Ultra Bright Yellow
HT-193UY 0603(1608)
Official Product HT Part No. HT-193UY Your Part No. Data Sheet No.
Tentative Product **************** **************** HDS-193-K315
Specificati ons are subject to changes for i mprovement
without advance notice. Proprietary data, drawings, and
company confidential all rights reserved. Sep-15-2005 Version of 1.0 Page 13/13
The conditions of cleaning after soldering:
An alcohol-based solvent such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is recomm ended.
Temperature×Time: <50 OC×30sec, or <30 OC×3min
Ultra sonic cleaning: < 15W/ bath; Bath volume: 1liter max.
Curing: 100 OC max, <3min
Do not contact with component on the ass embly board.
Reliability Te st
Item Frequ ency/ lots/ samples/
failures Standards Reference
Precondition For all reliab ility
monitoring tests according
to JEDEC Level 2 J-STD-020 1.) Baking at 85°C for 24hrs
2.) Moisture storage at 85°C/ 60% R.H. for
Solderability 1Q/ 1/ 22/ 0 JESD22-B102-B
And CNS-5068
Accelerated ag ing 155°C/ 24hrs
Tinning speed: 2.5+0.5cm/s
Tinning: A: 215°C/ 3+1s or B: 260°C/ 10+1s
Resistance to
soldering heat
CNS-5067 Dipping soldering terminal only
Soldering bath temperature
A: 260+/-5°C; 10+/-1s
B: 350+/-10°C; 3+/-0.5s
Operating life test
1Q/ 1/ 40/ 0 CNS-11829 1.) Precondition: 85°C baking for 24hrs
85°C/ 60%R.H. for 168hrs
2.) Tamb25°C; IF=20mA; duration 1000hrs
High humidity ,
high temperature
bias 1Q/ 1/ 45/ 0 JESD-A101-B Tamb: 85°C
Humidity: 85% R.H., IF=5mA
Duration: 1000hrs
High temperature
bias 1Q/ 1/ 20 HT specs. Tamb: 55°C
Duration: 1000hrs
Pulse life test 1Q/ 1/ 40/ 0 Tamb25°C, If=20mA,, Ip=100mA, Du ty
cycle=0.125 (tp=125μs,T=1sec)
Duration 500hrs)
Temperature cycle
1Q/ 1/ 76/ 0 JESD-A104-A
IEC 68-2-14, Nb
A cycle: -40 degree C 15min; +85 degree C
Thermal steady within 5 min..
300 cycles
2 chamber/ Air-to-air type
High humidity
storage test 1Q/ 1/ 40/ 0 CNS-6117 60+3°C
90+5/-10% R.H. for 500hrs
High temperature
storage test 1Q/ 1/ 40/ 0 CNS-554 100+10°C for 500hrs
Low temperature
storage test 1Q/ 1/ 40/ 0 CNS-6118 -40+5°C for 500hrs