FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Future Technology Devices International Ltd. FT201X (USB I2C SLAVE IC) The FT201X is a USB to I2C interface with the following advanced features: Single chip USB to I2C slave interface. Up to 3.4MHz, high speed mode, I C supported Entire USB protocol handled on the chip. No USB specific firmware programming required. Fully integrated 2048 byte multi-timeprogrammable (MTP) memory, storing device descriptors and CBUS I/O configuration. Fully integrated clock generation with no external crystal required plus optional clock output selection enabling a glue-less interface to external MCU or FPGA. 512 byte receive buffer and 512 byte transmit buffer utilising buffer smoothing technology to allow for high data throughput. FTDI's royalty-free Virtual Com Port (VCP) and Direct (D2XX) drivers eliminate the requirement for USB driver development in most cases. Configurable CBUS I/O pins. Transmit and receive LED drive signals. USB Battery Charger Detection. Allows for USB peripheral devices to detect the presence of a higher power source to enable improved charging. USB Power Configurations; supports buspowered, self-powered and bus-powered with power switching. Integrated +3.3V level converter for USB I/O. True 3.3V CMOS drive output and TTL input; Operates down to 1V8 with external pull-ups. Tolerant of 5V input. Configurable I/O pin output drive strength; 4 mA (min) and 16 mA (max). Integrated power-on-reset circuit. Fully integrated AVCC supply filtering - no external filtering required. + 5V Single Supply Operation. Internal 3V3/1V8 LDO regulators Low operating and USB suspend current; 8mA (active-typ) and 125uA (suspend-typ). UHCI/OHCI/EHCI host controller compatible. USB 2.0 Full Speed compatible. Extended operating temperature range; -40 to 85C. Available in compact Pb-free 16 Pin SSOP and QFN packages (both RoHS compliant). 2 Device supplied pre-programmed with unique USB serial number. Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in this manual, may be adapted or reproduced in any material or electronic form without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. This product and its documentation are supplied on an as-is basis and no warranty as to their suitability for any particular purpose is either made or implied. Future Technology Devices International Ltd will not accept any claim for damages howsoever arising as a result of use or failure of this product. Your statutory rights are not affected. This product or any variant of it is not intended for use in any medical appliance, device or system in which the failure of the product might reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. This document provides preliminary information that may be subject to change without notice. No freedom to use patents or other intellectual property rights is implied by the publication of this document. Future Technology Devices International Ltd, Unit 1, 2 Seaward Place, Centurion Business Park, Glasgow G41 1HH United Kingdom. Scotland Registered Company Number: SC136640 Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 1 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 1 Typical Applications Upgrading Legacy Peripherals to USB Utilising USB to add system modularity Incorporate USB interface to enable PC transfers for development system communication Motherboard and system monitoring through USB USB dongle implementations for Software/ Hardware Encryption and Wireless Modules Interfacing MCU/PLD/FPGA based designs to add USB connectivity USB Instrumentation USB Industrial Control USB Digital Camera Interface Ability to detect dedicated charging ports for high current charging of batteries in portable devices 1.1 Driver Support Royalty free VIRTUAL COM PORT (VCP) DRIVERS for... Royalty free D2XX Direct Drivers (USB Drivers + DLL S/W Interface) Windows 8 32,64-bit Windows 8 32,64-bit Windows 7 32,64-bit Windows 7 32,64-bit Windows Vista and Vista 64-bit Windows Vista and Vista 64-bit Windows XP and XP 64-bit Windows XP and XP 64-bit Windows Embedded Operating Systems Windows Embedded Operating Systems Server 2003, XP and Server 2008 Server 2003, XP and Server 2008 Windows CE 4.2, 5.0 and 6.0 Windows CE 4.2, 5.0 and 6.0 Mac OS-X Mac OS-X Linux 3.2 and greater Linux 2.6 and greater Android Android The drivers listed above are all available to download for free from FTDI website (www.ftdichip.com). Various 3rd party drivers are also available for other operating systems - see FTDI website (www.ftdichip.com) for details. For driver installation, please refer to http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/InstallGuides.htm 1.2 Part Numbers Part Number Package FT201XQ-x 16 Pin QFN FT201XS-x 16 Pin SSOP Note: Packing codes for x is: - R: Taped and Reel, (SSOP is 3,000pcs per reel, QFN is 5,000pcs per reel). - U: Tube packing, 100pcs per tube (SSOP only) - T: Tray packing, 490pcs per tray (QFN only) For example: FT201XQ-R is 5,000pcs taped and reel packing Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 2 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 1.3 USB Compliant The FT201X is fully compliant with the USB 2.0 specification and has been given the USB-IF Test-ID (TID) 40001460 (Rev D). Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 3 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 2 FT201X Block Diagram VCC 1V8 Internal Core Supply 3V3OUT 3.3 Volt LDO Regulator 1.8 Volt LDO Regulator FIFO RX Buffer (512 bytes) VCCIO SDA SCL USBDP USBDM USB Transceiver with Integrated 1.5k pullups and battery charge detection Serial Interface Engine (SIE) USB Protocol Engine I2C Controller CBUS0 CBUS1 CBUS2 CBUS3 CBUS4 CBUS5 Internal MTP Memory USB DPLL FIFO TX Buffer (512 bytes) Internal 12MHz Oscillator 3V3OUT RESET# X4 Clock Multiplier Reset Generator 48MHz To USB Transceiver Cell GND Figure 2.1 FT201X Block Diagram For a description of each function please refer to Section 4. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 4 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Table of Contents 1 Typical Applications....................................................... 2 1.1 Driver Support ........................................................................... 2 1.2 Part Numbers ............................................................................. 2 1.3 USB Compliant ........................................................................... 3 2 FT201X Block Diagram .................................................. 4 3 Device Pin Out and Signal Description ........................... 7 3.1 16-LD QFN Package .................................................................. 7 3.1.1 3.2 16-LD SSOP Package ................................................................. 9 3.2.1 3.3 4 QFN Package PinOut Description ................................................................... 7 SSOP Package PinOut Description ................................................................. 9 CBUS Signal Options ................................................................ 11 Function Description ................................................... 13 4.1 Key Features ............................................................................ 13 4.2 Functional Block Descriptions .................................................. 13 5 I2C Interface Description ............................................. 15 6 Devices Characteristics and Ratings ............................ 16 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................................... 16 6.2 ESD and Latch-up Specifications .............................................. 16 6.3 DC Characteristics .................................................................... 17 6.4 MTP Memory Reliability Characteristics ................................... 21 6.5 Internal Clock Characteristics .................................................. 21 7 USB Power Configurations ........................................... 22 7.1 USB Bus Powered Configuration ............................................. 22 7.2 Self Powered Configuration ..................................................... 23 7.3 USB Bus Powered with Power Switching Configuration ........... 24 8 Application Examples .................................................. 25 8.1 USB to I2C Converter................................................................ 25 8.2 USB Battery Charging Detection .............................................. 26 USB and I2C Interfacing .............................................. 29 9 9.1 Host Interface (USB) ............................................................... 29 9.1.1 VCP and D2xx Interfaces ............................................................................ 29 9.1.2 Reading and Writing Data........................................................................... 30 Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 5 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 9.2 I2C Interface ............................................................................ 31 9.2.1 Addressing ............................................................................................... 31 9.2.2 Data Transfers .......................................................................................... 31 9.3 Other I2C Commands ............................................................... 33 10 Internal MTP Memory Configuration ............................ 35 10.1 Default Values ....................................................................... 35 10.2 Methods of Programming the MTP Memory ........................... 36 10.2.1 Programming the MTP memory over USB ..................................................... 36 10.2.2 Programming the MTP memory over I2C....................................................... 37 10.3 Memory Map .......................................................................... 37 10.4 Hardware Requirements ........................................................ 38 10.5 Protocol ................................................................................. 38 10.5.1 Address MTP memory (0x10) ...................................................................... 39 10.5.2 Write MTP memory (0x12) ......................................................................... 39 10.5.3 Read MTP memory (0x14) .......................................................................... 39 10.5.4 Examples of Writing and Reading ................................................................ 39 11 Package Parameters .................................................... 41 11.1 SSOP-16 Package Mechanical Dimensions ............................. 41 11.2 SSOP-16 Package Markings ................................................... 42 11.3 QFN-16 Package Mechanical Dimensions............................... 43 11.4 QFN-16 Package Markings ..................................................... 44 11.5 Solder Reflow Profile ............................................................. 45 12 Contact Information .................................................... 46 Appendix A - References ................................................... 47 Document References ...................................................................... 47 Acronyms and Abbreviations............................................................ 47 Appendix B - List of Figures and Tables ............................. 48 List of Figures .................................................................................. 48 List of Tables.................................................................................... 48 Appendix C - Revision History ............................................ 50 Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 6 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 3 Device Pin Out and Signal Description 7 6 9 12 11 5 14 4 15 CBUS0 CBUS1 CBUS2 CBUS3 CBUS4 CBUS5 3 13 17 RESET# GND GND GND USBDM USBDP 16 2 SCL SDA VCCIO 3V3OUT VCC 8 1 10 3.1 16-LD QFN Package Figure 3.1 QFN Schematic Symbol 3.1.1 QFN Package PinOut Description Note: # denotes an active low signal. Pin No. 10 Name Type ** POWER Input VCC 1 POWER VCCIO Input POWER Output 3V3OUT 3, 13 5 V (or 3V3) supply to IC 1V8 - 3V3 supply for the IO cells 3V3 output at 50mA. May be used to power VCCIO. ** 8 Description POWER GND Input When VCC is 3V3; pin 8 is an input pin. Connect to pin 10. 0V Ground input. Table 3.1 Power and Ground *Pin 17 is centre pad beneath the IC. Connect to GND. ** If VCC is 3V3 then 3V3OUT must also be driven with 3V3 input Pin No. Name Type Description 7 USBDM INPUT USB Data Signal Minus. 6 USBDP INPUT USB Data Signal Plus. 9 RESET# INPUT Reset input (active low). Table 3.2 Common Function pins Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 7 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Pin No. Name Type Description 2 SDA I/O 16 SCL Input 12 CBUS0 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 11 CBUS1 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 5 CBUS2 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 14 CBUS3 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 4 CBUS4 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 15 CBUS5 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. I2C bi-directional data line I2C clock input Table 3.3 I2C Interface and CBUS Group (see note 1) Notes: 1. When used in Input Mode, the input pins are pulled to VCCIO via internal 75k (approx.) resistors. These pins can be programmed to gently pull low during USB suspend (PWREN# = "1") by setting an option in the MTP memory. 2. Clock stretching is not supported Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 8 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 9 8 5 GND RESET# 15 14 7 16 6 1 CBUS0 CBUS1 CBUS2 CBUS3 CBUS4 CBUS5 13 11 GND USBDM USBDP 2 4 SCL SDA VCCIO 3V3OUT VCC 10 3 12 3.2 16-LD SSOP Package Figure 3.2 SSOP Schematic Symbol 3.2.1 SSOP Package PinOut Description Note: # denotes an active low signal. Pin No. 12 Name Type ** POWER Input VCC 3 POWER VCCIO Input ** 10 POWER Output 3V3OUT 5, 13 POWER GND Input Description 5 V (or 3V3) supply to IC 1V8 - 3V3 supply for the IO cells 3V3 output at 50mA. May be used to power VCCIO. When VCC is 3V3, pin 10 is an input pin and should be connected to pin 12. 0V Ground input. Table 3.4 Power and Ground ** If VCC is 3V3 then 3V3OUT must also be driven with 3V3 input Pin No. Name Type Description 9 USBDM INPUT USB Data Signal Minus. 8 USBDP INPUT USB Data Signal Plus. 11 RESET# INPUT Reset input (active low). Table 3.5 Common Function pins Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 9 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Pin No. Name Type Description 4 SDA I/O 2 SCL Input 15 CBUS0 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 14 CBUS1 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 7 CBUS2 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 16 CBUS3 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 6 CBUS4 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. 1 CBUS5 I/O Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device MTP memory. See CBUS Signal Options, Table 3.7. I2C bi-directional data line I2C clock input Table 3.6 Interface and CBUS Group (see note 1) Notes: 1. When used in Input Mode, the input pins are pulled to VCCIO via internal 75k (approx.) resistors. These pins can be programmed to gently pull low during USB suspend (PWREN# = "1") by setting an option in the MTP memory. 2. Clock stretching is not supported Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 10 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 3.3 CBUS Signal Options The following options can be configured on the CBUS I/O pins. CBUS signal options are common to both package versions of the FT201X. These options can be configured in the internal MTP memory using the software utility FT_PROG, which can be downloaded from the FTDI Utilities (www.ftdichip.com). The default configuration is described in Section 9. CBUS Signal Option Available On CBUS Pin TRI-STATE CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 IO Pad is tri-stated DRIVE 1 CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Output a constant 1 DRIVE 0 CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Output a constant 0 PWREN# CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Output is low after the device has been configured by USB, then high during USB suspend mode. This output can be used to control power to an external logic PChannel logic level MOSFET switch. Enable the interface pull-down option when using the PWREN# in this way. SLEEP# CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Goes low during USB suspend mode. Typically used to power down an external logic. CLK24MHz CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 24 MHz Clock output.* CLK12MHz CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 12 MHz Clock output.* CLK6MHz CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 6 MHz Clock output.* Description CBUS bit bang mode option. Allows up to 4 of the CBUS pins to be used as general purpose I/O. Configured individually for CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2 and CBUS3 in the internal MTP memory. A separate application note, AN232R-01, available from FTDI website (www.ftdichip.com) describes in more detail how to use CBUS bit bang mode. GPIO CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, BCD Charger CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Battery charge Detect, indicates when the device is connected to a dedicated battery charger host. Active high output. BCD Charger# CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Inverse of BCD Charger (open drain) BitBang_WR# CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Synchronous and asynchronous bit bang mode WR# strobe output. BitBang_RD# CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Synchronous and asynchronous bit bang mode RD# strobe output. I2C_TXE# CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Transmit buffer empty, used to indicate to I2C master device status of the FT201EX transmit buffer Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 11 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 CBUS Signal Option Available On CBUS Pin Description I2C_RXF# CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Receive buffer full, used to indicate to I2C master device status of FT201EX receive buffer VBUS Sense CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Input to detect when VBUS is present. Time Stamp CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Toggle signal which changes state each time a USB SOF is received Keep_Awake# CBUS0, CBUS1, CBUS2, CBUS3, CBUS4, CBUS5 Prevents the device from entering suspend state when unplugged. May be used if programming the MTP memory over I2C Table 3.7 CBUS Configuration Control *When in USB suspend mode the outputs clocks are also suspended. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 12 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 4 Function Description The FT201X is a USB to I2C interface device which simplifies USB implementations and reduces external component count by fully integrating into the device an EEPROM, and a clock circuit which requires no external crystal. It has been designed to operate efficiently with USB host controllers by using as little bandwidth as possible when compared to the total USB bandwidth available. 4.1 Key Features Functional Integration. Fully integrated MTP memory, clock generation, AVCC filtering, Power-OnReset (POR) and LDO regulators. Configurable CBUS I/O Pin Options. The fully integrated MTP memory allows configuration of the Control Bus (CBUS) functionality and drive strength selection. There are 6 configurable CBUS I/O pins. These configurable options are defined in section 3.3. The device is shipped with the most commonly used pin definitions pre-programmed - see Section 9 for details. Asynchronous Bit Bang Mode with RD# and WR# Strobes. The FT201X supports FTDI's previous chip generation bit-bang mode. In bit-bang mode, the 2 I2C lines can be switched from the regular interface mode to a 2-bit general purpose I/O port. Data packets can be sent to the device and they will be sequentially sent to the interface at a rate controlled by an internal timer (equivalent to the baud rate pre-scalar). In the FT201X device this mode has been enhanced by outputting the internal RD# and WR# strobes signals which can be used to allow external logic to be clocked by accesses to the bit-bang I/O bus. This option will be described more fully in a separate application note available from FTDI website (www.ftdichip.com). Synchronous Bit Bang Mode. The FT201X supports synchronous bit bang mode. This mode differs from asynchronous bit bang mode in that the interface pins are only read when the device is written to. This makes it easier for the controlling program to measure the response to an output stimulus as the data returned is synchronous to the output data. An application note, AN232R-01, available from FTDI website (www.ftdichip.com) describes this feature. Source Power and Power Consumption. The FT201X is capable of operating at a voltage supply between +3.3V and +5.25V with a nominal operational mode current of 8mA and a nominal USB suspend mode current of 125A. This allows greater margin for peripheral designs to meet the USB suspend mode current limit of 2.5mA. An integrated level converter within the I2C interface allows the FT201X to interface to UART logic running at +1.8V to +3.3V (5V tolerant). 4.2 Functional Block Descriptions The following paragraphs detail each function within the FT201X. Please refer to the block diagram shown in Figure 2.1 Internal MTP Memory. The internal MTP memory in the FT201X is used to store USB Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID), device serial number, product description string and various other USB configuration descriptors. The internal MTP memory is also used to configure the CBUS pin functions. The FT201X is supplied with the internal MTP memory pre-programmed as described in Section 9. A user area of the internal MTP memory is available to system designers to allow storing of additional data from the user application over USB. The internal MTP memory descriptors can be programmed in circuit, over USB without any additional voltage requirement. The descriptors can be programmed using the FTDI utility software called FT_PROG, which can be downloaded from FTDI Utilities on the FTDI website (www.ftdichip.com). Additionally the MTP memory can be configured over the I2C interface. +1.8V LDO Regulator. The +1.8V LDO regulator generates the +1.8V reference voltage for driving the internal core of the IC. +3.3V LDO Regulator. The +3.3V LDO regulator generates the +3.3V reference voltage for driving the USB transceiver cell output buffers. It requires an external decoupling capacitor to be attached to the 3V3OUT regulator output pin. It also provides +3.3V power to the 1.5k internal pull up resistor on USBDP. The main function of the LDO is to power the USB Transceiver and the Reset Generator Cells Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 13 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 rather than to power external logic. However, it can be used to supply external circuitry requiring a +3.3V nominal supply with a maximum current of 50mA. USB Transceiver. The USB Transceiver Cell provides the USB 1.1 / USB 2.0 full-speed physical interface to the USB cable. The output drivers provide +3.3V level slew rate control signalling, whilst a differential input receiver and two single ended input receivers provide USB data in, Single-Ended-0 (SE0) and USB reset detection conditions respectfully. This function also incorporates a 1.5k pull up resistor on USBDP. The block also detects when connected to a USB power supply which will not enumerate the device but still supply power and may be used for battery charging. USB DPLL. The USB DPLL cell locks on to the incoming NRZI USB data and generates recovered clock and data signals for the Serial Interface Engine (SIE) block. Internal 12MHz Oscillator - The Internal 12MHz Oscillator cell generates a 12MHz reference clock. This provides an input to the x4 Clock Multiplier function. The 12MHz Oscillator is also used as the reference clock for the SIE, USB Protocol Engine and UART FIFO controller blocks. Clock Multiplier / Divider. The Clock Multiplier / Divider takes the 12MHz input from the Internal Oscillator function and generates the 48MHz, 24MHz, 12MHz and 6MHz reference clock signals. The 48Mz clock reference is used by the USB DPLL and the Baud Rate Generator blocks. Serial Interface Engine (SIE). The Serial Interface Engine (SIE) block performs the parallel to serial and serial to parallel conversion of the USB data. In accordance with the USB 2.0 specification, it performs bit stuffing/un-stuffing and CRC5/CRC16 generation. It also checks the CRC on the USB data stream. USB Protocol Engine. The USB Protocol Engine manages the data stream from the device USB control endpoint. It handles the low level USB protocol requests generated by the USB host controller and the commands for controlling the functional parameters of the I2C in accordance with the USB 2.0 specification chapter 9. FIFO RX Buffer (512 bytes). Data sent from the USB host controller to the I2C interface via the USB data OUT endpoint is stored in the FIFO RX (receive) buffer. Data is removed from the buffer to the I2C transmit register under control of the I2C Controller. (Rx relative to the USB interface). FIFO TX Buffer (512 bytes). Data from the I2C receive register is stored in the TX buffer. The USB host controller removes data from the FIFO TX Buffer by sending a USB request for data from the device data IN endpoint. (Tx relative to the USB interface). I2C Controller. Module to handle the latching in and out of serial data on the I2C interface. Supports up to 3.4MHz, High Speed Serial Mode. RESET Generator - The integrated Reset Generator Cell provides a reliable power-on reset to the device internal circuitry at power up. The RESET# input pin allows an external device to reset the FT201X. RESET# can be tied to 3V3OUT. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 14 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 5 I2C Interface Description I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) is a multi-master serial bus invented by Philips. I2C uses two bi-directional open-drain wires called serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL). Common IC bus speeds are the 100 kbit/s standard mode (SM), 400 kbit/s fast mode (FM), 1 Mbit/s Fast mode plus (FM+), and 3.4 Mbit/s High Speed mode (HS) An I2C bus node can operate either as a master or a slave: Master node - issues the clock and addresses slaves Slave node - receives the clock line and address. The FT201X device shall only be able to operate as a slave, but is capable of speeds up to 3.4MBit/s. There are four potential modes of operation for a given bus device, although most devices only use a single role and its two modes: Master transmit - sending data to a slave Master receive - receiving data from a slave Slave transmit - sending data to a master Slave receive - receiving data from the master The master is initially in master transmit mode by sending a start bit followed by the 7-bit address of the slave it wishes to communicate with, which is finally followed by a single bit representing whether it wishes to write(0) to or read(1) from the slave. If the slave exists on the bus then it will respond with an ACK bit (active low for acknowledged) for that address. The master then continues in either transmit or receive mode (according to the read/write bit it sent), and the slave continues in its complementary mode (receive or transmit, respectively). The address and the data bytes are sent most significant bit first. The start bit is indicated by a high-tolow transition of SDA with SCL high; the stop bit is indicated by a low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high. If the master wishes to write to the slave then it repeatedly sends a byte with the slave sending an ACK bit. (In this situation, the master is in master transmit mode and the slave is in slave receive mode.) If the master wishes to read from the slave then it repeatedly receives a byte from the slave, the master sending an ACK bit after every byte but the last one. (In this situation, the master is in master receive mode and the slave is in slave transmit mode.) The master then ends transmission with a stop bit, or it may send another START bit if it wishes to retain control of the bus for another transfer (a "combined message"). IC defines three basic types of message, each of which begins with a START and ends with a STOP: Single message where a master writes data to a slave; Single message where a master reads data from a slave; Combined messages, where a master issues at least two reads and/or writes to one or more slaves In a combined message, each read or write begins with a START and the slave address. After the first START, these are also called repeated START bits; repeated START bits are not preceded by STOP bits, which is how slaves know the next transfer is part of the same message. Please refer to the I2C specification for more information on the protocol. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 15 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 6 Devices Characteristics and Ratings 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings The absolute maximum ratings for the FT201X devices are as follows. These are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Exceeding these may cause permanent damage to the device. Parameter Value Unit Storage Temperature -65C to 150C Degrees C Conditions 168 Hours Floor Life (Out of Bag) At Factory Ambient (30C / 60% Relative Humidity) (IPC/JEDEC JSTD-033A MSL Level 3 Compliant)* Ambient Operating Temperature (Power Applied) -40C to 85C Degrees C MTTF FT201XS TBD Hours MTTF FT201XQ TBD Hours VCC Supply Voltage -0.3 to +5.5 V VCCIO IO Voltage -0.3 to +4.0 V DC Input Voltage - USBDP and USBDM -0.5 to +3.63 V -0.3 to +5.8 V 22 mA DC Input Voltage - High Impedance Bi-directional (powered from VCCIO) DC Output Current - Outputs Hours Table 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings * If devices are stored out of the packaging beyond this time limit the devices should be baked before use. The devices should be ramped up to a temperature of +125C and baked for up to 17 hours. 6.2 ESD and Latch-up Specifications Description Specification Human Body Mode (HBM) > 2kV Machine mode (MM) > 200V Charged Device Mode (CDM) > 500V Latch-up > 200mA Table 6.2 ESD and Latch-Up Specifications Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 16 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 6.3 DC Characteristics DC Characteristics (Ambient Temperature = -40C to +85C) Parameter Description Minimum Typical Maximum Units Conditions VCC VCC Operating Supply Voltage 2.97 5 5.5 V Normal Operation VCC2 VCCIO Operating Supply Voltage 1.62 --- 3.63 V Icc1 Operating Supply Current 6.4 8 8.65 mA Normal Operation Icc2 Operating Supply Current A USB Suspend V VCC must be greater than 3V3 otherwise 3V3OUT is an input which must be driven with 3.3V 3V3OUT 3.3v regulator output 125 2.97 3.3 3.63 Table 6.3 Operating Voltage and Current Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 17 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Parameter Description Minimum Typical Maximum Units Conditions 2.97 VCCIO VCCIO V 2.97 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 8mA 2.97 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 12mA 2.97 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 16mA 0 0.4 V 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 8mA 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 12mA 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 16mA 0.8 V LVTTL V LVTTL LVTTL Ioh = -2mA Voh Output Voltage High I/O Drive strength* = 4mA Iol = +2mA Vol Output Voltage Low I/O Drive strength* = 4mA Vil Input low Switching Threshold Vih Input High Switching Threshold Vt Switching Threshold 1.49 V Vt- Schmitt trigger negative going threshold voltage 1.15 V Vt+ Schmitt trigger positive going threshold voltage 1.64 V Rpu Input pull-up resistance 40 75 190 K Vin = 0 Rpd Input pull-down resistance 40 75 190 K Vin =VCCIO Iin Input Leakage Current -10 +/-1 10 A Vin = 0 Ioz Tri-state output leakage current -10 +/-1 10 A Vin = 5.5V or 0 2.0 Table 6.4 I/O Pin Characteristics VCCIO = +3.3V (except USB PHY pins) * The I/O drive strength and slow slew-rate are configurable in the MTP memory. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 18 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Parameter Description Minimum Typical Maximum Units Conditions 2.25 VCCIO VCCIO V 2.25 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 8mA 2.25 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 12mA 2.25 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 16mA 0 0.4 V 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 8mA 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 12mA 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 16mA 0.8 V LVTTL V LVTTL LVTTL Ioh = +/-2mA Voh Output Voltage High I/O Drive strength* = 4mA Iol = +/-2mA Vol Output Voltage Low I/O Drive strength* = 4mA Vil Input low Switching Threshold Vih Input High Switching Threshold Vt Switching Threshold 1.1 V Vt- Schmitt trigger negative going threshold voltage 0.8 V Vt+ Schmitt trigger positive going threshold voltage 1.2 V Rpu Input pull-up resistance 40 75 190 K Vin = 0 Rpd Input pull-down resistance 40 75 190 K Vin =VCCIO Iin Input Leakage Current -10 +/-1 10 A Vin = 0 Ioz Tri-state output leakage current -10 +/-1 10 A Vin = 5.5V or 0 0.8 Table 6.5 I/O Pin Characteristics VCCIO = +2.5V (except USB PHY pins) * The I/O drive strength and slow slew-rate are configurable in the MTP memory. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 19 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Parameter Description Minimum Typical Maximum Units Conditions 1.62 VCCIO VCCIO V 1.62 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 8mA 1.62 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 12mA 1.62 VCCIO VCCIO V I/O Drive strength* = 16mA 0 0.4 V 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 8mA 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 12mA 0 0.4 V I/O Drive strength* = 16mA 0.77 V LVTTL V LVTTL LVTTL Ioh = +/-2mA Voh Output Voltage High I/O Drive strength* = 4mA Iol = +/-2mA Vol Output Voltage Low I/O Drive strength* = 4mA Vil Input low Switching Threshold Vih Input High Switching Threshold Vt Switching Threshold 0.77 V Vt- Schmitt trigger negative going threshold voltage 0.557 V Vt+ Schmitt trigger positive going threshold voltage 0.893 V Rpu Input pull-up resistance 40 75 190 K Vin = 0 Rpd Input pull-down resistance 40 75 190 K Vin =VCCIO Iin Input Leakage Current -10 +/-1 10 A Vin = 0 Ioz Tri-state output leakage current -10 +/-1 10 A Vin = 5.5V or 0 1.6 Table 6.6 I/O Pin Characteristics VCCIO = +1.8V (except USB PHY pins) * The I/O drive strength and slow slew-rate are configurable in the MTP memory. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 20 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Parameter Description Minimum Voh Output Voltage High 3V3OUT0.2 Vol Output Voltage Low Vil Input low Switching Threshold Vih Input High Switching Threshold Typical Maximum Units Conditions V - 0.2 V 0.8 V - 2.0 V Table 6.7 USB I/O Pin (USBDP, USBDM) Characteristics 6.4 MTP Memory Reliability Characteristics The internal 2048 Byte MTP memory has the following reliability characteristics: Parameter Value Unit Data Retention 10 Years Write Cycle 2,000 Cycles Read Cycle Unlimited Cycles Table 6.8 MTP memory Characteristics 6.5 Internal Clock Characteristics The internal Clock Oscillator has the following characteristics: Value Parameter Unit Minimum Typical Maximum Frequency of Operation (see Note 1) 11.98 12.00 12.02 MHz Clock Period 83.19 83.33 83.47 ns Duty Cycle 45 50 55 % Table 6.9 Internal Clock Characteristics Note 1: Equivalent to +/-1667ppm Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 21 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 7 USB Power Configurations The following sections illustrate possible USB power configurations for the FT201X. The illustrations have omitted pin numbers for ease of understanding since the pins differ between the FT201XS and FT201XQ package options. All USB power configurations illustrated apply to both package options for the FT201X device. Please refer to Section 11 for the package option pin-out and signal descriptions. 7.1 USB Bus Powered Configuration VCC Ferrite Bead 1 VCC 27R 2 USBDM 3 27R USBDP 4 FT201X 5 SHIELD 47pF 47pF RESET# 10nF VCCIO GND GND VCC GN D AG ND 3V3OUT 100nF + 4.7uF 100nF GND GND Figure 7.1 Bus Powered Configuration Figure 7.1 Illustrates the FT201X in a typical USB bus powered design configuration. A USB bus powered device gets its power from the USB bus. Basic rules for USB bus power devices are as follows - i) ii) iii) iv) v) On plug-in to USB, the device should draw no more current than 100mA. In USB Suspend mode the device should draw no more than 2.5mA. A bus powered high power USB device (one that draws more than 100mA) should use one of the CBUS pins configured as PWREN# and use it to keep the current below 100mA on plug-in and 2.5mA on USB suspend. A device that consumes more than 100mA cannot be plugged into a USB bus powered hub. No device can draw more than 500mA from the USB bus. The power descriptors in the internal MTP memory of the FT201X should be programmed to match the current drawn by the device. A ferrite bead is connected in series with the USB power supply to reduce EMI noise from the FT201X and associated circuitry being radiated down the USB cable to the USB host. The value of the Ferrite Bead depends on the total current drawn by the application. A suitable range of Ferrite Beads is available from Laird Technologies (http://www.lairdtech.com), for example Laird Technologies Part # MI0805K601R-10. Note: If using PWREN# (available using the CBUS) the pin should be pulled to VCCIO using a 10k resistor. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 22 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 7.2 Self Powered Configuration VCC(3.3-5.25V) 1 VCC 27R 2 USBDM 27R 3 USBDP 4 47pF 4k7 47pF FT201X 5 VBUS_SENSE SHIELD VCCIO RESET# 10k 3V3OUT AG ND GND GND GN D GND VCC 100nF 100nF 100nF + 4.7uF GND GND Figure 7.2 Self Powered Configuration Figure 7.2 illustrates the FT201X in a typical USB self-powered configuration. A USB self-powered device gets its power from its own power supply, VCC, and does not draw current from the USB bus. The basic rules for USB self-powered devices are as follows - i) ii) iii) A self-powered device should not force current down the USB bus when the USB host or hub controller is powered down. A self-powered device can use as much current as it needs during normal operation and USB suspend as it has its own power supply. A self-powered device can be used with any USB host, a bus powered USB hub or a selfpowered USB hub. The power descriptor in the internal MTP memory of the FT201X should be programmed to a value of zero (self-powered). In order to comply with the first requirement above, the USB bus power (pin 1) is used to control the VBUS_Sense pin of the FT201X device. When the USB host or hub is powered up an internal 1.5k resistor on USBDP is pulled up to +3.3V, thus identifying the device as a full speed device to the USB host or hub. When the USB host or hub is powered off, VBUS_Sense pin will be low and the FT201X is held in a suspend state. In this state the internal 1.5k resistor is not pulled up to any power supply (hub or host is powered down), so no current flows down USBDP via the 1.5k pull-up resistor. Failure to do this may cause some USB host or hub controllers to power up erratically. Figure 7.2 illustrates a self-powered design which has a +3.3V to +5.25V supply. Note: 1. When the FT201X is in reset, the interface I/O pins are tri-stated. Input pins have internal 75k pull-up resistors to VCCIO, so they will gently pull high unless driven by some external logic. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 23 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 7.3 USB Bus Powered with Power Switching Configuration P Channel Power MOSFET Switched 5V Power to External Logic 0.1uF 100k 0.1uF 1k PWREN# Ferrite Bead 1 VCC 27R 2 USBDM 3 27R USBDP 4 47pF FT201X 5 47pF RESET# SHIELD VCCIO 10nF GND GND VCC CBUS3 GN D AG ND 3V3OUT 100nF + 4.7uF 100nF GND GND Figure 7.3 Bus Powered with Power Switching Configuration A requirement of USB bus powered applications, is when in USB suspend mode, the application draws a total current of less than 2.5mA. This requirement includes external logic. Some external logic has the ability to power itself down into a low current state by monitoring the PWREN# signal. For external logic that cannot power itself down in this way, the FT201X provides a simple but effective method of turning off power during the USB suspend mode. Figure 7.3 shows an example of using a discrete P-Channel MOSFET to control the power to external logic. A suitable device to do this is an International Rectifier (www.irf.com) IRLML6402, or equivalent. It is recommended that a "soft start" circuit consisting of a 1k series resistor and a 0.1F capacitor is used to limit the current surge when the MOSFET turns on. Without the soft start circuit it is possible that the transient power surge, caused when the MOSFET switches on, will reset the FT201X or the USB host/hub controller. The soft start circuit example shown in Figure 7.3 powers up with a slew rate of approximaely12.5V/ms. Thus supply voltage to external logic transitions from GND to +5V in approximately 400 microseconds. As an alternative to the MOSFET, a dedicated power switch IC with inbuilt "soft-start" can be used. A suitable power switch IC for such an application is the Micrel (www.micrel.com) MIC2025-2BM or equivalent. With power switching controlled designs the following should be noted: i) The external logic to which the power is being switched should have its own reset circuitry to automatically reset the logic when power is re-applied when moving out of suspend mode. ii) Set the Pull-down on Suspend option in the internal FT201X MTP memory. iii) One of the CBUS Pins should be configured as PWREN# in the internal FT201X MTP memory, and used to switch the power supply to the external circuitry. iv) For USB high-power bus powered applications (one that consumes greater than 100mA, and up to 500mA of current from the USB bus), the power consumption of the application must be set in the Max Power field in the internal FT201X MTP memory. A high-power bus powered application uses the descriptor in the internal FT201X MTP memory to inform the system of its power requirements. v) PWREN# gets its VCC from VCCIO. For designs using 3V3 logic, ensure VCCIO is not powered down using the external logic. In this case use the +3V3OUT. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 24 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 8 Application Examples The following sections illustrate possible applications of the FT201X. The illustrations have omitted pin numbers for ease of understanding since the pins differ between the FT201XS and FT201XQ package options. 8.1 USB to I2C Converter VCC Ferrite Bead 1 VCC SCL USBDM SDA SCL 27R 2 3 I2C MASTER DEVICE SDA 27R USBDP 4 47pF 47pF FT201X 5 1k RESET# SHIELD 1k VCCIO VCCIO 10nF GND VCC GN D AG ND 3V3OUT GND 100nF + 4.7uF 100nF GND GND Figure 8.1 Application Example showing USB to I2C Converter An example of using the FT201X as an I2C peripheral is shown in Figure 8.1. The FT201X is the slave on the I2C bus. Therefore the clock supplied to the SCL pin must come from the I2C Master. The device will support standard I2C data rates such as 100 kbit/s standard mode (SM), 400 kbit/s fast mode (FM), 1 Mbit/s Fast mode plus (FM+), and 3.4 Mbit/s High Speed mode (HS). The data line SDA is bi- directional. The master is initially in master transmit mode by sending a start bit followed by the 7-bit address of the slave it wishes to communicate with, which is finally followed by a single bit representing whether it wishes to write(0) to or read(1) from the slave. If the slave (FT201X) exists on the bus then it will respond with an ACK bit (active low for acknowledged) for that address. The master then continues in either transmit or receive mode (according to the read/write bit it sent), and the slave continues in its complementary mode (receive or transmit, respectively). The address and the data bytes are sent most significant bit first. The start bit is indicated by a high-tolow transition of SDA with SCL high; the stop bit is indicated by a low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high. If the master wishes to write to the slave then it repeatedly sends a byte with the slave sending an ACK bit. (In this situation, the master is in master transmit mode and the slave is in slave receive mode.) If the master wishes to read from the slave then it repeatedly receives a byte from the slave, the master sending an ACK bit after every byte but the last one. (In this situation, the master is in master receive mode and the slave is in slave transmit mode.) The master then ends transmission with a stop bit, or it may send another START bit if it wishes to retain control of the bus for another transfer (a "combined message"). IC defines three basic types of message, each of which begins with a START and ends with a STOP: Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 25 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Single message where a master writes data to a slave; Single message where a master reads data from a slave; Combined messages, where a master issues at least two reads and/or writes to one or more slaves In a combined message, each read or write begins with a START and the slave address. After the first START, these are also called repeated START bits; repeated START bits are not preceded by STOP bits, which is how slaves know the next transfer is part of the same message. 2 The I C address of the FT201X is stored in the device internal MTP memory. 2 Please refer to the I C specification for more information on the protocol. 8.2 USB Battery Charging Detection A recent addition to the USB specification (http://www.usb.org/developers/) is to allow for additional charging profiles to be used for charging batteries in portable devices. These charging profiles do not enumerate the USB port of the peripheral. The FT201X device will detect that a USB compliant dedicated charging port (DCP) is connected. Once detected while in suspend mode a battery charge detection signal is provided to allow external logic to switch to charging mode as opposed to operation mode. To use the FT201X with battery charging detection the CBUS pins must be reprogrammed to allow for the BCD Charger output to switch the external charger circuitry on. The CBUS pins are configured in the internal MTP memory with the free utility FT_PROG. If the charging circuitry requires an active low signal to enable it, the CBUS pin can be programmed to BCD Charger# as an alternative. When connected to a USB compliant dedicated charging port (DCP, as opposed to a standard USB host) the device USB signals will be shorted together and the device suspended. The BCD charger signal will bring the LTC4053 out of suspend and allow battery charging to start. The charge current in the example below is 1A as defined by the resistance on the PROG pin. VBUS 3V3OUT VBUS 3V3OUT VCC VBUS DD+ ID GND 1 2 3 4 5 VBUS 0.1uF GND DM DP 27R 27R 3V3OUT 0.1uF VCCIO 600R/2A CN USB 3V3OUT GND RESET# 10nF N.F. GND GND 0.1uF 0R BCD CBUS0 FT201X SLD GND GND GND VBUS VBUS GND VBUS VBATT 4.7uF 0.1uF GND 1 2 3 4 5 GND CHRG VCC FAULT TIMER GND ACPR BAT SHDN PROG NTC GND 0.1uF 10 9 8 7 6 1 + NCT TB3.5mm BCD NTC LTC4053EDD 11 2K2 1uF 1K5 1R GND GND GND GND GND EEPROM Setting X-Chip Pin CBUS0 Function BCD Battery Options Battery Charger Enable X Force Power Enable GND GND 1A when connected to a dedicated charger port 0A when enumerated 0A when not enumerated and not in sleep 0A when in sleep VBUS NTC JP1 NCT Available 4K32 1% De-acticate Sleep JUMPER-2mm Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited JP1 SIP-3 1-2 2-3 NCT Enabled NCT Disabled (Default) GND 26 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Figure 8.2 USB Battery Charging Detection (1- pin) Alternatively the PWREN# And SLEEP pins may be used to control the LTC4053 such that a battery may be charged from a standard host (low current) or from a dedicated charging port (high current). In such a design as shown below the charge current would need to be limited to 0.4A to ensure that the USB host power limit is not exceeded. VBUS 3V3OUT VBUS 3V3OUT VBUS U1 3V3OUT VCCIO 1 2 3 4 5 VBUS DD+ ID GND 0.1uF VCORE VCC 600R/2A CN USB GND DM DP 27R 27R 3V3OUT 0.1uF GND RESET# 10nF N.F. 0.1uF 0R SLD GND SLEEP# PWREN# CBUS5 CBUS6 GND FT201X GND GND VBUS VBUS VBUS VBATT 4.7uF 0.1uF GND CHRG VCC FAULT TIMER GND GND 1 2 3 4 5 GND 10 9 8 7 6 1 + NCT TB3.5mm SLEEP# NTC LTC4053EDD 11 0.1uF ACPR BAT SHDN PROG NTC 2K2 16K5 1% 1uF 4K32 1% 1R PWREN# GND GND GND EEPROM Setting GND GND GND GND 0.4A when connected to a dedicated charger port 0.4A when enumerated 0.1A when not enumerated and not in sleep mode 0A when in sleep mode VBUS Battery Options X-Chip Pin CBUS5 CBUS6 Function SLEEP# PWREN# Battery Charger Enable X X De-acticate Sleep X Force Power Enable NTC JP1 NCT Available 4K32 1% JUMPER-2mm JP1 SIP-3 1-2 2-3 NCT Enabled NCT Disabled (Default) GND Figure 8.3 USB Battery Charging Detection (2- pin) In the example above the FT201X SLEEP pin is used to enable/disable the LTC4053, while the PWREN# signal alters the charging current by altering the resistance on the LTC4053 PROG pin. A third option shown in the example below uses the SLEEP signal from the FT201X to enable / disable the battery charger. The BCD# and PWREN# signals are then used to alter the resistance on the PROG pin of the LTC4053 which controls the charge current drawn from the USB connector. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 27 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 VBUS 3V3OUT VBUS VCCIO 3V3OUT VCC 1 2 3 4 5 VBUS 3V3OUT 0.1uF 0.1uF 600R/2A CN USB VBUS DD+ ID GND 3V3OUT GND DM DP 27R 27R GND RESET# 10nF GND 0.1uF GND N.F. 0R CBUS0 CBUS1 CBUS2 18 17 10 BCD# PWREN# SLEEP# FT201X SLD GND GND GND VBUS VBUS GND VBUS VBATT 4.7uF 0.1uF GND 1 2 3 4 5 GND CHRG VCC FAULT TIMER GND ACPR BAT SHDN PROG NTC GND 0.1uF 10 9 8 7 6 1 + NCT TB3.5mm SLEEP# NTC LTC4053EDD 11 2K2 16K5 1% 4K32 1% 1K5 - 1% 1uF BCD# 1R PWREN# GND GND GND GND EEPROM Setting GND GND GND 1A when connected to a dedicated charger port 0.4A when enumerated 0.1A when not enumerated and not in sleep 0A when in sleep VBUS Battery Options X-Chip Pin CBUS0 CBUS1 CBUS2 Function BCD# PWREN# SLEEP# Battery Charger Enable X NTC De-acticate Sleep JP1 NCT Available 4K32 1% Force Power Enable 1-2 2-3 X JUMPER-2mm JP1 SIP-3 NCT Enabled NCT Disabled (Default) GND Figure 8.4 USB Battery Charging Detection (3 - pin) To calculate the equivalent resistance on the LTC4053 PROG pin select a charge current, then Res = 1500V/Ichg For more configuration options of the LTC4053 refer to: AN_175_Battery Charging Over USB Note: If the FT201X is connected to a standard host port such that the device is enumerated the battery charge detection signal is inactive as the device will not be in suspend. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 28 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 9 USB and I2C Interfacing This section covers the transfer of data from USB to I2C and vice versa. Please note that the FT200XD and FT201X are I2C slave devices only and should be interfaced to an I 2C host (often in a microcontroller or FPGA). If an I2C master is required, please see the FT232H, FT2232H, FT4232H and FT2232D devices. This section covers transfer of data only. The USB and I2C interfaces on the FT200XD and FT201X can also be used for programming of the MTP memory, which is covered in a separate section. Throughout this section, the reference FT-X applies to the FT200XD and FT201X devices, as the other members of the FT-X family do not have I2C interfaces. 9.1 Host Interface (USB) From the host computer's point of view, the I2C data can be sent and received in the same way as when interfacing to one of the standard UART devices such as the FT232R. The FT-X handles the entire I2C protocol inside the chip and so reading and writing data does not require any special programming from the PC side. It can be treated as a simple data bridge. 9.1.1 VCP and D2xx Interfaces Like the other FTDI devices, the host can use D2xx commands or can use a Virtual COM Port (VCP) to communicate with the device. D2xx Interface The D2xx method allows the application software to use the functions in the FTDI D2xx library to communicate directly with the device. This is a library provided free-of-charge by FTDI and is available within the driver download files at the link below. http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm It includes functions to find the FTDI devices on the system, open a particular device, send data to the device and read data from the device. Any data written using FT_Write, for example, will be sent to the FT-X chip and will be available for the external I2C Master to read. As mentioned above, only the data itself needs to be sent as the FT-X handles all of the I2C specific protocol. There are many other functions available, and full details can be found in the D2xx Programmers Guide. Virtual COM Port Interface If using the Virtual Com Port (VCP), the device will appear as if it were a real COM port on the computer. This is useful where an application has already been written to use an RS232 port on the computer as it allows that application to treat the FT-X as if it were a real COM port. This port can be opened in a terminal program or a custom application in the same way as a serial port would be opened. Data can then be sent or received using standard serial / COM port functions. No I2C decoding is required as the chip itself handles the I2C protocol. Because of this, even I2C versions of the FT-X family can be used with the VCP interface. Any data which the host PC sends to the Virtual COM Port (for example, typed into the terminal window in HyperTerminal) will be sent over USB to the FT-X and can then be read by the external I2C Master. Likewise, any data written to the FT-X over I2C will be sent to the PC where the terminal program will display it. Since the FT-X is the I2C slave and does not generate a clock signal, the settings such as baud rate and handshaking do not have any effect. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 29 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 D2xx and VCP Interface under Windows In Windows systems, the VCP driver is actually an additional layer on top of the D2xx driver. The D2xx driver is always loaded and the VCP later may or may not be loaded on top of it, depending on the requirements of the application. When VCP is disabled, the device will appear only under Universal Serial Bus Controllers in the Device Manager and no COM port is exposed. When the VCP is enabled, the device will appear under both the Universal Serial Bus Controllers and the Ports (COM & LPT) sections in Device Manager. The VCP interface will be disabled by default in the FT200XD and FT201X but can be enabled in one of the following ways: - - - An option bit in the MTP memory on the chip is checked each time that the device is enumerated, and can cause the host computer to load the VCP layer. This allows each individual hardware unit to enable or disable VCP as per its requirements. The MTP information in section 10 has further details. FT_Prog can also be used to modify the MTP settings. The user may open the Properties for the device under Universal Serial Bus Controllers in Device Manager in Windows and tick a box to load the VCP. Re-enumeration of the FT-X is necessary to enable the new setting. By editing the driver FtdiBus.inf file (please refer to AN_107). Note that the FT_INF utility available from the FTDI website can be used to help create the modified inf files. In other Operating systems (e.g. Linux, Mac and Windows CE), there are separate drivers for D2xx and VCP, and only one of these drivers may be installed at any time. Therefore, the mode is selected by installing the associated driver instead and the selection defined in the bullet points above has no effect. 9.1.2 Reading and Writing Data Data from FT-X to the Host When data is to be sent from the host computer to the external I 2C master, the software application writes this data to the FTDI driver using VCP or D2xx and this data is sent by the driver over USB to the buffer in the device. The external I2C master device may then perform an I2C read (Master receiver, Slave transmitter) operation to retrieve the data. The external I2C master should check if data is available to ensure that the data which has been read is valid. The methods for this are described in section 9.2.2 below. Data from Host to the FT-X When data is to be sent from the external I2C master to the host computer, the external master performs an I2C write (Master transmitter, Slave receiver) operation to the FT-X. The FT-X stores this in its buffer and the data is sent back to the driver on the host computer over USB. As with other FTDI devices, this happens when either the buffer in the device fills or when the latency timer rolls over (so that partially filled buffers do not wait indefinitely), whichever happens first. Note that when writing data to the FT-X over I2C, the external master should check whether there is space available in the buffer inside the FT-X. It can do this using the methods shown in section 9.2.2 below. The host computer application can then read the data from the driver buffer using the VCP interface or the D2xx commands. In the case of D2xx, the number of bytes available may be determined using the FT_GetQueueStatus command before doing the FT_Read. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 30 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 9.2 I2C Interface From an I2C point of view, the FT-X behaves as a standard I2C slave. Data transfers take the same form as a standard I2C communication. In addition to reading and writing, there are some other commands which can be used to determine the status of the device and these are covered in this section and in further detail in section 9.3. Note: This section uses 7-bit addressing in the examples. It uses eight characters to describe the seven address bits and the single read/write bit. For example, 1110 011 1 means address 0x73 with the Read/Write bit set to 1, and therefore corresponds to a read of address 0x73. Data values are represented in bytes, for example, 1010 0101 for data value 0xA5. 9.2.1 Addressing The FT-X can be given a custom slave address on the I2C bus. This is stored in MTP memory and can be re-programmed over USB or I2C. Please see the separate MTP Programming information in section 10. The slave address is used when reading and writing to the device. The FT-X supports both 7-bit and 10bit addressing. The general call address (0000 000 0) is for addressing every device on the bus. Some slaves do not support the General Call Address though the FT-X devices do support it. They will acknowledge this address, receive the second byte and interpret it. There are several commands available for this second byte. The FT-X will support the Software Reset command which is part of the I2C specification as well as other custom FTDI commands. These are covered in more detail later in the Other I2C Commands section. 9.2.2 Data Transfers Reading and Writing For all I2C data transfers to and from the FT-X, the slave address of the FT-X is used. The figure below shows a typical 7-bit address transfer for each direction. Figure 9.1: Data transfers using 7-bit addressing Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 31 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 The figure below summarises all of the transfers available (7-bit and 10-bit addressing). Figure 9.2: Data transfers with 7-bit and 10-bit addressing modes Flow Control when Reading When reading data, it is important to know if there is data available to read over I 2C and if the data read is valid. There are three methods by which to check whether the data being read is valid. - - Checking the I2C_TXE# line, which indicates whether the transmit buffer is empty. This signal can be mapped to the CBUS pins. This line does not indicate the number of bytes available. If the line is asserted, there are one or more bytes in the transmit buffer. Note that the Transmit buffer is the buffer which holds data which has come from the host computer and is going to be read by the external I2C master. Do a read over I2C (Master receiver, Slave transmitter) and check whether the FT-X acknowledges the address phase. The FT-X will NAK the address phase if there is no data to read. If bursting data, then there is not an address phase for each byte. In this case, it is not possible to tell when the buffer has emptied and therefore when you are no longer reading valid bytes. In this case, a Data Available check can be carried out first. If the byte after the general call address is 0x0C (0000 1100), the FT-X returns the Data Available Count to indicate the number of bytes available for burst read. Please also refer to section 9.3. Note that because this returns a single byte, the maximum value is 0xFF, and so a value of 0xFF indicates that there are 255 or more bytes available. Figure 9.3: Checking the Data Available Count Flow Control when Writing Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 32 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 When writing data (data going from I2C toward the host computer), it is important to check if there is space available and if the FT-X accepted the byte written. There are two methods by which to check whether space is available. - - Check the I2C_RXF# line, which indicates whether the Receive buffer is full. This line indicates that there is at least one empty byte available in the buffer. However, there is no indication of how many bytes are available. This signal can be mapped to the CBUS pins. Note that the Receive buffer is the buffer which holds data which has come from the external I 2C master and is going to the host computer over USB. Do a write over I2C (Master transmitter, Slave receiver) and check if the FT-X ACKs. The FT-X will NAK if there is no space in the buffer for the data to be written into. The FT-X will NACK in the address phase if this is the first byte being written and there is no space available. If the buffer becomes full during a burst write, the FT-X will NACK any bytes during the data phase which cannot be accommodated in the buffer. Note that because the acknowledgement can be checked for each byte written (since the FT-X slave is generating the acknowledge when writing to it), there is no command to ask the FT-X how much buffer space is available. 9.3 Other I2C Commands Soft reset This uses the General Call Address. If the second byte is 0x06 (0000 0110) it will be interpreted by the FT-X as the Soft Reset command, which clears all buffers. Flush command This uses the General Call Address. If the second byte is 0x0E (0000 1110) it will be interpreted by the FT-X as the Flush command and the Transmit and Receive buffers will be flushed of all data. Figure 9.4: Flush data command Read Data Available command This uses the General Call Address. If the second byte is 0x0C (0000 1100) it will be interpreted by the block as the Read Data Available command and on the next I2C read cycle following this command, the data will hold the number of bytes available for burst read. Figure 9.5: Reading the amount of data available USB State command This uses the General Call Address. If the second byte is 0x16 (0001 0110) it will be interpreted by the block as the USB State command and on the next read cycle following this command, the data will hold the coded USB State value. The USB state allows you to check the current USB enumeration state: 0x00 = Suspended. 0x01 = Default. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 33 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 0x02 = Addressed. 0x03 = Configured. Note: The Configured state is the normal operating state. Further details of these states can be found in Chapter 9 of the USB 2.0 Specification from the USB Implementers Forum website (http://www.usb.org). Figure 9.6: Checking the USB State Device ID command This command uses the Slave address of the FT-X. The master issues the 1111 100 0 command (0x7c write) followed by the slave address with the direction bit as either 0 or 1 (don't care). The master then sends a repeated start followed by the 1111 100 1 command (0x7c read). The FT-X responds with 3 bytes containing the manufacturer ID (12 bits), part ID (9 bits) and revision (3 bits). The master ends reading with a NACK. Note: In the case where the master keeps ACKing the data, it has to wrap around and the slave (the FTX) will keep sending the 3 bytes of its ID. Figure 9.7: Reading the Device ID Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 34 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 10 Internal MTP Memory Configuration The FT201X includes an internal MTP memory which holds the USB configuration descriptors, other configuration data for the chip and also user data areas. Following a power-on reset or a USB reset the FT201X will scan its internal MTP memory and read the USB configuration descriptors stored there In many cases, the default values programmed into the MTP memory will be suitable and no reprogramming will be necessary. The defaults can be found in Section 10.1. The MTP memory in the FT201X can be programmed over USB or over the I 2C bus if the values need to be changed for a particular application. Further details of this are provided from section 10.2 onwards. Users who do not have their own USB Vendor ID but who would like to use a unique Product ID in their design can apply to FTDI for a free block of unique PIDs. See TN_100 - USB Vendor ID/Product ID Guidelines for more details. 10.1 Default Values The default factory programmed values of the internal MTP memory are shown in the following table: Parameter Value Notes USB Vendor ID (VID) 0403h FTDI default VID (hex) USB Product UD (PID) 6015h FTDI default PID (hex) Serial Number Enabled? Yes Serial Number See Note A unique serial number is generated and programmed into the MTP memory during device final test. Pull down I/O Pins in USB Suspend Disabled Enabling this option will make the device pull down on the UART interface lines when in USB suspend mode (PWREN# is high). Manufacturer Name FTDI Product Description FT201X USB I2C Max Bus Power Current 90mA Power Source Bus Powered Device Type FT201X Returns USB 2.0 device description to the host. Note: The device is a USB 2.0 Full Speed device (12Mb/s) as opposed to a USB 2.0 High Speed device (480Mb/s). USB Version 0200 Remote Wake Up Disabled DBUS Drive Current Strength 4mA Options are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA DBUS slew rate Slow Options are slow or fast Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 35 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Parameter Value Notes DBUS Schmitt Trigger Enable Normal Options are normal or Schmitt CBUS Drive Current Strength 4mA Options are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA CBUS slew rate Slow Options are slow or fast CBUS Schmitt Trigger Enable Normal Load VCP Driver Disabled I2C Address 22h CBUS0 SLEEP# CBUS1 TRI-STATE Default configuration of CBUS1 - TRI-STATE. CBUS2 TRI-STATE Default configuration of CBUS2 - TRI-STATE CBUS3 PWREN# Default configuration of CBUS3 - Power enable. Low after USB enumeration, high during USB suspend mode. CBUS4 VBUS_Sense Default configuration of CBUS4- Power enable. Low after USB enumeration, high during USB suspend mode. CBUS5 Keep_Awake# Options are normal or Schmitt Enabling this will load the VCP driver interface for the device. The I2C device address Default configuration of CBUS0 - USB suspend mode. Prevents the device from entering suspend state when unplugged. May be used if programming the MTP memory over I2C. Table 10.1 Default Internal MTP Memory Configuration Note: These values apply to Revision D and later. The previous revisions had different CBUS defaults. 10.2 Methods of Programming the MTP Memory 10.2.1 Programming the MTP memory over USB The MTP memory on all FT-X devices can be programmed over USB. This method is the same as for the EEPROM on other FTDI devices such as the FT232R. No additional hardware, connections or programming voltages are required. The device is simply connected to the host computer in the same way that it would be for normal applications, and the FT_Prog utility is used to set the required options and program the device. The FT_Prog utility is provided free-of-charge from the FTDI website, and can be found at the link below. The user guide is also available at this link. http://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Utilities.htm#FT_Prog Additionally, D2XX commands can be used to program the MTP memory from within user applications. For more information on the commands available, please refer to D2XX Programmers Guide. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 36 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 10.2.2 Programming the MTP memory over I2C In the FT201X device, it is possible to program the MTP memory over its I 2C interface. This is the same interface which is used in the normal application of the FT201X and would normally be connected to the I2C master implemented in a microcontroller (MCU) or FPGA. However, special commands can also be used to access the MTP memory in the FT201X over the same I2C connection, allowing the MCU/FPGA to read and write locations in the MTP memory. No additional hardware, connections or programming voltages are required. Warning: When programming locations in the MTP which are covered by the checksum, the checksum value must always be programmed to the correct value before any device reset takes place. If the device starts up or resets with an incorrect checksum, I2C communication will not be possible. Recovery is only possible by re-programming the checksum to the correct value over USB. Two examples where it may be desired to use the I 2C interface to write and read the MTP Memory are given below. In some cases, the application may use both of these possibilities. 1. To store and retrieve application specific data such as calibration constants in the user area (e.g. if the overall application was an analog measurement system). This can avoid the need for an extra EEPROM chip on the application board. 2. To read and write the configuration data (e.g. custom VID, PID, description strings or CBUS signal selection to enable signals for battery charging etc.) without a USB host. This could allow an MCU/FPGA to configure the FT201X during production testing of the finished device or even when in use in the field. The information in the rest of this chapter can be used to implement the storing and reading of application data in the user area as in example 1 above. Example 2 requires details of the configuration data stored in the MTP memory. Further details can be found in AN_201. 10.3 Memory Map The FT-X family MTP memory has various areas which come under three main categories: User Memory Area Configuration Memory Area (writable) Configuration Memory Area (non-writable) Memory Area Description Word Address User Memory Area 2 Accessible via USB, I2C and FT1248 0x3FF - 0x80 Configuration Memory Area Accessible via USB, I2C and FT1248 0x7E - 0x50 Configuration Memory Area Cannot be written 0x4E - 0x40 User Memory Area 1 Accessible via USB, I2C and FT1248 0x3E - 0x12 Configuration Memory Area 0x10 - 0x00 Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 37 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Accessible via USB, I2C and FT1248 Figure 10.1: Simplified memory map for the FT201X User Memory Area The User Memory Areas are highlighted in Green on the memory map. They can be read and written via both USB and I2C. All locations within this range are freely programmable; no areas have special functions and there is no checksum for the user area. Note that the application should take into account the specification for the number of write cycles in Section 6.4 if it will be writing to the MTP memory multiple times. Configuration Memory Area (writable) This area stores the configuration data for the device, including the data which is returned to the host in the configuration descriptors (e.g. the VID, PID and string descriptions) and also values which set the hardware configuration (the signal assigned to each CBUS pin for example). These values can have a significant effect on the behaviour of the device. Steps must be taken to ensure that these locations are not written to un-intentionally by an application which is intended to access only the user area. This area is included in a checksum which covers configuration areas of the memory, and so changing any value can also cause this checksum to fail. When changing any locations covered by the checksum, the checksum value must always be updated before a device reset or power cycle takes place (i.e. before the device uses the new MTP settings). Devices with incorrect checksum will require programming over USB to recover and correct the checksum. Configuration Memory Area (non-writable) This is a reserved area and the application should not write to this area of memory. Any attempt to write these locations will fail. 10.4 Hardware Requirements The hardware is the same as for a typical USB-I2C application and no additional hardware or programming voltages are required. The I2C connections are the same as shown in Section 8.1. For the USB connections, either a bus-powered configuration (see Section 7.1 and 7.3) or a self-powered configuration (see Section 7.2) could be used. Warning: When programming locations in the MTP which are covered by the checksum, the checksum value must always be programmed to the correct value before any device reset takes place. If the device starts up or resets with an incorrect checksum, I2C communication will not be possible. Recovery is only possible by re-programming the checksum to the correct value over USB. 10.5 Protocol The I2C MTP memory protocol consists of 3 commands: Address MTP memory (0x10) Write MTP memory (0x12) Read MTP memory (0x14) For further details on the I2C protocol, refer to section 5. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 38 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 10.5.1 Address MTP memory (0x10) This consists of a general call with a command phase followed by 2 data bytes which represent the MTP memory address allowing users to address, potentially, up to 64K byte addresses. 10.5.2 Write MTP memory (0x12) This consists of a general call with a command phase followed by 1 data byte which shall be programmed into the MTP memory at the address location set by the MTP memory address command. 10.5.3 Read MTP memory (0x14) This consists of a general call with a command phase followed by 1 data byte which is the data read from the MTP memory at the address location set by the MTP memory address command. 10.5.4 Examples of Writing and Reading When performing MTP memory write and read requests via the I2C protocol, users must first issue the MTP address command along with 2 bytes representing the MTP memory address. The acknowledge phase of this command represents the current status of the MTP memory (whether it is busy or not). If the MTP memory is being accessed during an I2C access then the respective command and data phases will NAK the master. The address will only be updated when the MTP memory is inactive. Writing The first part of the communication sets the address, and this is followed by the write command along with the data to be written. The MTP memory write itself will be initiated when the FT201X receives an MTP memory write command followed by a single data byte. The ACK phase represents the current activity of the MTP memory (whether it is busy or not busy). A successful write will only occur when both status phases acknowledge the master indicating that the MTP memory can start the write. Users wishing to determine if the MTP memory write was successful should immediately try an MTP memory read to verify the new contents. This process of writing to the MTP memory is shown below: 0000000 0 S/Sr General call addr R/!W 0001_0000 A MTP ADDR cmd 0 A/!A Sr Slave addr R/!W A MTP ADR MSB A A MTP WR DATA A MTP ADR LSB A MTP Memory Address Phase 0000000 0 S/Sr General call addr R/!W 0001_0010 A MTP WR cmd 0 A/!A Sr Slave addr R/!W P/Sr MTP memory Write Phase Figure 10.2: Write EEPROM command sequence Reading In a similar way, the read is carried out as shown below.The first part of the communication sets the address, and this is followed by the read command and a read cycle used to retrieve the data read back from that address. An MTP memory read will be initiated when the I2C slave receives an MTP read command. The acknowledge during the command phase indicates whether or not the MTP memory will be able to service the read request. If it is possible to carry out the read, the I 2C moves into the data phase where it can either continue with the read transaction until the slave successful returns an ACK along with the data or if it receives NAK during the data phase it can abort the read transfer and try again. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 39 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 0000000 0 S/Sr General call addr R/!W 0001_0000 A MTP ADDR cmd 0 A/!A Sr Slave addr R/!W A MTP ADR MSB A A MTP WR DATA A MTP ADR LSB A MTP Memory Address Phase 0000000 0 S/Sr General call addr R/!W 0001_0100 A MTP WR cmd 1 A/!A Sr Slave addr R/!W P/Sr MTP memory Read Phase Figure 10.3: Read EEPROM command sequence Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 40 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 11 Package Parameters The FT201X is available in two different packages. The FT201XS is the SSOP-16 option and the FT201XQ is the QFN-16 package option. The solder reflow profile for both packages is described in Section 11.5. 11.1 SSOP-16 Package Mechanical Dimensions Figure 11.1 SSOP-16 Package Dimensions The FT201XS is supplied in a RoHS compliant 16 pin SSOP package. The package is lead (Pb) free and uses a `green' compound. The package is fully compliant with European Union directive 2002/95/EC. This package is nominally 4.90mm x 3.91mm body (4.90mm x 5.99mm including pins). The pins are on a 0.635 mm pitch. The above mechanical drawing shows the SSOP-16 package. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 41 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 11.2 SSOP-16 Package Markings -B FT201XS Figure 11.2 SSOP-16 Package Markings The date code format is YYXX where XX = 2 digit week number, YY = 2 digit year number. This is followed by the revision number. The code XXXXXXXXXXXX is the manufacturing LOT code Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 42 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 11.3 QFN-16 Package Mechanical Dimensions Figure 11.3 QFN-16 Package Dimensions The FT201XQ is supplied in a RoHS compliant leadless QFN-16 package. The package is lead (Pb) free, and uses a `green' compound. The package is fully compliant with European Union directive 2002/95/EC. This package is nominally 4.00mm x 4.00mm. The solder pads are on a 0.65mm pitch. The above mechanical drawing shows the QFN-16 package. All dimensions in table are in millimetres. The centre pad on the base of the FT201XQ is internally connected to GND. Do not place signal tracks on the PCB top layer under this area. Connect to GND. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 43 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 11.4 QFN-16 Package Markings 1 FTDI I XXXXXXXXXX 12 FT201XQ YYWW-B 5 8 Figure 11.4 QFN-16 Package Markings The date code format is YYXX where XX = 2 digit week number, YY = 2 digit year number. This is followed by the revision number. The code XXXXXXX is the manufacturing LOT code. Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 44 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 11.5 Solder Reflow Profile The FT201X is supplied in Pb free 16 LD SSOP and QFN-16 packages. The recommended solder reflow profile for both package options is shown in Figure 11.5. Temperature, T (Degrees C) tp Tp Critical Zone: when T is in the range TL to Tp Ramp Up TL tL TS Max Ramp Down TS Min tS Preheat 25 T = 25 C to TP Time, t (seconds) Figure 11.5 FT201X Solder Reflow Profile The recommended values for the solder reflow profile are detailed in Table 11.1. Values are shown for both a completely Pb free solder process (i.e. the FT201X is used with Pb free solder), and for a non-Pb free solder process (i.e. the FT201X is used with non-Pb free solder). Profile Feature Pb Free Solder Process Non-Pb Free Solder Process Average Ramp Up Rate (Ts to Tp) 3C / second Max. 3C / Second Max. Preheat - Temperature Min (Ts Min.) 150C 100C - Temperature Max (Ts Max.) 200C 150C - Time (ts Min to ts Max) 60 to 120 seconds 60 to 120 seconds 217C 183C 60 to 150 seconds 60 to 150 seconds 260C 240C 20 to 40 seconds 20 to 40 seconds Ramp Down Rate 6C / second Max. 6C / second Max. Time for T= 25C to Peak Temperature, Tp 8 minutes Max. 6 minutes Max. Time Maintained Above Critical Temperature TL: - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) Peak Temperature (Tp) Time within 5C of actual Peak Temperature (tp) Table 11.1 Reflow Profile Parameter Values Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 45 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 12 Contact Information Head Office - Glasgow, UK Branch Office - Tigard, Oregon, USA Future Technology Devices International Limited Unit 1, 2 Seaward Place, Centurion Business Park Glasgow G41 1HH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 141 429 2777 Fax: +44 (0) 141 429 2758 Future Technology Devices International Limited (USA) 7130 SW Fir Loop Tigard, OR 97223-8160 USA Tel: +1 (503) 547 0988 Fax: +1 (503) 547 0987 E-mail (Sales) E-mail (Support) E-mail (General Enquiries) E-mail (Sales) E-mail (Support) E-mail (General Enquiries) sales1@ftdichip.com support1@ftdichip.com admin1@ftdichip.com us.sales@ftdichip.com us.support@ftdichip.com us.admin@ftdichip.com Branch Office - Taipei, Taiwan Branch Office - Shanghai, China Future Technology Devices International Limited (Taiwan) 2F, No. 516, Sec. 1, NeiHu Road Taipei 114 Taiwan , R.O.C. Tel: +886 (0) 2 8797 1330 Fax: +886 (0) 2 8791 3576 Future Technology Devices International Limited (China) Room 1103, No. 666 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai, 200052 China Tel: +86 21 62351596 Fax: +86 21 62351595 E-mail (Sales) E-mail (Support) E-mail (General Enquiries) E-mail (Sales) E-mail (Support) E-mail (General Enquiries) tw.sales1@ftdichip.com tw.support1@ftdichip.com tw.admin1@ftdichip.com cn.sales@ftdichip.com cn.support@ftdichip.com cn.admin@ftdichip.com Web Site http://ftdichip.com Distributor and Sales Representatives Please visit the Sales Network page of the FTDI Web site for the contact details of our distributor(s) and sales representative(s) in your country. System and equipment manufacturers and designers are responsible to ensure that their systems, and any Future Technology Devices International Ltd (FTDI) devices incorporated in their systems, meet all applicable safety, regulatory and system-level performance requirements. All application-related information in this document (including application descriptions, suggested FTDI devices and other materials) is provided for reference only. While FTDI has taken care to assure it is accurate, this information is subject to customer confirmation, and FTDI disclaims all liability for system designs and for any applications assistance provided by FTDI. Use of FTDI devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the user's risk, and the user agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless FTDI from any and all damages, claims, suits or expense resulting from such use. This document is subject to change without notice. No freedom to use patents or other intellectual property rights is implied by the publication of this document. Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in this document, may be adapted or reproduced in any material or electronic form without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. Future Technology Devices International Ltd, Un it 1, 2 Seaward Place, Centurion Business Park, Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 46 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Appendix A - References Document References Useful Application Notes AN232R-01 FT232R BitBangModes AN_107 Advanced Driver Options AN_121 Accessing the EEPROM User Area of FTDI Devices AN_175 Battery Charger Detection over USB with FT-X Devices TN_100 USB Vendor ID/ Product ID Guidelines http://i2c2p.twibright.com/spec/i2c.pdf http://www.usb.org/developers/ Acronyms and Abbreviations Terms Description EHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit LDO Low Drop Out LED Light Emitting Diode MCU Micro Controller Unit MTP Multi-time Programmable OHCI Open Host Controller Interface PLD Programmable Logic Device QFN Quad Flat No-Lead RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive USB Universal Serial Bus UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface VCP Virtual COM Port Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 47 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Appendix B - List of Figures and Tables List of Figures Figure 2.1 FT201X Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3.1 QFN Schematic Symbol .................................................................................................. 7 Figure 3.2 SSOP Schematic Symbol ................................................................................................ 9 Figure 7.1 Bus Powered Configuration ........................................................................................... 22 Figure 7.2 Self Powered Configuration ........................................................................................... 23 Figure 7.3 Bus Powered with Power Switching Configuration ............................................................ 24 Figure 8.1 Application Example showing USB to I2C Converter .......................................................... 25 Figure 8.2 USB Battery Charging Detection (1- pin) ........................................................................ 27 Figure 8.3 USB Battery Charging Detection (2- pin) ........................................................................ 27 Figure 8.4 USB Battery Charging Detection (3 - pin) ....................................................................... 28 Figure 9.1: Data transfers using 7-bit addressing ........................................................................... 31 Figure 9.2: Data transfers with 7-bit and 10-bit addressing modes ................................................... 32 Figure 9.3: Checking the Data Available Count ............................................................................... 32 Figure 9.4: Flush data command .................................................................................................. 33 Figure 9.5: Reading the amount of data available ........................................................................... 33 Figure 9.6: Checking the USB State .............................................................................................. 34 Figure 9.7: Reading the Device ID ................................................................................................ 34 Figure 10.1: Simplified memory map for the FT201X ....................................................................... 38 Figure 10.2: Write EEPROM command sequence ............................................................................. 39 Figure 10.3: Read EEPROM command sequence ............................................................................. 40 Figure 11.1 SSOP-16 Package Dimensions ..................................................................................... 41 Figure 11.2 SSOP-16 Package Markings ......................................................................................... 42 Figure 11.3 QFN-16 Package Dimensions ....................................................................................... 43 Figure 11.4 QFN-16 Package Markings .......................................................................................... 44 Figure 11.5 FT201X Solder Reflow Profile ....................................................................................... 45 List of Tables Table 3.1 Power and Ground .......................................................................................................... 7 Table 3.2 Common Function pins .................................................................................................... 7 Table 3.3 I2C Interface and CBUS Group (see note 1) ........................................................................ 8 Table 3.4 Power and Ground .......................................................................................................... 9 Table 3.5 Common Function pins .................................................................................................... 9 Table 3.6 Interface and CBUS Group (see note 1) ........................................................................... 10 Table 3.7 CBUS Configuration Control ........................................................................................... 12 Table 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................ 16 Table 6.2 ESD and Latch-Up Specifications .................................................................................... 16 Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 48 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Table 6.3 Operating Voltage and Current ....................................................................................... 17 Table 6.4 I/O Pin Characteristics VCCIO = +3.3V (except USB PHY pins) ........................................... 18 Table 6.5 I/O Pin Characteristics VCCIO = +2.5V (except USB PHY pins) ........................................... 19 Table 6.6 I/O Pin Characteristics VCCIO = +1.8V (except USB PHY pins) ........................................... 20 Table 6.7 USB I/O Pin (USBDP, USBDM) Characteristics .................................................................. 21 Table 6.8 MTP memory Characteristics .......................................................................................... 21 Table 6.9 Internal Clock Characteristics ......................................................................................... 21 Table 10.1 Default Internal MTP Memory Configuration.................................................................... 36 Table 11.1 Reflow Profile Parameter Values .................................................................................... 45 Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 49 FT201X USB I2C SLAVE IC Datasheet Version 1.5 Document No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Appendix C - Revision History Document Title: USB I2C SLAVE IC FT201X Document Reference No.: FT_000627 Clearance No.: FTDI# 264 Product Page: http://www.ftdichip.com/FT-X.htm Document Feedback: Send Feedback Revision Changes Date 1.0 Initial Release 2012-02-09 1.1 Added USB compliance in section 1.3; Clarified MTP Reliability in table 6.8; Edited Table 9.1: Edited I2C address and changed Load VCP Driver to Disabled 2012-04-17 1.2 Added section 9 with details of USB and I2C Interfacing; Added link to AN_201 (MTP Memory Configuration) in section 10; Removed references to LED signals on the CBUS pins as these are only available on the UART members of the FT-X family; Removed section 8.3 showing connection of the Tx/Rx LEDs; Updated the CBUS defaults to reflect the values used from Rev D onwards. 2012-08-15 1.3 Updated USA address; Updated TID; Updated front page to clarify 5V tolerant 2013-02-14 1.4 Updated the QFN16 dimension in section 11.3 2014-07-25 1.5 Updated section 9.3 to correct the description of soft reset; Added not to MTP section 10 regarding checksum when programming over I2C. 2017-05-12 Copyright (c) Future Technology Devices International Limited 50