OPTEK Technology Inc. — 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006
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Issue A.5 02/2010
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OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.
OPIA800—OPIA803, OPID804
DIP Package
Electrical Characteristics: OPID804
Input Diode
VF Forward Voltage (*4) - 1.6 1.8 V IF = 10 mA, TA = 25° C
BVR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 5 - - V IR = 10 µA, TA = 25° C
CIN Input Capacitance - 60 - pf VF = 0.0 V, f = 1M Hz
Output Photologic
VOL Low Level Output Voltage - 0.4 0.6 V IOL = 13 mA, VCC = 5.5 V, IF = 5 mA,
IOH High Level Output Current - 2 250 µA
VCC=5.5 V, VO=5.5 V, VE=2.0 V, IF=250
IEH High Level Enable Current - -0.8 - mA VCC = 5.5 V, VE = 2.0 V
IEL Low Level Enable Current -2.0 -1.2 - mA VCC = 5.5 V, VE = 2.0 V
ICCL Low Level Output Current - 13 18 mA VCC = 5.5 V, VE = 0.5 V, IF = 10 mA
ICCH High Level Output Current - 7 15 mA VCC = 5.5 V, VE = 0.5 V, IF = 0 mA
II-O Leakage Current - - 1.0 mA
VI-O = 3,000 V, TA = 25° C, t = 5 s,
RH = 45%
tEHL Enable Propagation delay “High to
Low” (*8) - 15 - ns VEH = 3.0 V, VEL = 0.5 V, RL = 350 Ω ,
IF = 7.5 mA, CLOAD = 15 pf
tELH Enable Propagation delay “Low to
High” (*8) - 40 -
IFHL / IFLH Hysteresis - 0.8 - Ratio VCC = 5 V, RL = 280 Ω
RI-O Input-Output Isolation resistance (*5) - 1012 - ohm VI-O = 500 V, TA = 25° C
CI-O Input-Output Capacitance (*5) - 0.6 - pf f = 1M Hz, TA = 25° C
tPHL & tPLH Propagation delay “High to Lo w”
and “Low to High” (*7) - 45 75
ns VCC = 5 V, RL = 350 Ω , IF = 7.5 mA,
CLOAD = 15 pf, TA = 25°C
tR & tF Rise and Fall Time - 30 -
CMH Instantaneous common mode rejectio n
voltage “High Output” (*9) - 500 - V/us
VCM = 10 V, RL = 350 Ω , IF = 0 mA,
VO = 2.0 V
CML Instantaneous common mode rejectio n
voltage “Low Output” (*9) - -500 - VCM = 10 V, RL = 350 Ω , IF = 5 mA,
VO = 0.8 V
(TA = 0 to +70°C unless otherwise specifie d)
Notes: (Typical values are all at VCC = 5V, Ta = 25°C.
*5 Measured as 2-Pin element. Connect pins 2 and 3, connect pins 5,6,7 and 8.
*6 DC current transfer ratio is defined as the ratio of output collector current to forward bias input current.
*7 Refer to Figure 1.
*8 Refer to Figure 2.
*9 CMH represents a common mode voltag e ignorable rise time ratio that can hold logic (1) state in output.
CML represents a common mode voltage ignorable fall time ratio that can hold logic (0) state in output.