MIL SPECS HOE D Mf 0000125 0034352 &7T MMILS The documentation and process conversion INCH-POUND measures necessary to comply with this revision shall be completed by 20 July 1994 MIL-$-19500/435C 20 January 1994 SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/4358 3 May 1993 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, LOW-NOISE VOLTAGE REGULATOR TYPES 1N4099-1, INGO99C-1, 1N4O99D-1 THROUGH 1N4135-1, 1N4135C-1, 1N4135D-1, 1NG614-1, 1NG614C-1, 1N4614D-1 THROUGH 1N4627-1, IN4627C-1, 1N4627D-1, IN4O99UR-1, INGO99CUR-1, 1N4O99DUR-1 THROUGH 1N4135UR-1, ING135CUR-1, 1N4135DUR-1, ING614UR-1, IN46146CUR-1, 1N4614DUR-1 THROUGH 1N4627UR-1, 1N4627CUR-1, 1N4627DUR-1, 4N4O99US-1, IN4O99CUS-1, 1NGOS9DUS-1 THROUGH 1N4135US-1, 1N4135CUS-1, 1N4135DUS-1, 1N4G614US-1, 1N4614CUS-1, 1NG6140US-1 THROUGH 1N4627US-1, 1N4627CUS-1, 1N4627DUS-1, JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, JANS, JANHC, AND JANKC This specification is approved for use by all Depart- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for 500 milliwatt, silicon, low-noise, voltage regulator diodes with voltage tolerances of 5 percent, 2 percent, and 1 percent. Four levels of product assurance are provided for each encapsulated device type as specified in MIL-S-19500, and two levels of product assurance for each unencapsulated device type (die). For JANHC and JANKC quality levels see 6.5. 1.2 Physical dimensions. See figure 1 (DO-7 and 00-35), figure 2 (DO-213AA), figure 3 (D-5D), and figure 4 (JANHC and JANKC). 1.3 Maximum ratings. Maximum ratings are as shown in columns 5, and 10 of table III herein and as follows: P, = 500 md (D0-7, DO-35) at T, = 50C, L = .375 inch (9.53 mm); both ends of case or diode body to heat sink at L = .375 inch (9.53 mm). (Derate 1, to 0.0 mA de at +175C). P, = 500 mW (DO-213AA) at Te, = 125C. (Derate to 0 at 175C). 65C $ Typ $ 175C; -65C $ Torq #175C. 1.4 Primary electrical characteristics. Primary electrical characteristic columns 2, 7, 9, and 10 of table III herein and as follows: 1.8 V de < V, 100 V de. Roy, = 250C/W (maximum) at L = .375 inch (9.53 mm) (00-7 and 00-35). Rojec = 100C/W (maximum) junction to endcaps (D0-213AA and D-SD). Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: NASA/Parts Project Office (NPPO), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 310.A, Greenbelt, MD 20771, by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. AMSC N/A FSC 5961 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.MIL SPECS WHE D MM O0OG1eS 0034353 79h MMMILS MIL-S-19500/435C 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DOOISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). SPECIFICATION MILETARY MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for. STANDARD MILITARY MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the Defense Printing Service Detachment Office, Bldg. 4D (Customer Service), 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Associated detail specification. The individual item requirements shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500 and as specified herein. 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein shall be as specified in MIL-S-19500. rs Unleaded or surface mounted diodes (round endcaps). US 2 we ww wet ee ee ew ww tt Unleaded or surface mounted diodes (square endcaps). TEC www ee es Temperature of endcap. C ww ew ews a ew wee ew we ee ae 2 percent voltage tolerance. Di. ec eee ee eh eee oso ee 1 percent voltage tolerance. JANH . 2 we ee ee ee te oe ew ee High reliebility product assurance level for unencapsulated devices. YANK 2 0 cw we ee ew ee ee Space reliability product assurance level for unencapsulated devices. 3.3 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. The design, construction, and physical dimensions shall be as specified in MIL-S-19500, and on figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 herein. 3.3.1 Lead finish. Lead finish shall be solderable as defined in MIL-S-19500, MIL-STD-750 and herein. Where a choice of lead finish is desired, it shall be specified in the acquisition document (see 6.2). 3.3.2 Oash one construction. Dash one (-1) diodes shall be of metallurgically bonded-double plug or straight through construction in accordance with the requirements of category I, II, or III (see MIL-S-19500).MIL SPECS WUE D MM OO001eS 0034354 b4e MENILS MIL-S-19500/435C L G L 36 So _. ah, les J Dimensions L Ltr Notes Inches Miltimeters Min Max Min Max 1 060 107 1.52 2.72 3 1 98 018 023 0.46 0.58 G 120 300 3.05 7.62 3 L 1.000 1.500 25.40 38.10 L, 77 -050 --- 1.27 4 NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents are given for general information only. 3. Package contour optional within @0 and length G. Heat slugs, if any, shali be included within this cylinder but shall not be subject to minimum limit of @0. 4. Within this zone lead, diameter may vary to allow for lead finishes and irregularities other than heat slugs. 5. For 00-7 packages see 3.4.1. FIGURE 1. Semiconductor device, diode, types 1N4099-1 through 1N4135-1 and_1N4614-1 through 1N4627-1 (DO-7 and 00-35).MIL SPECS UuE D 0000125 0034355 589 MMNILS MIL-S-19500/435C _| = GO Dimensions Ltr Inches Millimeters Min Max Min Max $0 063 067 1.60 1.70 F 016 .022 0.41 0.56 G - 130 2146 3.30 3.71 G, -100 ref 2.54 ref s -001 min 0,03 _min NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents are given for general information only. FIGURE 2. Physical dimensions 1N4099UR-1 through 1N4135UR-1 and 1N4614UR-1 through 1N4627UR-1 (DO-213AA) JANTX and JANTXY.MIL SPECS WUE D MM 0000125 0034356 415 MEMNILS MIL-S-19500/435C <$<$$ Go wy FF je 6, | $ =a -~ | / ~ \ _\ oT + i \ / | L { SS Dimensions Ltr Inches Millimeters Min Max Min Max D .070 085 1.78 2.16 F -019 028 0.48 0.71 6 165 195 4.19 4.95 G, .127 ref 3.23 ref $ .003_ min 0.08 min NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents are given for general information only. FIGURE 3. Physical dimensions 1N4099US-1 through 1N4135US-1 and 1N4614US-1 through 1N4627US-1 (D-5D) JANS only.MIL SPECS WUE D MM O0O0%eS 0034357 351 MENILS MIL-S-19500/435C 4 MMA ANODE g A WITEEEE. Le BACKSIDE IS CATHODE JANHCA and JANKCA die JANHCB and JANKCB die J dimensions dimensions Ltr Inches Millimeters Ltr Inches Millimeters Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max A 021 025 .53 -3 A 024 028 -61 71 B .013 .017 .33 43 8 017 021 43 -53 NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents are given for general information only. 3. The JANHCA and JANKCA die thickness is .010 inch (0.25 om) +.002 inch (.05 mm). Anode metallization: Al, thickness = 25,000 A minimum; cathode metallization: thickness = 4000 A minimum, 4. The JANHCB and JANKCB die thickness is .010 inch (0.25 mm) +.002 inch .05 mm). Anode metallization: Al, thickness = 40,000 A minimum; cathode metallization: Au, thickness = 5000 A minimum. 5. Circuit layout data: For zener operation, cathode must be operated positive with respect to anode. 6. Requirements in accordance with appendix #, are performed in a TO-5 package (see 6.5). FIGURE 4. Physical dimensions JANHC and JANKC dice.MIL SPECS WHE D BM 0000125 0034358 298 MEMILS MIL-S-19500/435C 3.3.3 JANS construction. These devices shall be metallurgically bonded, thermally matched, noncavity, double plug construction (see MIL-S-19500). 3.3.4 Package outlines. This specification contains two standard packages; DO-7 and 00-35. Any user of this specification that has a specific package outline requirement shall specify their preference in the document purchase order. If package style is not specified, the manufacturer may supply either package (see 6.2). 3.4 Marking. Marking shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500. 3.4.1 DO-7 package. All DO-7 package devices shall be marked with a "D7" any place on the device within the marking area. 3.4.2 Marking of U suffix devices. For U suffix (surface mount) devices only, all marking (except polarity) may be omitted from the body, but shall be retained on the initial container. Polarity. The polarity shall be indicated with a contrasting color band to denote the cathode end. Alternately for surface mount (US) devices, a minimum of three evenly spaced contrasting color dots around the periphery of the cathode end may be used. No color coding will be permitted. 3.4.3 Marking of JANHC and JANKC die. For JANHC and JANKC die, the following marking shall be used (example) (see MIL-S-19500): JANHCAM1N4099- 1 ttt [= RHA level Source of manufacturer (see figure 3). Unencapsul ated. Product assurance level; (two levels of product assurance are provided for unencapsulated devices, H and K (see MIL-S-19500)). 3.5 Selection of tight tolerance devices. The C and D suffix devices shall be selected from JAN, JANTX, or JANTXV devices which have successfully completed all applicable screening, and groups A, 8, and C testing as 5 percent tolerance devices. All sublots of C and D suffix devices shall pass group A subgroup 2 at the tightened tolerances. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 4.2.1 JANHC and JANKC devices. JANHC and JANKC devices shall be qualified in accordance with appendix H of MIL-S-19500. 4.2.2 Construction verification. Cross sectional photos from three devices shall be submitted in the qualification report. 4.3 Screening (JANS, JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with table 11 of MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shalt not be acceptable.MIL SPECS WHE D MB OO001leS 0034359 124 MMMILS MIL-S-19500/435 Screen (see table Measurement Hl of MIL-$-19500) JANS level JANTX and JANTXV Levels JAN level 3a Temperature cycling Temperature cycling Temperature cycling in accordance with MIL-S-19500, JANTX tevel 3c 1/ Thermal impedance Thermal impedance Thermal impedance (see 4.5.4) (see 4.5.4) (see 4.5.4) 9 I, and V, Not applicable Not applicable 1 I, and V,; AI, < 100 percent of I, and V, Not applicable initial reading or 10 nA dc, AV, $ #2 percent of initial reading. 12 See 4.3.2 See 4.3.2, f = 48 hours Not applicable 13, 2/ Alp, & 100% of initial reading Alp, S$ 100% of initial or 10 nA de, whichever is treading or 10 nA de, greater; whichever is greater; AV, < 22% of initial reading, AV, = 2% of initial reading, subgroup 2 of table { herein. subgroup 2 of table I herein. 1/ Thermal impedance may be performed any time after sealing provided temperature cycling is performed in accordance with MIL-S-19500, screen 3 prior to this thermal test. 2/ PDA = 5 percent for screen 13, applies to Al,,, 4V,, and subgroup 2 of table I herein. impedance (2Z,,) is not required in screen 13 if performed prior to screen 13. 4.3.1 Screening (JANHC and JANKC). MIL-S-19500, appendix H. 4.3.2 Power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions are as follows: Thermal Screening of JANHC and JANKC die shall be in accordance with l= column 11 of table IV minimum; mounting and test conditions in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 1038, test condition B, TEC = +75C to +125C for surface mount devices. shall be permitted provided: a. The junction temperature does not exceed +175C. b. The power dissipation does not exceed 500 mW (see figure 5). 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 4.4.1 table | herein. Group A_inspection. table 1, subgroup 2 herein.) 4.4.2 Group B inspection. To better utilize burn-in equipment, higher values of I, Quality conformance inspection shall be in accordance with Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and (End point electrical measurements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of Group B inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in tables IVa (JANS) and IVb (JAN, JANTX and JANTXV) of MIL-S-19500, and as fallows. Electrical measurements (end-points) and delta requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table I, subgroup 2 herein except Z,,, shall be performed after intermittent operation life only.MIL SPECS HUE D MM G000125 0034360 946 MEMILS MIL-S-19500/435C Group 8 inspection, table IVa of MIL-S-19500. Subgroup Method Condi tions B4 1037 Iyy = column 11 of table IV at T, = 25C 2 5C, t,, = toy = 3 minutes minimum for 2,000 cycles. No heat sinking or forced air cooling on the devices shall be permitted (mounting conditions in accordance with figure 5). BS 1027 ly = column 11 of table III for 96 hours; T, = 125C or adjusted as required to give an average lot T, = +275C. Marking legibility requirements shall not apply. B6 3101 For JANS devices only: Rajec = 100C/W (max) at zero lead length (DO-213AA, or D-50). +25C < Ty $ +35C (see 4.3.2). Roy = 250C/W (max) at l = 0.375 inch 4081 (9,53 mm), (DO-7 and 00-35). Group B inspection, table IVb of MIL-S-19500. Subgroup Method Conditions B3 1027 I = colum 11 of table III. B6 1032 Ta = t175C. 4.4.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in table V of MIL-S-19500 and as follows. Electrical measurements Cend- points) and deita requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table I, subgroup 2 herein except Z,,, shall be performed after intermittent operation life only. Group C inspection, table V_of MIL-S-19500. Subgroup Method Conditions c2 2036 Condition A; 4 pounds; t = 15 seconds (net applicable for US" suffix devices). Condition E, (not applicable for "US" suffix devices). c 1026 ly = column 11 of table III. C7 4071 1, = 250 pA de, T, = #25C 25C, T, = +125C, Vv, = column 9 of table III, sampling plan = 22 devices, c = 0. 4.5 Methods of inspection. Methods of inspection shall be as specified in the appropriate tables and as follows: 4.5.1 Surge current (I9,). The peak currents shown in colum 5 of table III shall be applied in the reverse direction and these shall be superimposed on the current (1, = 250 wA dc) a total of 5 surges at 1 minute intervals. fach individual surge shall be one-half square-wave-pulse of one one-hundred twentieth second duration or an equivalent one-half sinewave with the same effective rms current. 4.5.2 Regulator voltage measurements. The test current shall be applied until thermal equilibrium is attained (20 2 seconds maximum) prior to reading the breakdown voltage. for this test, the diode shall be suspended by its leads with mounting clips whose inside edge is located at 0.375 inch (9.53 mm) from the body and the mounting clips shall be maintained at a temperature of +25C +8C, -2C. This measurement may be performed after a shorter time following application of the test current than that which provides thermal equilibrium if correlation to stabilized readings can be established to the satisfaction of the Government. 4.5.3 Temperature coefficient of regulator voltage (V, ). The device shall be temperature stabi lized with current applied prior to reading regulator voltage at the specified ambient temperature as specified in table I herein, group A, subgroup 7.MIL SPECS HHE Dd 0000325 00343b1 46e MHENILS MIL-S-19500/435C 4.5.4 Thermat impedance (Z,,, measurements). The Zo), measurements shall be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 3101. The maximum Limit for Z,,, in screening (table II of MIL-S-19500) shall be derived by each vendor by means of process control. When three lot date codes have exhibited control, the data from these three lots will be used to establish a fixed screening limit, (not to exceed the group A, subgroup 2 limit). Once a fixed Limit has been established, monitor all future sealing lots using a five piece sample from each lot to be plotted on the applicable X, R chart. a. I, measurement current . 6... 62 2 ee eee 1 mA to 10 ma. b. I, forward heating current .....-+.+-2-- -5 Ato 1.0 A. c. t, heating time 2. 2 6 ee ee ee ee ee ee 10 ms. d. ty, measurement delay time. ..... chee 70 ws maximum. For initial qualification or requalification. Read and record data (Z,,,) shall be supplied to the qualifying activity on one lot (random sample of S00 devices minimum). Twenty-two serialized devices shall be sent to the qualifying activity for test correlation. 4.5.5 Thermal resistance. Thermal resistance measurement shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 3101 or 4081. Forced moving air or draft shall not be permitted across the device during test. The maximum limit for R,, under these test conditions shall be as specified in paragraph 1.4. The following conditions shall apply when using method 3101: Qa Im se eee ee eee ce ee 1 mA to 10 mA. be Ty ee ee te ee ee ee we ee 200 mA to 400 mA. Co. ty ee ew ee we we ew rae . 25 seconds minimum. de. tun se ee ee ee te ee es see ew eae 70 ws maximum. LS = lead spacing = .375 inch as defined on figure 5 below, zero inch lead spacing or Ls = 0 for surface mount devices. COPPER LEAD ] \ COPPER LEAD CLAMP INFINITE HEAT-DISSIPATOR FIGURE 5. Mounting conditions. 10MIL SPECS W4E D MM 0000125 OO343be 7159 MBNILS MIL-S-19500/435C For initial qualifications and requalifications. Read and record data in accordance with group E herein and shall be included in the qualification report. 4.5.6 Decap internal visual scribe and break. Scratch glass at cavity area with diamond scribe. Carefully snap open. Using 30X magnification examine the area where die (or bonding material) is in contact with the plugs, verify metallurgical bonding area. If the verification of the metallurgical bonding area is in question, test method 3101 and test condition limits herein 2g,, shall be used to determine suitability for use. 4.5.7 Noise density. Noise density shall be measured using a noise density test circuit as shown in figure 6. Place a low-noise resistor, equivalent in value to the dynamic impedance of the diode under test, in the test clips and adjust test current (1,;) and measure output-noise voltage. Remove resistor, insert diode under test in test clips, readjust test current to 250 wA de and measure output-noise voltage again. To obtain noise density (N,), subtract rms resistor output-noise voltage from rms diode output-noise voltage and divide by product of overall system gain and square root of bandwidth. All measurements shall be made at +25C. LOAD AMPLIFIER RESISTOR + BANDPASS ' TER DC POWER ire Vour | TRUE RNS SUPPLY fo 2 tHe VOL TMETER 3 db BW = 2 kHz | -o + e NOTES: 1. Input voltage and lead resistance should be high so that zener can be driven from a constant current source. 2. Input impedance of band pass filter should be high compared with the dynamic impedance of the diode under test. 3. Filter bandwidth characteristics shall be as follows: f, = 2,000 Hz Shape factor, -40 db to -3 db, approximately 2. Passband at the -3 db is 1,000 hz #50 Hz to 3,000 Hz 150 Hz. Passband at the -40 db is 500 hz 50 Hz to 6,000 Hz +600 Hz. FIGURE 6. Circuit for determination of noise density. 1MIL SPECS WHE D HM 0000125 0034363 655 MMMILS MIL-S-19500/435C TABLE I. Group A inspection. 2/ Inspection 1/ MIL-STD-750 Symbol Limits Unit Method Conditions Min Max Subgroup 1 Visual and mechanical { 2071 examination Subgroup 2 Forward voltage 4011 I, = 200 m de Ve 1.1 V de Reverse current 4016 DC method; V, = column 6 Column HA de leakage of table III 7 Regulator voltage 4022 I, = 250 pA de Vv, Column V de (see 4.5.2) 2 Thermal impedance 3101 See 4.5.4 Zoux 35 C/W Subgroup 3 High-temperature T, = +150C operation: Reverse current 4016 DC method; V, = column 6 Ip2 Column BA de leakage of table III 3 Subgroup 4 Small-signal reverse 4051 1, = 250 pA de 2, Column ohms breakdown impedance lgg = 25 HA ac rms 4 Noise density 1, = 250 pA de No Colum | #V// "Hz (see 4.5.7) 10 Subgroup 5 Not applicable Subgroup _6 JANS only Surge current 4066 See 4.5.1 loom Column mA dc 5 Electrical Table [, subgroup 2 measurements Subgroup 7 JANS_only Temperature 4071 I, = 250 pA de Vv, Cotumn x/C coefficient T, = +25C 5C; 9 of regulator T, = +125C voltage(see 4.5.3) 1/ For sampling plan, see MIL-S-19500. 2/ Column references are to table III herein. 12MIL SPECS WHE D MM O000Re5 0034364 591 MEMILS MIL-S-19500/435C TABLE If. Group E inspection (all product assurance levels). MIL-STD-750 Qualification Inspection 1/ conformance Method Conditions inspection Subgroup 1 Temperature cycling 1051 500 cycles 22 devices, c Electrical measurements See table I, subgroup 2 Subgroup 2 Steady-state dc 1037 6,000 cycles 22 devices, c = intermittent life Electrical measurements See table 1, subgroup 2 Subgroup 3 Not applicable Subgroup 4 22 devices, c = Thermal resistance 3101 See 4.5.5 surface mount or 4081 Thermal resistance 3101 See 4.5.5 22 devices, c = leaded or 4081 1/ A separate sample may be pulled for each test. 13MIL SPECS WOE D MM 0000325 00343b5 424 MMILS MIL-S~19500/435C TABLE III. Test ratings. Cot 1 /col 2 |Col 3 Col 4 cot 5 Col 6 |Col 7 |Cot 8 Col 9 Cot 10 [Col 11 y Vz I, Zar Tien VR I, I, Vz Np Tam Nom at Max (Life test [T, = +25C VY +150C (surge) end points) |T, = +125C Volts | wA de__| ohms mA Volts | wA de | WA de x C HV /Y HZ mA 1N4614-1 1.8 10.0 1,200 1,600 1.0 3.5 7.0 - 075 1 120 1N4615-1 | 2.0 8.0 1,250 1,500 1.0 2.5 5.0 -.075 1 110 1N46616-1 | 2.2 6.0 1,300 1,350 1.0 2.0 4.0 - 075 1 100 1N4617-1 | 2.4 4.0 1,400 1,250 1.0 1.0 2.0 -.075 1 95 1N4618-1 | 2.7 2.0 1,500 1,100 1.0 0.5 1.0 - 075 1 90 1N4619-1 | 3.0 1.0 1,600 1,025 1.0 0.4 0.8 - 075 1 87 1N4620-1 | 3.3 7.0 1,650 950 1.5 3.5 7.0 -.075 1 85 1N4621-1 | 3.6 10.0 1,700 875 2.0 3.5 7.0 ~.065 1 8&3 1N4622-1 | 3.9 5.0 1,650 825 2.0 2.5 5.0 - .060 1 80 1N4623-1 | 4.3 4.0 1,600 80d 2.0 2.0 4.0 -.050 1 7 1N4624-1 | 4.7 10.0 1,550 750 3.0 5.0 10.0 +.020,-.050 1 75 1N4625-1 | 5.1 10.0 1,500 725 3.0 5.0 10.0 +.030,-.045 2 70 1N46626-1 | 5.6 10.0 1,400 700 4.0 5.0 10.0 +.040,-.020 4 65 1N4627-1 | 6.2 10.0 1,200 650 5.0 5.0 10.0 +.050,-.010 5 61 1N4099-1 | 6.8 5.0 200 650 5.2 1.0 2.0 +.060 40 56 1N4100-1 | 7.5 5.0 200 650 5.7 4.0 2.0 +.065 40 51 IN4101-1 | 8.2 5.0 200 650 6.3 0.5 1.0 +.070 40 46 1N4102-1 | 8.7 5.0 200 650 6.7 0.5 1.0 +.075 40 44 1N4103-1 | 9.4 5.0 200 650 7.0 0.5 1.0 +.080 40 42 1N4104-1 | 10.0 5.0 200 650 7.6 0.5 1.0 +.080 40 38 1N4105-1 {11.0 5.0 200 590 8.5 0.05 0.1 +080 40 35 1N4106-1 [12.0 5.0 200 540 9.2 0.05 0.1 +.080 40 32 1N4107-1 313.0 5.0 200 500 9.9 0.05 0.1 +.080 40 29 1N4108-1 [14.0 5.0 200 464 10.7 0.05 0.1 +,085 40 27 1N4109-1 115.0 5.0 100 433 11.4 0.05 0.1 +085 40 25 1N4110-1 | 16.0 5.0 100 406 12.2 0.05 0.1 +.085 40 24 1N4111-1 117.0 5.0 100 382 13.0 0.05 0.1 +.090 40 22 1N4112-1 | 18.0 5.0 100 361 13.7 0.05 0.1 +.090 40 21 1N4113-1 (19.0 2.5 150 342 14.5 0.05 0.1 +.090 40 20 1N4114-1 120.0 2.5 150 325 15.2 0.01 0.02 +.090 40 19 1N4115-1 {22.0 2.5 150 295 16.8 0.01 0.02 +.090 40 17 1N46116-1 |24.0 2.5 150 271 18.3 0.01 0.02 +,090 40 16 IN4117-1 [25.0 2.5 150 260 19.0 0.01 0.02 +.090 40 15 1N4118-1 [27.0 2.5 150 240 20.5 0.01 0.02 +090 40 14 1N4119-1 [28.0 2.5 200 232 21.3 0.01 0.02 +.095 40 14 See footnote at end of table. 14MIL SPECS HUE D MM 0000125 0034366 364 MMILS MIL-S-19500/435C TABLE III. Test ratings - Continued. Col 1 {Col 2 iCol 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 j|Col 7 jCol 8 Col 9 Col 10 |Col_11 V Vv, Tk 227 loom Va I, I, Vy Np Lona Nom at Max (life test [T, = +25C iV +150C (surge) end points) {T, = +125C Volts | pA de | ohms mA Volts | wA de | BA de % C pv/d_ Hz mA 1N4120-1 |30.0 2.5 200 216 22.8 0.01 0.02 +.095 40 13 1N4121-1 [33.0 2.5 200 197 25.1 0.01 0.02 +095 40 12 1N4122-1 136.0 2.5 200 180 27.4 0.01 0.02 +095 40 11 1N4123-1 [39.0 2.5 200 166 29.7 0.01 0.02 +.095 40 9.8 1N4124-1 143.0 2.5 250 151 32.7 0.01 0.02 +095 40 8.9 1N4125-1 |47.0 4.0 250 138 35.8 Q.01 0.02 +095 40 8.1 1N4126-1 [51.0 5.0 300 127 38.8 0.01 0.02 +.100 40 7.5 1N4127-1 |56.0 5.0 300 116 42.6 0.01 0.02 +.100 40 6.7 1N4128-1 |60.0 5.0 400 108 45.6 0.01 0.02 +.100 40 6.4 1N4129-1 162.0 5.0 500 105 47.1 0.01 0.02 +. 100 40 6.1 1N4130-1 168.0 7.0 700 95 51.7 0.01 0.02 +.100 40 5.6 1N4131-1 [75.0 7.0 700 8 57.0 0.01 0.02 +.100 40 5.1 1N4132-1 |82.0 8.0 800 79 62.4 0.01 0.02 +, 100 40 4.6 1N4133-1 |87.0 8.0 1,000 75 66.2 0.01 0.02 +.100 40 4.4 1N4134-1 191.0 10.0 1,200 71 69.2 0.01 0.02 +.100 40 4.2 1N4135-1 (100.0 } 10.9 1,600 65 76.9 0.01 0.02 +.100 40 3.8 4/ Voltage tolerance (examples: 1N4099-1 is 5 percent, 1N4099C-1 is 2 percent, and 1N40990-1 is 1 percent tolerance). 15MIL SPECS YUE D M@ 0000125 0034347 2T0 MMILS MIL-S-19500/435C 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging requirements. The requirements for packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500. 6. NOTES (This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory. ) 6.1 Notes. The notes specified in MIL-S-19500 are applicable to this specification. 6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the following: a. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation. b. Lead finish as applicable (see 3.3.1). . Product assurance level, type designation and for die acquisition, the die identification should be specified (see figures 4 and 5). d. Package outline if required, see 3.4.1. e. Device tolerance (see 6.3.2). 6.3 Substitution information. 6.3.1 Substitutability for the -1 devices. The -1 devices are a one way direct substitute for the non -1 devices (example: JANTX1N4614-1 substitutes for JANTX1N4614). 6.3.2 Substitutability of 2 percent and_1 percent tolerance devices. Devices of tighter tolerance are a direct one way substitute for the looser tolerance devices (example: JANTX1N46140-1 substitutes for JANTX1N4614-1). 6.4 Maximum power versus lead temperature. Typical maximum power rating as a function of lead temperature for various lead lengths is shown on figure 7. 500 w 400 r < > z cS a 300 es sz 8 ar 200K 4 z ro oS = = = 2, < 100 -- ~ <a. 25 vn td 25 SO 75 100 125 175 LEAD TEMPERATURE-DEGREES CELSIUS AT DESCRIBED LEAD LENGTH FIGURE 7. Maximum power versus lead temperature and lead length (see 6.4). 16MIL SPECS WUE D WM O0001e5 0034364 137 MEMILS MIL-S-19500/435C 6.5 Suppliers of JANHC and JANKC die. The qualified JANC suppliers with the applicable letter version (example: JANHCAIN4099) will be identified on the QPL. JANHC and JANKC ordering information PIN Manufacturer CAGE PIN Manufacturer CAGE 55801 12954 55801 12954 1N4099-1 A1N4099 BIN4099 1NG124-1 A1NG124 BIN4124 1N4100-1 A1N4100 B1N4100 1NG125-1 A1N4125 B1N4125 1N4101-1 A1N4101 B1N4101 1N4126-1 A1N4126 B1N4126 1N4102-1 A1N4102 B1N4102 1N4127-1 A1N4127 BiN4127 1N4103-1 A1N4103 B1N4103 1N4128-1 A1N4128 BiN4128 1N4104-1 A1N46104 B1N4104 1N4129-1 A1N4129 B1N4129 1N4105-1 A1N4105 B1N4105 1N4130-1 A1N4130 B1N4130 1N4106-1 A1N4106 B1N4106 1N4131-1 A1N4131 B1N4131 1N4107-1 A1N4107 B1N4107 1N4132-1 A1N4132 BIN4132 1N4108-1 A1N4108 BiN4108 1N4133-1 A1N4133 B1N4133 1N4109-1 A1N4109 B1N4109 1N4134-1 A1N4134 BIN4134 1N4110-1 A1N4110 B1N4110 1N4135-1 A1N4135 B1N46135 1N6111-1 A1N4111 B1N4111 1N4614-1 A1N4614 B1N46614 1N4112-4 AING112 BiN4112 1N4615-1 A1N4615 B1N4615 1N4113-4 AIN4113 B1N4113 1N4616-1 A1N6616 B1N4616 1N4114-1 A1N4114 BING114 1N4617-1 A1N4617 BIN4617 1N4115-1 AING115 B1N46115 1N4618-1 A1N4618 B1NS618 1N4416-1 A1N4116 B1N4116 1N4619-1 A1N4619 B1N4619 1N4117-1 AING117 B1N4117 1N4620- 1 A1N4620 B1N4620 1N4118-1 A1N4118 B1N4118 1N4621-1 AiN4621 BING621 1N4119-1 AIN4119 B1N4119 1N4622-14 A1N4622 BiN4622 1N4120-1 A1NG120 B1N4120 1N4623-1 A1N4623 B1N4623 1N4121-1 A1NG121 BiN4121 1n4624-1 A1N4624 BIN4624 1N4122-1 A1N4122 B1N4122 1N4625-1 A1NG625 BING625 1N4123-1 A1N4123 BiN4123 1N4626-1 A1N4626 B1N4626 1N4627-1 A1N4627 BIN4627 NOTE: C and D tolerance suffix are applicable to JANHC and JANKC chips. 6.6 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used jin this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes. 17MIL SPECS Custodians: Army - ER Navy - EC Air Force - 17 NASA - NA Review activities: Army - AR, AV, MI, SH Navy - AS, CG, MC Air Force - 19, 70, 80, 85, 99 DLA - ES WUE D Mm Oood1eS MIL-S-19500/435C CONCLUDING MATERIAL 18 0034369 073 MMNILS Preparing activity: NASA - NA Agent: OLA - ES (Project 5961-1560)