www.svmicrowave.com | 561.840.1800 www.svmicrowave.com | 561.840.1800
SMPS Interface at a Glance
SV Microwave oers a complete line of SMPS connectors. The SMPS connector utilizes the same great features of the
SMP and SMPM connector series in an even smaller package. The SMPS series is ideal in applications where density is of
the utmost importance.
Impedance 50Ω
Frequency 100 GHz
VSWR 1.10:1 to 26.5 GHz typ.; 1.25:1 to 65 GHz typ.
Insertion Loss .07 √ f
Shielding Eectiveness ≥ -80 dB typ.
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 250 VRMS
Mating Cycles 500 100
Force to Engage/Disengage 1.2 / 1.0 lbs 2.5 / 4.5 lbs
Axial Misalignment .010”
Radial Misalignment ± .010”
Temperature Rating -65°C to +165°C
Corrosion (Salt Spray) MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Condition B
Vibration MIL-STD-202, Method 204, Condition D, 20 Gs
Shock MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Condition I, 100 Gs
Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202, Method 107. Cond. B, -65°C to +165°C
Barometric Pressure (Altitude) MIL-STD-202, Method 105, Condition C, 70k Ft.
Electrical Specifications
Mechanical Specifications
Environmental Specifications
Note: Specifications, dimensions and images are typical for the series and may vary by part number