Index-24 S7-200 Programmable Controller System Manual
PTO/PWM functions, 10-38–10-44
and process image register, 10-44
control bits, 10-39
control byte, 10-38
control register, 10-40
SMB66-SMB85, D-9
cycle time, 10-39
effects on outputs, 10-43
hexadecimal reference table, 10-40
initialization, 10-40
PTO pipeline, 10-38
pulse width/pulse count, 10-39
status bit, 10-39
PTO/PWM HEX Reference Table, 10-40
Pulse (PLS), 8-7, 10-37
Pulse (PLS) box, 8-7, 10-37
Pulse instruction, 10-37
Pulse outputs, 8-7
Pulse train output (PTO) function, 8-7, 10-37
changing cycle time, 10-42
changing cycle time and pulse count, 10-43
changing pulse count, 10-42
example, 10-45
initializing, 10-42
Pulse width modulation (PWM) function, 8-7,
changing pulse width, 10-38, 10-41
example, 10-47
initializing, 10-41
clearance requirements, 2-2–2-4
dimensions, 2-3
high-vibration installations, 2-6
installation procedure, 2-6
removal procedure, 2-7
using DIN rail stops, 2-6
vertical installations, 2-6
Read Real-Time Clock instruction, 10-49
Real-Time Clock instructions, 10-49
Read Real-Time Clock, 10-49
Set Real-Time Clock, 10-49
Receive instruction, 10-124, 10-127
SMB86-SMB94, SMB186-SMB194, D-10
Relays, resistor/capacitor networks, 2-14
Remote I/O, communications, 3-19, 9-15
Remote I/O module, CPU 215, 3-19
bus connector port cover, 2-5–2-7
clearance requirements, 2-2
correct orientation of module, 2-7
CPU, 2-7
CPU 212, 2-3
CPU 214, 2-3
CPU 215, 2-4
CPU 216, 2-4
expansion I/O modules, 2-4
screw sizes for installation, 2-3–2-5
expansion module, 2-7
memory cartridge, 7-17
screw sizes for installation, 2-3–2-5
Repeater, order number, G-2
Repeaters, PROFIBUS network, 9-8
Replace tool, 5-19
Reset Immediate instruction, 10-11
Reset instruction, 10-10
Resistor/capacitor networks, relay applications,
Resources dialog box for Windows NT, 3-6
Restarting the CPU, after a fatal error, 6-19
Retaining memory, 7-11–7-16
Retentive On-Delay T imer instruction, 10-13
Retentive ranges of memory, defining, 7-15
Return from Interrupt Routine instruction,
Return from Subroutine instruction, 10-88
Rotate instructions, 10-68–10-77
example of shift and rotate, 10-83–10-85
Rotate Left Byte, 10-81
Rotate Left Double Word, 10-82
Rotate Left Word, 10-82
Rotate Right Byte, 10-81
Rotate Right Double Word, 10-82
Rotate Right Word, 10-82
Rotate Left Byte instruction, 10-81
Rotate Left Double Word instruction, 10-82
Rotate Left Word instruction, 10-82
Rotate Right Byte instruction, 10-81
Rotate Right Double Word instruction, 10-82
Rotate Right Word instruction, 10-82
RUN mode, 6-13