082-0207 ESD Bench Matting & Grounding Strap - Smooth Finish MC36345 MC | November 10, 2010 9:51 AM
Disclaimer: This data sheet and its contents (the “Information”) belong to the Premier Farnell Group (the “Group”) or are licensed to it. No license is granted for the use of it other then for information purposes
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ESD Bench Matting - Smooth Finish - Gray
Anti-static matting should be laid out in the workshops
or advanced laboratories for microelectronic industries
such as electronic semi-conduct devices, electronic
computers, electronic communication equipment and
integrated circuits etc.
Great value ESD Bench Matting with grounding cord and
two 10mm studs to two corners
Made from anti-static (conductive) and static-dissipative
materials with synthetic rubber
2mm thick double-layer structure
Surface layer is a 0.5mm thick static-dissipative layer
Bottom layer is a 1.5mm conductive layer
Asian origin
Green and Blue colours also available upon request
Static Dissipative Layer
Conductive Layer
Colours / Finish:
Sucient ground cords should be used to reliably meet EN 61340-5-1 Table 3 less than 1 x 109 ohms for working surfaces.
Industry recommendation is that continuous runs of ESD matting should be grounded at 10ft intervals to allow proper charge
decay rates. Each individual ESD mat should be grounded with ground snaps located no further than ve feet from either end.
Please note that contact between the matting surface and any acid or alkali solvent is strictly prohibited (such as Benzene,
Alcohol etc), this will result in the antistatic performance wearing away. If cleaning is required, the matting may be wiped with
a cloth coated in a neutral solution (such as water).
CUTTING TOLERANCES: Width + 6mm, Length + 6mm every linear foot of running material.
082-0207 ESD Bench Matting & Grounding Strap - Smooth Finish MC36345 MC | November 10, 2010 9:51 AM
Disclaimer: This data sheet and its contents (the “Information”) belong to the Premier Farnell Group (the “Group”) or are licensed to it. No license is granted for the use of it other then for information purposes
in connection with the products to which it relates. No license of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied.
The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet
should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting
from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to
limit or restrict the Group’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. SPC Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. © Premier Farnell plc 2008.
ESD Bench Matting - Smooth Finish - Gray
Test Method: Unit: Value:
Surface Resistance / RTG SJ/T10694-2004 Ω 1x106 < R < 1x109
Bottom Resistance / RTT SJ/T10694-2004 Ω 1x103 < R < 1x106
Volume Resistance GB/T14437-97 Ω 1x105 < R < 1x108
Thickness YY-1001 mm Permissable Tolerance +0.1
Temperature Resistance YY-1001 oC 180 (Instantaneous Temp)
Temperature N/A oC 20-26
Relative Humidity N/A % 40-65
RTG is the resistance from one point on the mat’s surface to the mats ground point, and is the fundamental electrical test for a
mat. A proper RTG insures that a mat can conduct charge from a point on the surface to the mat ground point. The guideline in
ESD STM-4.1 for RTG is 1x106 to 1x109 ohms. ANSI/ESD S-20.20 has an upper limit of <1 x109 ohms.
RTT is the resistance from one point on the mat’s surface to another point. A proper RTT insures the consistency of the mat’s
resistance properties. The ESD STM-4.1 guideline for RTT is >1x106 ohms.
Matting materials have a tendency to shrink slightly when rst unrolled. In applications where length is critical, allow the
material to relax for at least 4 hours before cutting to size. Matting should always be trimmed with a sharp knife or razor blade.
None of the following materials are intentionally added in manufacturing this product: lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent
chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) as outlined in the Directive 2002/95/
EC Article 4.1.
Straight Earth Lead
One end supplied with a single ring terminal the other end features a 10mm
snap and 2 x 4mm banana sockets.
Material :
Special conductive wire
Each straight cord contains 10 special conductive wires
Outer covered with Non-Conductive PU
Length: 10ft
Diameter of cord: 2.4 mm
Resistivity : 1M Ohm +/- 10%
082-0207 ESD Bench Matting & Grounding Strap - Smooth Finish MC36345 MC | November 10, 2010 9:51 AM
Disclaimer: This data sheet and its contents (the “Information”) belong to the Premier Farnell Group (the “Group”) or are licensed to it. No license is granted for the use of it other then for information purposes
in connection with the products to which it relates. No license of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied.
The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet
should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting
from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to
limit or restrict the Group’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. SPC Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. © Premier Farnell plc 2008.
Product Code: Description: Size: Additional Notes:
MC36345 ESD Bench Matting - Smooth Finish
Supplied with two studs to two corners
and 10ft Straight Earth Lead
(10mm stud - ring terminal)
2 x 3’ Gray (Ref: 082-0207)
ESD Bench Matting - Smooth Finish - Gray