CAP1105 / CAP1106 5 and 6 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor PRODUCT FEATURES Data Brief General Description Applications The CAP1106 and CAP1105, which incorporate SMSC's RightTouch(R) 1 technology, are multiple channel Capacitive Touch sensors. The CAP1106 contains six (6) individual capacitive touch sensor inputs while the CAP1105 contains five (5) sensor inputs. Both devices offer programmable sensitivity for use in touch sensor applications. Each sensor input automatically recalibrates to compensate for gradual environmental changes. The CAP1105 / CAP1106 includes Multiple Pattern Touch recognition that allows the user to select a specific set of buttons to be touched simultaneously. If this pattern is detected, then a status bit is set and an interrupt generated. Features Six (6) Capacitive Touch Sensor Inputs - CAP1106 Five (5) Capacitive Touch Sensor Inputs - CAP1105 -- Programmable sensitivity -- Automatic recalibration -- Individual thresholds for each button Proximity Detection Multiple Button Pattern Detection Calibrates for Parasitic Capacitance Analog Filtering for System Noise Sources Press and Hold feature for Volume-like Applications Multiple Communication Interfaces Low Power Operation Available in 10-pin 3mm x 3mm RoHS compliant DFN package Additionally, the CAP1105 / CAP1106 includes circuitry and support for enhanced sensor proximity detection. The CAP1105 / CAP1106 offers multiple power states operating at low quiescent currents. In the Standby state of operation, one or more capacitive touch sensor inputs are active. Deep Sleep is the lowest power state available, drawing 5uA (typical) of current. In this state, no sensor inputs are active. Communications will wake the device. Desktop and Notebook PCs LCD Monitors Consumer Electronics Appliances -- SMBus / I2C compliant interface (CAP1106-1 only) -- SMSC BC-Link interface (CAP1106-2 only) -- SPI communications (CAP1105 only) -- 5uA quiescent current in Deep Sleep -- 50uA quiescent current in Standby (1 sensor input monitored) -- Samples one or more channels in Standby 1. SMSC, the SMSC logo and RightTouch are registered trademarks and the RightTouch logo is a trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation ("SMSC"). CAP1106 BLOCK DIAGRAM VDD CAP1105 BLOCK DIAGRAM VDD GND GND SMCLK1 / BC_CLK2 Capacitive Touch Sensing Algorithm SMBus / BC-Link Protocol SMDATA1 / BC_DATA2 SPI_CS# Capacitive Touch Sensing Algorithm ALERT#1 / BC_IRQ#2 1 2 CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 CS6 = CAP1106-1 = CAP1106-2 SPI_CLK SPI Protocol SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO CS1 SMSC CAP1105 / CAP1106 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 Revision 1.32 (01-05-12) PRODUCT PREVIEW 5 and 6 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Order Number(s): ORDERING NUMBER PACKAGE FEATURES CAP1106-1-AIA-TR 10-pin DFN 3mm x 3mm (Lead-free RoHS compliant) Six capacitive touch sensor inputs, SMBus interface CAP1106-2-AIA-TR 10-pin DFN 3mm x 3mm (Lead-free RoHS compliant) Six capacitive touch sensor inputs, BCLink interface CAP1105-1-AIA-TR 10-pin DFN 3mm x 3mm (Lead-free RoHS compliant) Five capacitive touch sensor inputs, Full Duplex SPI interface REEL SIZE IS 4,000 PIECES This product meets the halogen maximum concentration values per IEC61249-2-21 For RoHS compliance and environmental information, please visit Copyright (c) 2012 SMSC or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Circuit diagrams and other information relating to SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the described semiconductor devices any licenses under any patent rights or other intellectual property rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC's website at SMSC is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation ("SMSC"). Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. The Microchip name and logo, and the Microchip logo are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND THE LIKE, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY OF BUYER IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Revision 1.32 (01-05-12) 2 PRODUCT PREVIEW SMSC CAP1105 / CAP1106 5 and 6 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Package Information Figure 1 10-Pin DFN 3mm x 3mm Package Drawings SMSC CAP1105 / CAP1106 3 PRODUCT PREVIEW Revision 1.32 (01-05-12) 5 and 6 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Figure 2 10-Pin DFN 3mm x 3mm Package Dimensions Figure 3 10-Pin DFN 3mm x 3mm PCB Footprint Revision 1.32 (01-05-12) 4 PRODUCT PREVIEW SMSC CAP1105 / CAP1106 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Microchip: CAP1105-1-AIA-TR CAP1106-1-AIA-TR