CALOGIC CORP CLE D M 1844322 gO00011 & ma Y CORPORATION a g T-53-O7 FEATURES ri DESCRIPTION @ 10V Output... cece cece cee eeeee +0.3% Max. The REF-01 is a 10V precision bandgap voltage reference @ Adjustment Range ...........ccseceeccee +3% Min. which provides a stable output voltage over a wide range @ Low Supply Current.............0000005 1.4mA-Max. of operating conditions, i.e. input voltage, output current, @ No External Components Short Circuit Proot - @ Laser-Trimmed to High Accuracles @ Output Sources or Sinks Current ! APPLICATIONS @ Precision Regulators @ A/D and D/A Converters ambient temperature, etc. The output voltage can. be adjusted within +3%. The devices can also be stacked to provide higher voltage references, such as 20, 30, 100V, etc., as long as the total usable current is not exceeded. REF-01 is available in commercial and military temperature ranges. , ORDERING INFORMATION+ PACKAGE e n r f e Veo eant Current Sou ces | | Ta =2C HERMETIC PLASTIC PLASTIC OPER. AVo MAX = TO-99 DIP DIP soic TEMP. (mV) 8-PIN 8-PIN 8-PIN 8-PIN Lec RANGE + 30 REFO1AJ* REFO1AZ* MIL ' + 30. REFOIEJ REFO1EZ COM + 50 REFOIWJ* REFO1Z* REFOIRC/883 MIL y + 50 REFOIHJ REFO1HZ REFO1HP REFO1HS COM +100 REFOICJ REFOICZ REFOiCP REFOICS COM : For devices processed In total compliance to MIL-STD-883, add /883 after wd part number. Conbult factory for 883 data sheet. TAI commercial and industrial temperature range parts are available with burn-in. I Pin Connections (Top View) N.C, 8 Yi / n.c. [1] [8] N.C. N.C. 1 7 N.C. Vin [2 | 17} N.C. Vin 2 6 Vout N.C. [3 | 6 | Vour GND [4] |5 ] TRIM N.C. 3 5 TRIM = EPOXY MINI DIP 4 . GROUND (P-Suffix) (CASE) 8-PIN HERMETIC DIP REF-01RC/883 (Z-Suffix) | (J-Suffix) (RC-Suffix) 8-PIN PLASTIC SOIC j (S-Suffix)CALOGIC CORP t~*S 2LE D mm 1844322 COOU0L2 8 ml T~S8-O] calogic ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 2) REF-01 Simplified Schematic Diagram Input Voltage ; , REF-01, A, E, H, RO, AIlDICE .......... bees 40V | mt ) | Or .... 380V | Power Dissipation (Note 1) ................0.0 ee 500mwW Output Short-Circuit Duration +Vin (to Ground or Vin... eee eee ee ene Indefinite Storage Temperature Range J, RO, and Z Packages .............. 65C to :4+125C P Package ........ ccc cece cece ~65C to +125C ww Operating Temperature Range : * V REF-01A, REF-01, REF-O1RC.......... 55C to'+125C _ OuT REF-O1E, REF-01H, REF-O1C ............. 0C to +70C aA DICE Junction Temperature (T}) ......... -65C to +150C Q2 aN Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec.) ..,........ '. 300C 8A A . , rO Vac NOTES: | ! 8 1. See table for, maximum ambient temperature rating and derating factor. MAXIMUM AMBIENT DERATE ABOVE PACKAGE TYPE TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM AMBIENT . FOR RATING TEMPERATURE TO-99 (J) 80C _ 7AmW/eC COM 8-Pin Hermetic DIP (2) 76% " 6.7mW/eC 8-Pin Plastic DIP (P) 36C 5.6mW/C ' LCC (RC) 72C . 7.8mW/C 2. Absolute maximum ratings apply to both packaged parts and DICE, unless otherwise noted. : . Die Diniensions and Pad Connections // f 2. Vin 4. GND 5. TRIM 7 6. Vout" 5 use T.H.88 | DIE SIZE 0.067 x 0.05 inch, 350 sq. mils , (1.702 x 1.27mm, 2.16 sq. mm) The two bonding pads are connected to pin 6.CALOGIC CORP CORPORATION rod ele D mm 1844322 0000013 T mm T-SQ-o7 REF-07 ~ eucormicaL CHARACTERISTICS at Vin = + 15V, Ta =25C, unless otherwise noted. REF-01A/E . REF-01/H PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX, MIN. TYP. MAX, UN(TS Output Voltage Vo IL=0 9.97 10.00 10.03 9.95 10.00 10.05 Vv Output Adjustment Range AVirim Rp= 10k9 +3.0 +3.3 _ +3.0 3.39 % Output Voltage Noise Snp-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz (Note 6) - 20 30 _~ .20 30 BVp.p Line Regulation (Note 4) Vin = 13V to 33V - 0.006 0.010 _ 0,006 0.010 IV Load Regulation (Note 4) IL=0 to 10mA ~ 0.005 0.008 - 0.006 0.010 YImMA Turn-on Setfling Time ton To + 0.1% of final value 5 - - 5 ~ RS Quiescent Supply Current Isy No Load - 1.0 1.4 - 1,0 1.4 mA Load Current I 10 21 10 24 ~ mA Sink Current Ig i -5 -10 - -5 ~10 _ mA Short-Circuit Current Isc Vgo=0 > - 30 - - 30 -_ mA ; 7 ' ~ . ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vin= +15V, -55C <Ta< + 125C and lL =OmA, unless otherwise noted. 5 REF-01A/E REF-01/H PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP, MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Output Voitage Change with : } AV 9c STas+70C - 0.02 0.06 _ 0.07 0.17 o% Temperature (Notes 1, 2) so) ANOT 55C<Tas4+i25C |{ 0.06 0.15 0.18 0.45 Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient TCVo (Note 3) - 3.0 8.5 - 10.0 25.0 ppm/c Change in Vo Temperature Coefficient _ with Output Adjustment = 10ka 7 0.7 _ _ a7 _ ppmi% Line Regulation OC<Tas +70C _ 0.007 0.012 - 0.007, 0.012 %/V (Vin = 18V to 33V) (Note 4) - 55C <Tas +125C - 0.009 0.015 - 0.009 0.015 Load Regulation 0C <Tas +70C - 0.006 0.010 _ 0.007 0.012 %IV (IL =0 to &mA) (Note 4) -55C<Tas+ 125C - 0.007 0.012 ~ 0.009 0.015 ,_ NOTES: 1. AVor Is defined as the absolute difference between the maximum output voltage and the minimum output voltage over the specified temperature range expressed as a percentage of 10V: Vmax Yun Vor = | Mivax Youn 100 Wore 1ov 2. AVor specification applies trimmed to +10.000V or untrimmed. 3. TCV Is defined as AVor divided by the temperature range, i.e., ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vjy =+15V, Ta TCVo (0 to +70%)= ar ("to +70C) and TCVo (-55 to +125C) = SVor (55 to_+125C) 6. Sample tested. = 25C, unless otherwise noted. 70C 180C 4, Line and Load Regulation specifications include the effect of self heating. 5. Guaranteed by design. PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. ele MAX. UNITS Output Voltage ' Vo IL =OmA 9.90 10.00 10.10 v Output Adjustment Range AViim * Rp = 10k2 2.7 3.3 _ % Output Voltage Noise Snp-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz (Note 6) - 25 35 uVp.5 Line Regulation (Note 4) 1 Vin= 13V to 30V 0.009 | 0.015 %IV Load Regulation (Note 4) ra to em = ooo. : oole IMA Turn-on Seitling Time ton To +0.1% of final value - 5 _ BS Quiescent Supply Current Isy No Load - 1.0 1.6 mA Load Current Ie 8 21 = mA Sink Current Is -5 -10 _ mA Short-Circuit Current Isc Vo=0 ~ 30 _ mACALOGIC CORP ele D MH 1844322 OOO001L4 1 mt T-53-O7 calogic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Viy = + 15V, OC<Tya< + 70C, unless otherwise noted. REF-01 PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. REP. MAX. YNITS Output Voltage Change with Temperature AVoT (Note 1 and 2) 0.14 0.45 "% Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient _TCVo (Note 3) - _ 20 65 ppm/C i "Change in Vo Temperature Coefficient with Output Adjustment Rp = 10k2 + O07: - ppm/% Line Regulation (Note 4) ; Vin = 13V to 30V _ 0.011 0.018 WIV Load Regulation (Nbte 4) rah 0.008 0.018 % IMA IL=0 to 5mA - NOTES: u 1. AVor is defined as the absolute difference between the maximum output voltage and the minimum output voltage over the specified temperature range expressed as a percentage of 10V: ' i Jt = AVor = | Yar Yaa x100 2. AVor specification applies trimmed to +10.000V or untrimmed, t Output Adjustment Zz 3 +15V k 3. TCVo is defined as AVor divided by the temperature range, i.e., Wor TCVo = o 76C 4. Line and Load Regulation specifications include the effect of self heating. 5. Guaranteed by design. 6. Sample tested. Burn-In Circuit me Vv, IN Vo 64 6 Vin - OUTPUT REF-01 REF-01 t 5 } I TRIM}o-+3 10kQ , GND r GND 4 I | -18V The REF-01 trim terminal can be used to adjust the output Adjustment of the output does not significantly affect the voltage over a 10V +300mV range. This feature allows the temperature performance of the device. The temperature system designer to trim system errors by setting the reference _ coefficient change is approximately 0.7 ppm/C for 100mV to a voltage other than 10V. Of course, the output can also be of output adjustment. set to exactly 10.000V, or to 10.240V for binary applications. ; | { i ! ' 1. j . ' f i | 237 Whitney Place Cc Fremont, CA 94539 . (415) 656-2900 TLX: 6771346 FAX: (415) 651-1076 Information furnished by Calogic is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third partias which may result from its use. No licanse is granted by Implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Calagie.