0178-E-02 17 2004/12
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4) Marketing Code: AK4532-VF
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6) Asahi Kasei Logo
• These produc ts and their spec ifications are subject t o change without notic e. Before
considering any use or application, c onsult the A sahi Kasei Micros ystems Co., Ltd.
(AKM ) sales offic e or authorized dis tributor concerning t heir current st atus.
• AKM assumes no liabili ty for infringement of any patent, intellectual property, or other
right in t he application or use of any information cont ained herein.
• Any export of thes e products , or dev ices or s yst ems c ontaining t hem, may requi re an
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export pert aining to cust oms and tariffs , currency exc hange, or strategi c materials .
• AKM pr oducts are neither i ntended nor authorized for use as crit ical components i n
any safety, life support, or other hazard related device or system, and AKM assumes no
responsi bility relating to any such use, except with the ex press written cons ent of the
Represent ative Direc tor of AKM. As used here:
a. A hazard relat ed device or sy stem is one desi gned or intended for lif e support or
maintenanc e of safet y or for ap pli cat io ns in m edicine, aerospace, nuclear ener gy ,
or other fiel ds, in which its failure t o function or perform may reasonably be
expected t o result in loss of life or in si gnificant injury or damage to person or
b. A critical component is one whose failure to function or perform may reasonably be
expected t o result, whether direct ly or indirectly, in the loss of the safety or
effectiveness of the device or system containing it, and which must therefore meet
very high st andards of performance and reliability.
• It is the responsibilit y of the buyer or dis tributor of an AKM product who distribut es,
dispose s of, or otherwise pla ces the product with a thi rd party to notify that party in
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assume any and all responsibility and liability for and hold AKM harmless from any and
all clai ms arising from t he use of said product in the absence of s uch notification.