TPR 1000 1000 Watts, 45 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1090 MHz GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TPR 1000 is a high power COMMON BASE bipolar transistor. It is designed for pulsed systems in the frequency band 1090 MHz. The device has gold thin-film metallization for proven highest MTTF. The transistor includes input returns for fast rise time. Low thermal resistance package reduces junction temperature, extends life. CASE OUTLINE 55KV, Style 1 Common Base ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Maximum Power Dissipation @ 25oC2 Maximum Voltage and Current BVces Collector to Base Voltage BVebo Emitter to Base Voltage Ic Collector Current Maximum Temperatures Storage Temperature Operating Junction Temperature 2900 Watts 65 Volts 3.5 Volts 80 Amps - 65 to + 200 oC + 200 oC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ 25 OC SYMBOL CHARACTERISTICS Pout Pin Pg c tr VSWR1 Power Out Power Input Power Gain Collector Efficiency Rise Time Load Mismatch Tolerance F = 1090 MHz Vcc = 45 Volts PW = 10 sec DF = 1% Bvebo3,4 BVces4 hFE4 Emitter to Base Breakdown Collector to Emitter Breakdown DC - Current Gain Thermal Resistance Ie = 50mA Ic = 100mA Ic = 1000mA, Vce = 5 V jc2 TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 1000 250 6.0 43 70 9:1 F = 1030 MHz 3.5 65 10 UNITS Watts Watts dB % ns Volts Volts 0.06 o C/W Note 1: At rated output power and pulse conditions 2: At rated pulse conditions 3: Cannot measure due to input return 4: Per Side Issue A June 1997 GHz TECHNOLOGY INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. GHz RECOMMENDS THAT BEFORE THE PRODUCT(S) DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE WRITTEN INTO SPECIFICATIONS, OR USED IN CRITICAL APPLICATIONS, THAT THE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS BE VERIFIED BY CONTACTING THE FACTORY. GHz Technology Inc. 3000 Oakmead Village Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0808 Tel. 408 / 986-8031 Fax 408 / 986-8120