CS43L43 Low Voltage, Stereo DAC with Headphone Amp Features Description 16-Pin The CS43L43 is a complete stereo digital-to-analog output system including interpolation, 1-bit D/A conversion, analog filtering, volume control, and a headphone amplifier, in a 16-pin TSSOP package. TSSOP Package 1.8 to 3.3 Volt Supply 24-Bit Conversion / 96 kHz Sample Rate 94 dB Dynamic Range at 3 V Supply -85 dB THD+N at 1.8 V Supply Low Power Consumption Digital Volume Control The CS43L43 is based on delta-sigma modulation, where the modulator output controls the reference voltage input to an ultra-linear analog low-pass filter. This architecture allows infinite adjustment of the sample rate between 2 kHz and 100 kHz simply by changing the master clock frequency. * 96 dB Attenuation, 1 dB Step Size Digital Bass and Treble Boost The CS43L43 contains on-chip digital bass and treble boost, peak signal limiting and de-emphasis. The CS43L43 operates from a +1.8 V to +3.3 V supply and consumes only 16 mW of power with a 1.8 V supply. These features are ideal for portable CD, MP3 and MD players and other portable playback systems that require extremely low power consumption. * Selectable Corner Frequencies * Up to 12 dB Boost in 1 dB Increments Peak Signal Limiting to Prevent Clipping De-emphasis for 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, and 48 kHz Headphone Amplifier * up to 22 mWrms Power Output into 16 Load* * 25 dB Analog Attenuation and Mute * Zero Crossing Click-free Level Transitions ATAPI Mixing Functions ORDERING INFORMATION CS43L43-KZ CS43L43-KZZ, Lead Free CDB43L43 -10 to 70 C -10 to 70 C 16-pin TSSOP 16-pin TSSOP Evaluation Board * 1 kHz sine wave at 3.3V supply DIF1/SDA DIF0/SCL RST CONTROL PORT INTERFACE DIGITAL VOLUME CONTROL LRCK SCLK/DEM SERIAL AUDIO INTERFACE DEEMPHASIS BASS/TREBLE BOOST LIMITING DAC ANALOG FILTER ANALOG VOLUME CONTROL DIGITAL FILTER DAC ANALOG FILTER ANALOG VOLUME CONTROL HP_A HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER HP_B SDATA MCLK Preliminary Product Information http://www.cirrus.com This document contains information for a new product. Cirrus Logic reserves the right to modify this product without notice. Copyright (c) Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2004 (All Rights Reserved) JUL `04 DS479PP3 CS43L43 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PIN DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................4 2.0 TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM .................................................................5 3.0 APPLICATIONS ...................................................................................................6 3.1 Sample Rate Range/Operational Mode Select ...........................................6 3.2 System Clocking .........................................................................................6 3.3 Digital Interface Format ..............................................................................7 3.4 De-Emphasis Control ..................................................................................8 3.5 Recommended Power-up Sequence ..........................................................9 3.6 Popguard(R) Transient Control .....................................................................9 3.7 Grounding and Power Supply Arrangements ...........................................12 3.8 Control Port Interface ................................................................................12 3.9 Memory Address Pointer (MAP) ...............................................................14 4.0 REGISTER QUICK REFERENCE .....................................................................14 5.0 REGISTER DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................15 5.1 Power and Muting Control (address 01h) .................................................15 5.2 Channel A Analog Attenuation Control (address 02h) (VOLA).................17 5.3 Channel B Analog Attenuation Control (address 03h) (VOLB).................17 5.4 Channel A Digital Volume Control (address 04h) (DVOLA) ......................18 5.5 Channel B Digital Volume Control (address 05h) (DVOLB) ......................18 5.6 Tone Control (address 06h).......................................................................18 5.7 Mode Control (address 07h) ......................................................................19 5.8 Limiter Attack Rate (address 08h) (ARATE)..............................................21 5.9 Limiter Release Rate (address 09h) (RRATE) ......................................21 5.10 Volume and Mixing Control (address 0Ah) ..............................................22 5.11 Mode Control 2 (address 0Bh).................................................................24 6.0 CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS .................................................25 ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS43L43-KZ)................................................25 COMBINED INTERPOLATION & ON-CHIP ANALOG FILTER RESPONSE ..27 SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - SERIAL AUDIO INTERFACE ....................30 Contacting Cirrus Logic Support For a complete listing of Direct Sales, Distributor, and Sales Representative contacts, visit the Cirrus Logic web site at: http://www.cirrus.com/corporate/contacts IMPORTANT NOTICE "Preliminary" product information describes products that are in production, but for which full characterization data is not yet available. "Advance" product information describes products that are in development and subject to development changes. Cirrus Logic, Inc. and its subsidiaries ("Cirrus") believe that the information contained in this document is accurate and reliable. However, the information is subject to change without notice and is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind (express or implied). Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. No responsibility is assumed by Cirrus for the use of this information, including use of this information as the basis for manufacture or sale of any items, or for infringement of patents or other rights of third parties. This document is the property of Cirrus and by furnishing this information, Cirrus grants no license, express or implied under any patents, mask work rights, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights. Cirrus owns the copyrights of the information contained herein and gives consent for copies to be made of the information only for use within your organization with respect to Cirrus integrated circuits or other parts of Cirrus. This consent does not extend to other copying such as copying for general distribution, advertising or promotional purposes, or for creating any work for resale. An export permit needs to be obtained from the competent authorities of the Japanese Government if any of the products or technologies described in this material and controlled under the "Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law" is to be exported or taken out of Japan. An export license and/or quota needs to be obtained from the competent authorities of the Chinese Government if any of the products or technologies described in this material is subject to the PRC Foreign Trade Law and is to be exported or taken out of the PRC. CERTAIN APPLICATIONS USING SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS MAY INVOLVE POTENTIAL RISKS OF DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("CRITICAL APPLICATIONS"). CIRRUS PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF CIRRUS PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE FULLY AT THE CUSTOMER'S RISK. Purchase of I2C components of Cirrus Logic, Inc., or one of its sublicensed Associated Companies conveys a license under the Phillips I2C Patent Rights to use those components in a standard I2C system. Cirrus Logic, Cirrus, and the Cirrus Logic logo designs are trademarks of Cirrus Logic, Inc. All other brand and product names in this document may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. 2 DS479PP3 CS43L43 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - INTERNAL SERIAL CLOCK.................. 31 SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - CONTROL PORT INTERFACE................. 32 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................... 33 DIGITAL INPUT CHARACTERISTICS & SPECIFICATIONS .......................... 33 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS.............................. 33 RECOMMENDED OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS ....................................... 34 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................... 34 7.0 PARAMETER DEFINITIONS ............................................................................. 35 8.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 35 9.0 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ................................................................................. 36 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Typical Connection Diagram .............................................................................. 5 Figure 2. I2S Data .............................................................................................................. 8 Figure 3. Left Justified up to 24-Bit Data ........................................................................... 8 Figure 4. Right Justified Data ............................................................................................ 8 Figure 5. De-Emphasis Curve ........................................................................................... 8 Figure 6. Optional Headphone Mute Circuit .................................................................... 11 Figure 7. Timing for Headphone Mute ............................................................................. 11 Figure 8. Control Port Timing .......................................................................................... 13 Figure 9. ATAPI Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 23 Figure 10. Output Test Load ............................................................................................ 26 Figure 11. Single-Speed Stopband Rejection ................................................................. 28 Figure 12. Single-Speed Transition Band ........................................................................ 28 Figure 13. Single-Speed Transition Band (Detail) ........................................................... 28 Figure 14. Single-Speed Passband Ripple ...................................................................... 28 Figure 15. Double-Speed Stopband Rejection ................................................................ 28 Figure 16. Double-Speed Transition Band ...................................................................... 28 Figure 17. Double-Speed Transition Band (Detail) .......................................................... 29 Figure 18. Double-Speed Passband Ripple .................................................................... 29 Figure 19. External Serial Mode Input Timing ................................................................. 30 Figure 20. Internal Serial Mode Input Timing .................................................................. 31 Figure 21. Internal Serial Clock Generation .................................................................... 31 Figure 22. Control Port Timing - I2C Mode ..................................................................... 32 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. CS43L43 Operational Mode ................................................................................ 6 Table 2. Single-Speed Mode Standard Frequencies ......................................................... 6 Table 3. Double-Speed Mode Standard Frequencies ....................................................... 6 Table 4. Internal SCLK/LRCK Ratio .................................................................................. 7 Table 5. Digital Interface Format - Stand-Alone Mode ...................................................... 7 Table 6. De-Emphasis Control .......................................................................................... 9 Table 7. Example Analog Volume Settings ..................................................................... 17 Table 8. Example Digital Volume Settings ...................................................................... 18 Table 9. Example Bass Boost Settings ........................................................................... 18 Table 10. Example Treble Boost Settings ....................................................................... 19 Table 11. Example Limiter Attack Rate Settings ............................................................. 21 Table 12. Example Limiter Release Rate Settings .......................................................... 21 Table 13. ATAPI Decode ................................................................................................. 23 Table 14. Digital Interface Format - Control Port Mode ................................................... 24 DS479PP3 3 CS43L43 1.0 PIN DESCRIPTION LRCK SDATA SCLK/DEM VL MCLK DIF0/SCL VQ_HP REF_GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 RST DIF1/SDA HP_B VA_HP VA GND HP_A FILT+ Pin Name # Pin Description LRCK 1 Left Right Clock (Input) - Determines which channel, Left or Right, is currently active on the serial audio data line. SDATA 2 Serial Audio Data (Input) - Input for two's complement serial audio data. SCLK 3 Serial Clock (Input) - Serial clock for the serial audio interface. DEM 3 De-emphasis Control (Input) - Selects the standard 15s/50s digital de-emphasis filter response for 44.1 kHz sample rates. VL 4 Logic Power (Input) - Positive power for the serial audio & control port interface. MCLK 5 Master Clock (Input) - Clock source for the delta-sigma modulator and digital filters. VQ_HP 7 Headphone Quiescent Voltage (Output) - Filter connection for internal headphone amp quiescent reference voltage. REF_GND 8 Reference Ground (Input) - Ground reference for the internal sampling circuits. FILT+ 9 Positive Voltage Reference (Output) - Positive voltage reference for the internal sampling circuits. HP_A HP_B 10 14 Headphone Outputs (Output) - The full-scale analog headphone output level is specified in the Analog Characteristics table. GND 11 Ground (Input) - Ground reference. VA 12 Power (Input) - Positive power for the analog & digital sections. VA_HP 13 Headphone Amp Power (Input) - Positive power for the headphone amplifier. RST 16 Reset (Input) - Powers down device and resets registers to default conditions when enabled. 6 15 Digital Interface Format (Input) - Defines the required relationship between the Left Right Clock, Serial Clock, and Serial Audio Data. SCL 6 Serial Control Port Clock (Input) - Serial clock for the control port interface. SDA 15 Serial Control Data I/O (Input/Output) - Input/Output for I2C data. Stand-Alone Definitions DIF0 DIF1 Control Port Definitions 4 DS479PP3 CS43L43 2.0 TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM 1.8 to 3.3 V Supply *Ferrite bead *Ferrite bead + *1.0 F + 0.1 F 0.1 F 12 1.8 to 3.3 V Supply *Ferrite bead + *1.0 F VA 4 HP_A VL HP_B CS43L43 Serial Audio Data Processor 1 3 2 MCLK c/ Mode Configuration * Optional 6 15 10 220 F + 1 k 14 220 F + 1 k 47 H 16 Headphones 47 H LRCK SCLK/DEM VQ_HP SDATA FILT+ 16 *1.0 F 13 VA_HP 0.1 F 5 0.9 to 3.3 V Supply 7 9 + RST DIF0/SCL REF_GND 8 1.0 F + 1.0 F DIF1/SDA GND 11 Figure 1. Typical Connection Diagram DS479PP3 5 CS43L43 3.0 APPLICATIONS 3.1 Sample Rate Range/Operational Mode Select The device operates in one of two operational modes. Operation in either mode depends on the input sample rate and the ratio of the master clock to the left/right clock (see section 3.2). Sample rates outside the specified range for each mode are not supported. Input Sample Rate (FS) 2kHz - 50kHz 50kHz - 100kHz MODE Single Speed Mode Double Speed Mode Table 1. CS43L43 Operational Mode 3.2 System Clocking The device requires external generation of the master (MCLK) and left/right (LRCK) clocks. The device also requires external generation of the serial clock (SCLK) if the internal serial clock is not used. The LRCK, defined also as the input sample rate Fs, must be synchronously derived from MCLK according to specified ratios. The specified ratios of MCLK to LRCK, along with several standard audio sample rates and the required MCLK frequency, are illustrated in Tables 2-3. Sample Rate (kHz) 32 44.1 48 256x 8.1920 11.2896 12.2880 384x 12.2880 16.9344 18.4320 MCLK (MHz) 512x 16.3840 22.5792 24.5760 768x* 24.5760 33.8688 36.8640 1024x* 32.768 45.1584 49.1520 Table 2. Single-Speed Mode Standard Frequencies Sample Rate (kHz) 64 88.2 96 MCLK (MHz) 128x 8.1920 11.2896 12.2880 192x 12.2880 16.9344 18.4320 256x* 16.3840 22.5792 24.5760 384x* 24.5760 33.8688 36.8640 Table 3. Double-Speed Mode Standard Frequencies *Requires MCLKDIV bit = 1 in the Mode Control 2 register (address 0Bh). 6 DS479PP3 CS43L43 3.2.1 Internal Serial Clock Mode The device will enter the Internal Serial Clock Mode if no low to high transitions are detected on the SCLK pin for 2 consecutive periods of LRCK. In this mode, the SCLK is internally derived and synchronous with MCLK and LRCK. The SCLK/LRCK ratio is either 32, 48, or 64 depending upon the MCLK/LRCK ratio and the Digital Interface Format selection (see Table 4). The internal serial clock is utilized when de-emphasis control is required. Operation in the Internal Serial Clock mode is identical to operation with an external SCLK synchronized with LRCK; however, External SCLK mode is the recommended system clocking application. Input MCLK/LRCK Ratio 512, 256, 128 384, 192 512, 256, 128 Digital Interface Format Selection Left Justified 24 Right Justified I S 16 Bits 24, 20, or 18 Bits Bits X 2 2 I S up to 24 Bits X X X X X X Right Justified 16 Bits Internal SCLK/LRCK Ratio X 32 X 48 64 Table 4. Internal SCLK/LRCK Ratio 3.2.2 External Serial Clock Mode The device will enter the External Serial Clock Mode whenever 16 low to high transitions are detected on the SCLK pin during any phase of the LRCK period. The device will revert to Internal Serial Clock Mode if no low to high transitions are detected on the SCLK pin for 2 consecutive periods of LRCK. 3.3 Digital Interface Format The device will accept audio samples in 1 of 4 digital interface formats in Stand-Alone mode, as illustrated in Table 5, and 1 of 7 formats in Control Port mode, as illustrated in Table 14. 3.3.1 Stand-Alone Mode The desired format is selected via the DIF0 and DIF1 pins. For an illustration of the required relationship between the LRCK, SCLK and SDATA, see Figures 2-4. DIF1 0 0 1 1 DIF0 0 1 0 1 DESCRIPTION I2S, up to 24-bit data Left Justified, up to 24-bit data Right Justified, 24-bit Data Right Justified, 16-bit Data FORMAT 0 1 2 3 FIGURE 2 3 4 4 Table 5. Digital Interface Format - Stand-Alone Mode DS479PP3 7 CS43L43 3.3.2 Control Port Mode The desired format is selected via the DIF0, DIF1 and DIF2 bits in the Mode Control 2 register (see section 5.11.2) . For an illustration of the required relationship between LRCK, SCLK and SDATA, see Figures 2-4. L e ft C h a n n e l LR C K R ig h t C h a n n e l SCLK S D A TA M SB -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 + 5 +4 +3 + 2 +1 LS B M SB -1 -2 -3 -4 + 5 +4 +3 + 2 +1 LS B Figure 2. I2S Data L e ft C h a n n e l LR C K R ig h t C h a n n e l SCLK SDATA M SB -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 +5 +4 +3 +2 + 1 MSB LS B -1 -2 -3 -4 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 LS B Figure 3. Left Justified up to 24-Bit Data LR C K R ig h t C h a n n e l L e ft C h a n n e l S C LK SDATA M SB LSB +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 3 2 c lo ck s -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 M SB LSB +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 M SB Figure 4. Right Justified Data 3.4 De-Emphasis Control The device includes on-chip digital de-emphasis. Figure 5 shows the de-emphasis curve for Fs equal to 44.1 kHz. The frequency response of the de-emphasis curve will scale proportionally with changes in sample rate, Fs. De-emphasis is not available in double-speed mode. Gain dB T1=50 s 0dB T2 = 15 s -10dB F1 3.183 kHz F2 Frequency 10.61 kHz Figure 5. De-Emphasis Curve 8 DS479PP3 CS43L43 3.4.1 Stand-Alone Mode When using Internal Serial Clock (see section 3.2.1), pin 3 is available for de-emphasis control and selects the 44.1 kHz de-emphasis filter. Please see Table 6 for the desired de-emphasis control. DEM DESCRIPTION 0 1 Disabled 44.1 kHz Table 6. De-Emphasis Control 3.4.2 Control Port Mode The Mode Control bits select either the 32, 44.1, or 48 kHz de-emphasis filter. Please see section 5.7.4 for the desired de-emphasis control. 3.5 Recommended Power-up Sequence 3.5.1 Stand-Alone Mode 1. Hold RST low until the power supply and configuration pins are stable, and the master and left/right clocks are locked to the appropriate frequences, as discussed in section 3.2. In this state, the control port is reset to its default settings and VQ_HP will remain low. 2. Bring RST high. The device will remain in a low power state with VQ_HP low and will initiate the Stand-Alone power-up sequence after approximately 1024 LRCK cycles. 3.5.2 Control Port Mode 1. Hold RST low until the power supply is stable, and the master and left/right clocks are locked to the appropriate frequences, as discussed in section 3.2. In this state, the control port is reset to its default settings and VQ_HP will remain low. 2. Bring RST high. The device will remain in a low power state with VQ_HP low. The control port will be accessible at this time. 3. Wait approximately 2 LRCK cycles and then perform an I2C write to the CP_EN bit prior to the completion of approximately 1024 LRCK cycles. The desired register settings can be loaded while keeping the PDN bit set to 1. 4. Set the PDN bit to 0. This will initiate the power-up sequence, which lasts approximately 50 S when the POR bit is set to 0. If the POR bit is set to 1, see Section 3.6 for for a complete description of power-up timing. 3.6 Popguard(R) Transient Control The CS43L43 uses Popguard(R) technology to minimize the effects of output transients during power-up and power-down. This technology, when used with external DC-blocking capacitors in series with the audio outputs, minimizes the audio transients commonly produced by single-ended single-supply converters. It is activated inside the DAC when the RST pin is enabled/disabled and requires no other external control, aside from choosing the appropriate DC-blocking capacitors. DS479PP3 9 CS43L43 3.6.1 Power-up When the device is initially powered-up, the audio outputs, HP_A and HP_B, are clamped to GND. Following a delay of approximately 1000 sample periods, each output begins to ramp toward the quiescent voltage. Approximately 10,000 LRCK cycles later, the outputs reach VQ and audio output begins. This gradual voltage ramping allows time for the external DC-blocking capacitors to charge to the quiescent voltage, minimizing the power-up transient. 3.6.2 Power-down To prevent transients at power-down, the device must first enter its power-down state by setting the RST pin low. When this occurs, audio output ceases and the internal output buffers are disconnected from HP_A and HP_B. In their place, a soft-start current sink is substituted which allows the DC-blocking capacitors to slowly discharge. Once this charge is dissipated, the power to the device may be turned off and the system is ready for the next power-on. 3.6.3 Discharge Time To prevent an audio transient at the next power-on, the DC-blocking capacitors must fully discharge before turning on the power or exiting the power-down state. If full discharge does not occur, a transient will occur when the audio outputs are initially clamped to GND. The time that the device must remain in the power-down state is related to the value of the DC-blocking capacitance and the output load. For example, with a 220 F capacitor and a 16 load, the minimum power-down time will be approximately 0.4 seconds. 10 DS479PP3 CS43L43 3.6.4 Auxilliary Mute Control For critical applications, the Popguard(R) Transient Control may not be sufficient in eliminating extraneous audible artifacts on the headphone outputs during power-up. For these applications, an optional external mute can be used to maintain an absolute minimum of extraneous clicks and pops. Please see Figures 6 and 7 for the suggested headphone mute circuit. The Mute Control will need to be generated externally from a DSP or Microcontroller. See Figure 7 for /RST and Mute Control timing. T he M otorola M O SFET s show n have been tested to w ork properly, how ever, an equivalent device m ay be used. M G S F1N H 02E LT H eadphones 2 2 0uF 47u H From C S 43L43 P in 1 0 (H P _A ) 1k 16 M G S F1N H 02E LT 2 2 0uF 47u H From C S 43L43 P in 1 4 (H P _B ) 1k 16 M ute C ontrol from uC or D S P 100K Figure 6. Optional Headphone Mute Circuit H eadphone O utput at pin of part ~ 3 0 0 m sec /R ST ~ 9 0 0 m sec M ute C ontrol from D SP or M icroC ontroller Figure 7. Timing for Headphone Mute DS479PP3 11 CS43L43 3.7 Grounding and Power Supply Arrangements As with any high resolution converter, the CS43L43 requires careful attention to power supply and grounding arrangements if its potential performance is to be realized. Figure 1 shows the recommended power arrangements, with VA, VA_HP & VL connected to clean supplies. If the ground planes are split between digital ground and analog ground, the GND pins of the CS43L43 should be connected to the analog ground plane. All signals, especially clocks, should be kept away from the FILT+ and VQ pins in order to avoid unwanted coupling into the modulators. The CDB43L43 evaluation board demonstrates the optimum layout and power supply arrangements. Notes: The headphone outputs may clip when the value of VA_HP is below VA. It is recommended that these two supplies be tied together. 3.7.1 Capacitor Placement Decoupling capacitors should be as close to the DAC as possible, with the low value ceramic capacitor being the closest. The FILT+ and VQ decoupling capacitors must be positioned to minimize the electrical path from FILT+ to REF_GND (and VQ to REF_GND). To further minimze impedance, these capacitors should be located on the same layer as the DAC. 3.8 Control Port Interface The control port is used to load all the internal register settings. Data is clocked into and out of the bi-directional serial control data line, SDA, by the serial control port clock, SCL (see Figure 8 for the clock to data relationship). The operation of the control port may be completely asynchronous with the audio sample rate. However, to avoid potential interference problems, the control port pins should remain static if no operation is required. Notes: LRCK & MCLK must always be applied to pins 1 & 5, respectively, during any communication with the control port. 3.8.1 Enabling the Control Port The control port pins are shared with the stand-alone configuration pins. To dedicate these pins to control port functionality, enable the control port prior to the completion of the stand-alone power up sequence (see section 3.5 for the Recommended Power-up Sequence). To enable the control port, write 1 to the CP_EN bit using the I2C protocol (see section 3.8.3). Notes: Setting the CP_EN bit after the Stand-Alone power-up sequence has completed can cause audible artifacts. 3.8.2 MAP Auto Increment The device has MAP (memory address pointer) auto increment capability enabled by the INCR bit (also the MSB) of the MAP. If INCR is set to 0, MAP will stay constant for successive I2C writes or reads. If INCR is set to 1, MAP will auto increment after each byte is written, allowing block reads or writes of successive registers. 12 DS479PP3 CS43L43 3.8.3 I2C Write To write to the device, follow the procedure below while adhering to the control port Switching Specifications in section 6. 1) Initiate a START condition to the I2C bus followed by the address byte, 00100000. The eighth bit of the address byte is the R/W bit. 2) Wait for an acknowledge (ACK) from the part, then write to the memory address pointer, MAP. This byte points to the register to be written. 3) Wait for an acknowledge (ACK) from the part, then write the desired data to the register pointed to by the MAP. 4) If the INCR bit (see section 3.8.2) is set to 1, repeat the previous step until all the desired registers are written, then initiate a STOP condition to the bus. 5) If the INCR bit is set to 0 and further I2C writes to other registers are desired, it is necessary to initiate a repeated START condition and follow the procedure detailed from step 1. If no further writes to other registers are desired, initiate a STOP condition to the bus. 3.8.4 I2C Read To read from the device, follow the procedure below while adhering to the control port Switching Specifications. 1) Initiate a START condition to the I2C bus followed by the address byte, 00100001. The eighth bit of the address byte is the R/W bit. 2) After transmitting an acknowledge (ACK), the device will then transmit the contents of the register pointed to by the MAP. The MAP will contain the address of the last register written to the MAP, or the default address (see section 3.9) if an I2C read is the first operation performed on the device. 3) Once the device has transmitted the contents of the register pointed to by the MAP, issue an ACK. 4) If the INCR bit is set to 1, the device will continue to transmit the contents of successive registers. Continue providing a clock and issue an ACK after each byte until all the desired registers are read, then initiate a STOP condition to the bus. 5) If the INCR bit is set to 0 and further I2C reads from other registers are desired, it is necessary to initiate a repeated START condition and follow the procedure detailed from step 1. If no further reads from other registers are desired, initiate a STOP condition to the bus. NOTE SDA 0010000 R /W ACK D ATA 1 -8 ACK DATA 1 -8 ACK SCL S ta rt S to p N O T E : If o p e ra tio n is a w rite , th is b y te c o n ta in s th e M e m o ry A d d re s s P o in te r, M A P . If o p e ra tio n is a re a d , th is b y te c o n ta in s th e d a ta o f th e re g is te r p o in te d to b y th e M A P . Figure 8. Control Port Timing DS479PP3 13 CS43L43 3.9 Memory Address Pointer (MAP) 7 INCR 0 6 Reserved 0 5 Reserved 0 4 Reserved 0 3 MAP3 0 2 MAP2 0 1 MAP1 0 0 MAP0 0 3.9.1 INCR (Auto Map Increment Enable) Default = `0' 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled 3.9.2 MAP0-3 (Memory Address Pointer) Default = `0000' 4.0 REGISTER QUICK REFERENCE Addr 0h Function Reserved default 1h Power and Muting Control default 2h Channel A Analog Attenuation Control default 3h Channel B Analog Attenuation Control default 4h Channel A Digital Volume Control default 5h Channel B Digital Volume Control default 6h Tone Control 7h Mode Control default default 8h Limiter Attack Rate default 9h Limiter Release Rate default Ah Volume and Mixing Control default Bh Mode Control 2 default 14 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AMUTE SZC1 SZC0 POR Reserved Reserved PDN CP_EN 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 VOLA7 VOLA6 VOLA5 VOLA4 VOLA3 VOLA2 VOLA1 VOLA0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VOLB7 VOLB6 VOLB5 VOLB4 VOLB3 VOLB2 VOLB1 VOLB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DVOLA7 DVOLA6 DVOLA5 DVOLA4 DVOLA3 DVOLA2 DVOLA1 DVOLA0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DVOLB7 DVOLB6 DVOLB5 DVOLB4 DVOLB3 DVOLB2 DVOLB1 DVOLB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BB3 BB2 BB1 BB0 TB3 TB2 TB1 TB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BBCF1 BBCF0 TBCF1 TBCF0 A=B DEM1 DEM0 VCBYP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ARATE7 ARATE6 ARATE5 ARATE4 ARATE3 ARATE2 ARATE1 ARATE0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 RRATE7 RRATE6 RRATE5 RRATE4 RRATE3 RRATE2 RRATE1 RRATE0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 TC1 TC0 TC_EN LIM_EN ATAPI3 ATAPI2 ATAPI1 ATAPI0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved DIF2 DIF1 DIF0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MCLKDIV Reserved 0 0 DS479PP3 CS43L43 5.0 REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS 5.1 POWER AND MUTING CONTROL (ADDRESS 01H) 7 AMUTE 1 6 SZC1 1 5 SZC0 0 4 POR 1 3 RESERVED 0 2 RESERVED 0 1 PDN 1 0 CP_EN 0 5.1.1 AUTO-MUTE (AMUTE) BIT 7 Default = 1 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: The Digital-to-Analog converter output will mute following the reception of 8192 consecutive audio samples of static 0 or -1. A single sample of non-static data will release the mute. Detection and muting is done independently for each channel. The quiescent voltage on the output will be retained. The muting function is affected, similar to volume control changes, by the Soft and Zero Cross bits in the Power and Muting Control register. 5.1.2 SOFT RAMP AND ZERO CROSS CONTROL (SZC) BIT 5-6 Default = 10 00 - Immediate Change 01 - Zero Cross Digital and Analog 10 - Ramped Digital and Analog 11 - Reserved Function: Immediate Change When Immediate Change is selected all level changes will take effect immediately in one step. Zero Cross Digital and Analog Zero Cross Enable dictates that signal level changes, either by attenuation changes or muting, will occur on a signal zero crossing to minimize audible artifacts. The requested level change will occur after a timeout period of 512 sample periods (10.7 ms at 48 kHz sample rate) if the signal does not encounter a zero crossing. The zero cross function is independently monitored and implemented for each channel. Ramped Digital and Analog Soft Ramp allows digital level changes, both muting and attenuation, to be implemented by incrementally ramping, in 1/8 dB steps, from the current level to the new level at a rate of 1dB per 8 left/right clock periods. Analog level changes will occur in 1 dB steps on a signal zero crossing. The analog level change will occur after a timeout period of 512 sample periods (10.7 ms at 48 kHz sample rate) if the signal does not encounter a zero crossing. The zero cross function is independently monitored and implemented for each channel. NOTE: Ramped Digital and Analog is not available in Double-Speed mode. DS479PP3 15 CS43L43 5.1.3 POPGUARD(R) TRANSIENT CONTROL (POR) BIT 4 Default - 1 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: The Popguard(R) Transient Control allows the quiescent voltage to slowly ramp to and from 0 volts to the quiescent voltage during power-on or power-off when this feature is enabled. Please see section 3.6 for implementation details. 5.1.4 POWER DOWN (PDN) BIT 1 Default = 1 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: The entire device will enter a low-power state whenever this function is enabled, but the contents of the control registers will be retained in this mode. The power-down bit defaults to `enabled' on power-up and must be disabled before normal operation will begin. 5.1.5 CONTROL PORT ENABLE (CP_EN) BIT 0 Default = 0 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: The Control Port will become active and reset to the default settings when this function is enabled. 16 DS479PP3 CS43L43 5.2 CHANNEL A ANALOG ATTENUATION CONTROL (ADDRESS 02H) (VOLA) 5.3 CHANNEL B ANALOG ATTENUATION CONTROL (ADDRESS 03H) (VOLB) 7 VOLx7 0 6 VOLx6 0 5 VOLx5 0 4 VOLx4 0 3 VOLx3 0 2 VOLx2 0 1 VOLx1 0 0 VOLx0 0 Default = 0 dB (No attenuation) Function: The Analog Attenuation Control operates independently from the Digital Volume Control. The Analog Attenuation Control registers allow the user to attenuate the headphone output signal in 1 dB increments from 0 to -25 dB, using the analog volume control. Attenuation settings are decoded as shown in Table 7, using a 2's complement code. The volume changes are implemented as dictated by the Soft and Zero Cross bits in the Power and Muting Control register. All volume settings greater than zero are interpreted as zero. Binary Code 00000000 11110110 11110001 Decimal Value 0 -10 -15 Volume Setting 0 dB -10 dB -15 dB Table 7. Example Analog Volume Settings NOTE: When the Analog Headphone Attenuation Control registers are set for attenuation levels greater than -10dB, the actual attenuation deviates from the register setting by more than 1dB. DS479PP3 17 CS43L43 5.4 CHANNEL A DIGITAL VOLUME CONTROL (ADDRESS 04H) (DVOLA) 5.5 CHANNEL B DIGITAL VOLUME CONTROL (ADDRESS 05H) (DVOLB) 7 DVOLx7 0 6 DVOLx6 0 5 DVOLx5 0 4 DVOLx4 0 3 DVOLx3 0 2 DVOLx2 0 1 DVOLx1 0 0 DVOLx0 0 Default = 0 dB (No attenuation) Function: The Digital Volume Control allows the user to alter the signal level in 1 dB increments from +18 to -96 dB, using the Digital Volume Control. Volume settings are decoded as shown in Table 8, using a 2's complement code. The volume changes are implemented as dictated by the Soft and Zero Cross bits in the Power and Muting Control register. All volume settings less than - 96 dB are equivalent to muting the channel via the ATAPI bits (See Section 5.10.4). NOTE: Setting this register to values greater than +18 dB will cause distortion in the audio outputs. Binary Code 00001010 00000111 00000000 11000100 10100110 Decimal Value 12 7 0 -60 -90 Volume Setting +12 dB +7 dB 0 dB -60 dB -90 dB Table 8. Example Digital Volume Settings 5.6 TONE CONTROL (ADDRESS 06H) 7 BB3 0 6 BB2 0 5 BB1 0 4 BB0 0 3 TB3 0 2 TB2 0 1 TB1 0 0 TB0 0 5.6.1 BASS BOOST LEVEL (BB) BIT 4-7 Default = 0 dB (No Bass Boost) Function: The level of the shelving bass boost filter is set by Bass Boost Level. The level can be adjusted in 1 dB increments from 0 to +12 dB of boost. Boost levels are decoded as shown in Table 9. Levels above +12 dB are interpreted as +12 dB. Binary Code 0000 0010 0110 1001 1100 Decimal Value 0 2 6 9 12 Boost Setting 0 dB +2 dB +6 dB +9 dB +12 dB Table 9. Example Bass Boost Settings 18 DS479PP3 CS43L43 5.6.2 TREBLE BOOST LEVEL (TB) BIT 0-3 Default = 0 dB (No Treble Boost) Function: The level of the shelving treble boost filter is set by Treble Boost Level. The level can be adjusted in 1 dB increments from 0 to +12 dB of boost. Boost levels are decoded as shown in Table 10. Levels above +12 dB are interpreted as +12 dB. NOTE: Treble Boost is not available in Double-Speed Mode. Binary Code 0000 0010 1010 1001 1100 Decimal Value 0 2 6 9 12 Boost Setting 0 dB +2 dB +6 dB +9 dB +12 dB Table 10. Example Treble Boost Settings 5.7 MODE CONTROL (ADDRESS 07H) 7 BBCF1 0 6 BBCF0 0 5 TBCF1 0 4 TBCF0 0 3 A=B 0 2 DEM1 0 1 DEM0 0 0 VCBYP 0 5.7.1 BASS BOOST CORNER FREQUENCY (BBCF) BIT 6-5 Default = 00 00 - 50 Hz 01 - 100 Hz 10 - 200 Hz 11 - Reserved Function: The bass boost corner frequency is user selectable as shown above. 5.7.2 TREBLE BOOST CORNER FREQUENCY (TBCF) BIT 4-5 Default = 00 00 - 2 kHz 01 - 4 kHz 10 - 7 kHz 11 - Reserved Function: The treble boost corner frequency is user selectable as shown above. NOTE: Treble Boost is not available in Double-Speed Mode. DS479PP3 19 CS43L43 5.7.3 CHANNEL A VOLUME = CHANNEL B VOLUME (A=B) BIT 3 Default = 0 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: The HP_A and HP_B volume levels are independently controlled by the A and B Channel Volume Control Bytes when this function is disabled. The volume on both HP_A and HP_B are determined by the A Channel Attenuation and Volume Control Bytes. The B Channel Bytes are ignored when this function is enabled. 5.7.4 DE-EMPHASIS CONTROL (DEM) BIT 1-2 Default = 00 00 - Disabled 01 - 44.1 kHz 10 - 48 kHz 11 - 32 kHz Function: Selects the appropriate digital filter to maintain the standard 15 s/50 s digital de-emphasis filter response at 32, 44.1 or 48 kHz sample rates. (See Figure 5) NOTE: De-emphasis is not available in Double-Speed Mode. 5.7.5 DIGITAL VOLUME CONTROL BYPASS (VCBYP) BIT 0 Default = 0 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: When this function is enabled the digital volume control section is bypassed. This disables the digital volume control, muting, bass boost, treble boost, limiting and ATAPI functions. The analog attenuation control will remain functional. 20 DS479PP3 CS43L43 5.8 LIMITER ATTACK RATE (ADDRESS 08H) (ARATE) 7 ARATE7 0 6 ARATE6 0 5 ARATE5 0 4 ARATE4 1 3 ARATE3 0 2 ARATE2 0 1 ARATE1 0 0 ARATE0 0 Default = 10h - 2 LRCK's per 1/8 dB Function: The limiter attack rate is user selectable. The rate is a function of sampling frequency, Fs, and the value in the Limiter Attack Rate register. Rates are calculated using the function RATE = 32/{value}. Where {value} is the decimal value in the Limiter Attack Rate register and RATE is in LRCK's per 1/8 dB of change. NOTE: A value of zero in this register is not recommended, as it will induce erratic behavior of the limiter. Use the LIM_EN bit to disable the limiter function (see Section 5.10.3). Binary Code 00000001 00010100 00101000 00111100 01011010 Decimal Value 1 20 40 60 90 LRCK's per 1/8 dB 32 1.6 0.8 0.53 0.356 Table 11. Example Limiter Attack Rate Settings 5.9 LIMITER RELEASE RATE (ADDRESS 09H) (RRATE) 7 RRATE7 0 6 RRATE6 0 5 RRATE5 1 4 RRATE4 0 3 RRATE3 0 2 RRATE2 0 1 RRATE1 0 0 RRATE0 0 Default = 20h - 16 LRCK's per 1/8 dB Function: The limiter release rate is user-selectable. The rate is a function of sampling frequency, Fs, and the value in Limiter Release Rate register. Rates are calculated using the function RATE = 512/{value}. Where {value} is the decimal value in the Limiter Release Rate register and RATE is in LRCK's per 1/8 dB of change. NOTE: A value of zero in this register is not recommended, as it will induce erratic behavior of the limiter. Use the LIM_EN bit to disable the limiter function (see Section 5.10.3). Binary Code 00000001 00010100 00101000 00111100 01011010 Decimal Value 1 20 40 60 90 LRCK's per 1/8 dB 512 25 12 8 5 Table 12. Example Limiter Release Rate Settings DS479PP3 21 CS43L43 5.10 VOLUME AND MIXING CONTROL (ADDRESS 0AH) 7 TC1 0 6 TC0 0 5 TC_EN 0 4 LIM_EN 0 3 ATAPI3 1 2 ATAPI2 0 1 ATAPI1 0 0 ATAPI0 1 5.10.1 TONE CONTROL MODE (TC) BIT 6-7 Default = 00 00 - All settings are taken from user registers 01 - 12 dB of Bass Boost at 100 Hz and 6 dB of Treble Boost at 7 kHz 10 - 8 dB of Bass Boost at 100 Hz and 4 dB of Treble Boost at 7 kHz 11 - 4 dB of Bass Boost at 100 Hz and 2 dB of Treble Boost at 7 kHz Function: The Tone Control Mode bits determine how the Bass Boost and Treble Boost features are configured. The user-defined settings from the Bass and Treble Boost Level and Corner Frequency registers are used when these bits are set to `00'. Alternatively, one of three pre-defined settings may be used. 5.10.2 TONE CONTROL ENABLE (TC_EN) BIT 5 Default = 0 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: The Bass Boost and Treble Boost features are active when this function is enabled. 5.10.3 PEAK SIGNAL LIMITER ENABLE (LIM_EN) BIT 4 Default = 0 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: The CS43L43 will limit the maximum signal amplitude to prevent clipping when this function is enabled. Peak Signal Limiting is performed by first decreasing the Bass and Treble Boost Levels. If the signal is still clipping, then the digital attenuation is increased. The attack rate is determined by the Limiter Attack Rate register. Once the signal has dropped below the clipping level, the attenuation is decreased back to the user selected level and then, the Bass Boost is increased back to the user selected level. The release rate is determined by the Limiter Release Rate register. NOTE: The A=B bit should be set to `1' for optimal limiter performance. 22 DS479PP3 CS43L43 5.10.4 ATAPI CHANNEL MIXING AND MUTING (ATAPI) BIT 0-3 Default = 1001 - HP_A = L, HP_B = R (Stereo) Function: The CS43L43 implements the channel mixing functions of the ATAPI CD-ROM specification. Refer to Table 13 and Figure 9 for additional information. NOTE: All mixing functions occur prior to the digital volume control. ATAPI3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ATAPI2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ATAPI1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ATAPI0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 HP_A MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE R R R R L L L L [(L+R)/2] [(L+R)/2] [(L+R)/2] [(L+R)/2] HP_B MUTE R L [(L+R)/2] MUTE R L [(L+R)/2] MUTE R L [(L+R)/2] MUTE R L [(L+R)/2] Table 13. ATAPI Decode Left Channel Audio Data Channel A Digital Volume Control EQ Analog Volume Control MUTE HP_A Channel B Digital Volume Control EQ Analog Volume Control MUTE HP_B Right Channel Audio Data Figure 9. ATAPI Block Diagram DS479PP3 23 CS43L43 5.11 MODE CONTROL 2 (ADDRESS 0BH) 7 MCLKDIV 0 6 RESERVED 0 5 RESERVED 0 4 RESERVED 0 3 RESERVED 0 2 DIF2 0 1 DIF1 0 0 DIF0 0 5.11.1 MASTER CLOCK DIVIDE ENABLE (MCLKDIV) BIT 7 Default = 0 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Function: The MCLKDIV bit enables a circuit which divides the externally applied MCLK signal by 2 prior to all other internal circuitry. NOTE: Internal SCLK is not available when this function is enabled. 5.11.2 DIGITAL INTERFACE FORMAT (DIF) BIT 0-2 Default = 000 - Format 0 (I2S, up to 24-bit data, 64 x Fs Internal SLCK) Function: The required relationship between the Left/Right clock, serial clock and serial data is defined by the Digital Interface Format and the options are detailed in Figures 2-4. NOTE: Internal SCLK is not available when MCLKDIV is enabled. DIF2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 DIF1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 DIF0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 DESCRIPTION I2S, up to 24-bit data, 64 x Fs Internal SLCK I2S, up to 16-bit data, 32 x Fs Internal SLCK Left Justified, up to 24-bit data, Right Justified, 24-bit data Right Justified, 20-bit data Right Justified, 16-bit data Right Justified, 18-bit data Identical to Format 1 Format 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 FIGURE 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 Table 14. Digital Interface Format - Control Port Mode 24 DS479PP3 CS43L43 6.0 CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS43L43-KZ, KZZ) (Test conditions (unless otherwise specified): Input test signal is a 997 Hz sine wave at 0 dBFS; measurement bandwidth is 10 Hz to 20 kHz; test load RL = 16, CL = 10 pF (see Figure 10). Typical performance characteristics are derived from measurements taken at TA = 25C, VL = VA_HP = VA = 3.0V and 1.8V. Min/Max performance characteristics are guaranteed over the specified operating temperature and voltages.) VA = 3.0V Parameter Single-Speed Mode Dynamic Range 18 to 24-Bit 16-Bit Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise 18 to 24-Bit 16-Bit Double-Speed Mode Dynamic Range 18 to 24-Bit 16-Bit Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise 18 to 24-Bit 16-Bit DS479PP3 VA = 1.8V Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit 88 90 - 91 93 89 91 - 85 88 - 88 91 86 89 - dB dB dB dB - -76 -71 -31 -74 -69 -29 -71 - - -82 -68 -28 -80 -66 -26 -77 - dB dB dB dB dB dB 88 90 - 92 94 90 92 - 85 88 - 89 92 87 90 - dB dB dB dB - -73 -72 -32 -71 -70 -30 -68 - - -85 -69 -29 -83 -67 -27 -80 - dB dB dB dB dB dB Fs = 48kHz (Note 1) unweighted A-Weighted unweighted A-Weighted (Note 1) 0 dB -20 dB -60 dB 0 dB -20 dB -60 dB Fs = 96kHz (Note 1) unweighted A-Weighted unweighted A-Weighted (Note 1) 0 dB -20 dB -60 dB 0 dB -20 dB -60 dB 25 CS43L43 ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS43L43-KZ, KZZ) (Continued) Parameters Min Typ Max Units - 66 - dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch - 0.1 - dB Gain Drift - 100 - ppm/C 0.5*VA 0.55*VA 0.6*VA Vpp Dynamic Performance for All Speed Modes Interchannel Isolation (1 kHz) DC Accuracy Analog Output Characteristics Full Scale Output Voltage Notes: 1. One-half LSB of triangular PDF dither is added to data. 220 F HP_x + V out R L C L GND Figure 10. Output Test Load 26 DS479PP3 CS43L43 COMBINED INTERPOLATION & ON-CHIP ANALOG FILTER RESPONSE (The filter characteristics and the X-axis of the response plots have been normalized to the sample rate (Fs) and can be referenced to the desired sample rate by multiplying the given characteristic by Fs.) Parameter Min Typ Max Unit 0 0 - 0.4535 0.4998 Fs Fs -0.02 - +0.08 dB 0.5465 - - Fs 50 - - dB Single-Speed Mode - (2kHz to 50kHz sample rates) Passband to -0.05 dB corner to -3 dB corner Frequency Response 10 Hz to 20 kHz (Note 2) StopBand StopBand Attenuation (Note 3) Group Delay Passband Group Delay Deviation De-emphasis Error (Relative to 1 kHz) (Note 4) - 9/Fs - s 0 - 20 kHz - 0.36/Fs - s Fs = 32 kHz Fs = 44.1 kHz Fs = 48 kHz - - +0.2/-0.1 +0.05/-0.14 +0/-0.22 dB 0 0 - 0.4426 0.4984 Fs Fs 0 - +0.11 dB 0.577 - - Fs 55 - - dB Double-Speed Mode - (50kHz to 100kHz sample rates) Passband to -0.1 dB corner to -3 dB corner Frequency Response 10 Hz to 20 kHz StopBand StopBand Attenuation (Note 3) Group Delay Passband Group Delay Deviation 0 - 40 kHz 0 - 20 kHz - 4/Fs - s - 1.39/Fs 0.23/Fs - s s Notes: 2. Referenced to a 1 kHz, full-scale sine wave. 3. For Single-Speed Mode, the measurement bandwidth is 0.5465 Fs to 3 Fs. For Double-Speed Mode, the measurement bandwidth is 0.577 Fs to 1.4 Fs. 4. De-emphasis is only available in Single-Speed Mode. DS479PP3 27 Figure 11. Single-Speed Stopband Rejection Figure 12. Single-Speed Transition Band Figure 13. Single-Speed Transition Band (Detail) Figure 14. Single-Speed Passband Ripple 0 0 -10 -10 -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 -40 Amplitude dB Amplitude dB CS43L43 -50 -60 -70 -60 -70 -80 -80 -90 -90 -100 -100 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Frequency (normalized to Fs) Figure 15. Double-Speed Stopband Rejection 28 -50 1.0 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60 Frequency (normalized to Fs) Figure 16. Double-Speed Transition Band DS479PP3 CS43L43 0 0.30 -1 0.25 0.20 -2 0.15 0.10 -4 Amplitude dB Amplitude dB -3 -5 -6 -7 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -8 -0.20 -9 -0.25 -0.30 -10 0.45 0.05 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 Frequency (normalized to Fs) Figure 17. Double-Speed Transition Band (Detail) DS479PP3 0.55 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Frequency (normalized to Fs) Figure 18. Double-Speed Passband Ripple 29 CS43L43 SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - SERIAL AUDIO INTERFACE (Inputs: Logic "0" = GND, Logic "1" = VL.) Parameters Symbol Min Max Units MCLK Frequency 1.024 51.2 MHz MCLK Duty Cycle 45 55 % 2 50 50 100 kHz kHz 40 60 % External SCLK Mode Input Sample Rate Single-Speed Mode Double-Speed Mode Fs Fs LRCK Duty Cycle SCLK Pulse Width Low tsclkl 20 - ns SCLK Pulse Width High tsclkh 20 - ns SCLK Period tsclkw - s - MCLK -----------------2 Hz - MCLK -----------------4 Hz SCLK Frequency SCLK Frequency (Note 10) 2 -----------------MCLK SCLK rising to LRCK edge delay tslrd 20 - ns SCLK rising to LRCK edge setup time tslrs 20 - ns SDATA valid to SCLK rising setup time tsdlrs 20 - ns SCLK rising to SDATA hold time tsdh 20 - ns Notes: 5. This serial clock is required only in Control Port Mode when the MCLK Divide bit is enabled. LR C K t t slrd t slrs t sclkh sclkl S C LK t t sdlrs sd h SDATA Figure 19. External Se- 30 rial Mode Input Timing DS479PP3 CS43L43 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - INTERNAL SERIAL CLOCK (Inputs: Logic "0" = GND, Logic "1" = VL.) Parameters Symbol Min Typ Max Units - 50 - % - - s tsclkw -----------------2 - s Internal SCLK Mode LRCK Duty Cycle (Note 6) SCLK Period tsclkw SCLK rising to LRCK edge tsclkr SDATA valid to SCLK rising setup time tsdlrs 1 ---------------------- + 10 ( 512 )Fs - - ns Single-Speed Mode tsdh 1 ---------------------- + 15 ( 512 )Fs - - ns Double-Speed Mode tsdh - - ns SCLK rising to SDATA hold time 1 ----------------SCLK - 1 ---------------------- + 15 ( 384 )Fs Notes: 6. In Internal SCLK Mode, the LRCK duty cycle must be 50% +/- 1/2 MCLK Period. LRC K t s c lk r SDATA t s c lk w t s d lrs t sdh * IN T E R N A L SCLK Figure 20. Internal Serial Mode Input Timing *The SCLK pulses shown are internal to the CS43L43. LR C K M C LK 1 N 2 N *IN TE R N A L S C LK SD A TA Figure 21. Internal Serial Clock Generation * The SCLK pulses shown are internal to the CS43L43. N equals MCLK divided by SCLK DS479PP3 31 CS43L43 SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - CONTROL PORT INTERFACE (Inputs: Logic "0" = GND, Logic "1" = VL.) Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit SCL Clock Frequency fscl - 100 kHz RST Rising Edge to Start tirs 1 --------------( 2 )Fs - s Bus Free Time Between Transmissions tbuf 4.7 - s Start Condition Hold Time (prior to first clock pulse) thdst 4.0 - s Clock Low time tlow 4.7 - s Clock High Time thigh 4.0 - s Setup Time for Repeated Start Condition tsust 4.7 - s thdd 0 - s tsud 250 - ns Rise Time of SCL trc - 25 ns Fall Time of SCL tfc - 25 ns Rise Time SDA trd - 1 s Fall Time of SDA tfd - 300 ns tsusp 4.7 - s 2 I C Mode SDA Hold Time from SCL Falling (Note 7) SDA Setup time to SCL Rising Setup Time for Stop Condition 7. Data must be held for sufficient time to bridge the transition time, tfc, of SCL. RST t irs Stop R e p e a te d S ta rt S ta rt Stop SDA t buf t t high t hdst tf hdst t susp SCL t lo w t hdd t sud t sust tr Figure 22. Control Port Timing - I2C Mode 32 DS479PP3 CS43L43 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (GND = 0V; all voltages with respect to GND.) Parameters Normal Operation (Note 8) Power Supply Current Power Supply Current Total Power Dissipation Power-down Mode (Note 9) Power Supply Current Power Supply Current Total Power Dissipation Symbol Min Typ Max Units VA=1.8V VA_HP=1.8V VL=1.8V VA=3.0V VA_HP=3.0V VL=3.0V All Supplies=1.8V All Supplies=3.0V IA IA_HP ID_L IA IA_HP ID_L - 7.3 1.5 4 10.5 1.5 9.3 16 36 20 50 mA mA A mA mA A mW mW VA=1.8V VA_HP=1.8V VL=1.8V VA=3.0V VA_HP=3.0V VL=3.0V All Supplies=1.8V All Supplies=3.0V IA IA_HP ID_L IA IA_HP ID_L - 2.0 9.3 2.2 3.4 9.8 7.6 24.3 62.4 - A A A A A A W W 1 kHz 60 Hz PSRR - 60 40 0.5*VA 250 0.01 - dB dB V - VA 250 0.01 - All Modes of Operation Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Note 10) VQ Nominal Voltage Output Impedance Maximum allowable DC current source/sink VQ_HP Filt+ Nominal Voltage Output Impedance Maximum allowable DC current source/sink k mA V k mA DIGITAL INPUT CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS (GND = 0V; all voltages with respect to GND.) Parameters Input Leakage Current Input Capacitance High-Level Input Voltage Low-Level Input Voltage Symbol Iin VIH VIL Min 0.7 x VL - Typ 8 - Max 10 0.3 x VL Units A pF V V THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS Parameters Symbol Package Thermal Resistance Ambient Operating Temperature DS479PP3 (Power Applied) Min Typ Max Units JA - TA -10 75 - C/Watt - +70 C 33 CS43L43 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (GND = 0V; all voltages with respect to GND.) Parameters Symbol Min Typ Max Units VA 1.7 2.25 3.0 0.9 1.7 2.25 3.0 1.8 2.5 3.3 1.8 2.5 3.3 1.9 2.75 3.6 3.6 1.9 2.75 3.6 V V V V V V V DC Power Supply Analog Headphone (Note 11) Logic VA_HP VL ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (GND = 0 V; all voltages with respect to AGND. Operation beyond these limits may result in permanent damage to the device. Normal operation is not guaranteed at these extremes.) Parameters DC Power Supplies: Positive Analog Headphone Digital I/O Input Current, Any Pin Except Supplies Digital Input Voltage Ambient Operating Temperature (power applied) Storage Temperature Symbol VA VA_HP VL Iin VIND TA Tstg Min -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -55 -65 Max 4.0 4.0 4.0 10 VL + 0.4 125 150 Units V V V mA V C C Notes: 8. Normal operation is defined as RST = HI with a 997 Hz, 0dBFS input sampled at Fs = 48kHz, and open outputs, unless otherwise stated. 9. Power Down Mode is defined as RST = LO with all clocks and data lines held static. 10. Valid with the recommended capacitor values on FILT+ and VQ_HP as shown in Figure 1. Increasing the capacitance will also increase the PSRR. NOTE: Care should be taken when selecting capacitor type, as any leakage current in excess of 1.0 A will cause degradation in analog performance. 11. To prevent clipping the outputs, VA_HPMIN is limited by the Full-Scale Output Voltage VFS_HP, where VA_HP must be 200 mV greater than VFS_HP. However, if distortion is not a concern, VA_HP may be as low as 0.9 V at any time. 34 DS479PP3 CS43L43 7.0 PARAMETER DEFINITIONS Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (THD+N) The ratio of the rms value of the signal to the rms sum of all other spectral components over the specified bandwidth (typically 10Hz to 20kHz), including distortion components. Expressed in decibels. Dynamic Range The ratio of the full scale rms value of the signal to the rms sum of all other spectral components over the specified bandwidth. Dynamic range is a signal-to-noise measurement over the specified bandwidth made with a -60 dBFS signal. 60 dB is then added to the resulting measurement to refer the measurement to full scale. This technique ensures that the distortion components are below the noise level and do not affect the measurement. This measurement technique has been accepted by the Audio Engineering Society, AES17-1991, and the Electronic Industries Association of Japan, EIAJ CP-307. Interchannel Isolation A measure of crosstalk between the left and right channels. Measured for each channel at the converter's output with all zeros to the input under test and a full-scale signal applied to the other channel. Units in decibels. Interchannel Gain Mismatch The gain difference between left and right channels. Units in decibels. Gain Error The deviation from the nominal full scale analog output for a full scale digital input. Gain Drift The change in gain value with temperature. Units in ppm/C. 8.0 REFERENCES 1) CDB43L43 Evaluation Board Datasheet 2) "The I2C-Bus Specification: Version 2.1" Philips Semiconductors, January 2000. http://www.semiconductors.philips.com DS479PP3 35 CS43L43 9.0 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16L TSSOP PACKAGE DRAWING N D E1 A2 E A e b SIDE VIEW A1 END VIEW L SEATING PLANE 1 2 3 TOP VIEW INCHES DIM A A1 A2 b D E E1 e L MIN -0.002 0.033 0.008 --0.169 -0.020 0 NOM --0.035 -0.197 0.252 0.173 0.026 0.024 -- MILLIMETERS MAX 0.043 0.006 0.037 0.012 --0.177 -0.028 8 MIN -0.05 0.85 0.19 --4.30 -0.50 0 NOM --0.90 -5.00 6.40 4.40 0.65 0.60 -- NOTE MAX 1.10 0.15 0.95 0.30 --4.50 -0.70 8 2,3 1 1 JEDEC #: MO-150 Notes: 1. "D" and "E1" are reference datums and do not included mold flash or protrusions, but do include mold mismatch and are measured at the parting line, mold flash or protrusions shall not exceed 0.20 mm per side. 2. Dimension "b" does not include dambar protrusion/intrusion. Allowable dambar protrusion shall be 0.13 mm total in excess of "b" dimension at maximum material condition. Dambar intrusion shall not reduce dimension "b" by more than 0.07 mm at least material condition. 3. These dimensions apply to the flat section of the lead between 0.10 and 0.25 mm from lead tips. 36 DS479PP3