Product Description
Products Included:
Headband version:- X1A, X2A, X3A, X4A and X5A
Helmet mounted version:- X1P3, X2P3, X3P3, X4P3 and X5P3
The 3M Peltor X Series range of passive ear muffs are available
in headband and helmet mounted version. These products are
designed to provide moderate to very high level of attenuation and
meet the needs of an extensive range of industrial applications.
When correctly selected and worn these products help reduce
exposure to hazardous levels of noise and loud sounds.
The helmet mounted version is designed to fit a wide range of
industrial safety helmets and rigid head top
NOTE: The headband version is electrically insulated - sometimes
referred to as ‘dielectric’.
The metal components of the headband have been covered by
non-conductive material for use in a low voltage electrical hazard
(less than 440 V ac). As there are no applicable standards for
testing ear muffs against electrical insulating properties, the
product has been evaluated at an external laboratory against a
modified test method based on EN397:1995.
During assessment, the leakage current did not exceed 1.2mA
when the external surface of the product made contact with an
electrical source.
The user must determine the overall suitability of this product for
the intended application taking into account any hazards other
than noise for which this product is tested and CE approved.
Key Features
• Modern,attractivelowproledesign
• Light-weight
• Twinheadbanddesignforgreaterbalanceandincreased
• Electricallyinsulatedwireheadbandforgreaterandreliable
• Softwidecushionshelpreducepressurearoundtheears
and improve comfort and wearability
• Newinnovativedampingpadsandspacerthathelpsimprove
• Newpatentedsealingringfoamtechnologyforeffectiveseal
and protection
• Largespaceinsidecuphelpsreducemoistureandheat
• Easytoreplacecushionsandinsertshelpkeepthem
hygienically clean
• Helmetmountedversiontsdirectlytomanyindustrialsafety
Component Headband Version Helmet
Mounted Version
Headband and
headband cover/
Stainless steel wire,
TPE, Polyester,
Polypropylene, Acetal
Helmet Attachment
Arm N/A Stainless steel wire,
Acetal, Polyamide
Insert (Liner) PU Foam PU Foam
Cushions and
Cushion Covers PU Foam and PVC PU Foam and PVC
3M Peltor X Series Ear Muffs
Model Mass (g)
X1A 184
X1P3 185
X2A 220
X2P3 220
X3A 245
X3P3 247
X4A 234
X4P3 236
X5A 351
X5P3 353
Standards and Approval
The 3M™ Peltor™ X Range Ear Muffs have been tested against
EN352-1:2002 (Headband Version) and EN352-3:2002 (Helmet
Mounted Version).
These products meet the Basic Safety Requirements as laid out in
Annex II of the European Community Directive 89/686/EEC, and
have been examined at the design stage by Combitech AB,. Box
168, SE-73223 Arboga, Sweden. (Notified Body number 2279).
The 3M™ Peltor™ X Series range ear muffs are ideal for
protection against noise arising from a wide range of applications
in the workplace and leisure activity. Examples of typical
applications include:-
• Metalprocessing
• Automotive
• Airports
• Construction
• Textilemanufacture
• Chemical&pharmaceuticalmanufacture
• Cementmanufacture
• Printing
• Woodworking
• Heavyengineering
• Foundry
• Steelworks
• Miningandquarrying
Helmet Mounted Version Approved Combination
Helmet Brand Model Number P3 Adapter Size Combination
X1P3 X2P3 X3P3 X4P3 X5P3
3M G500 Headgear ES/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L
3M G22 ES/M/L S/M/L M/L S/M/L L
3M G2000 K* S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L M/L
3M G3000 ES/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L M/L
3M Versaflo™ M-106 and M-107 AF* S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L
3M Versaflo™ M-306 and M-307 AF* S/M/L M/L M/L S/M/L L
Auboueix/Seybol Kara ES/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L M/L
MSA V-Gard 500 ES/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L
Peltz Vertex Best EM/L M/L M/L M/L L
Protector Style 300 EM/L M/L M/L M/L M/L
Protector Style 600 ES/M/L S/M/L S/M/L S/M/L M/L
Key: *Adapter to be ordered separately.
Attenuation Values
3M™ Peltor™ X1A
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 15.6 11.9 15.4 24.5 34.3 32.8 37.4 37.4
Std deviation (dB) 3.6 2.0 2.6 2.6 2.3 3.3 2.5 3.8
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 12.0 9.9 12.8 22.0 31.9 29.5 34.9 33.5
SNR=27 dB H=32 dB M=24 dB L=16 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X2A
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 19.0 14.1 22.2 31.1 39.7 36.6 37.0 37.9
Std deviation (dB) 4.5 2.2 2.1 2.7 3.2 3.2 3.7 3.4
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 14.5 11.9 20.1 28.4 36.6 33.5 33.3 34.5
SNR=31 dB H=34 dB M=29 dB L=20 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X3A
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 21.5 22.8 25.1 27.0 40.0 35.8 38.5 38.9
Std deviation (dB) 3.0 2.1 3.1 1.7 2.8 2.2 2.7 2.9
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 18.4 20.7 22.0 25.4 37.2 33.6 35.8 35.9
SNR=33 dB H=35 dB M=30 dB L=25 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X4A
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 19.6 17.8 22.1 30.6 39.5 37.3 43.8 42.1
Std deviation (dB) 4.1 2.3 2.5 1.8 2.9 4.1 2.8 4.0
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 15.5 15.5 19.6 28.8 36.6 33.2 41.1 38.2
SNR=33 dB H=36 dB M=30 dB L=22 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X5A
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 23.0 22.3 28.8 39.7 44.2 39.8 43.0 40.2
Std deviation (dB) 3.1 2.4 2.4 2.7 3.4 4.6 2.8 2.9
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 19.8 19.9 26.4 3 7. 0 40.9 35.2 40.2 37.3
SNR=37 dB H=37 dB M=35 dB L=27 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X1P3
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 14.7 11.4 15.8 24.5 32.5 32.0 35.6 35.1
Std deviation (dB) 3.3 3.7 2.4 2.9 2.9 3.7 2.5 4.9
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 11.4 7.7 13.4 21.6 29.7 28.3 33.1 30.1
SNR=26 dB H=30 dB M=23 dB L=15 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X2P3
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 15.9 13.8 20.2 30.0 3 7.7 35.4 34.9 35.8
Std deviation (dB) 4.6 2.8 2.1 3.2 2.6 3.0 3.0 4.7
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 11.3 11.0 18.1 26.8 35.1 32.4 31.9 31.1
SNR=30 dB H=33 dB M=28 dB L=19 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X3P3
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 18.9 20.0 24.2 27.4 40.1 36.0 39.7 37.0
Std deviation (dB) 3.3 2.8 1.7 2.1 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.7
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 15.6 17. 2 22.6 25.3 3 7.1 33.1 36.2 33.3
SNR=32 dB H=34 dB M=30 dB L=24 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X4P3
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 16.6 16.8 21.8 30.6 4 0.1 36.7 43.1 41.9
Std deviation (dB) 3.6 2.5 2.1 1.9 2.3 3.7 2.7 4.7
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 12.9 14.3 19.7 28.7 3 7. 8 32.9 40.4 3 7.2
SNR=32 dB H=36 dB M=30 dB L=21 dB
3M™ Peltor™ X5P3
Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mean attenuation (dB) 20.4 22.0 26.9 38.2 43.5 38.7 41.0 40.4
Std deviation (dB) 3.3 3.1 2.2 2.8 3.4 4.5 2.5 3.3
Assumed Protection Value (dB) 17.1 18.9 24.7 35.4 40.2 34.2 38.5 37.2
SNR=36 dB H=36 dB M=34 dB L=26 dB
3M and Peltor are trademarks
of 3M company.
Please recycle. Printed in UK.
© 3M 2013. All rights reserved.
3M Ireland Limited
The Iveagh Building
The Park
Dublin 18
Tel: 1800 320 500
Personal Safety Division
3M Centre,
Cain Road, Bracknell
Berkshire RG12 8HT
United Kingdom
The cushions and inserts on the X Series can be replaced with
the Hygiene Kits listed below for improved comfort and reassured
Hygiene Kits
Ear Muff Model Hygiene Kit
X1A / X1P3 HYX1
X2A / X2P3 HYX2
X3A / X3P3 HYX3
X4A / X4P3 HYX4
X5A / X5P3 HYX5
In addition, the HY100A and HY100A-01 Hygiene Pads can be
placed on the cushions to help absorb moisture and sweat.
Important Notice
3M does not accept liability of any kind, be it direct or
consequential (including, but not limited to, loss of profits,
business and/or goodwill) arising from reliance upon any
information herein provided by 3M. The user is responsible for
determining the suitability of the products for their intended
use. Nothing in this statement will be deemed to exclude or
restrict 3Ms liability for death or personal injury arising from its
APVf = Assumed Protection Value
Mf = Mean attenuation value
sf = Standard deviation
H = High-frequency attenuation value (predicted noise level
reductionfornoisewithLC–LA = -2dB)
M = Medium-frequency attenuation value (predicted noise level
reductionfornoisewithLC–LA = +2dB)
reductionfornoisewithLC–LA = +10dB)
SNR = Single Number Rating (the value that is subtracted from
themeasuredC-weightedsoundpressurelevel,LC in order to
estimate the effective A-weighted sound pressure level inside
the ear).
3M Hearing Protection Solutions made innovately easy
3M United Kingdom plc
Tel: 0870 60 800 60