M/A~COM INC/ ANZAC DIV Low Insertion Loss, 1.2 dB Typical Fast Switching Speed, 4 ns Typical Ultra Low DC Power Consumption Outstanding Flatness Guaranteed Specifications* (From -55C to +85C) Frequency Range DC - 5 GHz Insertion Loss DC - 5 GHz 1.8dB Max DC - 2 GHz 1.5dB Max DC - 1 GHz 1.1dB Max VSWR DC - 5 GHz 1.7:1 Max DC - 2 GHz 15:1 Max DC - 1 GHz 1.2:1 Max Attenuation DC - 5 GHz 20dB Min Flatness DC - 5 GHz 2.5dB Max (Peak - Peak) DC - 2 GHz 15dB Max DG - 1 GHz 1.0dB Max Attenuation vs. 0 to 10dB Att. +0.6dB Temperature 20dB Att. +25dB Operating Characteristics Impedance 50 Ohms Nominal Switching Characteristics trise, fall (10% to 90%) 4ns Typ ton, toff (560% CTL to 90%/10% RF) 8ns Typ Transients (in band) 10mv Typ Input Power for 1dB Compression , Attenuation Level 0dB 200B .05 GHz to GHz +16 +11 dBm Typ intermodulation Intercept Point (for two-tone input power up to +5dBm) Intercept points IP2 IP3 05 GHz to 5 GHz +25 +13 dBm Typ Control Voltages A Input (Shunt FETS) B Input (Series FETS) -1.5 to -4V @ 100 UA Max 0 to -4V @ 100 uA Max Die Size 0,040 x 0.025 x 0.010 (1.00mm x 0.60mm x 0.25 mm) Environmental These units are designed to meet or exceed the following: Electrical 100% probing @ 25C for selected parameters. Visual 100% per MIL-STD-883 Method 2010 Condition B. Lot traceability supplied on request. measured between 20dB and 2cB attenuation levels. Ordering Information All specifications apply with 50 ohm impedance at RF ports and 0 and -5 VDC control voltages. tFaster switching speed can be achieved with enhanced driver waveform. Switching speed is Model No. Part No. Connectors Unit Price (1-49 Units) AT-200 Delivery ts from stock. 6032 CHIP $25 LYE D MM Sbh4e17? O003eeb & mm Typical Performance INSERTION LOSS 2.0 +85C 15 25C a -55C 2 2 1.0 2 9 a 05 6 1 2 3 4 5 FREQ. (GHz) ATTENUATION 0.0 = -5.0 ao = -10.0 3S -15.0 3 -20.0 25.0 E ; 30.0 35000 40 20 390 40 50 FREQ. (GHz) ATTENUATION VS. CONTROL VOLTAGES -4.00 @ -350 SERIES 8 -300 B Input ~ SHUNT we -2.50 A Input 5 -2.00 > -1,50 1.0099 5.0 -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 -25.0 -30.0 ATTENUATION Schematic & s ang On os QUT ot 2 a a a mz x oe q j Guat GnOoz GHOF GMOS GNDS ANZAC Make the Connection... 80 Cambridge Street, Burlington, MA 01803 Fax (617) 273-1921 AdamsfWRussell COMPONENTS GROUP For Technical Information, Ca!l (617) 273-3333 200 For Ordering Information, Cail (617) 273-3333M/A-COM INC/ Par ee ANZAC DI Maximum Ratings A. Control Voltage (A or B): -8.5Vde . Max Input RF Power: +25 dBm C. Storage Temperature: -65C to +175C D. Maximum Operating Temperature: +175C ow BondPad Dimensions Inches (mm) In, Out: 0.007 x 0.007 (0.18 x 0.18) GND: 0.003 x 0.006 (0.08 x 0.16) A,B: 0,003x 0.003 . (0.08 x 0.08) Die Size Inches (mm) 0.040 x 0,025 x 0,010 (1.00 x 0,60 x 0.25) Handling Precautions Permanent damage to the AT-200 may occur if the following precautions are not adhered to: A. Cleanliness The AT-200 should be handled in a clean environment. DO NOT attempt to clean unit after the AT-200 is installed. B. Static Sensitivity All chip handling equipment and per- sonnel should be DC grounded. C. Transients - Avoid instrument and power supply tran- sients while bias is applied to the AT-200. Use shielded signal and bias cables to minimize inductive pick-up. D. Bias - Apply voltage to either control port A or B only when the other is biased. Neither A nor B should be allowed to float? E. General Handling It is recommended that the AT-200 chip be handled with a sharp pair of bent tweezers. DO NOT touch the surface of the chip with fingers or tweezers. Mounting The AT-200 is back-metallized with TiPtAu (300/1000/5000A) metallization. It can be die-mounted with AuSn eutectic preforms or with thermally conductive epoxy. The package surface should be clean and flat before attachment. Eutectic Die Attach: A. A 80/20 gold/tin preform is recommended with a work surface temperature of approximately 255C and a tool temperature of 265C. When hot 90/10 nitrogen/hydrogen gas is applied, too! tip temperature should be approx- imately 290C. B. DO NOT expose the AT-200 to a temperature greater than 320C for more than 20 seconds. No more than 3 seconds of scrubbing should be required for attachment. Epoxy Die Attach: A. Preheat assembly to 120-150C. Apply a minimum amount of epoxy and place the AT-200 into position. A thin epoxy fillet should be visible around the perimeter of the chip. , Cure epoxy per manufacturer's recommended schedule. B C. Electrically conductive epoxy may be used but is not required. Wire Bonding A. Thermosonic wedge wire bonding of 0.001 diameter pure gold wire is recommended with a nominal stage temperature of 150C and a bonding force of 18 to 22 grams. Ultrasonic energy and time should be adjusted to the minimum levels required to achieve reliable wirebonds. B. Wirebonds should be started on the chip and terminated on the package. RF bonds should be as short as possi- ble; at least three and no more than four bond wires from ground pads to package are recommended. 201