ZSPM8010-KIT Open-Loop Evaluation Board
User Guide for Evaluating the ZSPM9010
Kit Description
November 19, 2012
© 2012 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG — Rev. 1.02
All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without
the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice.
3.3.3. Decoupling Capacitors C3 and C1 on VDRV and VCIN
The C3 and C1 decoupling capacitors for VDRV and VCIN are located on the top side of the
board. The typical value for the C3 ceramic decoupling capacitor on the VDRV pin is 1µF / 10V /
0603 / X5R or better. Decoupling capacitors with a smaller size (e.g., 0402) or an inadequate
temperature characteristic (e.g., Y5V) on the VDRV pin can degrade board dynamic per-
In general, the VCIN pin does not consume as much power as the VDRV pin. A decoupling
capacitor with the same values as for the VDRV pin (1µF / 10V / 0603 / X5R or better) or with a
larger physical size and X5R or better temperature characteristic is recommended for the VCIN
pin. When R4 is used, the decoupling capacitor on the VCIN pin can be removed; however, the
user must select the correct values for R4 and for the decoupling capacitor C3 using the
experimental results obtained for the testing conditions.
3.3.4. Bootstrap Capacitor C5 and Series Bootstrap Resistor R9
The C5 bootstrap capacitor and R9 series bootstrap resistor are located on the top side of the
board. The typical value for the C5 ceramic bootstrap capacitor on the BOOT pin is 0.1µF / 50V
/ 0603 / X5R or better in terms of physical size and temperature characteristic.
The bootstrap resistor R9 is connected between the C5 bootstrap capacitor and the PHASE
pin. Its value can be changed to reduce the high-side MOSFET switching speed. Due to EMI
issues, many users use the bootstrap resistor to reduce VSWH spikes and ringing. However,
the bootstrap resistor can decrease system efficiency while increasing high-side MOSFET
switching loss. The value on delivery for R9 is 0 Ω on the Evaluation Board. The typical range
for normal applications is 0~5 Ω.
3.3.5. Resistor R8 between the PHASE Pin and VSWH Node
The R8 resistor is located on the bottom of the board between the PHASE pin (via R9) and the
VSWH node (pins 15, 29 to 35, and 43 on the ZSPM9010). The PHASE pin and VSWH node
of the ZSPM9010 are connected together via internal bonding wire. To increase noise
immunity of the gate driver under extreme conditions, this 0Ω resistor is placed between the
PHASE pin and VSWH copper trace. This resistor is in parallel with the internal bonding wire,
so it helps reduce noise spikes on the VSWH node. The recommended value for R8 is 0Ω. R8
values greater than 0Ω will lead to degradation of the noise immunity for the gate driver. This
resistor can be removed if the board layout is well-designed so that parasitic noise from spikes
on VSWH is minimal.