embedded product solutions
411 N. Washington Ave. Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401
T : 612.672.9495 F : 612.672.9489 I : www.logicpd.com PN: 1005862 Rev F© 2006 Logic Product Development. All rights reserved.
Product Features
Freescale i.MX SOM-LV Included
LCD Display Connector
+ Integrated LCD, touch, and backlight
connector for Zoom Display Kits
+ Stereo input and output jacks
Network Support
+ One RJ45 Ethernet jack connector
with magnetics (application/debug)
PC Card Expansion
+ CompactFlash® Type I card
+ MMC/SD card
ATA Support
+ One USB 2.0 high-speed host
+ One USB high-speed On-the-Go device
Serial Ports
+ 115.2kbps RS-232 debug serial port
+ LogicLoader™ (bootloader/monitor)
+ Windows® CE 5.0 BSP
+ GNU cross development toolchain (compiler,
linker, assembler, debugger)
+ Serial cable (null-modem)
+ Ethernet crossover cable
+ USB A to mini-B cable
+ 5 volt power supply (with Europe, Japan, UK,
& US adapters)
+ 146.1 mm wide x 158.8 mm long x
17.1 mm high
RoHS Compliant
i.MX31 SOM-LV Ordering Information
Freescale P/N Speed (MHz) DDR Mem (MB) NOR Flash (MB) NAND Flash (MB) Touch Audio Ethernet
MIMX31ASOM up to 532 64 2 64 Y Y --
MIMX31BSOM up to 532 64 2 64 Y Y Y
MIMX31CSOM up to 532 128 2 64 Y Y Y
ZOOM™ i.MX LITEKIT Ordering Information
Freescale P/N SOM-LV Configuration Recommended Resale
i.MX27 SOM-LV Ordering Information
ZOOM™ Display Kit Ordering Information
Logic Model Sharp LCD P/N Display Size Display Format LCD Interface Key Features
LCD-3.5-QVGA-20 LQ035Q7DB02 3.5” QVGA 240x320 TFT Color, transreflective
LCD-3.6-QVGA-10R LQ036Q1DA01 3.6” QVGA 320x240 TFT Color, transmissive
LCD-5.7-QVGA-10 LQ057Q3DC02 5.7” QVGA 320x240 TFT Color, transmissive
LCD-6.4-VGA-10R LQ64D343 6.4” VGA 640x480 TFT Color, transmissive
LCD-10.4-VGA-10 LQ10D368 10.4” VGA 640x480 TFT Color, transmissive
LCD-12.1-SVGA-10 LQ121S1DG41 12.1” SVGA 800x600 TFT Color, transmissive
Freescale P/N Speed (MHz) DDR Mem (MB) NOR Flash (MB) NAND Flash (MB) Touch Audio Ethernet
MIMX27BSOM up to 400 64 2 64 Y Y Y
MIMX27CSOM up to 400 128 2 64 Y Y Y
+ Logic Technical Support : http://www.logicpd.com/support/
+ Technical Discussion Group : http://www.logicpd.com/support/tdg/
+ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) : http://www.logicpd.com/support/faq/
+ For more information contact Logic Sales : product.sales@logicpd.com