For more information www.linear.com/LT8390A
CTRL: Control Input for ISP/ISN Current Sense Threshold.
The CTRL pin is used to program the ISP/ISN current limit:
IIS(MAX) =Min VCTRL −0.25V,1V
10 •R
The VCTRL can be set by an external voltage reference or
a resistor divider from VREF to ground. For 0.3V ≤ VCTRL
≤ 1.15V, the current sense threshold linearly goes up
from 5mV to 90mV. For VCTRL ≥ 1.35V, the current sense
threshold is constant at 100mV full scale value. For 1.15V
≤ VCTRL ≤ 1.35V, the current sense threshold smoothly
transitions from the linear function of VCTRL to the 100mV
constant value. Tie CTRL to VREF for the 100mV full scale
threshold. Force the pin below 0.3V to stop switching.
ISP: Positive Terminal of the ISP/ISN Current Sense Re-
sistor (RIS). Ensure accurate current sense with Kelvin
ISN: Negative Terminal of the ISP/ISN Current Sense
Resistor (RIS). Ensure accurate current sense with Kelvin
ISMON: ISP/ISN Current Sense Monitor Output. The ISMON
pin generates a voltage that is equal to ten times V(ISP-ISN)
plus 0.25V offset voltage. For parallel applications, tie the
master LT8390A ISMON pin to the slave LT8390A CTRL pin.
PGOOD: Power Good Open Drain Output. The PGOOD
pin is pulled low when the FB pin is within ±10% of the
final regulation voltage. To function, the pin requires an
external pull-up resistor.
SS: Soft-Start Timer Setting. The SS pin is used to set
soft-start timer by connecting a capacitor to ground. An
internal 12.5µA pull-up current charging the external SS
capacitor gradually ramps up FB regulation voltage. A
22nF capacitor is recommended on this pin. Any UVLO or
thermal shutdown immediately pulls SS pin to ground and
stops switching. Using a single resistor from SS to VREF,
the LT8390A can be set in three different fault protection
modes during output short-circuit condition: hiccup (no
resistor), latch-off (499kΩ), and keep-running (100kΩ).
See more details in the Application Information section.
FB: Voltage Loop Feedback Input. The FB pin is used for
constant-voltage regulation and output fault protection.
The internal error amplifier with its output VC regulates
VFB to 1.00V through the DC/DC converter. During output
short-circuit (VFB < 0.25V) condition, the part gets into one
fault mode per customer setting. During an overvoltage
(VFB > 1.1V) condition, the part turns off all TG1, BG1,
TG2, BG2, and LOADTG.
VC: Error Amplifier Output to Set Inductor Current Com-
parator Threshold. The VC pin is used to compensate the
control loop with an external RC network. During LOADEN
low state, the VC pin is disconnected from all internal loads
to store its voltage information.
RT: Switching Frequency Setting. Connect a resistor from
this pin to ground to set the internal oscillator frequency
from 600kHz to 2MHz.
SYNC/SPRD: Switching Frequency Synchronization or
Spread Spectrum. Ground this pin for switching at inter-
nal oscillator frequency. Apply a clock signal for external
frequency synchronization. Tie to INTVCC for 25% triangle
spread spectrum above internal oscillator frequency.
LOADTG: High Side PMOS Load Switch Top Gate Drive. A
buffered and inverted version of the LOADEN input signal, the
LOADTG pin drives an external high side PMOS load switch
with a voltage swing from the higher voltage of (VOUT-5V)
and 1.2V to VOUT. Leave this pin unconnected if not used.
VOUT: Output Supply. The VOUT pin must be tied to the
power output to determine the buck, buck-boost, or boost
operation regions. The VOUT pin also serves as positive rail
for the LOADTG drive. Locally bypass this pin to ground
with a minimum 1µF ceramic capacitor.
TG2: Boost Side Top Gate Drive. Drives the gate of boost
side top N-Channel MOSFET with a voltage swing from
SW2 to BST2.
SW2: Boost Side Switch Node. The SW2 pin swings from
a Schottky diode voltage drop below ground to VOUT.
BST2: Boost Side Bootstrap Floating Driver Supply. The
BST2 pin has an integrated bootstrap Schottky diode from
the INTVCC pin and requires an external bootstrap capacitor
to the SW2 pin. The BST2 pin swings from a diode voltage
drop below INTVCC to (VOUT + INTVCC).
BG2: Boost Side Bottom Gate Drive. Drives the gate of
boost side bottom N-channel MOSFET with a voltage
swing from ground to INTVCC.
GND (Exposed Pad): Ground. Solder the exposed pad
directly to the ground plane.