HLMP-AG74/75, HLMP-AM74/75, HLMP-AB74/75 Red, Green and Blue 5 mm Mini Oval LEDs Data Sheet Description Features These Precision Optical Performance Oval LEDs are specifically designed for full color/video and passenger information signs. The oval shaped radiation pattern and high luminous intensity ensure that these devices are excellent for wide field of view outdoor applications where a wide viewing angle and readability in sunlight are essential. The package epoxy contains UV inhibitor to reduce the effects of long term exposure to direct sunlight. * Well defined spatial radiation pattern * High brightness material * Available in red, green and blue color - Red AlInGaP 626 nm - Green InGaN 530 nm - Blue InGaN 470 nm * Superior resistance to moisture * Standoff and non-standoff Package * Tinted and diffused * Typical viewing angle 30 x 70 Applications * Full Color Signs * Gas Price Signs Package Dimensions Package Drawing A 8.70 0.20 0.342 0.008 0.70 MAX. 0.028 24.00 MIN. 0.945 MEASURED AT BASE OF LENS CATHODE LEAD 1.0 MIN. 0.038 DIMENSION B 2.54 0.3 0.100 0.012 DIMENSION A 0.8 MAX. EPOXY MENISCUS 0.016 0.50 0.10 SQ TYP 0.020 0.004 Package Drawing B 24.00 MIN 0.945 11.70 0.50 0.4606 0.020 MEASURED AT BASE OF LENS 1.50 0.15 0.0591 0.006 8.70 0.20 0.342 0.008 DIMENSION B CATHODE LEAD 2.54 0.30 0.100 0.012 DIMENSION A 0.8 0.032 0.7 MAX. 0.028 MAX. Epoxy Meniscus Notes: All dimensions in millimeters (inches). Tolerance is 0.20 mm unless other specified 0.50 0.10 Sq Typ 0.020 0.004 Part Number Parameter Dimension A Dimension B HLMP-AG74/75 5.30 0.20 0.209 0.008 HLMP-AM74/75 5.40 0.20 HLMP-AB74/75 0.213 0.008 Caution: InGaN devices are Class 1C HBM ESD sensitive per JEDEC Standard. Please observe appropriate precautions during handling and processing. Refer to Application Note AN-1142 for additional details. 3.90 0.20 0.154 0.008 3.90 0.20 0.150 0.008 Device Selection Guide Luminous Intensity Iv (mcd) at 20 mA [1,2,5] Part Number Color and Dominant Wavelength d (nm) Typ [3] Min Max Typical Viewing Angle () [4] Standoff Package Drawing HLMP-AG74-120DD Red 626 2900 4200 30 x 70 No A HLMP-AG75-120DD Red 626 2900 4200 Yes B HLMP-AM74-45CDD Green 530 5040 7260 No A HLMP-AM75-45CDD Green 530 5040 7260 Yes B HLMP-AB74-WXBDD Blue 470 1380 1990 No A HLMP-AB75-WXBDD Blue 470 1380 1990 Yes B Notes: 1. The luminous intensity is measured on the mechanical axis of the lamp package and it is tested with pulsing condition. 2. The optical axis is closely aligned with the package mechanical axis. 3. Dominant wavelength, d, is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the lamp. 4. 1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is half the on-axis intensity. 5. Tolerance for each bin limit is 15%. Part Numbering System HLMP - A x xx - x x x xx Packaging Option DD: Ammopack Color Bin Selection 0 : Full Distribution B : Color Bin 2 and 3 C : Color Bin 3 and 4 Maximum Intensity Bin Refer to Device Selection Guide Minimum Intensity Bin Refer to Device Selection Guide Standoff/Non Standoff 74 : Non Standoff 75 : Standoff Color G : Red M : Green B : Blue Package A: 5 mm Mini Oval 30 x 70 Note: Please refer to AB 5337 for complete information about part numbering system 2 Absolute Maximum Ratings TJ = 25C Parameter Red Green/ Blue Unit DC Forward Current [1] 50 30 mA Peak Forward Current 100 [2] 100 [3] mA Power Dissipation 120 114 mW LED Junction Temperature 130 110 C Operating Temperature Range -40 to +100 Storage Temperature Range -40 to +85 C -40 to +100 C Notes: 1. Derate linearly as shown in Figures 4 and 8. 2. Duty Factor 30%, frequency 1 kHz. 2. Duty Factor 10%, frequency 1 kHz. Electrical / Optical Characteristics TJ = 25C Parameter Symbol Forward Voltage Red Green Blue VF Reverse Voltage [3] Red Green and Blue VR Dominant Wavelength [1] Red Green Blue d Peak Wavelength Red Green Blue PEAK Thermal Resistance RJ-PIN Luminous Efficacy [2] V Red Green Blue Min. Typ. Max. 1.8 2.8 2.8 2.1 3.2 3.2 2.4 3.8 3.8 Units Test Conditions V IF = 20 mA V IR = 100 A IR = 10 A 5 5 618 527 464 626 530 470 nm IF = 20 mA nm Peak of Wavelength of Spectral Distribution at IF = 20 mA C/W LED Junction-to-Pin lm/W Emitted Luminous Power/ Emitted Radiant Power 630 535 472 634 521 464 240 218 538 65 Notes: 1. The dominant wavelength is derived from the chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the lamp. 2. The radiant intensity, Ie in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = IV/V where IV is the luminous intensity in candelas and V is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 3. Indicates product final testing condition. Long term reverse bias is not recommended. 3 1 100 0.8 80 FORWARD CURRENT - mA RELATIVE INTENSITY AlInGaP Red 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 550 600 650 WAVELENGTH - nm 0 20 40 60 DC FORWARD CURRENT-mA Figure 3. Relative Intensity vs Forward Current 4 20 0 1 2 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V 3 Figure 2. Forward Current vs Forward Voltage IF MAX - MAXIMUM FORWARD CURRENT - mA RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY (NORMALIZED AT 20mA) 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 40 0 700 Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs Wavelength 60 80 100 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - C Figure 4. Maximum Forward Current vs Ambient Temperature 100 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 100 BLUE FORWARD CURRENT - mA RELATIVE INTENSITY InGaN Green and Blue GREEN 430 480 530 WAVELENGTH - nm 580 20 0 2 3 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V 4 5 35 IF - MAXIMUM FORWARD CURRENT - mA 3.0 Green 2.5 2.0 Blue 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 FORWARD CURRENT-mA 100 120 Figure 7. Relative Intensity vs Forward Current 4 2 0 Blue -2 -4 Green -6 -8 20 40 60 80 FORWARD CURRENT-mA Figure 9. Relative Dominant Wavelength vs Forward Current 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - C Figure 8. Maximum Forward Current vs Ambient Temperature 6 0 1 Figure 6. Forward Current vs Forward Voltage 3.5 RELATIVE INTENSITY (NORMALIZED AT 20mA) 40 630 Figure 5. Relative Intensity vs Wavelength RELATIVE DOMINANT WAVELENGTH-nm 60 0 380 5 80 100 120 100 1.0 Red Green Blue 0.8 NORMALIZED INTENSITY NORMALIZED INTENSITY 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -90 -60 -30 0 30 ANGULAR DISPALCEMENT () 60 Figure 10. Radiation pattern-Major Axis 0.4 0.2 -90 -60 -30 0 30 ANGULAR DISPALCEMENT () 60 90 Figure11. Radiation pattern-Minor Axis 0.5 10 Green Red Blue Green Red Blue 0.4 FORWARD VOLTAGE SHIFT-V RELATIVE LIGHT OUTPUT (NORMALIZED AT TJ = 25C) 0.6 0.0 90 Red Green Blue 0.8 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0.1 -0.4 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TJ -JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 120 140 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TJ -JUNCTION TEMPERATURE Figure12. Relative Light Output vs Junction Temperature Figure13. Forward Voltage Shift vs Junction Temperature Intensity Bin Limit Table (1.2: 1 Iv Bin Ratio) VF Bin Table (V at 20 mA) Intensity (mcd) at 20 mA Bin ID Min Max Bin Min Max VD 1.8 2.0 W 1380 1660 VA 2.0 2.2 VB 2.2 2.4 X 1660 1990 Y 1990 2400 Z 2400 2900 1 2900 3500 2 3500 4200 3 4200 5040 4 5040 6050 5 6050 7260 Tolerance for each bin limit is 15% 6 Notes: 1. Tolerance for each bin limit is 0.05 V 2. VF binning only applicable to Red color. 120 140 Red Color Range Blue Color Bin Table Max Min Dom Dom Min Bin Dom Max Dom 2 468 618.0 630.0 x 0.6872 0.3126 0.6890 0.2943 y 0.6690 0.3149 0.7080 0.2920 464 x 0.1374 0.1766 0.1699 0.1291 y 0.0374 0.0966 0.1062 0.0495 x 0.1291 0.1699 0.1616 0.1187 y 0.0495 0.1062 0.1209 0.0671 Tolerance for each bin limit is 0.5 nm 3 Green Color Bin Table Tolerance for each bin limit is 0.5 nm Min Bin Dom Max Dom 3 527 531 4 531 535 x 0.1305 0.1711 0.1967 y 0.8189 0.7218 0.7077 0.8012 x 0.1625 0.1967 0.221 0.1929 y 0.8012 0.7077 0.692 0.7816 468 Note: 1. All bin categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available in all bin categories. Please contact your Avago representative for further information. 0.1625 Tolerance for each bin limit is 0.5 nm Avago Color Bin on CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram 1.000 0.800 Green 3 4 Y 0.600 0.400 Red 0.200 Blue 3 2 0.000 0.000 7 0.100 0.200 0.300 X 0. 472 4000.5000.6000.7000.800 Precautions: Lead Forming: * The leads of an LED lamp may be preformed or cut to length prior to insertion and soldering on PC board. * For better control, it is recommended to use proper tool to precisely form and cut the leads to applicable length rather than doing it manually. * If manual lead cutting is necessary, cut the leads after the soldering process. The solder connection forms a mechanical ground which prevents mechanical stress due to lead cutting from traveling into LED package. This is highly recommended for hand solder operation, as the excess lead length also acts as small heat sink. Note: 1. PCB with different size and design (component density) will have different heat mass (heat capacity). This might cause a change in temperature experienced by the board if same wave soldering setting is used. So, it is recommended to re-calibrate the soldering profile again before loading a new type of PCB. 2. Avago Technologies' AllnGaP high brightness LED are using high efficiency LED die with single wire bond as shown below. Customer is advised to take extra precaution during wave soldering to ensure that the maximum wave temperature does not exceed 260 C and the solder contact time does not exceeding 5 sec. Over-stressing the LED during soldering process might cause premature failure to the LED due to delamination. Avago Technologies LED configuration Soldering and Handling: * Care must be taken during PCB assembly and soldering process to prevent damage to the LED component. * LED component may be effectively hand soldered to PCB. However, it is only recommended under unavoidable circumstances such as rework. The closest manual soldering distance of the soldering heat source (soldering iron's tip) to the body is 1.59 mm. Soldering the LED using soldering iron tip closer than 1.59 mm might damage the LED. 1.59mm * ESD precaution must be properly applied on the soldering station and personnel to prevent ESD damage to the LED component that is ESD sensitive. Do refer to Avago application note AN 1142 for details. The soldering iron used should have grounded tip to ensure electrostatic charge is properly grounded. * Recommended soldering condition: Wave Soldering [1, 2] Manual Solder Dipping Pre-heat temperature 105 C Max. - Preheat time 60 sec Max - Peak temperature 260 C Max. 260 C Max. Dwell time 5 sec Max. 5 sec Max Note: 1. Above conditions refers to measurement with thermocouple mounted at the bottom of PCB. 2. It is recommended to use only bottom preheaters in order to reduce thermal stress experienced by LED. * Wave soldering parameters must be set and maintained according to the recommended temperature and dwell time. Customer is advised to perform daily check on the soldering profile to ensure that it is always conforming to recommended soldering conditions. 8 CATHODE ANODE AlInGaP Device InGaN Device * Any alignment fixture that is being applied during wave soldering should be loosely fitted and should not apply weight or force on LED. Non metal material is recommended as it will absorb less heat during wave soldering process. * At elevated temperature, LED is more susceptible to mechanical stress. Therefore, PCB must allowed to cool down to room temperature prior to handling, which includes removal of alignment fixture or pallet. * If PCB board contains both through hole (TH) LED and other surface mount components, it is recommended that surface mount components be soldered on the top side of the PCB. If surface mount need to be on the bottom side, these components should be soldered using reflow soldering prior to insertion the TH LED. * Recommended PC board plated through holes (PTH) size for LED component leads. LED component lead size Diagonal Plated through hole diameter 0.45 x 0.45 mm (0.018x 0.018 inch) 0.636 mm (0.025 inch) 0.98 to 1.08 mm (0.039 to 0.043 inch) 0.50 x 0.50 mm (0.020x 0.020 inch) 0.707 mm (0.028 inch) 1.05 to 1.15 mm (0.041 to 0.045 inch) * Over-sizing the PTH can lead to twisted LED after clinching. On the other hand under sizing the PTH can cause difficulty inserting the TH LED. Refer to application note AN5334 for more information about soldering and handling of high brightness TH LED lamps. Example of Wave Soldering Temperature Profile for TH LED 260C Max TEMPERATURE (C) Recommended solder: Sn63 (Leaded solder alloy) SAC305 (Lead free solder alloy) Flux: Rosin flux Solder bath temperature: 255C 5C (maximum peak temperature = 260C) 105C Max Dwell time: 3.0 sec - 5.0 sec (maximum = 5sec) 60 sec Max Note: Allow for board to be sufficiently cooled to room temperature before exerting mechanical force. TIME (sec) Ammo Packs Drawing 6.35 1.30 0.250 0.051 12.70 1.00 0.500 0.039 CATHODE 20.5 1.00 0.8070 0.0394 9.125 0.625 0.3595 0.0245 18.00 0.50 0.7085 0.0195 12.70 0.30 0.500 0.012 4.00 0.20 TYP. 0.1575 0.0075 0.70 0.20 0.276 0.0075 VIEW A - A Note: All dimensions in millimeters (inches) 9 Packaging Box for Ammo Packs FROM LEFT SIDE OF BOX ADHESIVE TAPE MUST BE FACING UPWARDS. LABEL ON THIS SIDE OF BOX ANODE LEAD LEAVES THE BOX FIRST. Note: For InGaN device, the ammo pack packaging box contain ESD logo Packaging Label (i) Avago Mother Label: (Available on packaging box of ammo pack and shipping box) (1P) Item: Part Number STANDARD LABEL LS0002 RoHS Compliant e3 max temp 260C (1T) Lot: Lot Number (Q) QTY: Quantity LPN: CAT: Intensity Bin (9D)MFG Date: Manufacturing Date BIN: Refer to below information (P) Customer Item: 10 (V) Vendor ID: (9D) Date Code: Date Code DeptID: Made In: Country of Origin (ii) Avago Baby Label (Only available on bulk packaging) Lamps Baby Label (1P) PART #: Part Number RoHS Compliant e3 max temp 260C (1T) LOT #: Lot Number (9D)MFG DATE: Manufacturing Date QUANTITY: Packing Quantity C/O: Country of Origin Customer P/N: CAT: Intensity Bin Supplier Code: BIN: Refer to below information DATECODE: Date Code Acronyms and Definition: BIN: Example: (i) Color bin only or VF bin only (Applicable for part number with color bins but without VF bin OR part number with VF bins and no color bin) (i) Color bin only or VF bin only OR (ii) Color bin incorporated with VF Bin (Applicable for part number that have both color bin and VF bin) BIN: 2 (represent color bin 2 only) BIN: VB (represent VF bin "VB" only) (ii) Color bin incorporate with VF Bin BIN: 2 VB VB: VF bin "VB" 2: Color bin 2 only DISCLAIMER: Avago's products and software are not specifically designed, manufactured or authorized for sale as parts, components or assemblies for the planning, construction, maintenenace or direct operation of a nuclear facility or for use in medical devices or applications. Customer is solely responsible, and waives all rights to make claims against avago or its suppliers, for all loss, damage, expense or liability in connection with such use. For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: www.avagotech.com Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries. Data subject to change. Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. AV02-2753EN - April 21, 2011