Table 17. Document Revi sion History
M41T81S, 41T81S, T81S, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Seri al, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial,
Serial, Serial, Seri al, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Seria l, Ser ial, S erial, Seria l, Seria l, Ser ial , Serial, Seria l, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial , Serial, Serial,
Serial, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, A ccess, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, A ccess, Access, Access, Access,
Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Ac-
cess, Access, A ccess, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, A ccess, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Acce ss, Access, Access, A ccess,
Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, A ccess, Access, Interface, Interface,
Inter face , Int erface , In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte rf ace, Inter face , Int er face , In terfa ce, In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte rf ace, Inter face , Int er face , In terfa ce, In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte r-
face, In ter fa ce, Inte rface , In ter fa ce, I nte rf ace , In terfa ce, I nte rf ace, Int erface , In te rfa ce, Int erface , In ter fa ce, I nte r face , In terfa ce, I nte rf ace , Int erfa ce, In te rfa ce, Int erface ,
Inter face , Int erface , In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte rf ace, Inter face , Int er face , In terfa ce, In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte rf ace, Inter face , Int er face , In terfa ce, In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte r-
face, In ter fa ce, Inte rface , In ter fa ce, I nte rf ace , In terfa ce, I nte rf ace, Int erface , In te rfa ce, Int erface , In ter fa ce, I nte r face , In terfa ce, I nte rf ace , Int erfa ce, In te rfa ce, Int erface ,
Inter face , Int erface , In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte rf ace, Inter face , Int er face , In terfa ce, In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte rf ace, Inter face , Int er face , In terfa ce, In ter fa ce, In te rface, Inte r-
face, Interface, Interface, Interface, Interface, Interface, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock,
Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock,
Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock,
Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock,
Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Clock, Clock, Cl ock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Cl ock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clo ck, Cl ock, Clo ck, RTC, RTC, RTC,
RT C, RTC, RTC, RT C, RTC, RTC, P rogra mmab le, Pro gram mable , Prog ramma bl e, Prog ramma ble, Pro gramm able , Progr amma ble, Prog ramma ble, Programmable, Pro-
grammable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Progra mm a b l e , P r ogra m-
m abl e , Prog ra mm ab le, Pr og ra mma b le, Pr og ra mma bl e, Pro gr am ma ble , Pro gr am m abl e, Pro gr am mab le , Pro gra mm ab le , Pr ogr a mm ab le, Pr og ra mm able, Programmabl e,
Progra mmable, Prog rammable, Progra mmab le, Pr ogrammab le, Programm able, Progra mmable, Prog rammable, Progra mmable, Program mable, Prog ram mabl e, Pr o-
grammable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Progra mm a b l e , P r ogra m-
mable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable Alarm, Programmable Alarm, Programmable Alarm,
Programmable Alarm, Programmable Alarm, Programmable Alarm, Programmable Alarm, Programmable Alarm, Programmable Alarm, Programmable Alarm, Alarm,
Alarm, Alarm, Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, A larm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, A larm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm,
Alarm, Alarm, Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, A larm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, A larm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm,
Alarm, Alarm, Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, A larm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, A larm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm,
Alarm, Alarm, Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, A larm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, A larm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm,
Alarm, Al arm , Al a rm, A larm , A lar m, Alar m, Alar m , In terr upt , In terr up t, In terr up t, In te rrup t, I nte rrup t, I nte rru pt, Inte r rupt, Int er rupt, Int er rupt , In ter rupt , In ter rup t, In terr up t,
Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interr upt, In-
terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Inte rrupt, Inter rupt, Inte rrupt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Inter-
rupt, Interrupt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, In te rrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt,
Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interr upt, In-
terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Inte rrupt, Inter rupt, Inte rrupt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Inter-
rupt, Interrupt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, In te rrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt,
Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interr upt, In-
terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Inte rrupt, Inter rupt, Inte rrupt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Inter-
rupt, Interrupt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, In te rrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interr upt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt,
Interr upt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Inter rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrup t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, W atch dog, Watch-
dog, Wat chd og, Wa tch do g, Wat chd og, Wa tch dog , Wat chd og, Watc hdog , Wat chd og, Watc hdog , Wat chdo g, Watc hdog , Wat chdo g, Watc hdog , Wa tc hdog, Watc hdog ,
Watchdog, Watchdo g, Watchdog, Watchd og, Watchdog, Watch dog, Wa tchdog, Wa tchdog, Wa tchdog, Watchdog, W atchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watch-
dog, Wat chd og, Wa tch do g, Wat chd og, Wa tch dog , Wat chd og, Watc hdog , Wat chd og, Watc hdog , Wat chdo g, Watc hdog , Wat chdo g, Watc hdog , Wa tc hdog, Watc hdog ,
Watchd og , W atch do g, Bat tery , B att ery , B atte ry , Ba tte ry, Ba tte ry, Bat ter y, B att er y, Batter y, Ba tte ry, Ba tte ry, Bat ter y, B attery, B att er y, Ba tte ry, Batte ry, Bat ter y, Batter y,
Battery, Batter y, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery,
Battery, Batter y, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery,
Battery, Battery, Battery, Switchover, Switchover, Sw itchover, Switchover, Switchover, Switchover, Switchover, Switchover, Switch over, Backup, Backup, Backup, B ack-
up, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backu p, Wr ite Pr ot ect, W rite
Protect, W ri te Protec t, Wri te Prot ect, W rite Protect, W r it e Pr otect, Wri te Protect, W ri te Protect, W r it e Pr otect, Wri te Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect,
Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Wr ite Pr otect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Pro-
tect, Ind ustrial, Ind ustrial , Industria l, Industr ial, Industr ial, In dustrial, I ndustr ial, Industr ial, In dustrial, I ndustr ial, Industr ial, vIn dustria l, In dustr ial , Industrial , SOIC, SOIC ,
Date Version Revision Details
January 22, 2004 0.1 First Draft
06-Feb-04 0.2 Update BL information, characteristics, ratings, and Lead (Pb)-free information (Table
12, 6, 10, 16)
20-Feb-04 0.3 Update characteristics (Table 11, 12, 7, 16)
14-Apr-04 1.0 Product promoted; reformatted; update characteristics, including Lead-free package
information (Figure 4, 5, 12, 15; 4, 13, 16)
05-May-04 1.1 Update DC Characteristics (Table 9)
16-Jun-04 1.2 Add shipping package (Table 16)
13-Sep-04 2.0 Update Maximum ratings (Table 6)
26-Nov-04 3.0 Promote document; update characteristics and marketing status (Figure 1, 5; Table
23-Sep-05 4.0 Update features; added Lead-free information (page 1; Figure 4; Table 1, 16)