PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 1. SCOPE 1.1. Content This specification covers the performance, tests and quality requirements for the AMP* type XII contacts assembled in the G series connector housing. These contacts are primarily intended for use where the coupling means is provided separately from the individual contacts, 1.2. Qualification When tests are performed on the subject product line, the procedures specified in AMP 109 series specifications shall be used. All inspections shall be performed using the applicable inspection plan and product drawing. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the product drawing, the product drawing shall take precedence. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the referenced documents, this specification shall take precedence. 2.1. AMP Documents A. 109-1: General Requirements for Test Specifications B. 109 Series: Test Specifications as indicated in Figure 1. (Comply with MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-1344 and ETA RS-364) Cc. Corporate Bulletin 401-76: Cross-reference between AMP Test Specifications and Military or Commercial Documents D. 1114-10005: Contact, Type XII, Application Of E. 501-143: Test Report 2.2. Military Standard MIL-W-16878: Wire, Electrical, Insulated, High Temperature 3. REQUIREMENTS 3,1. Design and Construction 6 z Product shall be of the design, construction and physical dimensions specified on a gn phy x the applicable product drawing. s3 *Trademark of AMP Incorporated Product Code: 5016 = z heat hich laf % 3 AIMEE? AMP incorporated COPYRIGHT 19 83.9] BY AMP INCORPORA ws 4 op waltla Harrisburg, PA 17108-3608 oad Ki 74) 108-10037 | "> |B 0 Release per 3 % TITLE ECN DF-5376 ap PAGE CONTACT, TYPE XII LTR REVISION RECORD APP |} DATE 1OF 7 aa AMP 1250-16 REV 7-873.2. Material Contact: 3.3. Ratings Temperature: (1) -55 (2) 3.4. specified. 3.5. The product is designed to meet the electrical, performance requirements ambient environmental conditions per to 105C for tin-lead -55 to 125C for gold over nickel or silver over nickel Performance and Test Description specified in Figure 1. Test Requirements and Procedures Summary Copper, tin-lead, gold over nickel or silver over nickel plating mechanical and environmental All tests are performed at AMP Specification 109-1 unless otherwise Test Description Requirement Procedure Examination of Product Meets requirements of product drawing and applicable AMP application specification. Visual, dimensional and functional per applicable quality inspection plan. ELECTRICAL Specified Current Termination Resistance, 1.0 milliohm maximum final Wire Size Test Current Measure resistance of mated contacts assembled .6 milliohm maximum final, gold and silver. 4,0 milliohms maximum final, tin-lead. AWG amperes in housing; AMP Spec 10 25 109-25, see Figure 3. 12 18 14 15 16 13 Termination Resistance, .5 milliohm maximum Subject mated contacts Dry Circuit initial. assembled in housing to 50 mv open circuit at 100 ma maximum, see Figure 3; AMP Spec 109-6-1. Current Cycling See note (a). Subject mated contacts to 500 cycles at 125% current specified for applicable wire gage for 15 minutes "ON" and 15 minutes "OFF"; AMP Spec 109-51, cond B, method 2. Figure 1 (cont) AMP AMP 1251-13 REV 10-85 AMP Incorporated Hartsburg, PA 17105-3608 108-10037a Test Description Requirement Procedure MECHANICAL Vibration No discontinuities greater than 1 microsecond. See note (a). Subject mated contacts assembled in housing to 15 Gts with 100 ma current applied, See Figure 4; AMP Spec 109-21-3 for gold and silver. AMP Spec 109-21-1 for tin-lead. 8 hours in each of 3 mutually perpendicular axis. Physical Shock No discontinuities greater than 1 microsecond, See note (a). Subject mated contacts assembled in housings to 100 G's sawtooth shock pulses of 6 millisecond duration, 3 shocks in 3 mutually perpendicular axis. Engaging Force 5.5 pounds maximun. | each direction along the | | at a rate of 1 inch/ minute, see Figure 5; AMP Spec 109-35, | engagement depth .250 inch. Measure force to engage | Separation Force .25 pound minimum. Size each contact 8 times. Measure force to separate at a rate of 1 inch/ minute: AMP Spec 109-35, separation depth .250 inch, Crimp Tensile Wire Minimum Crimp Determine crimp tensile Size Tensile at a rate of 1 inch/ AWG Pounds minute; AMP Spec 109-16. 10 150 12 130 14 790 | 16 50 Durability See note (a). Mate and unmate contacts assembled in housing for 500 cycles (gold and silver) and 250 cycles for (tin-lead) at a maximum rate of 300 cycles per hour; AMP Spec 109-27. Figure 1 (cont) AMP AMP 1251-13 REV 10-85 AMP Incorporated Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608 1068-10037Test Description Requirement Procedure ENVIRONMENTAL Humidity-Temperature Cycling See note (a). Subject mated contacts assembled in housing to 10 humidity-temperature cycles between 25 and 65C at 95% RH, AMP Spec 109-23-4, cond B Mixed Flowing Gas See note (a). Subject mated contacts assembled in housings to class III for 20 days; AMP Spec 109-85-3. Temperature Life See note (a}. Subject mated contacts assembled in housings to a maximum rated temperature for 240 hours; AMP Spec 109-43. (a) Shall meet visual requirements, show no physical damage, requirements of additional tests as specified in the Test Sequence in Figure 2. AMP AMP 1251-13 REV 10-85 AMP Incorporated Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608 108-10037 and shall meet3.6. Product Qualification and Requalification Test Sequence Test Group (a) Test or Examination 1 | 2 | 3 Test Sequence (b) Examination of Product 1,9 1,9 1,6 Termination Resistance, Specified Current 2,4 Termination Resistance, Dry Circuit 3,7 2,7 Current Cycling 3 Temperature Rise vs Current 3,8 Vibration 6 Physical Shock Engagement Force Separation Force Durability Crimp Tensile 5 Humidity-Temperature Cycling (e) Mixed Flowing Gas (c), (d) Temperature Life | Oo] hay yun lanl fp (a) See Para 4.1.A. (b) Numbers indicate sequence in which tests are performed. (c) Precondition samples with 10 durability cycles. d) Gold over nickel and silver over nickel samples only. 2) Tin-lead plated samples only. Figure 2 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1. Qualification Testing A. Sample Selection G series connector housings and type XII contacts shall be prepared in accordance with applicable Instruction Sheets. They shall be selected at random from current production. B. Test Sequence Qualification inspection shall be verified by testing samples as specified in Figure 2. 4,2, Requalification Testing If changes significantly affecting form, fit, or function are made to the product or to the manufacturing process, product assurance shall coordinate requalification testing, consisting of all or part of the original testing sequence as determined by development/product, quality, and reliability engineering. REV | Loc ARAF _s AMP Incorporated Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608 5 1086-10037 AMP 1251-13 REV 10-854.3. Acceptance Acceptance is based on verification that the product meets the requirements of Figure 1. Failures attributed to equipment, test setup, or operator deficiencies shall not disqualify the product. When product failure occurs, corrective action shall be taken and samples resubmitted for qualification. Testing to confirm corrective action is required before resubmittal. 4.4, Quality Conformance Inspection The applicable AMP quality inspection plan will specify the sampling acceptable quality level to be used. Dimensional and functional requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable product drawing and this specification. 250 INCHES 6.00 +/- 12 INCHES TERMINATION RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT POINTS POWER SUPPLY Figure 3 Termination Resistance Measurement Points ARAF AMP incorporated Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608 1086-10037 AMP 1251-13 REV 10-85ECO INCHES - <_____| a | | : Sy , OS5R INCHES MAX Vv 2SME% ee Figure 4 | | O88 INCHES i vo "SC" SERIES CONNECTOR ~~ MOLMTING/FiX TURING POINTS Note: Cable tie down. 8 inches from rear of connectors Vibration and Physical Shock Mounting Points + re ge Gage A B 1 110 +-0000 | 950 +/-.020 - 6001 2 .100 +-0001 | 950 +7-.020 - .0000 Fipure 5 Engagement and Separating Gages A > | PAGE [NO REV | Loc hal AMP Incorporated Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608 7 108-10037 0 B AMP 1251-13 REV 10-85 ee