PD243X, PD353X, PD443X
2006-01-23 14
Po st Solder Cl eaning Procedures
The least offensive cleaning solution is hot D.l. water (60 °C) for
less than 15 minutes. Addition of mild saponifiers is acceptable.
Do not use commercial dishwasher detergents.
For faster cleaning, solvents may be used. Carefully choose the
solvents as some may chemically attack the package. Maximum
exposure should not exceed two minutes at elevated tempera-
tures. Acceptable solvents are: TF (trichlorotrifluoroethane), TA,
111 Trichloroethane, and unheated acetone. (1)
1) Acceptable commercial solvents are: Basic TF Arklone P.
Genesolv D, Genesolv DA, BlacoTron TF and Blaco-Tron TA.
Do not use solvents c ontaining alcohol, methanol, methylene chlo-
ride, ethanol, TP35, TCM, TMC, TMS+, TE, and TES. Since many
commercial mixt ures exist, you should contact your preferred sol-
vent v end or for chemical comp osition information. So me major sol -
vent manufacturers are: Allied Chemical Corporation, Specialty
Chemical Division, Morristown, NJ; Baron-Blakeslee, Chicago, IL;
Dow Chemical, Midland, Ml; E.l. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Wilm-
ington, DE.
For further information refer to Appnotes 18 and 19.
An alternative to soldering and cleaning the display modules is to
use sockets. Naturally, 20 pin DIP sockets 15.24 mm (0.600")
wide with 2.54 mm (0.100") centers work well for single displays.
Multiple display assemblies are best handled by longer SIP sock-
ets or DIP sockets when available for uniform package alignment.
Socket manufacturers include: Aries Electronics, Inc., French-
town, NJ; Garry Manufacturing, New Brunswick, NJ; Robin-
son-Nugent, New Albany, IN; and Samtec Electronic Hardware,
New Albany, IN.
For further information refer to Appnote 22.
Optical Considerations
The character heights of these displays allows readability up to
eight feet. Proper filter selection allows the user to build a display
that can be used over this distance.
Filters allow the user to enhance the contrast ratio between a lit
LED and the character background. This will maximi ze discrimina-
tion of different characters as perceived by the display user. The
only limitation is cost. So first consider the ambient lighting envi-
ronment to maximize the cost benefit ratio for using filters.
Incandescent (wit h almost no g reen) or fluorescent (w ith almost no
red) lights do not have the flat spectral response of sunlight. Plas-
tic band-pass filters are inexpensive and effective in optimizing
contrast ratios. The PD2435/3535/4435 is high efficiency red dis-
play and should be matched with a long wavelength pass filter in
the 570 nm to 590 nm range. The PD2436/3536/4436 is a stan-
dard red display and should be matched with a long wavelength
pass filter in t he 600 nm to 620 nm range. The P D2437/3 537/443 7
should be match ed w ith a yellow-green ban d-pass f ilte r that peaks
at 565 nm. For displays of multiple colors, neutral density grey fil-
ters offer the best compromise.
Additional contrast enhancement can be gained thro ugh shading
the displays. Plastic band-pass filters with built-in louvers offer the
“next step up” in contrast improvement. Plastic filters can be fur-
ther improved with anti-reflective coatings to re du ce glar e. The
trade-off is “fuzzy” characters. Mounting the filters close to the dis-
play reduces this effect. Care should be taken not to overheat the
plastic filters by allowing for proper air flow.
Optimal filter enhancements for any condition can be gained
through the use of circular polarized, anti-reflective , band-pass fil-
ters. The circular polarizing further enhances contrast by reducing
the light that travels through the filter and reflects back off the dis-
play to less than 1%. Proper intensity selection of the displays will
allow 10,000 foot candle sunlight vie wability.
Several filter manufacturers supply quality filter materials. Some of
them are: Panelgraphic Cor poration, W. Caldwell, NJ; SGL Homa-
lite, Wilmington, DE; 3M Company, Visual Products Division, St.
Paul, MN; Polaroid Corporation, Polarizer Division, Cambridge,
MA; Marks Polarized Corporation, Deer Park, NY; Hoya Optics,
Inc., Fremont, CA.
One last note on mounting filters: recessing display and bezel
assemblies is an inexpensive way to provide a shading effect in
overhead lighting situations. Several Bezel manufacturers are:
R.M.F. Products, Batavia, IL; Nobex Components, Griffith Plastic
Corp., Burlingame, CA; Photo Chemical Prod ucts of Califor nia,
Santa Monica, CA; I.E.E.Atlas, Van Nuys, CA.
See Appnote 23.
Published by
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH
Wernerwerkstrasse 2, D-93049 Regensburg
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