Amr AMP INCORPORATED CUSTOMER HOTLINE APPLICATION | 414-1049 . Harrisburg, Pa. 17105 4 800 722.1111 SPECIFICATION (- | DIPLOMATE* DL ee (DUAL LEAF) ae DIP SOCKET AITA WHITNEY 1. INTRODUCTION Thig specification covers the requirements for application of the AMP* DIPLOMATE Dt. (Dual Leaf) DIP sockets for manual and suturnathcs application of the sookot to a printed circuit {po) Rnarc. | NOTE All dimensions in this spacifieation are given in inches unless otherwise specified. Metric equivalents (mm) can be obtained by multiplying by 25.4. Figure 1 shows an AMP DIPLOMATE DL DIP socket and its product features. The terms identifying the features are used throughout this specification, Polarization Indieator = Circuit Cavity No. 1 fat Gat id Gat Gl al tnt FPP ese au I Polarization Indicator Solder Tail Fig. 1. Product Festures Zz REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 2.1, Product Specification AMP Product Specitication 108-1066 covers product perfunmanice cequiramenta for thio product. 2.2. Customer Drawing . An AMP Customer Drawing is available for each part number assigned to this product line. In the event of a contlict " between this specification and the customer drawing information, the customer drawing inforrnation will take precedence. Trademark of AMP Incorporated @ Copyright 1989 by AMP incorporated. Afi International Rights Reserved. PAGE 1 OF 4114-1049 DIPLOMATE OL DIF SUORE! 2.3. Product Numbers and Product Code Product Part Number 641603 and Product Code 1529 are representative of the AMP DIPLOMATE OL DIF socket. Use of these numbers will identity the product line and expedite your inquiries through an AMP service network established te help you obtain product and tooling information. Such information can be obtained through a@ local AMP Representative (Field Sales Engineer, Field Applications Engineer, ota) or, after purehase, by calling the CUSTOMER HOTLINE at the top of the first page. 3, REQUIREMENTS 3.1. PC Board Layout Requirements Printed circuit board layout requirements shall be as specified in Figure 2. -b-b 6 b 6-6-6666 _, | Pid li llr! Pal dd | tt tb bod Go li ttt tt dt td POPP POP OF FF a 036 + 003 Dia. TYP | Ci) .009 (M) SaaS | NE [or none 6 8 14 16 .300 .150 18 20 B+ .004 8 + .004 22 400 200 A 28 32 .600 300 Ref 40 4a 64 200 _ Fig. 2. PC Board Layout Pattern - 3.2. PC Boerd Thickness The maximum recommended po board thickness is .093 inches. 3.3, Mounting Requirements insert solder taile into through holes of pc board, making sure the socket is parallel (@ and resting on the board. To hold the socket In place during handling and soldering, solder tail clinching may be desired. The method of clinching ig at the discretion of the customer. Avoid applying excessive force to the ends of the colder tails (perpendicular to the board). This may dislodge the contact from its proper position in the housing. Sockets with tne retention jeg feature do not need clinching to hold them in place. PAGE 2 OF 4i DIPLOMATE DL DIP SOCKET : 1.4. Soldering and Cleaning A, Flux Selection 114-1049 Prior to soldering, the solder tails shall be fluxed with a mildly activated rosin base flux. Proper fiux selection will depend on the type of pe board used, and any components mounted on the board, Flux must also ba compatible with the cuatomers flow selder lino, a& well as with manufacturing and safety requirements. B. Seldering Guidelines AMP Corporate Bulletin 52 is available upon request and can be used as a guiie in soldering. This bulletin provides information on various flux types and characteristics along with the commercial designation and flux removal procedures. A checklist is attached to the bulletin which is intended to serve as a guide for obtaining information on soldering problems. Cc. Cleaning Removal of fluxes, residues. and activators ig mandatory. Cleaning procedures are chosen by tha customer and depend on the type of flux used on the solder line. D. Drying When drying cleaned assernblies and pc boards, make certain that a temperature of 106C (85C for copper alloy contact material) is not exceeded. Excessive temperatures may cause housing degradation and/or plating deterioration. . 4. QUALIFYING SUPPORT AMP DIPLOMATE DL OIF sockets are UL recagnized and CSA certified. 5, TOOLING The AMP DIPLOMATE DL Dip Sockets can be installed manually or by machine. AMP Tool and Product Engineers can help you design equipment and/ar make recommendations for yo requirements. For assistance, consult your local AMP Representative or call t page 1. ur particular set-up and application he AMP Customer Hotline at the top of PAGE 3 OF 4414-1049 DIPLOMATE UL DIP SOLAE! 6, VISUAL AID Figure 3 shows a typically applied AMP DIPLOMATE DL DIP socket. The illustration dapicts, in general. the conditions that production personnel should chack to ensure a properly soldered product. Applications which are hot visually correct should be dimensionally inspected using the information given in the main body of this specification. HOUSING BOTTOMED ON PC BOARD NO GRACKS IN SOLDER FiG. 3. VISUAL AID PAGE 4 OF 4