DC-DC Converters
10 to 50 Watts
MI-J00 DC-DC Converters Rev 1.4 vicorpower.com
Page 1 of 7 06/2017 800 927.9474
Operating Storage
I = – 40 to +100 I = – 55 to +125
M = – 55 to +100 M = – 65 to +125
Features & Benefits
• Inputs:
28VDC per MIL-STD-704D/E/F
155VDC per MIL-STD-1399A
270VDC per MIL-STD-704D/E/F
• Single output: 2 – 48VDC
• Up to 23W/in3
• MIL-STD-810 environments
• Up to 90% efficiency
• Remote sense
• Current limit
• ZCS power architecture
• Low noise FM control
• Size: 2.28” x 2.4” x 0.5”
(57,9 x 61,0 x 12,7mm)
Product Highlights
The MI-J00 family of DC-DC converters is
designed for applications utilizing distributed
power architectures. Based on Vicor’s VI-200
/ VI-J00 family of zero-current switching,
component-level DC-DC converters, the MI-J00
family offers exceptional performance in terms
of power density, efficiency, noise, ease of use,
and reliability.
The MI-J00 family meets the steady-state input
voltage requirements of MIL-STD-704D/E/F for
the 28VDC (MI-J2X) and 270VDC input (MI-J6X).
The 155VDC input (MI-J5X) meets MIL-STD-1399A.
When used with the MI-IAM input attenuator
module, the 28V or 270V input MI-J00 converter
meets the transient and spike requirements of
MIL-STD-704, MIL STD-1275, and DO-160. Please
refer to the MI-IAM data sheet for details.
The output voltage can be externally trimmed
or programmed from 50% to 110% of nominal
output. Current limiting, remote sense, and an
inhibit pin all combine to offer a high degree of
protection, versatility, and reliability for
power systems.
Fully encapsulated in Vicor’s industry standard
package, the MI-J00 family meets MIL-STD-810
environmental testing requirements for humidity,
fungus, salt-fog, explosive atmosphere,
acceleration, vibration, and shock.
Z = 2.0V
Y = 3.3V
0 = 5.0V
X = 5.2V
W = 5.5V
V = 5.8V
T = 6.5V
R = 7.5V
M = 10V
1 = 12V
P = 13.8V
2 = 15V
N = 18.5V
3 = 24V
L = 28V
J = 36V
K = 40V
4 = 48V
Converter Selection Chart
Semi-custom modules available, consult factory.
Nominal Range Transient
[a] Notes
2 = 28V 18 – 50V
60V 28VDC input per MIL-STD 704D/E/F
5 = 155V 100 – 210V 230V 155VDC input per MIL-STD-1399A
6 = 270V 125 – 400V
475V 270VDC input per MIL-STD-704D/E/F
7 = 165V 100 – 310V n/a
≥5V <5V
A = 10W A = —
Z = 25W Z = 5A
Y = 50W Y = 10A
[a] Transient voltage for 1 second.
[b] 16V operation at 75% load.
[c] These units rated at 75% load from 125 – 150VIN: MI-J6Z-xY, MI-J6Y-xY, MI-J60-xY
Packaging Options
Standard: Slotted baseplate
SlimMod: Flangeless baseplate, option suffix: - S
Example: MI - JXX - XX - S
FinMod: Finned heat sink, option suffix:
- F1, -F2, -F3 and - F4
MI - JXX - XX -F1, 0.25” fins, longitudinal
MI - JXX - XX -F2, 0.50” fins, longitudinal
MI - JXX - XX -F3, 0.25” fins, transverse
MI - JXX - XX -F4, 0.50” fins, transverse
Input Voltage
Output Voltage Product Grade Temperatures (°C)
Output Power/Current VOUT