Philips Components Carbon Film Resistor .33 Watt 5% h-719-0O8 Product Specification 5043CX .....J (2322 211...) Caen eee reer eee eee FEATURES Low Cost DESCRIPTION Resistors of 10 Q to 100 KQ have a homogeneous film of pure carbon deposited on a high grade ceramic body. Resistors R < 10 Q have an electroless- deposited nickel film; while resistors R > 100 KQ have a film of chrome-silicon. After a helical groove has been cut in the resistive layer; solder plated, copper leads are welded onto the end caps. The resistors are coated with a tan lacquer which provides electrical, mechanical, and climatic protection. The encapsulation is resistant to all cleaning solvents in accordance with MIL-STD-202E, Method 215 and IEC 68-2-45. MASS: 23 g per 100 units MOUNTING: The resistors are suitable for processing on automatic insertion equipment in addition to cutting and bending machines. June 1995 QUICK REFERENCE DATA Resistance Range 1Q to 10 MQ; E24 Series Resistance Tolerance + 5% Temperature Coefficient See Figure 4 Abs. Max. Dissipation at T= 0.330 W 70C; See Note 1 below Max. Continuous Operating 250 V (DC or RMS) Voltage Operating Temperature Range -55C to +155C Basic Specification IEC 115-1 and 115-2 Stability after: Load Climatic Tests R < 220 KO R > 220 KQ Resistance to Soldering Heat Short Time Overload, 500 V max, See Figure 2 AR/R Max: 1.5% + 0.10 .Q AR/R Max: 3.0% AR/R Max: 0.5% + 0.05 2 AR/R Max: 1.0% + 0.05 Q Note 1. Dissipation at T,,,, = 70 C which causes the maximum permissible hot-spot temperature of 155 C to occur, irrespective of the resistance drift provoked by this condition. MARKING The nominal resistance and tolerance are marked on the resistors with a four band color code as described in General Introduction - Leaded Resistors. The packing is also marked and includes resistance value, tolerance, TCR, catalogue number, quantity, production period, batch number, and source cade. 163 D 8SE WOO41e1 OOO47LS 716Philips Components Product Specification Carbon Film Resistor .33 Watt 5%. 5043CX .....J (2322 211...) ELECTRICAL DATA Standard values of nominal resistance are taken from the E24 series for resistors with a tolerance of 45%, The maximum continuous working voltage, or limiting voltage, (DC or RMS) is 250 V. This is the maximum voltage that may be continuously applied to the resistor element. - Figure 2 is a performance nomogram showing the relationship between power dissipation (P), ambient temperature (T,.,), hot-spot temperature (T,,), resistance value (R), and max. resistance drift (AR/R) after 1000 hours of operation. For continuous operation longer or shorter than 1000 hours (t,), the stability can be approximated by multiplying the drift (AR/R) after 1000 hours by the square root of the time ratio as in the following equation: (AR/R after X hrs) = (AR/R after 1000 hrs) x (tx/1000)/2 Notes on the nomogram 1. The nomogram should not be extended beyond the maximum permissible hot-spot temperature of 155C. 2. The resistance change given by the nomogram for P =Oata particular ambient temperature is indicative of the shelf life stability of a resistor at that temperature. 3. The stability lines do not give exact values for AR/R, but represent a probability of 95% that the real values will be smaller than those obtained from the nomogram. June 1995 MECHANICAL DATA ty Ls i) = ad 4 MBCER4 Dimensions in mm. Fig. 1 la Component outline. Table | Component Dimensions Dimensions in inches (mm). Type D Max L1 Typ. L2 d Max. (mm) 098" (2.5) 5043CX 256" (6.5) 295" 024" (7.5) (0.6) . Inthe nomogram, the maximum continuous operating voltage of the resistors has not been taken into consideration. . IEC Publication 115-1 is still based on the conventional method of rating resistors by a fixed rated dissipation at 70 C requiring at that dissipation a fixed maximum permissible drift. In this specification, however, the rated dissipation is no longer specified and also the guaranteed resistance drift is made dependent on the working conditions. Figure 3 is added to bridge the gap between the system of IEC 115-1 and this system. In Figure 3, the permissible dissipation at 70 C for a resistance drift of 1.5% maximum after 1000 hours is given, taking into consideration 164 that the hot-spot temperature should not rise above 155 C (horizontal part of the curve). In this specification, the curve of Figure 3 replaces the rated dissipation. 85E MM 9004121 00047159 bS2Philips Components Product Specification Carbon Film Resistor 5043CX .....J .33 Watt (2322 211...) 5% MEASS7 Tamb = 06 20C PF cd) C 05 60C a4 80C 03 100 C 0.2 , 120 C 01 140 155 C 20 R= 0.8 =1000 AR R after 1000 Tk hours (%) 2 10 ka 5 100 kn 10 TMQ 20 10MQ Fig.2 Drift nomogram. 10 P Ww) 1 10-1 10? <10? 104 104 108 108 R (a) 107 Fig.3 Maximum permissible dissipation at Tamb = 70C as a function of the resistance value for a resistance dr of 1.5% after 100 hours, or for a maximum termperature of 155C without reaching the resistance drift 1.5%., Limiting voltage being taken into account. June 1995 16) 8SE MM 9004121 o004720 374 mmPhilips Components Product Specification Carbon Film Resistor 5043CxX .....J .33 Watt (2322 211....) 5% TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT TCR (10 */C) -800 -600 -400 -200 R(Ohms) 102 103 10%. 108 For values < 10 ohms, the TCR is +200 x 10 /C For values = 100 ohms, the TCR is +250 x 10 */C Fig. 4 Temperature Coefficent (TCR) as a function of the resistance value. NOISE MEAS69 6.6 (uv) 2.5 0.67 0.4 0.25 0.15 0.1 10 10? 10 104 105 106 Rig) 107 95% confidence level. | . . . Fig.5 Noise as a function of the resistance value; OdB = 1,,V/VN June 1995 166 ) 885E MM 9004121 OOO47e), 200Philips Components Product Specification Carbon Film Resistor 5043CX .....J .33 Watt (2322 211...) 5% HIGH FREQUENCY BEHAVIOR Table Il Frequency: 250 MHz The behavior of a resistor at high frequencies is Ryom IZ] e influenced not only by its construction, but also by (Q) Rom (deg) external factors such as the length of the leads, environmental stray capacitances, and the measuring 10 2.97 70 equipment. These factors must be considered when 22 1.61 51 measuring high frequency behavior. Table II gives typical 56 1.07 28 values under test conditions at 250 MHz using the measuring arrangement shown in Figure 6. 100 1.02 22 220 0.99 9 560 0.97 5 1000 0.92 -15 5 r 2200 0.82 -35 ro, 5600 0.41 -66 ( 20 oom Fig.6 Measuring arrangement. ORDERING INFORMATION Philips, North America, Part Number Table Iit Resistance Range Tol. Series Part Number +% 5000 Reel 1Q to 10 MQ 5 E24 5043CX.....J The the part number represents the value of the resistor. The format of the value is composed of five digits. Place the significant figures, separated by a R, K, or M as the decimal place, and finish out the remainder of the five digits with O's if required. Examples: 100 = 100RO0 51,000 = 51K00 4,700 Q = 4K700 330,000 Q = 330K0 June 1995 7) =685E MM 9004121 0004722 147Philips Components Product Specification Carbon Film Resistor .33 Watt 5% 5043CX .....J (2322 211...) INTERNATIONAL PART NUMBER Table IV The resistor part numbers start with 2322 211. The last 3 digits indicate resistance as listed in this table and Table V. Resistance Tol Series Range +% 500 Reel 5000 Ammo 1Q to10 MQ 5 E24 2322 211 23... 2322 211 73... Tabie V To complete the part number, insert the first two digits of the resistance value in ohms followed by: Normal Resistance Range Last Digit of Part Number 1Qt09.1Q 8 10 2 to 97 Q 100 2 to 9102 1 KQ to 9.1 KQ 10 KQ to 91 KQ 100 KQ to 910 KQ 1 MQ to 9.1 MQ 10 MQ HA; hl/wlms|o Examples: 100 O = 101 51,000 Q = 513 June 1995 4,700 Q = 472 330,000 2 = 334 18) 6 SE Mm W004ule) 0004723 043Philips Components Product Specification Carbon Film Resistor 5043CxX .....J .33 Watt (2322 211....) 5% PACKAGING The 5043CX Series is available in tape and reel standard as well as ammo, bulk, and radial form on tape and reel as a special. For specials, contact the factory for dimensions and availability. Table VI Taping Dimensions, 5000 Reel Values in inches (mm) TYPE a | A B, -B, S T max. per 10 spacings 5043CX .236 + 0.020 2.067 + 0.059 +0.047 0.200 0.039 (6 +0.5) (52.5 + 1.5) (+ 1.2) (5) (1) Table Vil Reel Dimensions, 5000 Reel Values in inches (mm) TYPE Q V 5043CX 12.00 2.87 | (305) (73) Table Vill Dimensions of Ammopack Box Values in inches (mm) TYPE M N P 5043CX 3.07 3.86 10.63 (78) (98) (270) June 1995 oD 68SE MM 9004121 0004724 TLT