Data Sheet I CX74002
Skyworks Solutions, Inc., Proprietary and Confidential 3
101253B [978] 241-7000 I FAX [978] 241-7906 I SALES@SKYWORKSINC.COM I WWW.SKYWORKSINC.COM JANUARY 31, 2003
Technical Description
I/Q Modulator and VGA
The I/Q modulator converts the incoming I/Q signal to an IF
signal, then feeds it directly to the VGA. The LO for the I/Q
modulator is generated by the VHF VCO and is controlled by the
VHF PLL. The I/Q modulator has two input modes: voltage
mode and current mode. The voltage mode operates with
1.0 Vp-p differential I/Q inputs. In the current mode, a DC input
current of 1.0 mA is required with ±0.5 mA signal swing. The
modulator supports direct I/Q or direct VCO modulation in the
AMPS mode. The VGA has 90 dB of dynamic range. The open
collector output requires an inductor pull-up to VCC and filtered
to reject noise that falls in the receiver band.
Switch Modes
IFout1 IFout2 A B C
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1
1 1 Not
0 = Logic low
1= Logic high
0 = Open
1 = Closed
The VHF VCO has a frequency range of 200 to 700 MHz and
requires an external tank circuit. This tank circuit can be used
to provide the analog FM modulation in the AMPS mode. The
VHF VCO is connected to an on-chip VHF PLL. The frequency of
the VCO output is divided by 2 or 4 to derive the I/Q LO signals
for the I/Q modulator. Also, an additional divide by 2/4 is
derived from the tank frequency before input to the VHF PLL
The VHF loop of the synthesizer has a 16-bit N divider and a
13-bit R divider (see Figure 3). The charge pump has four
programmable discreet levels from 100 to 400 µA. The VHF
PLL is supplied by the VCC_DIV and VCC_VHF pins, and the
VCO output follows an internal path to the I/Q modulator. As a
result, the VHF PLL must be used for proper operation of the
device. However, the VHF PLL and the VHF VCO may be
enabled and disabled independently through the serial bus.
Figure 4. VGA/Upconverter Switching Diagram
1100 MHz for the cellular band and 1600 to 2200 MHz for the
PCS band). The upconverter can be programmed for high side
(RF = LO – IF) or low side (RF = LO + IF) operation. Using an
image reject mixer eliminates the need for an image reject
SAW filter.
The output of the mixer may be routed to either the CDMA PA
driver or the PCS PA driver. At a low output power level, RF
gain is reduced to improve the SNR of the signal. The variable
gain function is controlled by VGA_CTRL signal, which also
controls IF VGA.
Switch Matrix
To provide the maximum flexibility for multiple IF frequency
plans, there is a switch matrix between the VGA output and the
upconverter input. This switch matrix allows a direct
connection between the VGA and the upconverter and provides
two external ports for the VGA’s open collector output. An LC
tank circuit can be used as the open collector load at the
VGA_OUT pins or the IF_IN pins, or both. This load provides
adequate Rx band noise filtering without an expensive external
SAW filter.
A dual UHF/VHF synthesizer has been integrated into the
CX74002. This dual, multi-band frequency synthesizer has fully
programmable dividers and selected charge pump currents for
on-chip VHF VCO and external UHF VCO operation.
The UHF synthesizer operates from 600 to 2200 MHz. It takes
its reference signal from the REF pin. The programming of the
UHF synthesizer is provided through the serial bus (see
Figure 3). This synthesizer includes a 13-bit R divider and an
18-bit N divider. The charge pump current is adjustable and
has four discrete steps between 0.8 mA and 2.7 mA. The UHF
PLL has an independent power supply from the rest of the
device. As a result, the UHF PLL can remain operational when
the remainder of the CX74002 is disabled. The Rx LO can be
also supplied from the same synthesizer, minimizing the total
component count and minimizing the total current when only
the Rx portion of the radio is in operation. If an external PLL is
desired, the UHF PLL can be disabled without adversely
affecting the operation of the CX74002.
Dual Tx IF frequencies plan (single Rx IF [SIF] frequency plan)
can be easily implemented by using two separate LC tank
circuits on the VGA_OUT pin and the IF_IN pin: one set is tuned
to the cellular band, the other set is tuned to the PCS band. An
external dual-port filter can also be used between the
VGA_OUT pin and IF_IN pin for IF filtering before the signal
goes into the upconverter. The operation of this switch matrix
is programmed by using the serial bus interface (see Figure 4).
Variable RF Gain Image Reject Upconverter
The image reject upconverter receives the IF signal from the Tx
VGA after passing through the switch matrix. The upconverter
uses an external UHF VCO, controlled by the internal UHF PLL.
The UHF LO frequency can vary from 600 to 2.2 GHz (600 to