Low Voltage Avalanche
500 mW Zener Diodes DO-7
1N5518B thru 1N5546B-1 DO-7
WWW.Microsemi .COM 1N5518B-1N5546B-1, DO-7
The 1N5518B thru 1N5546B series of 0.5 watt Zener Voltage Regulators
provides a selection from 3.3 to 33 volts in standard 5% tolerances as well as
tighter tolerances identified by different suffix letters on the part number. The
DO-7 packaging offers a “straight-through” soldered internal connection with
a larger active die element than otherwise provided in the smaller DO-35
package if needed. This DO-7 package option is also available in JAN,
JANTX, and JANTXV military qualifications to MIL-PRF-19500/437.
Microsemi also offers numerous other Zener products to meet higher and
lower power applications.
IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI’s website: http://www.microsemi.com
• JEDEC registered 1N5518 thru 1N5546 series
• Internally solder bonded
• Also available in JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV
qualifications per MIL-PRF-19500/437 by adding
the JAN, JANTX, or JANTXV prefixes to part
numbers for desired screening level as well as “-
1” suffix: e.g. JANTX1N5518B-1,
JANTXV1N5546D-1, etc.
• Military Surface Mount available in DO-213AA
package outline by adding a UR-1 suffix in
addition to the JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV prefix;
e.g. JANTX1N5518BUR-1 (see separate data
• Commercial Surface Mount also available in
separate data sheet as 1N5518BUR to
1N5546BUR in DO-213AA package (consult
factory for others)
• Smaller DO-35 glass body axial-leaded Zener
equivalents are also available
• Regulates voltage over a broad operating current
and temperature range
• Low noise density
• Extensive selection from 3.3 to 33 V
• Standard voltage tolerances are plus/minus 5%
with a “B” suffix
• Tight tolerances available in plus or minus 2% or
1% with C or D suffix respectively
• Flexible axial-lead mounting terminals
• Nonsensitive to ESD per MIL-STD-750 Method
• Capacitance also specified (see Figure 3)
• Inherently radiation hard as described in
Microsemi MicroNote 050
• Operating and Storage temperature: -65ºC to
• Thermal Resistance: 300 ºC/W junction to lead at
3/8 (10 mm) lead length from body, or 360ºC/W
junction to ambient when mounted on FR4 PC
board (1 oz Cu) with 4 mm2 copper pads and
track width 1 mm, length 25 mm
• Steady-State Power: 0.5 watts at TL < 25oC 3/8
inch (10 mm) from body or 0.417 W at TA < 25ºC
when mounted on FR4 PC board as described for
thermal resistance above (also see Figure 2)
• Forward voltage @200 mA: 1.1 volts (maximum)
• Solder Temperatures: 260 ºC for 10 s (max)
• CASE: Hermetically sealed axial-lead glass DO-
7 (DO-204AA) package
• TERMINALS: Leads, tin-lead plated solderable
per MIL-STD-750, method 2026
• POLARITY: Cathode indicated by band where
diode is to be operated with the banded end
positive with respect to the opposite end for
Zener regulation
• MARKING: Part number
• TAPE & REEL option: Standard per EIA-296
(add “TR” suffix to part number)
• WEIGHT: 0.2 grams
• See package dimensions on last page
Scottsdale Division
8700 E. Thomas Rd. PO Box 1390, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 USA, (480) 941-6300, Fax: (480) 947-1503
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Copyright 2003
11-12-2003 REV B