1701 Glenlake Avenue Itasca, IL 60143 · p: (800) 237-7079 · f: (630) 924-0342 · www.shimpoinst.com
MODEL DT-105A-S12 / DT-107A-S12
MEASuRIng RAngE 0.10 - 25,000 rpm with floating decimal
ACCuRACy ±0.06 rpm : 0.10 - 999.9 rpm / ±0.6 rpm : 1,000.0 - 9,999.9 rpm /
±0.006 % of reading ±1 digit (or 2 rpm max.) : 10,000 - 25,000 rpm
DISPLAy 5 digit 0.47” (12 mm) high LCD 5 digit 0.4” (10 mm) high LED
MEASuRIng unITS Revolutions : rpm, rpm Feet : fph, fph Miles : mph
Yards : yph, ypm Inches : ipm Meters : mPH, mPM
Length : m, cm, inches, feet, yards Total Revolutions : REV
MEMORy 13 readings are stored in memory and retained for 5 minutes
(last, max., min. and 10 extra measurements)
DISPLAy uPDATE TIME 1 second (typical)
DETECTIOn Optical coupler, 60 pulses/rev.
SySTEM COnTROL Single-chip C-MOS microprocessor
OVER RAngE InDICATOR Flashing numerals
VOLTAgE REquIREMEnT 2 AA 1.5 V batteries
LOw BATTERy InDICATOR Flashing ”LO BAT” display ”B” display (DT-107A-S12)
AuTO POwER ShuT-Off Yes
BATTERy LIfE 40-60 hrs approx. 25 hrs approx. (DT-107A-S12)
OPERATIng TEMP. RAngE 32° - 113° F (0 - 45° C)
OPERATIng EnVIROnMEnT Non corrosive
COnSTRuCTIOn Die-cast aluminum housing
wEIghT 0.9 lb (400 g)
DIMEnSIOnS 7.2" L x 2.4" W x 1.8" H (182.5 mm x 60 mm x 46 mm)
wARRAnTy 1 year
STAnDARD ACCESSORIES 2 cone adapters, funnel adapter, 3-1/2" extension shaft, NIST certificate,
carrying case, master wheel (12" cir.)
OPTIOnAL ACCESSORIES FPM-12CBL / 12" grooved wheel
DT-105A-S12 (LCD)
DT-107A-S12 (LED)
Possessing the same sophisticated features and accessories as our
renowned DT-105A/107A models, the DT-105A-S12 and DT-107A-S12
tachometers provide outstanding accuracy in measuring speed and direct
linear length via a 12” wheel. The larger wheel rotates more slowly than a standard
6” wheel, thus enabling confident and safe high speed measurement.
Superior accuracy in high speed measurement
DT-107A-S12 shown in carrying case,
with 12" circumference wheel
· 12" circumference wheel
· 1/4 x 20 mounting hole
· Multi-mode speed selection
· Outstanding accuracy (±0.006% of reading)
· Rugged aluminum construction
· Direct length measurement
· Extensive speed range (0.10 - 25,000 RPM)
· Large 5 digit display
· Length/ sec available
· Large 10 test memory capacity;
plus LAST, MAX and MIN
· Total revolution display
· Free N.I.S.T. certificate
· CE mark
· Overspeed indicator
contact tachometers