly seated in the socket after the end product is shipped. Recommended socket is CES-150-01-T-S by Samtec, 50 pin strip socket. Socketing SMD versions of the CH2100 is not recommended. FCC REGISTRATION Dial Modifiers P R T W ; @ ! , 0-9 A,B,C,D Function Pulse Dial Originate Call in Answer Mode Touch Tone Dial Wait for Dial Tone Return to Idle State Wait for Quiet Answer Command Flash Hook Pause Dial Digits/Characters Ampersand Commands &F &Gn &Pn &Tn &V Load Factory Defaults Guard Tone Option Make to Break Ratio Selection Test Command Option View Active Configuration Percent Commands %Dn %J Function Function DTMF Attenuation Load Secondary Factory Defaults NOTE: A detailed definition of all commands and registers is available from Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. Refer to Cermetek Document "AT Commands and S-Registers Reference Guide." Web Site: 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. All products in the CH2100 family are registered with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) under Part 68. To maintain the validity of the registration, you must serve notice to the end user of the product of several restrictions the FCC places on the modem and its use. In addition to restriction notification, the FCC requires that Cermetek make all repairs to all products in the CH2100 family. If repairs are necessary after installation of the CH2100 in the end product and the end product has been delivered to the end user, the end product must be returned to the end product supplier where the CH2100 can be removed and then forwarded to Cermetek for repair. The following notice is recommended and should be included in the end product's user manual. FOR YOUR USER'S MANUAL The Part 68 rules require the following (or equivalent) be provided to the end user of equipment containing a DAA: Type of Service: The (insert end product name) is designed to be used on standard device telephone lines. It connects to the telephone line by means of a standard jack called the USOC RJ-11C (or USOC RJ45S). Connection to telephone-company-provided coin service (central office implemented systems) is prohibited. Connection to party lines service is subject to state tariffs. Changes in Attestation Procedure for Plugs and Jacks: (Name of applicant) attests that the network interface plugs or jacks used on this equipment comply with and will continue to comply with the mechanical requirements specified in Part 68, Sub-part F, specifically the dimensions, tolerances and metallic plating requirements. The compliance of these connectors will be assured by purchase specifications and incoming inspection. Documentation of such specifications and/or inspections will be provided by the FCC within 30 days of their request for the same. Document No. 607-2100 Rev. C (8/99) 6 Figure 3. PSTN Line Interface for CH2100 Products. Telephone Company Procedures: The goal of the telephone company is to provide you with the best service it can. In order to do this, it may occasionally be necessary for them to make changes in their equipment, operations or procedures. If these changes might affect your service or the operation of your equipment, the telephone company will give you notice, in writing, to allow you to make any changes necessary to maintain uninterrupted service. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for the telephone company to request information from you concerning the equipment which you have connected to your telephone line. Upon request of the telephone company, provide the FCC registration number and the ringer equivalence number (REN); both of these items are listed on the equipment label. The sum of aII of the REN's on your telephone lines should be less than five in order to assure proper service from the telephone company. In some cases, a sum of five may not be useable on a given line. Consult your telephone provider. If Problems Arise: If any of your telephone equipment is not operating properly, you should immediately remove it from your telephone line, as it may cause harm to the telephone network. If the telephone company notes a problem, they may temporarily discontinue service. When practical, they will notify you in advance of this disconnection. If advance notice is not feasible, you will be notified as soon as possible. When you are notified, you will be given the opportunity to correct the problem and informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. Contact your local telephone service provider if you have any questions about your phone line. In the event repairs are ever needed on the (insert your product name), they should be performed by (insert your company name) or an authorized representative of (insert your company name). For information contact: (insert your company address). 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. The following is a summary of the Default Configuration Profile installed by Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc., prior to delivery of the CH2100. Async mode selected 2400bps Bell 212A operation at 1200bps Even parity Auto answer disabled Command echo ON All result codes enabled - extended Wait for dial tone before dialing = 2 seconds Detects busy signal Full word result codes Pulse dial make/break ratio = 39/61 DSR enabled Guard tones disabled Escape code character = 43 Carriage return character = 13 Line feed character = 10 Back space character = 8 Duration of wait for dial tone = 2 seconds Duration of wait for carrier after dialing = 30 seconds Duration of dial pulse (comma) = 2 seconds Carrier detect response time = 0.1 seconds Escape code guard time = 1 second Length of use after comma = 2.0 seconds Last carrier to hang up delay = 0.1 seconds DTMF interdigit delay = 0.1 seconds DTMF Attenuation = -4dB Sleep mode inactivity time = 5 seconds Long space disconnect disabled Document No. 607-2100 Rev.C (8/99) 7 Table 6. CH2100 System Data Mode Compatibility Specifications P a ra m e t e r S p ecificatio n Asynchro no us 2400, 1200, 600 b p s cha ra cte r a synchro no us. 0-300 b p s a synchro no us Asynchro no us Sp e e d Ra ng e P arameter S p ecificatio n 2400Hz + 7Hz 1200Hz + 7Hz Re ce i ve Ca rri e r Fre q ue nci e s V.22 b i s, V.22, 212A Ori g i na te Answe r TxD ma y d i ffe r +1%, -2.5% fro m mo d e m o utp ut. Offse ts wi ll b e co rre cte d b y a d d i ng /d e le ti ng sto p b i ts. Be ll 103 Answe r 'sp a ce ' 2020Hz Answe r 'ma rk' 2225Hz Ori g i na l 'sp a ce ' 1070Hz Ori g i na l 'ma rk' 1270Hz Te le p ho ne Li ne Inte rfa ce Two -wi re full d up le x o ve r p ub li c swi tche d ne two rk. On-chi p hyb ri d a nd b i lli ng d e la y ti me rs. Bi lli ng De la y 2.0 to 3.0 se co nd s (Ta=25OC) Mo d ula ti o n V.22 b i s, 16 p o i nt QAM a t 600 b a ud . V.22 a nd 2212A, 4 p o i nt, DPSK a t 600 b a ud . 103 b i na ry p ha se co he re nt FSK. Hyste re si s Se lf Te st Pa tte rn Ge ne ra to r Alte rna te 'o ne s' a nd 'ze ro s' a nd e rro r d e te cto r, to b e use d a lo ng wi th mo st lo o p b a cks. A numb e r i nd i ca ti ng the b i t e rro rs d e te cte d i s se nt to DTE. Tra nsmi t Ca rri e r Fre q ue nci e s V.22 b i s, V.22, 212A Be ll 103 mo d e Ori g i na te Answe r 1200Hz+.01% 2400Hz +.01% Ori g i na te 'sp a ce ' Ori g i na te 'ma rk' Answe r 'sp a ce ' Answe r 'ma rk' 1070Hz +.01% 1270Hz +.01% 2020Hz +.01% 2225Hz +.01% + 7Hz + 7Hz + 7Hz + 7Hz 2 d B mi ni mum Li ne Eq ua li za ti o n Fi xe d co mp ro mi se e q ua li za ti o n, tra nsmi t. Ad a p ti ve e q ua li ze r fo r PSK/QAM, re ce i ve . Di a g no sti cs Ava i la b le Lo ca l a na lo g lo o p b a ck. Lo ca l d i g i ta l lo o p b a ck. Re mo te d i g i ta l lo o p b a ck. Re q ue st re mo te d i g i ta l lo o p b a ck. Lo ca l i nte rfa ce lo o p b a ck mo d e m wi th se lf te st. Ca ll Pro g re ss To ne s De te cte d Co mp ute r Inte rfa ce Wi th sp e a ke r o r q ui e t scre e n me ssa g e s (no d i a l to ne , b usy, ri ng -b a ck, mo d e m a nswe r to ne a nd vo i ce ). IBM PC/XT/AT b us co mp a ti b le wi th a n 8250/16450/16550A UART a s a se ri a l co ntro lle r. Table 7. CH2100 Electrical Specifications Ta=25oC S ymb o l V cc Icc C h a ra c te ris tic S up p ly vo lta g e M in . Ty p . M ax. U n its 4.75 5.0 5.25 V S up p ly C urre nt Off ho o k o p e ra ti ng curre nt On ho o k o p e ra ti ng curre nt P o we r d o wn o p e ra ti ng curre nt 40 32 7 V OL Outp ut Lo w Vo lta g e (IOL=20mA ) RI (IOL=2.0mA ) RI. RX D (IOL=1.6mA ) V OH Outp ut Hi g h Vo lta g e (IOH=-20mA ) RI (IOH=-2.0mA ) RI RX D (IOL=-100mA ) 4.40 4.18 2.40 V IL Inp ut Lo w Vo lta g e RS T TX D -0.30 -0.30 V IH Inp ut Hi g h Vo lta g e RS T TX D 3.5 2.0 IIN Inp ut Le a ka g e C urre nt RS T, TX D , RX D CP C a p a ci ti ve Lo a d RS T, TX D , RX D 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. 0.1 mA mA mA 0.10 0.26 0.40 4.50 4.37 V V V V V V 0.80 0.80 V V V V 100.0 uA 10.0 pF Document No. 607-2100 Rev. C (8/99) 8 Table 8. CH2100 Electrical Specifications P a ra m e te r M in im u m Ri ng Vo lta g e S e nsi ti vi ty Ty p ic a l M a x im u m U n its 40 V RMS Re turn Lo ss @ 1000 Hz 17 Ri ng Fre q ue nci e s dB 15.3 68 Tra nsmi t Le ve l -12 C o mma nd Mo d e A fte r Re se t Inte r C ha ra cte r D e la y C o mma nd D e la y Mi ni mum Re se t P ulse C o m m e n ts 600 o hm Hz dBm 600 o hm - D a ta Mo d e 200 mse c D e la y 20 mse c B e twe e n a ll co mma nd cha ra cte rs 100 mse c B e twe e n a ll AT co mma nd s 10 mse c If use r sup p li e d Table 9. Other Performance Specifications P arameter Min imu m Typ ical Maximu m U n its DTMF Twist (Balance) DTMF Tone Duration 3 50 Pulse Dialing Rate 10 C o m m e n ts dB 255 ms 95 ms default 20 pps 10pps default Pulse Dialing Make/Break 39/61 % US, Canada default Pulse Dialing Make/Break 33/67 % UK, Hong Kong 789 ms default Pulse Interdigit Interval 700 3000 ms Call Progress Passband Frequency 120 620 Hz 2 255 sec Wait Time for Dial Tone 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. Two seconds default Document No. 607-2100 Rev.C (8/99) 9 Table 10. Summary of CH2100 Product Family Options Model Notes: Summary of Features Operating Temperature 0oC to 70oC CH2100 Full Function, FCC Part 68 Approved, Hermetic CH2100ET Full Function + Extended Temperature Performance, FCC Part 68 Approved, Hermetic CH2100SM Full Function, FCC Part 68 Approved, Surface Mount, Hermetic CH2100SM-ET Full Function + Extended Temperature Performance, FCC Part 68 Approved, Surface Mount, Hermetic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -40oC to 85oC 0oC to 70oC -40oC to 85oC P IN N O. F U N C T ION P IN N O. F U N C T ION 1 TIP 5 RXD 2 RING 6 TXD 3 __ RI 7 ____ RST 4 GND 8 VCC All dimensions are in inches. Case dimensions are nominal + 0.02 inches. Pin length is nominal + 0.03 inches. Cermetek recomends that 0.04 inch diameter plated through holes are used with 0.060 inch diameter pads. Pin spacings are nominal. Figure 4. CH2100 Physical Dimensions and Pin Functions. Cermetek microelectronics 406 TASMAN DRIVE . SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA 94089 . TEL: (408) 752-5000 FAX: (408) 752-5004 E-mail: website: Cermetek reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by Cermetek in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Cermetek for its use, or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any patents or patent rights of Cermetek. Printed in U.S.A. 1999 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. Document No. 607-2100 Rev. C (8/99) 10